It was the day of the recital contest.
Just when she opened the door of the first-year females change room, she discovered……
……Wah, what’s this?
Before she had even walked in one step, the choking smell of perfume made Kluele stop her footsteps. In other words, the perfume’s smell was so strong that even a girl herself wanted to retreat from it.
“Ah, Kluele, good morning— I’m here first today!”
Mio was putting her uniform in a locker. It seemed that she didn’t mind the smell of perfume.
“Good morning, everyone’s all so early today.”
Even Ada and Serges, who were usually late, were already in the change room.
“It’s you who’s too slow. Oh right, you’re the ‘King of arriving late’!”
While putting on lipstick, Ada raised her eyebrows.
“Eh…… Kluele, could it be that you want to wear your uniform onstage today?”
Faced with stunned expressions, Kluele raised the bag that she held in her hands and showed everyone.
School uniforms were usually required in Tremia Academy, but the recital contest was one of the few opportunities where everyday clothes were allowed. Nearly one hundred percent of female students would dress up. Due to six hundred fifty female students all wearing their most beautiful clothes, a fashion show is held every year at this time. As for males, half of them would wear tailcoats, thirty percent would wear a Reciter-style robe, and the rest would wear jackets or coats.
“……Wearing a dress will only make your shoulders stiff.”
Actually, Kluele had originally planned to participate in the recital contest wearing her school uniform, but the senior students at yesterday’s club activity had preached to her about this matter for two hours.
No, Kluele! To participate while dressed up prettily should be the intention of female students. Even if your goal is to become a Reciter, it will be the end if you forget about this! Also, you are tall to being with, and you have a good body figure. Are you going to just let go of this chance? Honestly speaking— that’s the situation you’re in.
—Speaking of chances…… Exactly what chance is this?
Finally, under the threats and powerful persuasion of the senior students, she had decided to take out the dress hidden in the depths of her closet.
“Hey, Kluele, look. Don’t you think this looks really good?”
Wearing her underclothes, Mio proudly lifted up her own dress. It was pearl-colored and had been modified with prisms so that from the angle of the audience, it would shine with seven colors.
“Wow, that’s really pretty!”
It was brand new with not a single crease in it. After finding out that Xins Airwincle was coming, she must have hurriedly bought it yesterday. Also, to have it specially match with his title of Rainbow Color Reciter, this really seemed like something Mio would do.
“It certainly is pretty, but Mio, isn’t that too flashy?”
Watching her put on the dress in the crowded room and spin in a circle for everyone to admire, Serges cleaned up her makeup and interrupted.
“There certainly are many students wearing fancy clothing, but last year, apparently many of them received a warning! In addition, those who wore overly exposing clothing were also warned….. Ah, but you don’t need to worry about that point, Mio. Because in terms of body figure, you still have a long way to go—”
“Ahh, you actually dare to say it! I still care about that!”
Mio pouted. This action seemed completely childish, but nobody dared to point it out.
“Mio, you can head off first. I probably still have to take some time.”
“Okay. Then, I’ll go to the campus first. There’s only thirty minutes left until the opening ceremony, so you should hurry up!”
Carrying dress shoes the same color as her dress, Mio jogged out of the change room.
Following after Mio, Ada and Serges also left, but in a considerably more graceful manner. Kluele thought that they usually only cared about sports, but she didn’t expect they would also be skilled in putting on makeup.
Even a small change can make someone seem greatly different than usual. But Mio still lacked this aspect. Kluele let out a laugh while taking her dress out of the bag.
Alright, next was the major problem.
……This dress, how do you put it on?
On one corner of the square campus. When Kluele arrived at the meeting place of first-year students, the students had already finished lining up according to their classes. At the very end of the 1-B line, was a boy who was a head shorter than the students around him.
“Ah, Kluele-san, good morning.”
Kluele waved in response to Neight, who was wearing a dark blue robe. The size of the robe was too big, so it didn’t fit him very well. Even so, it certainly gave him the outward appearance of a Reciter.
“Good morning. The weather is great today.”
There wasn’t a single cloud in the sky. Extremely dazzling sunlight forced everyone to their eyes.
“Found you, found you! Kluele, and Neight-kun is here also!”
She turned to face the voice coming from behind her. Several meters behind, Mio and Serges were coming closer.
“We went looking for you, but it seems like we missed you.”
“……Speaking of which, Kululu—”
Mio stared fixedly at Kluele.
“Nothing. I was just thinking, Kluele’s body figure really is great. It’s really suited for wearing a dress.”
Mio had suddenly said those nonchalant words. Furthermore, there was a boy standing beside her. Would an average person say something like that? Just when that notion crossed her mind, even Serges began to nod, “Yeah, yeah!”
“Also, the dress you’re wearing looks pretty good, let me admire it for a moment— Ah, wow! It’s an open back dress!”
Mio, who had circled around behind her, let out an exaggerated shout.
“……I only have this dress, so it can’t be helped.”
Kluele wore a mermaid-style dress.
A swath of pure white cloth was the main material, with vertical streaks of blue coming down from the left shoulder. A heavier part of the collar hung down as decoration. It seemed that this dress was originally meant to be worn to dances. Like the name of a mermaid suggested, this dress had a close-fitting design, so that even if you didn’t want to, it would still reveal the curves of your body.
However, it seemed that showing the curves of her body wasn’t too bad.
“Mio, don’t worry. It’s too bad that my opponents are too strong.”
Serges surveyed her while nodding.
“This kind of high-quality material is very rarely seen, especially the chest and the waist’s—”
“That’s enough, Serges. If you keep going…… I’m going to get angry!”
Before she had finished speaking, Kluele moved her face in front of Serges’s nose. Even if she was praising her, why must she say it in front of so many people?
Just when Kluele turned around to escape the gazes of people around her—
[Really? I don’t think there’s much difference between her physical body—]
She didn’t know when, but the lizard on Neight’s shoulder had slowly lifted up its head.
……How should she respond at a time like this? It would be regrettable to agree, but denying it would earn comments from Mio and Serges.
“Ah, ah! Arma, you shouldn’t talk!”
Neight wanted to hurriedly cover its mouth, but the lizard easily broke free from his grip.
[I think I’ve heard that voice somewhere before.]
“……What, is this lizard talking?”
Serges glanced at the lizard, astonished.
“He’s Neight’s pet.”
To retaliate, Kluele quickly added that sentence.
[Hey, little girl—]
The reptile hadn’t finished speaking, when the sound of the clock declaring the beginning of the opening ceremony resounded throughout the campus.
“This is a general announcement. All students, please gather quickly at your designated locations.”
The recital contest was divided into two parts, morning and afternoon. The morning was for the performance of White and Green colors. Students specializing in those two colors began to make their way to the center of the campus— The administrators and judges moved to the front.
Students specializing in Green went to the right side of the headquarters, while those specializing in White gathered on the left side. Five Reciters challenged each other at a time. Mio was in the sixth group. As for her other classmates, Ada, who specialized in White, was in the fourteenth group.
“Good luck—”
After hearing Neight’s encouragement, Mio waved her hand as she walked to the center.
“What does Mio plan to call out?”
“She said it would be something large and worth seeing.”
[Speaking of large Green animals…… A wyvern?]
The lizard said, completely missing the point.
“Don’t talk nonsense!”
A dragon was considered to be Green’s High Noble AriaFirst Scale Recitation. Even to the famous Reciters currently acting as judges, it was a very challenging Recitation. If a first-year student could call out that kind of creature, it would ruin the reputation of the grown-ups. First-year students, including Kluele, could only conduct Common AriaFourth Scale Recitation. To call out something large—a normal creature that could not understand human speech—was already very difficult. This was something even Mio could not change. She should know the amount of strength that she herself has.
“I’m really looking forward to it.”
“It will be fine as long as she doesn’t get too nervous in front of the judges.”
……If I remember correctly, Mio is unexpectedly weak at performances.
In accordance with her prediction.
Because that Rainbow Color Reciter was a judge, students who were too nervous and failed their Recitations appeared one after the other. It wasn’t just first-year students, there were even many higher-grade students whose concentration was broken and they had to urgently lower their planned Recitation by one rank.
Also, this was also within the predictions—The Rainbow Color Reciter Xins Airwincle also caused the unusually enthusiastic Mio to be a part of that group.
“Aaaaah! I’m too embarrassed to keep on living!”
Sure enough, she had turned out like that. Sighing, Mio pulled up her dress and sat down on the ground. Because Kluele was also wearing a dress, she couldn’t make any large movements. Unable to do anything else, she waved her hand and called Neight beside her.
“It’s alright, stop crying. Hey Neight, help me pull her up.”
According to Mio, who had large teardrops in her eyes, she had been able to concentrate smoothly in the beginning. However, when the ChannelRecital Gate opened, she made eye contact with “Xins-sama”. Her memory after that was blank for ten seconds…… When she was back in control of her body, the ChannelRecital Gate had already closed, and she was disqualified because of surpassing the time limit.
“Now I’ve definitely failed Xins-sama.”
With both Kluele and Neight pulling at the same time, they finally made the girl start to walk forward unsteadily.
“So, Mio. What did you want to call out?”
Mio sobbed and replied in a tearful voice.
“Um, a Quetzalcoatl.” [1]
“Mio, are you serious?”
……Oh, I see. So it’s like that.
Suddenly, Kluele let go of Mio’s hand. Because Mio had been holding on and Kluele had let go without any warning, she lost her balance and wildly tumbled to the ground.
“Wait, wait a moment…… Kluele, you’re terrible!”
“Neight, you don’t need to keep pulling. Come, let’s leave. Ignore this kind of person.”
Ignoring the girl pouting behind her, Kluele walked away. Ah, it was really stupid of her to feel slightly sympathetic.
A Quetzalcoatl is classified as a subspecies of dragon. Of course, it was considered as a High Noble AriaFirst Scale Recitation, so it was impossible for Mio to succeed. At least she had succeeded in making eye contact with the Rainbow Color Reciter.
[Neight, what are you planning to do?]
The Night Color lizard being held in Neight’s left hand dangled down its tail.
“I want to try calling out the black horse. This is a rare opportunity, so I want to challenge myself and see what happens.”
“What time is Neight starting?”
Because Night Color Recitation isn’t an official Recitation Color, Neight had obtained special permission to join the performance with the Red Recitations. This was something that their teacher, Kate, had directly requested from the headmaster.
“I think it’s the twenty-first group in the afternoon.”
“Ah, that’s right.”
Kluele was in the afternoon’s twentieth group. Based on the program, the time when she exits the stage would be just when Neight begins performing.
“I see. Our times overlap, so we might not be able to see each other’s performance.”
“Even if I won’t see it, Arma will watch Kluele-san’s performance for me.”
For some reason, she felt pleased but also unhappy.
Suddenly, a peculiar feeling appeared in her body.
Her body began to tremble slightly, and as the time of her performance approached, she shuddered harder.
Am I nervous? How strange, something like this has never happened before.
“I’m sorry, but can I be excused for a while? This is a rare opportunity, so I want to practice a bit before my time comes.”
“Yes, go ahead.”
Neight waved his hand, the one that Arma was climbing on.
“The afternoon performances are about to begin. Students in the fourteenth group, please gather at the entrance. I repeat, Students in the fourteenth group, please proceed to the entrance—”
From far away, the students called by the speaker could be seen gathering. The program was progressing smoothly since no accidents had happened, and it was still on time with the schedule.
In a corner of the campus, Kluele tightly closed her eyes and sat on a wooden chair under the shade of a tree. Her hands were placed on her knees, and she was repeatedly visualizing the Recitation process. She imagined herself in the midst of a chaotic red world. Like sewing a piece of clothing out of a single thread, she wove the vague image into a concrete vision.
However, even after trying that several times, that thread would always snap midway. In the very end, before she could call out “that”, her concentration suddenly broke.
Because of her anxiety, the speed of her eyes blinking naturally became faster. Why? It certainly wasn’t a very difficult Recitation. She had succeeded in it both yesterday and the day before, and she could even do it this morning. However, just before the official performance, she was suddenly unable to conduct a Recitation.
[You are troubled.]
Someone’s voice sounded from beside her, where there should be nobody. Also, it was quite close to her. Keeping her head motionless and moving only her gaze, she saw that on the bench she was sitting on— The Night Color lizard sat calmly on the other end.
“You were too loud just now—”
[You are unable to enter the state of concentration for conducting a Recitation.]
Perking up his nose, he gazed at Kluele’s face.
“I’m just slightly worked up, that’s all. Please be a bit quieter—”
[Do you want to stay like this for your whole life?]
……For my whole life?
The declaration that sounded like a death penalty left Kluele speechless.
[Little girl, you are torn between two things. It is a conflict between growth and stagnation. Just like a little bird that wants to break free of its shell, but is unable to come out.]
The tone of the Night-colored judge sounded unchanged from how it usually was. Despite being a voice that she had only recently become familiar with, those words lingered in her mind and wouldn’t leave. She usually wouldn’t take those matters seriously, but that was impossible right now.
[Before, you had high standards for yourself. It meant that no matter what you did, it would be completed without difficulty. For this next performance, you planned to carry it out smoothly, steadily, and without taking any risks because you would certainly succeed even without them. However, after seeing Mio’s Recitation, after sensing the effort Neight puts in, you started to feel confused about your way of thinking.]
That golden pupil like a crescent moon made her feel pressured even if she didn’t want to.
“……You sure talk a lot.”
Was she resisting the strong pressure? Under circumstances that she didn’t even understand, the Night-colored lizard’s pupils intertwined with her gaze.
[The thing that you’re gripping preciously in your hands, is it a catalyst?]
The pair of crescent moons focused on her hands, which rested on her knees. After letting out a sigh, Kluele uncurled her fingers. The tube of paint with a red label stuck on it rolled in her hands.
“I need it when I’m Reciting. Isn’t it obvious?”
[Really? I think that is the cause of your troubles.]
Still sitting on the other end of the chair, the Night-colored Recited creature declared airily.
[Paint is a very convenient catalyst, even I know that. So you plan to use it as a catalyst, and perform a safe and steady Recitation. However, isn’t the situation of the recital contest different from what you originally expected?]
Kluele didn’t intend to reply, because the lizard hadn’t finished talking. She sensed that he would continue speaking.
[Is he called Xins? In order to earn his recognition, some people bravely tried to challenge themselves, Mio included. As for Neight, even though he doesn’t have that intention, he is brave enough to keep on accepting failures for the sake of completing his promise. These accumulated failures are so that one day, he will definitely be proficient in Night Color Recitations. In this performance, Neight wanting to call out a black horse is a great example. Even though he clearly knows that he simply doesn’t have that kind of ability.]
From somewhere far away came the sound of a clock. Kluele could clearly feel those words pounding heavily on her heart.
However, it didn’t arouse her curiosity or excitement. It was probably because the lizard did not show any personal emotions. He didn’t have the intention of criticizing or mocking her. Just like looking in a mirror, he was simply informing her.
[Under these circumstances, you only have to use a simple catalyst to conduct a simple Recitation, and be done with it. After comparing someone else’s attitude of challenging themselves to your attitude, it makes you feel suffocated.]
The tube of paint slipped out of her hands.
[Do you want to withdraw into your shell once more, or struggle to escape? That is something you have to decide.]
Having finished speaking, he lapsed back into silence.
She didn’t know how much time passed like that. Even though it may have only have lasted a few breaths, it felt like the weariness of sitting for a few hours straight.
Finally, just when the sunlight spilling out from gaps in the forest caused her to squint, a soft voice flowed out through the speakers.
—Students in the twentieth group, please gather at the entrance. I repeat……—
……It was time.
Without looking down at her feet, staring only at the place which she was about to leave, Kluele stood up.
[Aren’t you going to pick it up?]
As if waiting for her to take a step, an inquiring voice called out from behind her. The voice was imbued with a slight intonation, and she didn’t need to turn her head to know that he was teasing her. Therefore, there was no need to stop her footsteps or turn around.
—I just need one word, to reply to that.
“I don’t need it, you can have it.”
Without turning around, Kluele declared in a low voice. She didn’t stop walking, and moved forward without waiting for Arma’s reply.
[That’s good. You’ve figured it out, haven’t you?]
Hearing that voice which barely held back a smile, was like receiving a push from behind.
“Ah, I found you, Kluele! Where did you run off to? It’s almost your turn.”
Kate and Mio had been standing in front of the entrance for a long time. After nodding at the teacher Kate, Mio’s expression finally relaxed.
“You’re here, Kluele. That’s a relief. Since you hadn’t come back, I was feeling worried.”
The four people other than her had been gathered at the front gate for a long time already. There was a girl wearing a red dress to be used as a catalyst. Another person seemed to be planning to use fire as a catalyst, thus was holding a torch in one hand. All of them had their catalysts ready.
“Kluele, where’s your catalyst?”
“Don’t worry, I have it.”
Because she didn’t have anything, Kluele clenched her fist.
—Red group twenty, please move to the performance site—
The spectators and judges welcomed them with applause. She could see several hundred, several thousand people staring at them.
But I must stay calm.
Even though she said that, the nervous feeling felt rather comfortable. While feeling the beat of excitement in her chest, she advanced forward. She felt calm and peaceful like the lakeshore in midwinter. The feeling overflowed endlessly like a fountain of spring water.
She stopped her footsteps in the middle of the campus. The applause faded away, and the surrounding noise quieted down. Kluele entrusted herself to the world of resounding silence whispered by the wind.
'You are unable to enter the state of concentration for conducting a Recitation.'
Right now, that nagging lizard was surely watching her.
'Do you want to withdraw into your shell once more, or struggle to escape?'
……I won’t thank him.
After curling the corners of her mouth slightly, Kluele closed her eyes. I won’t thank him, because I wasn’t really moved by his words. I’m not honest enough to take strength from those abstract words.
But even so, she had made a firm resolution.
Resound from within the deep red
[—sheon lef ped-l-clue riren-c-soan]
I will call out the thing I want to recite. It doesn’t matter if I fail. Regardless of whether I succeed or fail, I can swell up my chest, go to the place where everyone is, and report it to them.
Praise (you) your name
YeR be orator Lom nehhe
Red, Shameful (gentle), Pitiful (beautiful)
lor besti redi ende keofi-l-lovier
Floating in the gentle breeze (drifting) Fragments of pure scarlet piling up
Hir qusi clue lemenet feo fulleftia sm jes glue I
Slowly, as if teaching a child, she sang the <OratorioSong of Praise>.
Turn from an image to a vision. Sing, weave, open a ChannelRecital Gate to the object I seek.
Weave a song to the beyond, My thoughts pile up and perform (dance)
melodia fo Hio, O ect ti hear Yem sophit
If the world desires you……
ife I she cooke Loo zo via
Come, Be born, O child
Isa da boema foton doremren
A cheering noise sounded in her surroundings. It seemed that one person, or even several people, had succeeded in their Recitation. But don’t rush. Surely there is enough time. Surely I can do it.
'Kluele-san is definitely suited to becoming a Reciter.'
……Neight, your words from that time, can I believe them?
The beyond becomes a lady, Numerous dancing, gathering dancers
[O evo Lears— Lor besti bloo-c-toge = ende dence]
Opening her eyes, red light swirled in the center of her hands. The light slowly strengthened, gradually engulfing her body. This is my identity as a Reciter, the first Recitation I ever conducted.
Flashing, the red light cracked open.
——[Red SongKeinez]——
In that instant, as if flowing from the girl’s hand, countless deep crimson feathers flew out.
It wasn’t a bird, but a Recitation purely for calling out those feathers.
It could have been hundreds or thousands. An innumerable amount of feathers were swept up by the wind, covering her figure.
It was as if they were blessing her, embracing her.
Each and every feather was like a red fairy. The objects receiving praise— The things summoned by the girl were very pitiful and illusionary, just like the “Crimson World” itself.
A gust of wind blew through the campus. With a *zaa* noise, the red wind surrounded the campus. Like red snowflakes, the enchanting feathers fell on the seats of spectators, the bodies of surrounding students, and the guests sitting in the judges’ seats.
Finally remembering to breathe, the depths of her heart felt burning hot. The red color enveloped the campus, and even now, feathers still floated in the sky. Compared to a bird, calling out feathers was not challenging at all. However, it was her first time attempting to call out such a large amount. Because it had been successful, she felt a weight lifted off her heart.
—But…… Why?
With her fingers, she gently picked up a feather that had landed on her right shoulder.
It was precisely the scarlet feather that she had imagined. However, the feather before her eyes was surrounded by flame. Could this flickering radiance be an illusionary thing of this world?
I definitely hadn’t planned to call out this kind of flaming feather.
……Flaming feathers. No…… Flames in the shape of feathers.
Even though it was burning, it didn’t feel hot. This is……
Before she finished thinking about the question, Kluele glanced all around her.
An unnatural silence enveloped her surroundings.
Eh? What’s wrong? Had something bad happened—
At that instant, Kluele’s eardrum nearly ruptured.
The applause was like a storm, along with unprecedented cheers. Wave after wave of applause sounded. But, why are they clapping?
She instinctively wanted to clap with them, but then realized that everyone’s gaze was focused on her.
Amidst the thunder-like applause that had not yet quieted down, Kluele returned to her seat among the spectators. Mio came running towards her.
“Kululu, you were amazing! That was really pretty!”
“Really? I don’t even remember what I did.”
In any case, she had been absorbed in what she was doing. Although it wasn’t like Mio had done, she truly didn’t have memories of what had happened.
[What did you use as a catalyst?]
The unusual creature on Mio’s shoulder asked in an inquiring voice.
Seeing it once is better than hearing about it a hundred times. Before she replied, she held the ring on the pinky of her left hand close to his nose, and let him observe it in detail. Under the light, the gem embedded in the ring emitted a bright red glow. It was a ruby. Although it was an imitation, it still produced extremely good results when used as a catalyst. Until now, she had never succeeded at conducting a Recitation using the gem as a catalyst, so she originally hadn’t planned to use it this time.
“Actually, I only wore it because it was fashionable.”
Once it is used as a catalyst, the ring would be unable to conduct any more Recitations. However, the end result had been worth that decision.
“What do you think after seeing it?”
[You were lucky that the wind was blowing. If there had been no wind, you wouldn’t have gotten such applause.]
Pausing in the middle of his speech, in an unusual gesture, the lizard narrowed his eyes in happiness.
[However, if you explain it by saying that you took advantage of the wind, the result wasn’t bad. It was a Recitation suited for an arrogant little girl, isn’t that right?]
“……Anyway, I still want to express my gratitude.”
The lizard unexpectedly began to admire himself in a meek manner. It made her feel unusually embarrassed.
“Eh? What? You want to express gratitude to Arma?”
If she were to explain her words to Mio, then she would definitely be continuously bothered about this matter for the following week. After hesitating slightly, Kluele decided to ignore the question.
[Little girl—]
At that moment, she felt a shock on her shoulder. The Night-colored lizard had jumped onto her shoulder.
“It’s rare for you to come on me.”
[That’s because I want to confirm one thing.]
In a voice somewhat different than a few moments ago, the lizard raised his head to look at her and said in an emotionless voice.
[Do you understand the reason why I asked you what catalyst you were going to use?]
[Really, were you not aware of it?]
He seemed surprised, but also relieved. Whichever one it resembled, he let out a sigh that seemed different from either.
[After seeing the Recitation you just conducted, I finally realized it. It seems that this little girl’s Red Color Recitation appears very promising.]
“Are you complimenting my Recitation? That was because I used an exceptional catalyst, the gem.”
[No. Rather, it’s the complete opposite.]
It was the opposite of what she had expected. Not only that, but he also shook his head.
[When you were conducting the Recitation, if the catalyst you had used was not a gem but ‘something else’ instead, you should still be able to call out something equally amazing.]
She totally didn’t understand…… A different catalyst? Something equally amazing?
However, even before he had brought up this topic, the Night-colored lizard had already quickly returned to Mio’s shoulder.
[You should think about this point yourself. Especially about Red Color Recitations, you have the same level of sensitivity as Neight’s mother. That’s why— In order to prevent you from becoming too complacent, you should look for the answer for yourself.]
“Well…… To be honest, I don’t really understand. However…… I will try my best.”
After answering vaguely, Kluele ran her fingers through her hair. This lizard’s words were really too abstract. No, although the conversation itself was concrete, the contents may have been too sudden.
“Anyway, don’t worry about it now. We should go watch Neight’s performance.”
[There seems to be no need to do that.]
The one on Mio’s shoulder, who had talked, turned the tip of his nose in the direction of the campus.
……I see.
After glancing in the direction, Kluele closed her eyes and began to count the seconds. On the campus, at a distance of several meters away, thick black smoke was already rising.
“……Seems like it was a failure.”
Mio muttered with a sigh. The twenty-first group’s performance was apparently finished, and a boy walked unsteadily towards them. On his body, the dark blue robe was slightly too big. Because of his sagging shoulders, that robe seemed to fit him even less. Even though he knew that the chance of failure was high, he still felt upset. This kind of mood was easily understandable.
“I failed……”
There were no tears on his face, and instead he tried hard to show a smile. He sounded like he was obviously crying, but he desperately tried to deceive them so that nobody would find out.
Before the Night-colored creature opened his mouth……
“Neight, you worked hard.”
Kluele uncrossed her arms and gently gripped the boy’s hand.
“Okay, try your best starting tomorrow!”
The confused boy showed an expression even more childish than his age.
“Your goal is to fulfill your mother’s promise, right? If that’s the case, then you shouldn’t be feeling discouraged at this stage.”
The one who had given her the opportunity to advance her Recitation one step further was this boy. Because of that, she wanted to do something for this young Reciter.
“If a failure is shameful, then I would be ridiculed along with you. Therefore, do your best to accept the challenge.”
The boy’s hand trembled. Even so, he still met her gaze directly.
“……Thank you very much. However, I don’t wish for Kluele-san to be ridiculed because of my failure.”
He felt timid and frightened; it could be called a powerless strength. But even so, those hands still returned her grip.
“Therefore, next time I will try my best to have it succeed.”
He hoped that nobody would find out.
Xins Airwincle pressed his incessantly trembling arms on the table. The black smoke residue that he had seen in the laboratory— He had continued to feel skeptical about it, but he didn’t expect his suspicions to be true.
The black smoke hadn’t been caused by a fire. Even a Rainbow Color Reciter like himself was unable to cause something like that. Rejecting other colors with a jet-black Song of Praise was the only thing impossible for a Rainbow Reciter.
Although the Recitation itself had failed, he was not mistaken. In other words—
……That was a Night Color Recitation?
Involuntarily, an inhuman sound came from his dry lips. But, why was there a thirteen or fourteen year old boy who had conducted that kind of Recitation?
“Evhemary, you……”
Although it was the middle of summer, he shivered unstoppably. The chill rising from the depths of his heart made the Rainbow Reciter pull his coat closer to his body.
In the moment when the red sky began fading to an ashen black color, the recital contest in which more than one thousand five hundred students participated in was finally coming to an end.
“Well then. First, I want to thank each and every student for their hard work.”
The voice of Tremia Academy’s headmaster, who sat in the middle of the judges’ seats, was broadcasted throughout the whole campus by loudspeakers.
“I had originally wanted to comment on every person’s performance, but if that were to happen, it would already be dawn tomorrow before I finish speaking. Therefore, I won’t discuss it here, but detailed comments will be passed on by your teachers tomorrow. Next, about announcing the student with the most outstanding achievement—”
The headmaster paused. After coughing unhurriedly at the large clock on the school building, he opened his mouth.
“Right now, it is six-thirty…… Ah, the students must be feeling hungry, right? Just like last year, a party has been prepared in the large hall beside the third-year building. All students and teachers, please go there to remove today’s fatigue.”
Just when the elderly man had finished speaking, all of the other students, except for the first-year students who were participating in the recital contest for the first time, began advancing to the hall with shouts of joy. Causing a rumble to resound in the earth, the crowd of a thousand boys and girls ran forward.
“A party…… What does that mean?”
Not understanding the situation, Ada tilted her head and thought about it. The homeroom teacher crossed her arms, and with a meaningful smile, turned and replied to the student with wheat-colored skin.
“In short, the entire multipurpose hall had been turned into a dining hall. Everyone, you should all hurry and go there. Because the tradition is a buffet, if you don’t hurry, the food will be eaten up.”
“Eh? You should tell us about this kind of thing earlier, sensei!”
The male students hastily hurried off in the direction of the higher-grade students. A few of them even sprinted forward to overtake the crowd. After not even ten seconds, the students in the lead as well as the students falling behind entered the multipurpose hall like a tsunami.
“How should I put it…… What amazing vitality!”
Mio, who had not been quick enough to become part of the tsunami, said in a dumbfounded voice. Now, other than teachers, there were only a few other people left on the campus.
“Hey. Hurry, hurry! Kululu, let’s go!”
“Yeah, yeah.”
After shrugging her shoulders at Kate, who stood behind her with a wry smile, she followed after the tide of people.
“……Is it these?”
The <Eggs>. The five colored gemstones were placed on the table just like that.
After rummaging through the cupboards of the resources building for the past two days, he didn’t expect for them to simply be placed there. He had thought that they would be carefully hidden, but it was the opposite.
“They look really beautiful.”
He didn’t think that they would be dangerous catalysts, so it wouldn’t hurt to borrow them.
If they really were powerful catalysts, then they should be able to make even the Rainbow Color Reciter afraid. If he was able to overwhelm the legendary Rainbow Reciter, he would definitely be viewed differently around the world.
“I should really thank him for what he did yesterday.”
Thus, Vendrell reached out his hand towards the <Egg>.
“Kluele, have you tried this cake? It’s very delicious!”
Ada walked towards her, carrying a plate with three identical slices of cake on it. I know it’s really good, but aren’t you taking too much? With a faint smile, Kluele shook her head.
“I’m already full. As for desserts, just this is enough for me.”
Kluele shook her glass of orange juice in reply.
“Kululu, have you seen Xins-sama?”
Pushing through a crowd of people, Mio asked loudly. She held a cup of what seemed like grape juice that was about to spill out. It would be best to stay away from her for now. Kluele thought this while shaking her head once again. This great hall was originally designed to hold parties, but after more than one thousand five hundred people were crowded inside, it was hard to find where anybody was.
“However, if he’s in here, it wouldn’t be strange for him to cause a large disturbance.”
Even though laughter could be heard everywhere in the room, she didn’t hear any loud cheers.
“Could he be secretly scouting someone?”
She turned her line of sight to the direction of Ada’s gaze. In one corner of the great hall, a higher-grade student was currently sitting in the judge’s section and talking with the guest Reciter. The two of them weren’t smiling, but were instead surrounded by a tense atmosphere that even the watching Kluele could feel. To us lower-grade students, the recital contest is simply an event. However, to the fourth-year students about to graduate, it decided their future path.
“Speaking of which, Kululu also received applause. Has anyone come to scout you?”
Mio asked while looking at her reflection in the glass cup.
“There’s no way that could happen. Only Kate-sensei praised me a bit, that’s all.”
The cheers that she had received were simply an appreciation of her performance, and not a scoring of Recitation skill points. Based on the difficulty of the Recitation, her rank in the recital contest was slightly lower than the average.
Because of this, there were certainly quite a number higher-grade students had performed exceptionally.
In Yellow Recitations, there was a female student who called out numerous canaries and received great cheering. In Blue Recitations, a student called out an ice cube which was carved into a sculpture of a knight on a horse. As for White Recitations, among the highest grade students, a male student succeeded in calling out a unicorn. She had heard people saying that he would receive the award of being most outstanding.
“By the way, where’s Neight?”
Mio, who held a glass in one hand, shook her head.
“We were together just a moment ago. He said he wanted to go outside and get some fresh air. This is a school, so there’s no way he could go missing. You don’t need to worry about him.”
A fiendish catalyst— <Egg>.
Since the school wanted to get rid of it, then it shouldn’t matter if he took it and used it.
“Well then, how should I do it?”
Vendrell looked down at the gemstone and closed his eyes.
Perhaps he could call out a large creature that he had never succeeded in Reciting before. Not just Noble AriaSecond Scale Recitation, but if it went smoothly, even the highest rank High Noble AriaFirst Scale Recitation, the <True Spirit>, wouldn’t be impossible to call out.
The three links required for a Recitation— using a specific catalyst, singing a specific <OratorioSong of Praise>, and calling out the True Spirit’s true name. Only a unique, high-ranked Reciter could satisfy those Recitation conditions. That would be considered a High Noble AriaFirst Scale Recitation. If he was able to call that out when least expected, then even that Rainbow Color Reciter would have no means of retaliating.
……Anyhow, I want to call out a powerful, unmatched, fierce creature.
First I’ll take this back to my dorm room and confirm just how strong and powerful this catalyst is. Vendrell grabbed the red <Egg> closest to him, and placed the colored catalyst into a backpack he had prepared.
At that moment—
The shell of the <Egg> broke, and the pitch-black of the resources building was driven away by a flash of red light.
“Wha…… Oi, what is this!”
Under light as bright as looking directly into the sun, he was unable to open his eyes. Is this Recitation light?
Hold on a moment, I’ve never heard of such a thing!
This is different from what I had heard. Why would the light react simply from me holding it?
The red radiance sealed his eyes closed. Just when he wanted to put down the <Egg>, the object in his hand began to expand.
A Recitation had automatically been initiated? How could such a thing be happening? This is impossi—
Trapped in this panicked situation, Vendrell finally lost consciousness.
“This is a Recitation created for your sake. Therefore, Neight, I will only teach it to you.”
With a great effort, his mother extended her right hand from the bed. Lowering his gaze, Neight grasped that hand. Because his mother’s hand was so thin, simply looking at it made him feel sad.
“Neight…… What do you think a Recitation is?”
Mother asked him, who still averted his gaze. There wasn’t a proper answer to that question. That was something that even Neight, who had only just started learning Recitations, knew about. Unsure of what to say, Neight kept his mouth shut. He wasn’t able to give a solution, or look straight into her eyes.
But even like this, he was still able to feel the warmth of Mother’s hand.
“These things called Recitations are used to call out yourself. That’s what I think. A true Reciter is one who gives form to his heart and calls it out. Therefore, it is exceedingly difficult. Even until the very end, I couldn’t do what I just spoke of.”
An incantation. The power contained within words. It was like Mother’s words right now, a power which made him, who had been averting his gaze, raise his head. His gaze overlapped with his mother's and they made eye contact.
Bedridden, without the strength to even hug her child—
But even so, that mother embraced her son with her gaze.
“One hundred and seventy-two…… one hundred and seventy-three……”
Waiting like this, his boiling hot body was unable to cool down. In the multipurpose hall, after being roasted in the heat of a crowd of people, he had wanted to escape to the outside. However, even the outside wasn’t comfortable. The hot wind left behind by the daytime sun still burned in the depths of his lungs.
“One hundred and seventy-four……”
[You seem to have started counting the stars some time ago. Is there a meaning to this?]
It was the familiar voice of Neight’s companion. He glanced at the back of Neight, who sat on a bench. There was a grassy field two hundred meters outside the multipurpose hall, and he sat on a bench in the corner of that place.
—He had already been here for about half an hour.
“Yeah. Because by sitting like this, I don’t have to think about various things.”
He pulled back a knee and placed his hands on it. Immediately, the Night-colored Recited creature flew from the back of the bench onto his lap.
[Various things such as?]
“Just various things, that’s all.”
Meaninglessly, he simply repeated the lizard’s words. In the end, even he couldn’t think of something specific among the “various things”. The reason why he gazed at the stars really wasn’t because of this. Actually, before he realized it, he had already started counting stars.
“……Hey, Arma. Reciting really is difficult.”
In the sky, a fragment of a cloud seemed to float in front of the stars and cover them. Slowly moving his gaze away, he focused on the companion on his lap.
[Complaining as always—]
Just when Arma wanted to forcefully criticize him, their gazes met. They continued staring at each other for several seconds, or perhaps it was only a split second. After taking a breath, Arma raised the corners of his mouth and he spoke.
[……It doesn’t seem to be.]
“Eh? You can tell?”
Facing Arma, who had successfully sensed what was on his mind, Neight tried to change the subject.
[’Reciting is difficult.’ If you had truly understood the meaning behind those words and said them, it would be an extraordinary thing. So, what’s wrong?]
“Arma, did you also see Kluele-san’s performance?”
Maintaining a sitting position on the bench, he brought his legs to his chest and hugged them with both hands. It was the same as her position a few days ago.
“I saw everyone’s performances from my group’s meeting place, but I assume that Kluele-san’s was the best?”
[What are you trying to say?]
When he was waiting for his turn to go on stage, he had seen her Recitation. That was truly—
“She Recited as if she was enjoying it from the bottom of her heart. Is that what you mean?”
The one who spoke those words wasn’t Arma. Still sitting on the bench, Neight’s head snapped around in the direction of the voice.
Several meters away from him, appeared the figure of a man who wore a coat even though it was summer.
His dry grass colored coat dimly reflected the faint moonlight.
Neight had not forgotten him. It was the Reciter who had helped him the day before yesterday, when the higher-grade student had been picking a fight. Also, yesterday, he heard from Mio that this person was the most famous Reciter in the world—
“It’s been two days.”
The Rainbow Color Reciter in front of his eyes slowly lifted his right hand and spoke in a conversational voice.
“Ah, that…… Thank you very much for your help that time. I still haven’t expressed my gratitude……”
“It’s fine, that was nothing. Anyways, may I sit here?”
Neight hastily nodded at the other side of the bench which the man was gesturing at. How could he refuse?
“I wanted to have a little chat with you, so I’ve been looking for you.”
“……With me?”
What’s going on? Why would the Rainbow Reciter be looking for me?
“Recently, have you attempted to conduct a Recitation in the laboratory, but failed? The one resembling black smoke, I mean.”
Neight was left speechless at the sudden question. That was certainly what had happened, but why would this person know about such a thing?
“Um…… That’s right, my Recitation failed……”
“Ah, I apologize. I wasn’t trying to blame you. I’m not even a teacher of this school.”
His expression suddenly relaxed.
“Today, I saw your Recitation.”
He inquired in a prompting voice while staring at the light of the stars twinkling above his head.
“Was that a Recitation invented by you?”
“What do you mean?”
“I believe that type of Recitation doesn’t belong to any of the five colors.”
The Rainbow Reciter got straight to the point.
But, how should he answer? Not knowing what to do, Neight lowered his gaze. The Recited creature at his side seemed to say “I’ll leave it to you” and curled up on his lap.
“Eh, you could call it that. That Recitation is the original creation of my mother. She called it ‘Night Color Recitation’.”
“……I see.”
Neight felt the illusion that the man stopped breathing for an instant.
“Is that a Recited creature sleeping on your lap?”
By this moment, it would be meaningless to act oblivious. A lizard of this color simply did not exist. Also, upon closer inspection, his body structure was different from other lizards’. Since the man was the Rainbow Reciter, he should already be used to the sight of this type of creature.
“I think it was about one year ago, when my mother entrusted him to me.”
“She said, ‘When I am gone, he will instruct you about Night Color Recitations in my place.’”
“……‘When I am gone’?”
Suddenly, his voice was mixed with bitterness.
“I don’t have real parents. They died in a fire somewhere…… At that time, Mother adopted me from the orphanage. She also started to teach me Recitations from then on…… However, Mother already passed away one year ago.”
“……I’m sorry, for asking about something painful.”
His words suddenly made Neight realize.
—Eh? Why did I even tell him about that kind of thing? I hadn’t intended to talk so much.
Why? The person beside him felt awfully familiar. Is it because I admire him for being the Rainbow Reciter? No, that wasn’t it. It was an indescribable feeling— A kind of feeling similar to sorrow.
“Back to the original topic, you said that Reciting is really difficult?”
Although Neight didn’t understand, he felt like the man wanted to avoid the topic that had just come up. Is this the reason why he changed the subject?
However, in order to answer his question, the conversation had to start from there.
“Mother thought that I could change anything I wanted. She was very strict and often scolded me. Initially, I thought the only reason she adopted me was by chance. However, if that’s so……”
Neight stopped, and got up from the bench. His memories of when Mother praised him, and when she scolded him, all merged together.
“When I think about it, she was a true mother. When I was sick, she took care of me for three whole days without sleeping…… No, not only that. Although she usually acted cold, actually, she always cared for me.”
He unwittingly felt his cheeks starting to turn hot. I can’t cry. Even though that was what he thought, he wasn’t able to stop the tears which flowed out.
“In the very end, Mother and I made a promise. A long time ago, Mother made a promise to a certain person, to have him be the first to witness Night Color Recitation. I promised to take her place and show that person Night Color Recitation.”
Thinking about it now, that might have been Mother’s first yet final ‘request’.
“A…… promise?”
He forced a smile, and let out the breath he had been holding.
“Until now, even after I came to this school, I’ve always been thinking about it. In other words, I will try my best for Mother’s sake…… But, after seeing Kluele-san’s Recitation today, I feel a little...... How should I say it, I think that I should consider it again.”
Neight himself didn’t quite understand how to best explain.
“I still don’t truly comprehend Mother’s promised…… The true Night Color Recitations.”
Arma raised his gaze slightly, and Neight felt himself bathed in it.
“So I thought, if that were true, do I need to be so worried? Kluele-san was able to conduct a Recitation happily. I also wish to be able to use my Recitations enjoyably. Even if I end up taking the longer path, as long as I can happily study Recitations with everyone…… Even though I would be letting down the person Mother promised.”
“You wouldn’t be letting him down.”
The Rainbow Reciter got up and stood beside Neight.
“I think, the person who your mother promised would surely understand.”
“Is that so?”
The man nodded unhesitatingly at him, as if extremely sure of his answer.
“The day when you master Night Color Recitations, I hope you inform me. I would also like to see it.”
“Eh? But I still don’t know when that will be.”
Neight smiled as if to escape the pressure.
“I’m used to waiting. Sometimes waiting can be a good thing, for example……”
He took out a watch from his pocket and pointed at the school’s multipurpose hall.
What’s going on? Neight gazed in that direction for one second, two seconds—
The lights suddenly turned on and scorched his eyelids.
As if he had already predicted this alarmed reaction, a mischievous look showed on his face.
The brilliant radiance of the fluorescent lights at night gave the school an illusionary atmosphere. It wasn’t just the multipurpose hall, but also the first-year building, outdoor paths, fountain, and flower garden. Tremia Academy was illuminated with the spectacular lighting.
“This recital contest event is actually a tradition left behind by the predecessor of Tremia Academy, Elfand. Ever since then, only on the nights of the recital contest and the graduation ceremony would the whole school be illuminated like this.”
“In other words, Xins-san also used to go to this school?”
“That’s right.”
After briefly nodding his head, he wordlessly let his gaze focus on the lights illuminating the school.
As if having received an invitation, Neight also stared at the lit up school buildings.
“It’s already been more than ten years since Evhemary and I admired this sight together, but it seems like nothing has changed.”
—Eh? Among his words appeared the name of a person who Neight was very familiar with.
“Y-You said Evhemary……?”
“Evhemary Yehlemihas. Is that the same name as your mother?”
With a smile, he mischievously winked at Neight.
Suddenly, it was like something had collapsed, while at the same time, something else gradually appeared.
The person who Mother had promised, and the person standing before his eyes who knew Mother. It couldn’t be…… Is it possible that this person is…… The person regarded as the top Reciter, the legendary Rainbow Color Reciter was……
[I see. Then, you’re the one who Evhe spoke of……]
Even Arma, who had decided not to get involved and remained silent, fixed his crescent-moon pupils on this man.
“Well, who knows? It might be a completely different person.”
Even though Neight spoke those words, he was simply pretending to act oblivious.
Deja vu.
I…… Perhaps I understand this man’s personality.
I see, this person— In front of other people, the one who doesn’t blame anyone and receives the admiration of tens of thousands of people isn’t the true him. That kind of naïve expression was only shown for the people who sincerely believed in him to see. But, being a little sarcastic and having a mischievous expression, that was his true personality.
……The same expression as Mother.
The same expression as when Mother smiles at me.
“When you have thoroughly studied Night Color Recitations, I will tell you the answer as a bargain—”
His voice suddenly paused in the middle of speaking those words.
No, it was covered.
A rumble in the ground shook the whole campus.
And then, resounding even more than the rumbling, was a creature’s immensely loud roar.
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