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Chapter 45:

Bags of Money

THANKS TO A RESTFUL SLEEP, I woke up refreshed. I’d finished the field mouse traps last night. Today, I would start by checking my wild rabbit traps. If I had meat, I would come back to sell it. After that, I’d set up the mouse traps.

While I munched on fruit from the forest, I made my plans for the day. This was the last of my fruit, actually, so I wanted to pick some more from the trees near the river. I also wanted to wash my clothes, so I added the river to my itinerary. After that…well, then I just had to visit the dump for Sora food and trap materials.

I looked over at Sora; it was digesting potion after potion. It seemed…a little different?

Oh! Sora’s usually translucent blue, but parts of it look red right now. Does its body change color? Hm… I dunno what’s going on, but it sure has an appetite. It’s bouncing around vigorously, too, so I don’t think it’s doing too bad.

With the meal finished, Sora was stretching up and down with great energy. The slime could stretch really high these days. Was that bad? While I drank tea and rested after my meal, Sora finally calmed down.

Before opening the tent, I put Sora in its bag. There was also a chance that I hadn’t caught any rabbits, so I put the mouse traps and my dirty clothes in a bag as well so I didn’t have to come all the way back if the rabbit traps were empty.

The sun had just come up, so it was still a little dark out. When I approached the plaza entrance, I noticed people were getting kinda rowdy. Apparently, a group of adventurers had just come back from the tavern. They were saying something to the supervisor.

Oh no, they’re getting violent! While I fretted over what to do, the problem solved itself. The supervisor was pretty strong, it turned out, and he had them tied up in no time. I rushed out of the plaza and offered a quick bow before scurrying away. I got a glance at the supervisor’s face… I hadn’t seen this one before, now that I thought about it. He smiled, but he was still a little scary. What had those adventurers said to him, anyway?

I said good morning to the village gatekeeper and continued into the forest. I was getting used to greeting people, but it still made me nervous.

As I walked toward the traps I’d set, I felt a strange aura. I stopped and searched around, but nothing stood out.

What was that? I took a deep breath and probed deeper, but the aura had vanished. Was it my imagination?

For now, I checked the traps I’d set. Two of them had been crushed. Did I mess them up?

But the third one had caught a rabbit! “Hooray!”

Sora had jumped out of my bag and was bouncing happily around the rabbit. I put the wild rabbit in a cage and continued toward the final trap. I’d set it near the river so I could quickly clean and dress what I’d caught, but that last one remained unsprung.

“Only one rabbit, huh?”

Would I be able to catch more if I set more traps? I took the single rabbit to the river and prepared to butcher it, looking around for fruit trees while I was at it. Not far from the river, I found several different varieties. I’d pick fruit after the rabbit was dealt with, so I got down to business. While I was working, I felt something behind me.

I whirled around. The monster from yesterday was padding up with something in its mouth. I’d committed the adandara’s features to memory again, so I looked the monster up and down. Yep, it was definitely an adandara. Big claws, eye color, the pattern on its tail…it was one-hundred percent for sure that creature of death, the adandara. When it approached, I heard it purring. I quickly washed my hands and patted it on the head, prompting it to close its eyes happily.

Was everything in the book wrong? This guy wasn’t scary at all! It backed away a few steps and dropped what it carried in its mouth. I didn’t believe my eyes at first—it had actually dropped a whole bunch of wild rabbits! They were moving a little, so they were probably still alive. While I stared at them, the adandara pushed them forward with its paw. Wait…

“Are those for me?” I asked.

It purred louder. I watched uncertainly, so it nudged them again with its nose. I guess I’ll accept them. Seems like it wants to give them to me, so…

“Thank you.” I really appreciated the rabbits (eight whole rabbits!) it had given me. Strangely, all eight of them were unconscious but unwounded. How had it caught them? “Okay, back to butchering!”

I looked over to Sora. The adandara was batting my friend with its front paw, rolling it around. I considered stopping them, but Sora looked like it was having fun, so I decided to watch and wait. Whenever Sora got pushed away, it would roll back to the adandara and quiver in place. When it did, the adandara would poke and roll him again. They repeated this several times. Is that fun for them?

Uh! Anyway, I’d better skin and dress these. If I want to sell the meat, it has to be fresh.

Soon enough, I’d wrapped the butchered meat in bana leaves, four to each bundle. I was beat. Sora was already sleeping nestled against the adandara’s belly.

I…guess that’s fine.

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