Chapter V: Inglis, Age 16—New Semester, New Lifestyle (2)
And just as Inglis had expected, Prince Wayne had a very important announcement to make. After a short introduction, he moved on to the main point: the establishment of a new order of knights.
“I’m sure some of you have already heard the rumors, but I am pleased to announce that Karelia will form a new order of knights to stand alongside the Paladins and Royal Guard. They shall be called...the Rangers.”
“The Rangers...?” people echoed.
“Their duty will be to hunt down magicite beasts and protect people from their threat,” Prince Wayne continued.
“So, an order of knights devoted entirely to fighting magicite beasts, then,” Leone speculated.
“That means they won’t have to fight other people, right, Chris?” Rafinha asked.
“Yeah, you’re right.”
“However, is it not already the duty of the Paladins to fight magicite beasts? What sets them apart?” Liselotte wondered aloud.
Prince Wayne’s next sentence answered that quickly. “That said, their orders shall extend beyond Karelia alone!”
“What?!” The other students were just as shocked as Rafinha and friends.
“The Rangers will know no nation or border. They will strive to protect all people from magicite beasts wherever they may be found! If a call for aid arises, they will go anywhere in this world! They will be knights in service, not to our country, but to all the people of the surface!”
“Everyone on the surface?!”
“Not in service to Karelia, but the whole world?!”
The tumult grew louder as listeners burned with passion. That certainly did distinguish the Rangers from the Paladins. In the end, the Paladins were a force formed to defend Karelia. Meanwhile, the Rangers, if intended to operate outside the country, would presumably conduct most of their missions in foreign lands, with domestic defense left to Rafael and the Paladins.
“The era of each and every person living on the surface being forced to fend for themselves has passed. The technology we have recently received from Highland allows us to quickly deploy overwhelming force whenever and wherever it may be needed. It would be unjustifiable to use that for the sake of only one country. Wherever a cry for aid is heard, the Rangers shall reach out their hands! For those who have as yet been unable to obtain Artifacts and live in fear of the Prism Flow, the Rangers shall go to your aid!”
Rafinha excitedly listened to Prince Wayne. “Does that mean if the Prism Flow falls on Alcard and strong magicite beasts appear, we get to go help them out?! Is that right, Chris?!”
Inglis laughed. “Yep, it certainly seems that way.” It seemed like Rafinha already had her heart set on joining the Rangers. It made Inglis smile. Prince Wayne’s phrasing cut directly to her sense of justice.
“That’s great! Wonderful! If Lahti and Pullum are ever in trouble again, we can help them out! And if anyone else is in trouble anywhere, we can go to them! Right, Leone?!”
“Yes! It’s true, with not just Flygears and Flygear Ports but a flying battleship, we should be doing everything we can!” Leone responded.
“And if that’s the case, Alcard would no longer have a reason to attack Karelia,” Liselotte noted. “If anything were to happen, they could just rely on the Rangers.”
A false-flag operation by Evel and his underlings that had devastated Leclair had led Alcard’s leadership to embark on a policy of building up Artifacts and, if possible, obtaining a hieral menace. However, unable to pay the required tribute to Highland, they had instead been offered the role of opening up a second front in a war between Venefic and Karelia—an offer that they’d accepted. If the Rangers had existed then, they could have been called in to deal with the situation in Leclair.
An important note was that the Rangers had to be trusted to leave when their job was done. If there was concern that they would come and take land under the guise of defeating magicite beasts, no one would allow them entry.
“The Rangers will accept any who share these ideals, regardless of nationality. And my intent is that they eventually grow to be independent of Karelia. Those of all nations, banding together to become a shield which defends all nations... The town of Ahlemin, having finished its role of watching over the Prismer, is now being reborn as a base for their operations. And although it can’t happen immediately, beginning next semester the knights’ academy itself will relocate to Ahlemin, and the number of international students will be greatly increased in order to train knights who can become the core of the Rangers.”
“I see...”
It would be an order independent of any country with the duty of protecting people from magicite beasts no matter where they were found. Less of a third Karelian order, and more something completely different. A new concept of mutual defense in which all countries joined together to create a force, the Rangers, not bound to any in their defense against magicite beasts
This was the proposal that Karelia now spearheaded. It would be greatly advantageous for countries like Alcard, which lacked the strength to defend against magicite beasts. Even if their forces were weak, the Rangers could protect them. From the perspective of the surface as a whole, concentrating Artifacts and the knights who could wield them into a single mobile force was a more economical use of both weapons and warriors rather than maintaining independent defenses. The time spent in garrison would be reduced.
“It boils down to the surface being able to defend itself more effectively with limited Artifacts and Flygears. I’m sure that will make Highland willing to accept it as well,” Inglis said.
“And that’s a good thing, right, Chris? Right?”
“Yeah. It means I’ll get to fight any Prismer that shows up, no matter where it goes.” Inglis grinned and laughed as she gave a cheer. “All right!”
King Carlias would likely turn to her no matter where a Prismer appeared in Karelia, but the idea of expanding her sorties worldwide was a dream come true.
“Well... That’s not really what I meant, but I’m sure it is for you. Sorry for asking.” Rafinha sighed.
“Fortunately, our neighbor to the north, Alcard, understands the merit of a defensive pact centered on the Rangers and is willing to accept their presence,” Prince Wayne said. “Thus, we will strike while the iron is hot, and the Rangers will immediately begin patrolling over Alcard using their flagship as a way of establishing a track record. I hope the world over will come to understand the ideals that drive the Rangers.”
Alcard itself was diplomatically obligated to Karelia after its conduct in the recent war. They probably didn’t particularly have much choice over whether to accept the Rangers. A plan like the Rangers which crossed national borders required trust and a proven track record. Since there was no precedent, it was difficult for any country to accept the idea ex nihilo. Without actual examples of how it could benefit them, the idea could not spread. But Alcard would cooperate to create that example.
A sudden proposal would not have been accepted; were circumstances not what they were, Alcard wouldn’t allow another force into its borders. Inglis wondered whether Prince Wayne and Ambassador Theodore had already been planning to create such a group and had taken this chance to put it into action. It was certainly a unique opportunity.
“However, we cannot spare many of the Paladins or the Royal Guard. If we neglect our own defense, we will not be able to gain the acceptance of the people. Thus, it falls to you to raise the flag of the Rangers. Someday, the Rangers will grow to include people from across the world—but you will lay its foundation. Some of you in particular have already acquitted yourselves admirably at the incident in the capital or the battle with the Prismer in Ahlemin. You are the core of the Rangers, and I pray that you understand our goals and choose to cooperate! I beg of you!” Prince Wayne bowed deeply to the students from his position on the podium.
A wave of applause swept through the crowd.
“Prince Wayne and Ambassador Theodore are both so amazing! They must have thought so much about what would really benefit a lot of people!” Rafinha looked at Prince Wayne and Ambassador Theodore beside him as she applauded enthusiastically.
“Yes... If we can help, we’d love to!” Leone said.
“Protecting all the people of the world... This is a chance to put our ideals into practice!” Liselotte’s eyes were shining brightly.
Principal Miriela, who also shared the podium with Prince Wayne, stepped forward in front of the students. “In other words, what we’ve previously called ‘special extracurricular activities’ are now duties with the Rangers, and now we’ll be wearing two hats: studying at the academy and protecting the world! Let’s do our best, everyone! Can I get a cheer?”
“Yeah!” The students smiled and cheered.
Rafinha was among them, and so was Inglis, of course, smiling and pumping her fist. “Ha ha ha ha... This’ll be tons of fun. Ha ha ha...” She was grateful for the chance to hunt Prismers no matter where in the world they appeared. And there were other possibilities as yet unseen.
“Chris, you’re the only one looking forward to whatever you’ve got cooking in your brain!”
“Nothing wrong with that. After all, if a Prismer shows up, we will have to take it down.”
“Y-Yes,” Liselotte hesitantly agreed. “Inglis and Miss Arles’s help will be indispensable, so it’s fortunate that they’re enthusiastic about the prospect.”
Eris and Ripple, still with the Paladins, likely wouldn’t be able to ride along with the Rangers; Arles on the other hand, as an instructor at the knights’ academy, could. In fact, it was possible that she and Rochefort had been recruited to the academy with this in mind, not just as a reward to Inglis. If they had been assigned to the Paladins or Royal Guard, they might have ended up fighting against Venefic, which would be difficult for them and might be taken as a provocation by Venefic. On the other hand, being assigned to the knights’ academy and then to the Rangers meant their foes would be only magicite beasts. Plus, because their duty would be to the people of all countries rather than just Karelia’s, it could even be seen as fighting for Venefic.
It was also a commitment to the principle that all who shared that ideal could join. And, in terms of raw power math, while Inglis had defeated the Prismer, she hadn’t done it alone, but with the aid of the hieral menaces. If they were expected to fight Prismers, Arles’s presence was vital at this point in time.
Inglis had to conclude that both from a perspective of overall strength and from that of representing the Rangers’ ideals, this was the ideal assignment for the pair. It really did make a lot of sense.
“By how Liselotte described things, neither His Majesty nor Prince Wayne seems to desire an attack on Venefic, so... It seems like they want to use the Rangers as leverage for cooperation in dealing with magicite beasts and a mutual nonaggression pact. First of all, Venefic only attacked Karelia because their land was so barren, making it difficult to afford sufficient Artifacts. They probably want to express that it isn’t necessary to attack us, communicating that through actions rather than words.”
“So you’re saying the key to peace with Venefic is in our hands, then,” Liselotte commented.
“Exactly. Let’s use what’s available and get to work. If we don’t, Chancellor Riegliv and the lords of the east will have their expeditionary army ready, and we won’t be able to hold back the domestic pressure any longer.”
“I see. Yes, Inglis, that certainly seems to be correct.”
“And if negotiations fail and it does come to war with Venefic, this might also be a way to protect the knights’ academy,” Inglis elaborated. “The Rangers could conveniently ‘be on a mission,’ and take refuge in Alcard or some other country and not have to participate.”
Leone nodded. “I’m grateful they put that much thought into it. If there were to be a war not just between people of the surface, but one in which we were the aggressors, I’d have some resistance to the idea of joining in.”
“Rather than that, let’s work hard to make sure things stay peaceful with Venefic!” Rafinha declared.
“Yes! That’s right, Rafinha!”
“Let us work together to make it so!” Liselotte agreed.
As they nodded in agreement, Principal Miriela called out to them. “And that concludes our assembly! Ah, Inglis, Rafinha, Leone, and Liselotte, could you see me in my office?” She seemed to have some separate message for the four.
“Just us?” Rafinha asked. “I bet it has to do with the Rangers! All right, let’s do our best!” Rafinha was pumped up and filed out of the auditorium with exuberance. Leone and Liselotte followed, nodding.
Inglis smiled watching them, but her smile was mixed with a wince. If this goes well, will it really lead to peace? When the countries bordering Karelia each accept the Rangers’ activity, what will happen? Those were the questions which brought forth her expression, despite the fact she hoped for peace as well.
Rochefort called out to Inglis, who had lagged behind Rafinha and the others. “Hey. Guess that’s how it is. Prismers are gonna be your problem, so take good care of Arles.”
“Let’s do our best, Inglis!” Arles smiled and reached out her hand for a shake.
That, on the other hand, was something Inglis could smile about. “Mr. Rochefort, Miss Arles. Indeed, let’s... But in any age, adults are cunning, aren’t they? Ha ha ha...”
“Huh? What’s that supposed to mean? I’m a teacher, so I guess I’m supposed to hear your concerns out,” Rochefort said.
“They all only say the good parts. I’m a little worried that it may hurt Rani and the others’ kindness and sense of justice.”
“What do you mean by that, Inglis?” Arles asked, a worried look on her face. A hieral menace’s age couldn’t be judged by her appearance, but Arles was definitely less experienced than Eris or Ripple. Her personality might have actually fit her appearance.
“Let’s say Rani and I and the others work hard, the Rangers contain magicite beast attacks, and the neighboring countries, including Venefic, sign on. Then what?”
“If everyone joins hands... The Rangers will become a shield for people who have been unable to protect themselves, and things become more peaceful?”
Arles’s interpretation was the same as Rafinha’s. It was a bit young, a bit purehearted. Inglis thought Eris and Ripple would have thought about it more along the lines that she did.
“In terms of the relation between people of the surface and magicite beasts, true. However, this is also a move being pushed by Ambassador Theodore—that is to say, Highland’s Triumvirate. If Venefic accepts the Rangers and cooperates, that is nothing less than a move to peel them away from the Papal League. The same is true for other countries with a closer relationship with the Altar. So while the concept of the Rangers may appear to be a peaceful, idealistic initiative between countries of the surface, seen from Highland it is an extremely aggressive and dangerous attempt by the Triumvirate to strip the Papal League of their territory. The more successful the plan for the Rangers is, the more the Papal League will be provoked, and what awaits is a decisive violent confrontation. And first to face the League’s wrath will surely be the Rangers.”
“Ah! So you’re saying no matter how hard the Rangers try, they won’t lead to peace?”
“No, I wouldn’t go that far. It will reduce the threat from magicite beasts, and that in itself could be called a step toward peace. But other threats will increase, and the failure of anyone to mention that was what I consider cunning. Then again, I’m not hesitant to confront the Papal League directly, so I don’t mind. Ha ha ha...”
Just as Dux Jildegrieva said, the conflict between the Triumvirate and the Papal League is deepening. A showdown might be inevitable at this point, and this only serves to hasten it. There’s no mistaking it. The harder I work, the sooner it will come, so I guess I should do my best!
“I-Inglis...” Arles seemed a bit taken aback by Inglis pronouncing doom with an indomitable smile.
“It’s just... Like I said, I’d prefer to make sure this doesn’t cause any grief for Rani and the others. They’re still innocent kids.”
“Yes... Yes, they are. They really are...”
Watching, Rochefort sighed. “Hey, c’mon. Arles may be a hieral menace, but aside from that, she isn’t much different from them. I’d appreciate it if you didn’t scare her. But you are a very clever student. Your calmness and thought process are exceptional.” He stroked Arles’s hair reassuringly.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Rochefort.” Inglis bowed politely.
“Well, I agree with you, but it’s not really something we can do anything about from down here in the mud, is it? All we can do is watch while the ambassador does his thing and be ready for when it decisively breaks down. When it does, that’s when we put our lives on the line.”
“Then, to prepare for when push comes to shove, shall we double up on after-school training?”
“You’re a real snake in the grass, aren’t you. Can we pretend I didn’t just say that?”
“Let’s practice, Ross! We have to. After all, we’re supposed to teach her!”
“I think she’s gotten more than enough of the teacher-bullying she calls ‘training’ with us.”
“Absolutely not! We will do whatever it takes to get these students ready!”
Inglis chuckled in amusement. “Thank you, Miss Arles, Mr. Rochefort.”
“Chris! Where’d you go?! C’mon, let’s go to the principal’s office!” Rafinha, noticing Inglis’s absence, turned back around and picked her up. “All right, here we come, principal’s office! Then the Rangers, then Alcard! We might get to see Lahti and Pullum again!”
“Right. Let’s go, Rani.”
“If you’ll excuse us!” Leaving Arles and Rochefort with smiles, Inglis and Rafinha set off for the principal’s office.
Before long, a cry echoed from that very place.
“Huh?! We don’t get to join the Rangers?!” Rafinha’s disappointment was palpable.
“Principal Miriela, i-is there some kind of problem with us?!” Leone asked.
“Please, reconsider! We’d simply love to join!” Liselotte protested.
In response, Miriela waved her hands in a dissembling manner. “Er, ah, no, it’s not like that at all. We’d love for you to join, but right now we have an even more important task for you than joining the Rangers in Alcard. Isn’t that right, Theodore?”
The ambassador was also present in the office and nodded intently when his name was called. “Yes, absolutely... I’m sure it will be an important experience for all of you.”
“So what are we supposed to do?”
“It concerns Lady Eris. Arrangements have been made for her to be examined in Highland, and she’ll be leaving in a few days. We’d like you to accompany her as guards.”
“Oh! So we get to go to Highland with Eris?!” Inglis asked. That was a fascinating prospect. She could see Highland’s weapons and technology with her own eyes, and if she was lucky, maybe even hope to see their strength up close. She could even learn about some technology that would help in her recent obsession with modifying Artifacts.
And it would be nice if there was a weapon there that was a match for Dux Jildegrieva, though she wasn’t holding out hope for that—maybe something like the mechanical ancient dragon that Evel had transformed Fufailbane into.
“So we get to go to Highland?! Incredible!” Rafinha’s eyes shone with curiosity.
“That’s right!” Leone agreed, nodding. “This will be an extremely valuable experience.”
Liselotte nodded as well. “Indeed, it’s an opportunity we normally wouldn’t be very likely to get even if we pursued it.”
“I tagged along with Prince Wayne on a trip to Highland back when he studied there, and for better or worse, it will definitely broaden your perspective,” Principal Miriela said. “I think there’s no reason not to go if you have the chance. Who knows when you could go next?”
“Besides, while you’ll be termed ‘guards,’ there will be no danger,” Ambassador Theodore pointed out. “You can think of it more like a short exchange trip.”
“But I want danger!” Inglis proclaimed. “Eris will be getting checked out at the home base of the mechanator, one of the Triumvirate, right?! I’d love to take part in testing the combat performance of a superweapon that rivals Dux Jil or something! By all means!”
“Ha ha ha... I suppose,” he said.
“C’mon, Chris, don’t get too excited! You don’t want to embarrass Ambassador Theodore!” Rafinha chided Inglis.
“Well... I suppose that while Inglis still says Inglis things, we can hope that her being smaller and cuter than normal makes it less jarring...” Principal Miriela laughed wryly.
“I’m shocked the dux personally visited the surface to challenge Inglis to a bout. I suppose it is rather like him, though... Anyway, thanks to his support, we were able to obtain permission for you all to visit Highland,” Ambassador Theodore said.
“Yes, I’m glad he visited Ymir,” Inglis said.
“Though it was Jil who broke Eris’s swords to begin with,” Rafinha pointed out.
“That was because I chose the wrong way to fight him... So at the very least, I need to stay with her until she’s back to normal.”
“Yeah. I’m sure she’d be lonely if she was sent up to Highland alone.”
“And, I have another request,” Ambassador Theodore began, a serious expression on his face.
Inglis turned back to him. “Another?”
“What is it?” Rafinha asked. “Anything we can help with?”
“Yes. It’s about Rin... About Cyrene.”
Rin was currently peeking out from Leone’s cleavage. With Inglis so small now, she wasn’t exactly a good fit, and Leone was left to handle Rin all by herself. Because of that, Ambassador Theodore couldn’t exactly look at her directly, and instead took noticeable pains to look away as he continued.
“I’d like you to show her to the Highland technicians taking care of Eris. Miriela and I haven’t been able to get anywhere... But the technicians there are more talented than I am, and I would like their input.”
“So if we show Rin to them, there might be a way to change her back?!” Rafinha asked.
“To be honest, I’m not sure...but we may find something that could open up new possibilities.”
“So your attempts have stagnated a bit...” Inglis said.
“Indeed. I can’t deny there’s a significant gap between our capabilities here and what is possible in Highland—especially with the facilities available to the mechanator. If we could possibly make use of those... However, I’ll ask you to take care not to draw the mechanator’s attention. And do not tell him that Cyrene has survived in this state.”
“The mechanator... He’s your and Cyrene’s father, right?” Rafinha asked.
“Yes. I don’t know what he might do if he were to find out what happened to her. So please, take care that he does not.”
“We’ll do our best! I’m sure we’ll find a way to turn Rin back!” Determined, Leone nodded and clenched her fist. She currently bore the burden of Rin’s squirming alone, so Inglis understood her enthusiasm.
Jiggle, jiggle, jiggle!
Rin dug in, and Leone’s chest began to shake, as if she was trying to say, Don’t treat me like an inconvenience!
“Eek! Stop, Rin! I told you, not there!” Leone shouted.
“I... I’m terribly sorry she’s putting you through so much trouble.” Theodore’s expression was extremely apologetic.
“No, no, it’s no trouble at all! We’re fine!” Rafinha announced.
“You have no room to talk!” Inglis and Leone replied in unison.
“Sheesh!” Inglis continued. “You only get to say that because she doesn’t do anything to you.”
“Yes, exactly,” Leone agreed. “This is terrible.”
“Oh, come on, it’s fine. She wouldn’t even know they were there if you two didn’t keep showing them off.”
“We absolutely do not!” the pair shouted loud enough to echo outside the principal’s office.
In any case, Inglis and her friends had a new destination: Highland.
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