Chapter 356
Dudian didn't answer him as he went along the familiar terrian . He was going to the place where he had hid the splitty . He had stayed outside for more than seven days so he wasn't sure whether splitty had starved to death .
After ten minutes .
Dudian stopped in the plains where he had hidden splitty . He looked at Gwyneth and Sergei: "I'll be back soon so wait here for me . " He took the bags that he had put the corpses of mutated beasts that they had killed along the way .
Sergei shrugged as he sat on ground . He pulled a stal of grass and put it into his mouth . He was humming a tune as he narrowed his eyes and looked at Gwyneth: "This kiddo is hiding a secret which doesn't want us to be aware of . To tell the truth, I don't care much . . . "
Gwyneth glanced at him: "If all the hunters were like you then our job would have been much easier . "
Sergei raised his eyebrows: "Like me? If they were like me do you think that you would be able to catch them? I don't care about nobles, consortia or anyone . I'm not a person who would close one of my eyes to the activities of influential while open the other for the weak one . I just kill!"
Gwyneth sneered: "Ignorant . "
"So what? I'm fearless and also indomitable, ha!" Sergei pulled out the stem of grass from his mouth and threw it away .
Gwyneth turned away her head: "Naive . "
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
Dudian went through the forest . He turned to see that Gwyneth and Sergei hadn't moved . He went to the abandoned building . He saw a faint red dot inside the building . His heart was relieved as he jumped into the basement . Splitty was sleeping inside the cage made out of tungsten steel . It weakly raised its eyelids as it heard the movement .
"It's good to know that you aren't so easy to starve . " Dudian smiled . He stepped forward as he pulled out the corpses of beasts from the bag and throw them into the cage .
Splitty's spirit was aroused as it began to bit and devour the bloody corpses .
Dudian smiled as he fed it: "After we are done with the problems I will take you outside to play . Your brother or sister has grown a lot stronger than you . . We gotta raise your strength too . "
Splitty was concentrating on its meal as it didn't care about the words of the human .
Dudian didn't way for much as he returned back . Gwyneth and Sergei were sitting as they backs faced each other . It seemed they weren't interested in talking to each other .
Dudian said: "Let's go . " He looked at the sky then led the way .
Sergei patted his pants as he followed up . He said to Dudian: "Master you always check the sky . We gotta find a place to hide if it rains . . . "
"We won't be able to get rid of all the rain . "
"What do you mean? Don't use those intelligent quotes . Actually don't beat around the bush when you talk to me . . . Say it straight out . "
Dudian didn't bother with him as he went forward . It didn't take long before they bypassed the fort and went to a steep cliff at the hill . It was covered with moss . Dudian's was slightly relieved as he reached out his hand .
"Master, you are . . . "
Sergei wasn't even finished when he saw Dudian poked out the vines and moss . There was a cave hidden behind them . .
Dudian went into the cave . There were stone bowls, bonfires, grills on the bonfires and bucket which had rotten human arm and fingers . Dudian frowned at sight .
Sergei and Gwyneth also went inside . Gwyneth was silent like a shadow . Sergei vigilantly looked around and saw that there were no enemies . However his face turned ugly as he saw the human arm and fingers damped in salt: "These barbarians are really like they are told about in legends . They even eat humans . You would never know who had eaten whom if you stayed with them!" He was trying to make a joke .
Gwyneth glanced at him but didn't say anything .
Dudian checked around as he found a lot of equipments of barbarians . He picked up something and showed it to Sergei and Gwyneth: "What do you think?"
Sergei shrugged his shoulder .
Gwyneth replied: "I don't know . "
Dudian looked at the black horn . He wiped the dust as he blew it with his mouth . Suddenly a sound was echoed so he stopped: "It seems the barbarians have left this stronghold long time ago . As I have expected its about to start . "
Dudian turned and left the cave .
Sergei and Gwyneth followed after him .
Trio came to King's Fort after few hours .
"Is it fort breached? Has the army of barbarians gone into the commercial district? Is the war over? " Sergei looked at the broken fort .
Dudian said: "This is King's Fort . "
"Oh, so it's the fort broken through by barbarians . I was scared as I though barbarians have broken through the barrier . " Sergei patted his chest .
Dudian glanced back at him: "Can't you differentiate forts?"
"I've never been to this fort and I don't care much about forts at all . All of them look alike to me . " Sergei said in a confident tone .
Dudian raised his hand to stop both of them: "Let's find a place to hide . "
"In the bushes over there . " Sergei pointed to .
Dudian whispered: "There is someone over there . "
Sergei bent his body as he slowly crawled back .
It didn't take long for Dudian to find the right place to hide . They were sitting on the ground and looking at the sky doing nothing .
Sergei and Gwyneth squatted besides him . Sergei asked: "Master if we aren't planning to sneak into the fort then why are we here?"
"We are like the wind . "
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