The bell rang. A total of twenty-four. There is silence in the Zetian Hall. The ministers bowed to the ground. This is a memory of the female emperor Qin Yin. Empire calendar 7736. The female emperor Qin Yin died in the blood red. It has been four years now. But everyone knows. The day when Qin Yin died. She is just twenty-four years old. Even today, the three kings rule the world. But the world always believes that Qin Yin will return. Because she is the orthodox of Qin. It is the only one of the royal family who has the inheritance of the Lord God.
The bell is complete. Shangguan Jingyue wore the chief female robes. Going forward and reaching for the hand: "You adults please get up."
Everyone stood up. When he looked up, he saw Qin Yan and the wind followed the two kings and stood in front of the throne. No one is seated. Since the rule of the Three Kings. None of the three kings passed this throne. Lin Muyu always believes that Qin Yin can be found. The wind continued and Qin Yan did not believe it.
"There is news from the other side of the ocean under the rain."
The wind continued to sound low. However, it is very stable: "There is another continent on the other side of the East China Sea. The two planes have been completely integrated. The world on the other side is called the celestial pole. There are three major empires. They are the Scorpio Empire, the Heavenly Empire, the Black Rock Empire. The martial arts are prevailing. The strength is far stronger than our broken world. Now Weiguogong Weiqiu led the gentian camp to kill the Mozu in the Tongtianxia. The empire should also shift its focus from the Mozu, Yihe to the country. The opponent on the other side of the ocean."
The group of ministers was shocked. Some people hear some winds. I know that there is another world in the other side of the East Sea. But most people know nothing about the celestial continent.
An old minister stepped forward. Hold the jade. Bi Gong Bi Jing said: "The King of the Kings. This matter is still not convinced. Moreover... even if there is a world on the other side of the ocean, we can send it to the envoys. We will bring gold and silver jewels to join us. Instead of thinking about the attack. The empire has been through war for a long time. The national strength is much worse than before. I also ask the two princes to be sympathetic to the suffering of the people of the world."
The wind nodded and said: "Yu Yangbo said that there are some truths. But we must have two preparations. We must also prepare for the war while making the celestial continent. There are only so many land in this world. The great empire cannot completely ignore the richness of the broken world. If we are not prepared, it will only become a lamb to be slaughtered."
Yu Yangbo bowed his head: "I only hope that the two Highnesses will not be arrogant. I am mistaken for Daqin..."
Qin Yan is somewhat unhappy. Wrinkled and frowned: "We have our own size. Yuyang Bo does not have to worry too much."
The gaze of the wind has fallen on the front of the group of ministers. Dao: "Zhongguogong has worked tirelessly from the seven seas and provinces. It has worked hard. But... today's business still needs more advice from Zhongguogong. Guogong thinks how the empire should respond now."
In the same faint scorpion, Yan Yifan was shining with light. Road: "Since the celestial continent is separated from us by the East China Sea, which is nearly two thousand miles away, then we must reorganize the Navy. Create a new warship. Strengthen the strength of the three eastern provinces of Lingdong, Tongtian and Lingkong with the power of the country. Royal. In addition, the full force casting magic crystal cannon. Heavy artillery will be our biggest chance to win."
The wind nodded with satisfaction.
Qin Yandao: "Where is the Ministry of Industry?"
The Ministry of Industry has a white book that has been fluttering. Go one step forward. Respectfully and clenched: "The old minister is here."
"The casting and improvement of the magic crystal cannon is mainly the matter of your weapons division. I hope you will not slack off."
"Yes. The old minister knows."
At this time. The armor of the army behind him said: "The two predecessors of the recital. Qin Ziling's adult sent a drawing from the Tongtian province to the feather book. It is about building a building."
"Building the ship." The wind continued: "What boat is that."
"The debut of His Royal Highness. The building is a new type of warship. The sides of the warship are protected by thick female walls. Small magic crystal cannons can be placed in the cabin. The female wall is wrapped with iron to resist the enemy's bows and arrows. Moreover, the building can be divided into multiple layers. Not only is it a heavy artillery fortress when it meets the enemy. It can also impel a transport ship. A large building can transport at least 2000-4000 Imperial soldiers. Qin Ziling is a great man and a man of wisdom. The ghosts are craftsmen. Once this building is successfully developed, it will inevitably be the overlord in the naval battle."
"Good." The wind continued to be delighted. A big hand waved: "Accepted. Immediately ordered to start researching and building such a ship."
"Just your Highness..." The sergeant of the Weapons Division did not speak.
"Just what."
“It’s just that the building is exquisite. The materials needed are all kinds of dissimilar iron ore and wood that are scarce in the empire. So casting a building will cost a lot of money.”
"Let's talk about it. How much it costs for a building to be cast out."
The Guardian of the Weapons swallowed under the pressure of the wind. Road: "About 300,000 gold coins can cast a large building."
"Three hundred thousand."
The wind was followed by a shock: "It's so expensive. It's a warship made of gold."
The weapon division officer Lang smiled and said: "This is also a no-brainer. According to the design of Qin Ziling's adults. The entire warship is about 200 meters long. Therefore, the wood used to strengthen the hull must use very tough golden willow. This golden willow It is a precious material comparable to gold. If you don't use gold willow to reinforce the whole hull, I am afraid that once a storm is encountered, a big warship will be torn apart."
"Know it. 300,000 is 300,000." The wind has followed the way to the distance: "The Ministry of Housing is still a book. All the needs of the Ministry of Industry for the development of weapons are provided by you."
The book is still a fat man. There is a small beard on the chin. Like a goat's beard. The face is full of carefully calculated look. Road: "His Royal Highness. A ship is a 300,000 gold coin. Plus the magic crystal cannon, sailor, equipment, etc. on the ship. The cost of this ship is 500,000. Jinyincoin. The Navy’s warships are thousands of ships. The value of a thousand ships is 500 million gold coins... The Empire has spent billions of gold coins on the steel retaining walls and magic crystal cannons. The treasury is empty. Where can I get the 500 million gold coins... The old minister is really no way. The royal family must have the old minister to make up 500 million gold coins. The old minister can do nothing."
The wind continued to squint. Laughed: "Zhang Daren. Your son took a room to serve. She built a Tibetan club in the south of the city. It cost me 30 million gold coins. Someone reported this to me. I don't know. It's not true. If the household is really so poor, I should consider whether it is all about it. What is the cold bird?
Xiao Han said quite: "The end will be."
"During the order. Xiao Han immediately led the fire-fighting divisions to the house of the Shangchu Shangshu to thoroughly check the treasury materials. False public affairs."
The fat man suddenly became scared. Hurry to the ground. A nose screamed a tearful road: "The King of the Kings is a life-threatening. I have let the industry work for so many years. There has never been a fake public service. The dog's garden is nothing but the business income of his business association. There is no greed. If your Highness is not a letter to me, the old minister is willing to take the dog to the streets to beg. For the Highness, he will have the 500 million gold coins."
"No need."
The wind continued to laugh. Road: "The reputation of your iron **** Zhang has long been a world. Otherwise, the rain will not be selected by you as the head of the book. As long as you get the 500 million gold coins to the Ministry of Industry. Treasury. You must do a good job in every treasury revenue and expenditure. Submit a copy to Zetian Hall every month. I and Ayu trust you. I think you can manage the treasury of the Daqin Empire. You can Don't let us down."
"Yes... yes. The old minister knows."
The wind follows the grace and grace. I have already let this piece of paper obey.
Yan Yifan said: "According to the description of the temple under the rain. There is a kind of armies on the celestial continent called the Dragon Cavalry Corps. It is a group of warriors riding dragons. The power is amazing. If this is the case. We must be prepared. Otherwise. I am afraid that the first step will be subject to people."
The wind continued to beheaded. Road: "The dragon knight... is really tricky. But the air regiment is difficult for us to deal with. The general arrow can't penetrate the dragon armor. Even the white diamond arrow. Because the weight and speed of the arrow body may not be able to Penetrating the dragon armor. The magic crystal cannon. The magic crystal cannon launched against the air may not be able to hit the dragon accurately. Hehe..."
Qin Yan looked at the wind and continued to frown. Dao: "His Royal Highness. Take a step and look at it. We haven't even seen the real dragon ride now. It's too early to think about how to deal with it."
After all, Qin Yan is still too young. The wind continued to smile. Did not speak.
At this time. Yan Yifan said with a squint: "The two Highnesses do not know if they still remember. Wei Guogong Weiqiu. What is he best at?"
A look at Qin Yan: "Arrow."
"Yes." Yan Yifan smiled slightly: "It is the hundred steps to wear Yang's archery. To protect the country's power. Open a strong bow of three hundred pounds. Shoot the enemy in the 200 meters. The old minister is thinking. If We can train giant warhawks. Let the gods in our army ride the giant eagle. Only shoot the dragon rider's eyes on the dragon. Is it possible to make a miraculous effect?"
The wind continued to swear: "Can you do it. If it is riding a war eagle. The figure is not stable. The trajectory of the arrow is also easily affected by strong winds in the air. I want to shoot a small dragon eye. I am afraid it is not easy. ""
"But. Do we have any other way?" Yan Yifan smiled.
The wind continues to be speechless. A wave of hands: "It seems that this is the case. In this case. Zhong Guogong recently did not return to the seven seas to seal the land. He stayed in the Imperial Capital. The Ministry of Military Affairs developed this kind of warfare shooter."
"Yes. The old minister obeyed."
The entire Zetian Temple fell into silence again. Everyone thinks about different things. But after a conversation. The wind has continued, and Qin Yan has had a preliminary impression and confidence in the enemy facing the distant side.
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