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The Day Professor Side Slit Was Born


Back in middle school when Masachika was the vice president of the student council…

“All right, let’s talk about the stage performances that are going to be held in the gym.”

The atmosphere was strained the instant Masachika announced that they were going to start the school festival committee meeting.

Oof… Feels like I’m standing on pins and needles. It’s not even my problem, and I’m still nervous.

But despite his thoughts, Masachika proceeded to carry out the meeting as the chairman.

“So, uh… After receiving every group’s application, we calculated all the time we would need for everyone’s project, and we’re currently one hour over. The other stages are completely booked as well, so we’re going to need for everyone to be flexible so we can shorten some of the performances…”

Even while Masachika tried to explain the situation, every representative for their respective club had their eyes locked on a single female student. Of course, one of the reasons for this was because she was why they had to call a meeting…but the other reason was undeniably her outfit.

Yeah, uh… Why is she wearing a qipao?

It probably wasn’t only Masachika who felt that, either. Every single student most likely shared that sentiment, since only she was wearing an entirely red qipao among a sea of school uniforms. Plus, the slits went up really high on the sides, and sitting in a booth seat made that more apparent. But most of all, she was a relatively modest, innocent, beautiful girl, so the inconsistency between her personality and dress really brought it all together. More than a few boys weren’t even trying that hard to hide their constant glances at her thighs peeking out from the slits.

Crossing her legs as if she doesn’t know exactly what she’s doing… Tsk. Who does she think she is? Some Triad boss’s daughter? All she needs now is a massive bodyguard standing behind her, and it’d be perfect.

Once Masachika finished talking, the captain of the music club faced the Triad member and asked:

“Excuse me, uh… You’re from the craft club, right? As far as I can remember, your club has never used the stage for any performance before. What changed?”

It was high-level roundabout criticism disguised as a question, but the captain of the craft club replied:

“Members of our club have been talking about how they’ve wanted to do something for years, but they’ve always been too passive to try to reserve any stage time, so I decided to apply.”

The captain of the music club frowned at how cheerful she was being. There had actually been a mutual understanding for the past few years about which clubs got stage time during the school festival. The allocated time for each performance was essentially the same every year as well. The drama club and music club were especially adamant about keeping up with tradition and having the same spots reserved for their performances. Put simply, a select few were hogging all the stage time while claiming they should maintain tradition, even though the stage was open to anyone who wanted to use it.

That said, nobody ever complained publicly about the situation…until the captain of the craft club boldly came up with a plan of her own. In fact, their project was going to be so big that she claimed they needed an entire hour to themselves onstage.

“But the ‘Spirit Collection’ mentioned here seems…”

The captain of the music club grimaced while checking out his copy of the scheduled performances.

“Seems incredible, right? We’re going to have models wear the outfits our club made and have a runway show!” the craft club captain exclaimed mirthfully as she suddenly rose to her feet with arms wide open like some sort of a stage actress. Of course, her movements naturally showed off the qipao…and the slits as well.

Ohhh, now it makes sense.

Her outfit was a sample for what was to come, and of course, every boy in the room was already daydreaming about it. They imagined beautiful girls dressed in risqué outfits confidently walking down a runway. Even the captain of the music club didn’t seem to be an exception, looking away uncomfortably while he cleared his throat before calmly replying:

“There’s no way you can do a runway. The installation and removal processes alone would waste so much time. I know they have portable folding stages, but you have to spend a lot of time adjusting the height and making sure everything is safe so that nobody gets hurt.”

He stated his very reasonable opinion, which was based on experience, but the captain of the craft club still didn’t back down.

“Then we can set it up the day before the festival, then take it down after the festival is over. I don’t see any issue leaving the runway out for everyone else to use, either.”

“Excuse me? You’ve got to be joking. A runway would just get in the way. We’d have far fewer seats for the audience, to boot! Right?”

He started making eye contact with the other club captains until the captain of the drama club, who “traditionally” had just as much say in this as he did, suddenly chimed in:

“That should work.”


The captain of the music club was struck dumb by the betrayal, but it made sense to Masachika.

The craft club does make outfits for the drama club often, after all.

There were probably some behind-the-scenes negotiations that took place as well.

This qipao-wearing captain is tougher than I expected.

But while Masachika stared at the craft club’s captain in admiration…

“What the…? Y-you can’t be serious?” asked the music club’s captain in utter astonishment.

“Why not? I bet the music club could make use of it, too. You know, like how professional musicians walk down the runway with their guitar or mic and show off to the crowd.”

“No, but like… Well, sure, they do that, but…”

“Plus, I’m sure clubs like the dance club and juggling club could use a runway to try out a new act or something, too, right?”

The other club captains began to think seriously about the proposal. Even Masachika, who originally felt that such a ridiculous plan would never work, was starting to change his mind. He genuinely admired the hustle and was secretly kind of rooting for her, too.

“By the way, we can easily make the runway if we just borrow a portion of the high school’s portable folding stage.”

“Uh… How are we going to carry a giant stage all the way over here? They’re extremely heavy, you know?”

“The school janitor will put it in his truck and bring it over for us if we ask.”

“Mmm… Sure, but still, we don’t even have time for the craft club’s performance, since—”

“On behalf of the drama club, I would like to donate twenty minutes of our time to the craft club.”


The drama club captain’s second betrayal rendered the music club captain speechless.

“Thank you very much. I suppose we can make a compromise and shorten our performance by twenty minutes as well. Forty minutes should be enough…but we would still need someone to donate another twenty minutes to us…”

Everyone’s eyes shifted toward the captain of the club with the longest performance: the music club…


“Man, that was impressive. Quite the negotiation skills you’ve got,” Masachika complimented her genuinely after the meeting was over and everyone else was gone. The captain of the craft club stayed behind so they could discuss details in regard to the runway, since she somehow managed to magically pull forty minutes for her club’s performance out of thin air.

“I couldn’t have done it without your support during the second half there, Vice President.”

“What? I didn’t do anything special. It was your negotiation skills that sealed the deal. Not only did you prove that every club could benefit from this, but you also made sure to reap the most benefits for yourselves.”


After bashfully scratching her cheek, the captain of the craft club stood up, took off a shoe, then placed her foot on top of the couch, revealing her beautiful, untanned thighs through the slit while leaving not much to the imagination. She thereupon placed a hand on her hip and declared:

“You know what they say: The greater the slits, the greater the reward!”

Masachika was taken aback, as if the secrets to the universe had been presented to him, and before he knew it, he was moved to tears and started crying uncontrollably. Okay, that last part was a lie, but he really was touched, and as his lips trembled with deep emotion, a term of endearment escaped him.

“P-Professor Side Slit…!”

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