Chapter 25:
A Happy Encounter
NINE MICE had found their way into my traps. According to the adventurers, the snakes had gone on a rampage, which I guessed scared all the mice out of hiding. Nine mice from thirty traps was a jackpot! Another lucky outlier for me.
Oh, and one snake somehow survived and ended up in one of my traps. I ran away as soon as I saw it, but I knew I just had to sell it.
At the dump, I found a torn but still sturdy-looking bag. I dealt with the torn bit by tying twine tight around it, then I positioned the mouth of the bag over the trap and slowly pushed the snake inside. The snake peeked its head out of the trap, but I tied the open end of the bag shut, lickety-split.
The snake thrashed and writhed in the bag. It was scary… I’d felt a little safer before when I had them in cages. I’d better go offload this right now, I thought.
Leaving the mice for later, I ran off to the village drugstore.
Adventurers were drinking and having fun in the village, bragging about their escapades yesterday. They were going to continue the hunt tonight, so I had to hurry. I felt bad for Sora, but it would have to spend another day in the bag.
“Excuse me?”
“Hm?” The drugstore clerk turned to me. “Oh, hey, son.”
“Are you still buying snakes?”
“Absolutely. In need of some healthy specimens now, I’d say. Those adventurers beat the ones they caught up too much for them to be useful. The population’s gonna plummet soon, I’d wager, so I wanna stock up while I can.”
The bag with the snake inside was wiggling. Too frightening for me. I took it to the owner, holding the bag as far from my body as I could. He chuckled at the sight.
Laugh all you want, but I’m scared. There’s nothing you or I can do about it.
“Another lively one, eh?” He looked inside the bag and nodded, satisfied. “You’re a heck of a hunter, boy.”
“Huh?! Oh, not at all.”
“Really? Could’ve fooled me. Other adventurers bring me snakes with the tar beaten out of ’em. Can’t make good medicine out of that. The lively ones you bring make for quality goods. Buddy, I just love doing business with you.”
“I appreciate it.” I was happy to be able to help.
“That’ll be two gidal.”
“Thank you very much.” I accepted the money and left with a huge smile on my face.
“I love doing business with you.” Was he exaggerating? Either way, it makes me happy.
It felt like I was walking on clouds as I returned to where I’d stashed the field mice. I took Sora out of its bag, then gave it today’s potions. Field dressing the mice took a long time since there were so many, but I was able to finish before sunset.
I looked to Sora, and…it was asleep. Relaxed as always. I’d heard that they’d hunt again today, so I needed to get back soon. After gently placing Sora in my bag, I headed to the village.
Adventurers were setting out for the forest as I walked into the village—I’d made it just in time! After seeing them off, I went to the butcher. Hope he’s here this time.
“Excuse me.” I opened the door and peeked inside.
“Oh! What brings you here, sonny?”
It’s him! Phew! “I have some field mice to sell. Is that okay?”
“More than okay. I need ’em! Everyone but you relies too much on snakes these days.”
I handed him the nine field mice-worth of meat, wrapped in bana leaves.
“Heck of a haul, I tell you what,” he whistled. “Hoo, boy, you’re good at this.”
“Thank you very much.”
“The meat’s in perfect condition, too! That’ll be 1,080 dal. I haven’t gotten much game in during this snake hunt, so I’ve raised the fee.”
“Okay. That’ll do.”
“Ever since that snake population rose, I’ve been short on meat. I’m selling for more and buying for more. And still, those dang adventurers complain every time the price of dried meat goes up. I appreciate you bringing me all of this, boy. Thanks again.”
He counted out the money, and I headed to the plaza, which was still open to adventurers.
Oops. I forgot to buy dried meat for the journey. I was in too good of a mood after he thanked me.
Still…I was happy.
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