Fleeting Summer
Mirrors don’t always tell the truth. When people look at their faces in the mirror, the light rays reflect off the mirror, refract once in the cornea, pass through the pupil, then refract again in the crystalline lens to project onto the retina, get converted into nerve signals, and finally travel to the optic center in the brain. Yet just before going into consciousness, it can be warped by the filter of self-love.
Strictly speaking, there exists no person who’s ever seen themselves objectively. People’s eyes see only what they want to see, and with that as a base, reconstruct the rest as they’d like it to be. When going up to a mirror, you subconsciously keep an angle and expression that makes you look more beautiful, and devote your attention to the parts of your face you’re most confident in. The majority of people who say “I don’t look good in photos” just can’t accept the reality of how they actually are due to the self-image they’ve established by conspiring with mirrors to get their best side. That’s what I think, at least.
Most people aren’t aware of this filter until they get old enough to discern it. Unlucky people - or, in a sense, incredibly lucky people - go their whole lives not knowing it. In their youth, everyone’s princesses and princes. No one so much as dreams that they’re not actually Cinderella, but rather one of the stepsisters. Yet as people age, and begin to feel a separation between their self-awareness and the evaluation of others, they’re left with no choice but to amend their self-image. I’m not a princess. I’m not a prince.
I realized that early in the summer in fourth grade. We were having a discussion to decide parts for a play at the school arts festival in September. Until that point, I’d only thought of my birthmark as a large mole at best. Even if my classmates teased me for it, I thought it was no different from kids with glasses or chubby kids being teased - nothing I considered too peculiar. Even when I was called associated names, I didn’t feel that bad. In fact, I enjoyed it as if it was proof I was easy to get on with.
One boy’s statement showed me otherwise.
“How about Phantom of the Opera?”
He raised his hand, then pointed at me.
“See, Yosuke’d be perfect for the Phantom!”
During a music class a few days ago, we’d watched a video of the musical The Phantom of the Opera for just thirty minutes. The Phantom wore a mask covering the right side to hide his hideous face, so the boy had probably made a mental connection to me upon seeing it.
It was surely just meant to be an off-hand joke. A few people did chuckle secretly, and even I thought to myself, “Yeah, I get it.”
However, when our ever-gentle homeroom teacher in her late thirties heard his joke, she exploded with rage. She slammed her desk, angrily shouted “Don’t you know there are things you can’t say?!”, grabbed the joke-teller by the collar, and had him stand up front for a major lecturing. It went on until the chime for lunch came along. His eyes were utterly red from crying, and the air in the classroom had become oppressive. It felt like what should have been fun preparations for the festival had been ruined because of me.
In that classroom where no one spoke and only cutlery clattered, I realized the truth. Oh. So this birthmark of mine isn’t the kind of thing you can just laugh about and be done with. It’s a handicap so severe that adults will feel pity for me. Compared to “defects” like glasses or chubbiness or freckles, which could earn you affection, this was a whole other dimension of defective - it made me someone downright pitiful.
From that day forth, I become unusually anxious about the gazes of others. Once I was aware of it, I saw that more people than I’d thought focused their attention on my birthmark. Maybe I was overthinking it, or maybe our teacher’s passionate speech really did cause, in the majority of my classmates, a negative shift in perception of my birthmark. At any rate, I couldn’t help but hate the birthmark that covered my face.
I looked up how to remove birthmarks at the library, but my birthmark seemed to have a different cause from common hereditary marks like a Nevus of Ota or a Mongolian spot, so there seemed to be effectively no method of removing it. There had been cases of them going away naturally, it seemed, but even such miracles only seemed to happen on much lighter birthmarks than mine.
When I was young, my mom took me to various hospitals, but it always ended up being in vain. The topic didn’t come up among my family again for years afterward, but seeing me desperately looking into it all of a sudden that summer, my mom started trying hospitals again. I remember similar music box songs playing at every hospital we went to. The people in the waiting rooms all had skin conditions that were identifiable at a glance, and whenever they saw a patient who had it worse than them, they seemed to take some comfort in it.
Going to all these dermatologists, I came to learn that there were people cursed with far more severe skin problems than what I had. But that fact didn’t comfort me. In fact, it made me fed up to see how many irrational ailments existed in the world. My situation certainly wasn’t the worst. But that didn’t mean it would always be the case.
As my scopophobia worsened, my behavior got stranger, making me look that much more of an oddity, and making me more frightened still of others watching - this downward spiral continued until soon, I hardly talked to anyone even when I went to school. I was possessed by a persecution complex thinking that everyone was disgusted by me anyway, and couldn’t believe in even the most friendly of smiles.
One night, I woke up from a sudden chill of unknown cause. I didn’t seem to have caught a cold, and the temperature was over 70 degrees, yet I was struck with unbearable shakes. I hurried for the closet to get a down quilt, put it over the blanket, and dove back under.
Even by morning, the chills hadn’t left me. I took the day off elementary school from them, and reluctantly wore a winter coat to school the next day. My mom suspected autonomic ataxia and took me to several hospitals, but came up with no ideas for treating it beyond not going to school for a while. Luckily, there were no symptoms other than chills, so if I just dressed warm, it wouldn’t impact my life.
And so I began a slightly early summer vacation.
It was a freezing summer. While cicadas buzzed all around, I was curled up under thick blankets drinking warm tea. At night, I’d fill up a hot-water bottle and shiver to sleep holding it. When my parents went out for work, I snuck outside to get some fresh air; I wonder what the neighbors thought of me bundled up in double-layers under the blazing sun.
Once mom understood that the stress causing my autonomic ataxia was brought about by my birthmark, she stopped asked me all about my days at school.
“Well, just get some good rest” was all she said. “Don’t worry about getting better quick. In fact, it might be nice to think of how you can better deal with those chills.”
Had this condition lasted until winter, what would have happened to me? Even summer days over 90 felt like arctic winter. If the temperature went below freezing, maybe I’d have frozen to death. Or maybe I’d have gotten a fever and run around naked in the snow.
But I never got the chance to find out. About twenty days after taking my early vacation, my chills vanished like they were never there.
I’ll just say that it was all thanks to Yui Hajikano.
My first day of high school started with pleasant weather.
Putting my arms through the sleeves of white summer clothes and slipping on new loafers, I opened the door and was embraced by the heat soaked into the asphalt. It seemed an old man in the area had been watering outside the front door, so the wet black road sparkled. The power poles and trees cast down distinct shadows, and the tall fuki growing in an empty lot let out a grassy smell.
I felt slightly dizzy from all the sensations to take in. I would be turning 16 this year, yet the beginning of summer was the one thing which still felt fresh. I felt I wouldn’t get accustomed to it this time, either.
The season of summer brings about an excessive amount of life. The sun radiates ten times the energy, rainclouds freely scatter the essence of life onto the earth, plants grow monstrously, insects chirp like mad, and humans dance elated in the heat. And yet, that excessive life can be connected with excessive death. The reason ghost stories have become intrinsically linked with summer isn’t likely to be the simple fact that they help to forget about the heat. Maybe we all implicitly understand that the bigger a fire burns, the sooner it will burn out. That excessive life comes about via a loaning of energy, and the tab will have to be paid back later.
At any rate, we tuck away this excessive life and death in our memories until the next summer comes, and unbeknownst to us, it shrinks and shrinks. So it can surprise us every time - to realize again that summer was such an intense season.
Due to some misestimation, I thought I left home with plenty of time to spare, yet only reached the station just before the train pulled in. All the passengers had already spilled out onto the platform, and I heard the brakes screech.
As I showed my pass to the worker and passed through the ticket check, I heard a voice from behind cheerfully tell me “Have a good ride!” I turned around and realized it had been that attendee who always stared blatantly at my birthmark.
Though I found that odd, I boarded the train. It was filled with the mixed smells of sweat and tobacco, ensuring my day started with a feeling of disgust.
While looking around for a seat, I noticed two girls over by the wall, wearing uniforms for a different high school, and one of them pointing at me. Laughing about my birthmark, I groaned, and gave them a glare - then as if wondering if she’d done something wrong, she awkwardly averted her eyes, and a shy smile came to her lips.
Getting a reaction like that was extremely rare, so I was thrown off. There was the attendant’s greeting, too; maybe the world had gotten a little nicer while I was hospitalized? I shook my head; no, that couldn’t be right. Maybe everyone is just elated about summer’s arrival.
I disembarked three stops later, mixed in with people all wearing the same uniform, and walked the thirty-or-so minute path to the school. There was apparently an elementary school nearby, and a huge number of grade-schoolers passed us by. About one-third of them looked at my face and greeted me nicely. I faltered, but greeted them back.
Heading straight ahead from the station for a while, in a packed residential district past a railroad crossing, was the school I now attended: Minagisa First High. The building itself was easy to find, but the front gate was so small as to be mistaken for the back entrance - first-time visitors would have to walk along the rusty fence around the area several times in search of it.
On the generally drab-looking building hung three curtains, on which were written the lackluster achievements of lackluster clubs. The eaves untouched by rain were dirty beyond cleaning, and really brought to mind seediness when viewed from below. I’d only visited it twice, but no doubt, this was a high school that was leagues away from elegance.
While walking around the midpoint between the station and school, I saw a strange movement out of the corner of my eye. I stopped and turned around, and met eyes with myself in a reflector on the road. So it was me in the reflection who I’d seen move.
I was about to start walking again, but something stopped me.
A powerful, unsettling feeling.
I came to a halt and looked all around my body. I checked my clothes. My uniform was on properly. My shirt wasn’t one button misaligned or anything. My pants weren’t inside-out, and my belt was tight.
But still, I turned around again, and peered at the mirror.
Yes, something was strange. I searched to find what it could be.
Needless to say, it was seeing myself in the mirror that had triggered that feeling.
Not caring about getting my hands dirty, I scrubbed off the dusty mirror, then looked at my reflection in it once more.
And then I understood.
The person in the mirror looked similar to me. But he wasn’t me. He was missing one decisive element that made up who I am.
He was an unfamiliar figure, yet somewhere in my mind, I felt nostalgic. Because it was my ideal appearance, my “if only it were like this,” which I’d imagined time after time.
The giant birthmark was gone without a trace, as if it had been washed off.
All sounds and sights instantly became distant. I stood awestruck in front of the mirror.
I felt deep confusion.
A man bumped into me from behind, and I nearly toppled over. I heard an apology, but that was neither here nor there for me. Watching me continue to stare at the mirror, he gave a dubious look and left.
I fearfully observed the area where the birthmark had been from all angles. I confirmed it was no trick of the light or illusion caused by a clouded mirror.
I wonder if there’s an infallible way to determine whether this is a dream or reality, I thought. Dreams where your wishes are realized are hardly rare. Most dreams are based on a mix of people’s dormant unease and desires. Dreams where you overcome your inferiority are probably the model example. I couldn’t get too excited yet - I had to confirm that what I was seeing was reality.
I tried closing my eyes for ten seconds. It may just be me, but closing my eyes or covering my ears in a dream to intercept the flow of information often broke the chain of association, causing the dream to end. Whenever I had a bad dream, and was aware of it being one, I would employ this method.
But ten seconds, twenty seconds, thirty seconds brought no change. My senses were still perfectly clear.
I opened my eyes and looked at the mirror. It showed, of course, me without the birthmark.
This isn’t a dream. For now, that’s what I have to think. So then, a new question.
What’s going on?
I desperately thought. The fact that I still failed to come up with any theories worth calling theories surely wasn’t only to be blamed on a lack of sleep. Somewhere in my heart, I knew that - essentially, unless a major change occurred in my thoughts, I knew that no amount of worrying would get me an answer. Unless I were to believe a certain absurd story, thinking things through to the end would only send me in circles.
But I was still unable to accept it. Until I heard it from her own mouth, I couldn’t present that conclusion.
I wanted to go somewhere with a public phone. But I didn’t know how I would do that here, at a campus whose geography I didn’t know my way around. That said, there was probably at least one inside the building. Maybe simply going to school would be the best option. In any event, I couldn’t stand here in the middle of the road forever. There was already nobody around, and if I didn’t get going soon, I would be unable to make it on time for my first class.
Reluctantly, I looked away from the reflector and set my sights on the school building, visible through the gaps between houses.
Despite it being my first day at school, school had become all but meaningless to me now. Even as I listened to the homeroom teacher in a faculty room filled with the smell of instant coffee, I was completely absentminded. Then, of all times, he gave all kinds of advice in a passionate tone, more than just the bare essentials. “Joining the class now will be tough, no doubt, but they’re all nice, so take it seriously and you’ll do fine”; “you’ll want to reach a certain level of familiarity with everyone before summer break starts, so good luck”; etcetera.
The teacher was an honest man in his mid-thirties, his hair slicked and shining. His name was Kasai. About five minutes after he started talking, a teacher with a slumped posture arrived and whispered something into his ear. Looking as if his mood had been dampened, he told me to wait here for a while and left the faculty room.
Once Kasai was gone, I left the faculty room myself without asking and entered the faculty bathroom. To confirm again that my birthmark was still gone. I couldn’t help feeling that the moment I looked away, it would be back to normal. Because with how simply it went away, perhaps it could just as simply return.
Of course, it was just a needless worry. It was, indeed, still gone. I leaned back on the wall as if collapsing and continued to look in the mirror.
It had been years since I looked so closely at my own face.
That’s not a bad face, I thought, as if it weren’t my own.
And then, I could no longer take a single step from where I stood. I suppose I felt a compulsion to give this sight if only a second more to be etched into my mind. If I looked away, would that birthmark be back? If I didn’t keep looking and getting accustomed to “me without the birthmark,” would my mind notice that my body didn’t match my self-perception and create it again? I couldn’t get such worries out of my mind.
It was probably only a couple of minutes before Kasai opened the bathroom door and called my name, or maybe it was more then twenty. With his “Hey, Fukamachi,” I finally came back to my senses. “I can understand being nervous on your first day, but don’t vanish on me suddenly.”
Never mind nervous, I didn’t care one bit about the people I was about to meet - but I didn’t want to explain myself. I apologized for suddenly absconding, and Kasai patted my shoulder. “Don’t overthink it. It’ll work out.”
Standing in front of the class, I don’t remember what I really said in my introduction. I think it was more or less stringing together words I felt like I’d heard somewhere just to get through it. My head was filled with thoughts of my vanished birthmark, so it just wasn’t the time for that. Judging from what I saw of Kasai’s grim face, it was probably a pretty blunt introduction. I feel like there was a stir among the students.
My first impression was the worst. That said, I’d never had any intention of getting friendly in this classroom, so I didn’t mind one bit if it caused everyone to hate me.
The absence of my birthmark didn’t appear to be a mere illusion. Generally, when people first met me, they’d stare at it curiously for a few seconds, or avert their eyes and try to not look me in the eye again. But none of the students here were giving me that reaction. They just seemed to think of me as an guy with poor social skills.
After my simplistic introduction and some obligatory applause, Kasai pointed to an empty seat in the far back and told me to sit there. The desks were arranged with seven people in the two columns by the windows, but the other five columns having six people each. So my seat was one of only two in the very back row.
While walking to my seat, I sensed different looks upon me than usual. Whether they were looks of curiosity toward a classmate who was appearing three months late, or demeaning looks toward a guy who couldn’t even give a proper introduction, I couldn’t be sure.
After being told a few messages, morning homeroom ended, and Kasai was replaced by the first period teacher, who began class without delay. The English teacher, a woman with short hair in her late twenties, seemed to pay no mind to the new face suddenly appearing in her class. I didn’t listen much to the lecture, staring at a blank notebook and thinking about my birthmark.
I heard black cicadas from the trees surrounding the bike-parking area. The students all had uniformly serious faces as they listened to the teacher. If there was something they didn’t get, their faces turned restless, and they looked happy when they understood something they hadn’t been able to before. A huge difference from the bunch I’d been with in middle school.
Class ended in the blink of an eye, and it became break time. I didn’t get a crowd of students with burning curiosity surrounding me to ask questions. Some people gave me oblique glances since I was just sitting there absentmindedly, not talking to anyone, but that was all. Half the people in the room were grouped up and talking to each other, and the other half had notebooks and textbooks open. I wanted to go find a public phone, but ten minutes didn’t seem like enough to find one in a school I’d never really explored before. I’d just have to wait until lunch.
Bothered by the sunlight, I looked over to an empty seat in front and to the right of mine. The desk’s owner didn’t seem to have come to class, and there was nothing inside it. On the back of the seat, the number “1836” had been written in permanent marker. What did that number mean? Surely it wasn’t the seat number.
The chime for the end of the break period rang, and the scattered students hurried back to their desks. Not long after second period began, either due to my lack of sleep last night or the bizarre events of this morning, I was struck with drowsiness as heavy as a cloth soaked with water. Not wanting to be nodding off even on the first day, I pinched my brow and desperately fought it, but sadly, my eyelids fell in minutes.
I only slept for about twenty minutes, but had an oddly vivid dream. A dream in which my birthmark returned. Washing my face in the bathroom, I looked up and spotted it. “Ah, sure enough, that was just a dream.” My shoulders slumped.
In the dream, I was dejected, yet somehow relieved. Maybe, as odious a defect as it was, I had carried it so long as to acquire some amount of affection for it. Or perhaps I was relieved to be free from the pressure of having no excuses anymore, now that my greatest handicap was rid of.
I woke up to being poked in the upper arm. It took me a bit to realize I was in neither the hospital room nor my room at home. This was a classroom, so it wasn’t a caretaker or parent who woke me.
I looked to my right. The girl in the next seat had woken me up, and looked at me as if stunned by the imprudence of someone who would nod off so early in the morning on their first day attending. Wondering how long I’d slept, I sat up and looked at the wall clock. Second period was already about to end. Maybe she woke me up in time for greetings.
I bowed my head and told her thanks, but she had already turned her attention to the blackboard. It almost seemed like she was blatantly ignoring me. Maybe trying to tell me “I don’t need your thanks.” Perhaps she woke me up not so much out of good will, but because the teacher yelling at me for sleeping would cause a scene in the classroom and she wanted to avoid that.
My eyes stayed on her. Black hair long enough to reach her chest hung over her well-shaped ears, and her neat facial structure and thin neck stood out. A plain face at a glance, but impressively well-featured if you looked closely. The sailor uniform of Minagisa First High felt like it was made for her. She looked almost comically serious glaring at the board, giving me the impression she was stubborn and not too adaptable. She was sitting with bizarrely good posture, as if this were a tea ceremony, and yet was still shorter sitting down than other girls nearby.
Simply put, a girl like her couldn’t be further distanced from a hooligan like me. I doubted we could see eye-to-eye about anything, even how to hold chopsticks.
Class ended. Due to the dream I’d had, I was restless. As I stood up from my seat to go to the bathroom and check my birthmark again, the girl who had woken me up earlier mumbled an “um…” in my direction.
At first, I didn’t notice I was being spoken to. If I were to list the people who would decide to speak to me themselves, there would be Hajikano, and then there would be a bunch of good-for-nothings similarly ostracized from society. I would have never dreamed that someone who seemed like she’d be well-trusted by her classmates and teachers would reach out to me.
“Are your injuries all right now?”, the girl sitting next to me asked, as naturally as speaking to an old friend.
Processing the voice as only noise, I suddenly noticed a word with a strong connection to me, hurriedly replayed the sentence in my mind, and considering the possibility that it was directed at me, timidly looked toward the speaker.
We made eye contact.
“Could you be talking to me?”, I asked.
“Yes,” the girl nodded deeply. “Am I a bother?”
“No, nothing like that, just, um…” I sputtered vaguely. “It’s unexpected that a girl like you would talk to me at our first meeting.”
After taking a few seconds to think about what I meant, she had a slightly pained smile.
“Do I not look like I’m interested in other people?”
“No, I didn’t meant it like that.”
“Then how did you mean it?”
“It’s just, like… I thought you disliked me.”
With the same expression, the girl tilted her head. “Why? I won’t like or dislike someone I’ve never even spoken to.”
“Then you’ll come to hate me later.”
She went silent for some seconds to ponder the implication of my response. Then suddenly, her eyes narrowed and she giggled. Apparently interpreting it as a joke told with a serious face.
“How disparaging,” she said. “Or are you no good with people liking you?”
“I dunno. Haven’t had any experience with that.”
“Is that right?”
The girl smiled elegantly with little movement of her lips. This too was mistaken as a joke, it seemed.
“I’m not lying. I really don’t have any experience being liked.”
“Yes, yes, I understand,” she nodded, not believing at all.
Holding in my irritation, I sighed. “To ask you back, are you skilled at being liked?”
“I don’t know. I don’t have any experience in that area,” the girl in the neighboring seat said smugly.
No doubt it was a lie, of course. In fact, it sure wouldn’t surprise me if she had several people falling for her every time she took the train or bus.
I sat there stunned and gave no response. Then the girl reached into her bag, took out a long rectangular piece of paper, and put it on my desk.
“What’s this?”, I asked.
“A tanzaku,” she told me, waving about one for herself between her fingertips. “They had them out in the hall. I took another one as a spare, but I’ll give it to you.”
“Tanzaku, huh? Well, by the Gregorian calendar, Tanabata ended a week ago, and by the lunar calendar, isn’t it much too soon?”
“From Orihime and Hikoboshi’s perspective, a mere week or month is within the margin of error.”
“Is that how it works?”
“Yes, it is. As fellows in having no experience being liked, let’s wish to Orihime and Hikoboshi to have someone like us.”
After staring at the pale blue tanzaku for a while, I handed it back to the girl.
“I don’t need it. You can use mine for yourself.”
“Erm, I don’t think Orihime or Hikoboshi will grant my wish either,” she said, holding a pen and looking out into empty space. “But it’s a good chance to think about what you’re seeking. As happy as they may be, people who don’t know what they want will go on never getting it. Prayers exist to figure out what wish you want granted.”
“Look, it’s not like I hate prayers,” I replied. “To tell you the truth, I’ve only just had a wish granted. A dream I’d had for a long time came true just a couple of hours ago. I feel like I’ll be punished if I wish for any more.”
“My, congratulations,” the girl said, putting her pen down to quietly clap. “I’m very envious. …Was your wish to recover from your injury? Or perhaps to go to high school?”
“Neither. It’s a more personal wish.”
“I see. Then I probably shouldn’t probe too deeply.”
“I’d appreciate it.”
“Well then.” She pointed to the tanzaku by my hand. “Instead, please make a wish for me.”
“For what?”, I asked.
“Freedom,” she replied.
“Please, wish for my freedom.”
Now it was my turn to wonder about the implications of her words. Though her gentle smile suggested there was ample room to take it as a joke, there was a hint of sincerity somewhere in her voice.
“Alright” was all I said, picking up a pen.
And I asked. “By the way, what’s your name?”
“Chigusa. Chigusa Ogiue,” she answered, with her eyes still lowered on the tanzaku. “And you are Yosuke Fukamachi.”
“Yeah, I know.”
When the next break arrived, we had another trivial conversation. According to the things Chigusa told me, it seemed unlikely I had missed any lessons beyond the scope of my independent studying, luckily.
Once on lunch break, I left the classroom right away. I ducked into the bathroom and checked a third time in the mirror that there had been no changes. Then I made my way through the floods of people in the hallways and stairwells, going down to the first floor to find a phone. I found what I was looking for next to a vending machine with a terrible selection placed outside an office.
That was where the problems began. I had no means of contacting that woman myself. I expected that if I were just within range to hear the ringing she would make a call for me, but now, the phone was deathly silent.
I sat at the drinking fountain across the hall and wiped sweat from my brow. Right by the window, a number of cicadas were buzzing as if in a competition. Students came one after another to the vending machine to buy whatever food they liked.
Perhaps because this place had people around, it wouldn’t do. Thinking about it, that woman had only called me when I was totally alone, so far without exception. Probably it would have been inconvenient for anyone but me to hear the conversation.
After waiting about ten minutes, I felt a little hungry. I should probably give up on this for now and just get some lunch already, I thought. I felt I could wait here forever and the phone would never ring. The times when that woman called just had to have that unique sense of utter unease.
Up on the second floor, I bought some leftover shiso onigiri, then stopped by the bathroom to check for my birthmark. How many times was that, now? Considering how I would never intentionally look at myself in the mirror before, I’d probably done two years’ worth today alone.
I left the bathroom and returned to the classroom on the fourth floor. Most of the students were eating and happily chatting with their friends, but I didn’t see Chigusa around. Maybe she’d gone to see friends in another class.
I sat down, and the boy sitting in front of me twisted his upper body around and put an elbow on my desk. He had long dark hair, and a friendly-looking face. From his toned legs, I wondered if he played soccer.
“You had an awfully long spring break, didn’t ya?”, he said, leaning forward. We were less than 30 centimeters apart. “Hey, looks like Ogiue’s taken a liking to you, Nice, nice. Man, am I envious!”
Though taken aback my his familiarity with me, I replied. “We only said a few words. That’s not necessarily a liking.”
The boy shook his head dramatically. “You only say that because you don’t know Chigusa Ogiue. …Didn’t you get this sorta strange feeling talking with her?”
Hearing that, I thought back on my brief conversations with Chigusa.
“She is a little strange, now that you mention it. Seems like she has a tendency to act too polite.”
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