Chapter 41:
Wannabe Tent Thieves
THE TENT WAS COZIER than I’d expected, so I slept soundly. Still, I felt like I was getting a little too comfortable…I’d have to be more careful.
I put Sora in its bag and went over to the open kitchen. There, I boiled water and made tea using leaves I’d picked in the forest. I liked having something hot to drink in the morning. In the forest, you have to get moving as soon as you wake up to avoid danger. I was used to it by now, but it still sucked.
When I returned to the tent to take a breather, I saw a group of adventurers approaching. They seemed threatening—I was scared.
“Hey, you there, thief!”
I saw a team of two men and two women. One of them was yelling at me. Their voices rang out across the plaza, which went quiet all at once.
“You swear it’s this one?” someone asked him.
“Yeah, I know it!” the man shouted, so loud that it echoed across the plaza. “That tent is mine! They stole it!”
What was he talking about? I bought this tent just yesterday. I didn’t know much about the old shopkeeper, but he didn’t seem like a thief at all.
“Tell the truth!” he snarled, “You stole it!”
I shuddered in the face of his anger, but…no, I didn’t steal this tent!
“I didn’t steal it,” I managed to say. “I bought this tent.”
“A kid like you can’t afford a tent like this! Liar!” The man who’d screamed at me grabbed me by the collar and lifted me bodily off the ground.
This is scary, this is scary, this is scary!
“Damn,” he cursed. “Who raised you to be such a little sneak?”
“Honestly!” one of the women sneered at me. “What a naughty little child.”
All the other adventurers were dead silent. I was trembling nonstop now. I hadn’t done anything wrong, but I wanted to cry. Tears obscured my vision.
“What the hell are you doing?!” A man batted the guy’s hand away and stepped between us. I looked up and saw the supervisor who had given me the permit before.
“Arrest this kid!” the attacker roared.
“He stole our buddy’s tent. We’re gonna sue, so arrest him!”
I never! What do I do?
“Is it marked?” the supervisor asked.
“It was stolen right after I bought it, so I didn’t get a chance. But it’s this one, I know it!”
“Oh? How do you know?”
As they argued above me, I panicked. What would I do if the supervisor believed them?
“A snot-nosed brat can’t afford a tent like that,” he snapped. “Use your brain!”
“That’s all your evidence?” asked the supervisor.
“‘That’s all your—’? It’s more than enough!” the mean guy spat.
“Yeah!” his friend butted in. “Like, do your job!”
“For real!”
Now they were being mean to the supervisor, too. I hated this. Should I just give up on the tent?
“The tent belongs to the little boy,” a voice said.
The adventurers were furious. “Excuse me?!” the mean adventurer’s friend snarled.
“Yeah, excuse me?! I just said this brat stole it!”
“Where’d you buy this tent?” the supervisor demanded…but he wasn’t asking me.
“At Baki’s store,” the adventurer lied.
“Baki only sells new items, correct?”
“Sure, I guess. What of it?”
“This tent is used,” the supervisor said firmly. “It’s clearly not what you’re looking for.”
“No way! This tent is brand new! Don’t treat me like an idiot!”
“This is a used item from old man Lag’s store. I guarantee it.”
Old man Lag? Does he mean that old shopkeeper? But how does the supervisor know that?
“By the way,” the supervisor continued, “I’ll have you know that Captain Oght and Vice-Captain Velivera themselves were the ones who took this boy there.”
The gang was floored. “Huh?!”
A captain and vice-captain? Looking back, I totally forgot introductions. I was just so surprised…
“I’ll ask you again,” said the supervisor firmly. “Is it true that this tent was stolen?”
“Err, uh…no. um…I might be wrong?”
“You might be wrong. I would quite like to hear more about that. Why don’t you four come with me?”
“N-no, it was a simple misunderstanding! No problems here, sir!”
“Oh, but I have quite a few questions about this ‘simple misunderstanding.’ And I do not have mercy for those who try to run.” The supervisor’s comrades appeared and surrounded the adventurers. They tried to escape, but they were quickly arrested and hauled off.
Once things had calmed down, I squeaked out, “Um, thank you.”
“Sorry about that. I got here a little late.”
“No, it’s okay! You saved me. Um… How did you know the tent was mine?”
“I saw you entering the old man’s shop. Then I ran into the captain after, and he told me about you.”
“Heh heh. He was worried about you. Wanted to make sure you could set up that tent on your own.”
He was worried about me? I was a little embarrassed. I’d better thank him again if I ever see him.
“Are you hurt at all?” the supervisor asked me.
“No, sir. I’m fine.”
“Glad to hear it.”
After watching him leave to go back to work, I took another break. I was still shaking after everything that had just happened, so I slowly drank my tea and forced myself to take deep breaths.
Phew. I’m glad the supervisor was there.
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