Integrity Knight Commander Bercouli (5th Month of Human World Calendar 380)
I hadn’t felt this isolated for a long time.
Eugeo murmured in his heart as he climbed the long staircases on his own.
Eugeo had passed his days immersed in swinging that axe in the forest, his eyes, ears, and heart shut away, ever since that summer eight years ago when he could do nothing more than look on as Alice was bound onto a flying dragon’s foot and taken away. Not a single person in the village, including his family, brought up this major incident of the village chief’s daughter getting taken away by an integrity knight with him, practically treating that very act as a taboo in itself—or rather, it could have been as they avoided Eugeo who was a close friend of Alice.
However, much like the villagers, Eugeo also kept them, as well as his memories of the incident, at a distance. Not acknowledging his own weakness and cowardice, he tried to turn his eyes away from the past and future by sinking deep into a muddy bog by the name of resignation. —But.
That one boy, who wandered in without a single belonging to his name in the spring two years ago, tugged Eugeo out from that bottomless swamp with all his might. They repelled a group of goblins and felled the Gigas Cedar together; he bestowed confidence and a goal to Eugeo once more.
He was always by his side when they rushed out from Rulid Village, when they advanced onto the capital through Zakkaria City, and when they trained day after day at the Sword Mastery Academy—Kirito was there. Though it was awry from their initial plans, their success in infiltrating their final goal, the Axiom Church’s Central Cathedral, and surpassing numerous obstacles to arrive at this high position was unmistakably thanks to his black-haired partner guiding him and cheering him on.
And yet, despite how the highest floor was a mere distance away, Kirito had vanished from Eugeo’s sight. Amidst the fierce battle against Integrity Knight Alice Synthesis Thirty, created from his childhood friend, Alice Schuberg, with false, implanted memories, Kirito’s full armament control art mingled with the knight’s and brought forth an abnormal power and bored a huge hole through the cathedral’s wall.
The pair were sucked out from the tower in the blink of an eye and the huge hole returned to the wall it originally was immediately thereafter. The marble wall showed not the slightest sign of moving when even hit with thermal elemental offensive arts that possessed the greatest might.
In all likelihood, the cathedral’s outer walls had a permanent self-repair art performed upon them. A sacred art so ridiculously advanced that Eugeo couldn’t even imagine the first line for it to the extent of his knowledge. Hence, even if he moved the stone wall by a mere cen after all his desperate effort, it would probably be restored to how it was. Opening up a hole in the wall, even for a moment, must have been because Kirito and Knight Alice’s full control arts concealed a power that exceeded what the art user who casted that self-repair art on the tower’s outer walls had expected.
To put that another way, they couldn’t have died from simply getting thrown out if they possessed such power. Especially Kirito, who definitely had more capability in reacting to unexpected situations even when compared to the higher ranked integrity knights. He must have resisted the fall somehow and had already started on an ascent from outside the tower. And that likely applied to Knight Alice too.
The current Alice was a guardian of the absolute Axiom Church, so he couldn’t imagine her cooperating with Kirito, but at the very least, she should chase after him if he were to climb the wall. An opportunity to use the short sword granted by Cardinal should present itself again if he could reunite with them somewhere on the higher floors.
Believing thusly, Eugeo opened the door on the southern end of the eightieth floor, «Cloudtop Garden», and started on the grand staircase up on his own. All while shaking off the sense of forlornness and helplessness that seemed to have crept up his back ever since he became alone.
It wouldn’t be strange to be dragged into a new assault at any time, so he ceased running and advanced with caution, but he didn’t feel any human presence even after passing the eighty-first and eighty-second floors.
They had driven away «Frost Scale Whip» Eldrie, «Conflagrant Flame Bow» Deusolbert, the apprentice knights, Fizel and Linel, «Heaven Piercing Sword» Fanatio and her subordinates, «Four Oscillation Blades»; that brought the count to nine integrity knights in total, but those called «Knight Commander» and «Chief Elder» were still in the tower, and of course, the highest minister, Administrator, lay in wait as well.
He could hardly imagine the most eminent being in the Axiom Church, and thus, the world, would suddenly appear, but the Knight Commander and Chief Elder couldn’t possibly let him pass through to the highest floor without resistance. As such, he strained his senses to their limits and cautiously ascended the staircase with his hand on his Blue Rose Sword, but his mind couldn’t help but to get invaded by superfluous thoughts.
How are Kirito and Knight Alice doing at the moment?
Is Alice chasing Kirito as he climbs the tower’s outer walls? Or maybe their battle is continues even now while dangling off the tower’s walls? Or perhaps… the mysterious charm from that human known as Kirito had made even Alice, as aloof as she was, draw back her sword…?
Eugeo sensed an unfamiliar feeling well up in his chest the moment he thought that. That acted as a stimulant, the discord he felt when he swung his sword towards the fallen Integrity Knight Deusolbert several hours ago prickling yet again.
Aware that Deusolbert was the one who took away Alice from Rulid Village eight years ago, anger and hatred urged Eugeo into action as he tried to thrust an end to the knight. However, in that moment Kirito held him back, Eugeo felt a strong sense of inferiority towards his close friend.
You wouldn’t have just watched on like me back then. You would have thrown care to the wind and attacked the integrity knight in an attempt to save Alice; he thought.
That strength and kindness of Kirito might reach even the heart of the integrity knight, Alice. Of course, Alice as she was now, was a so-called fake with her memories stolen by the highest minister. But… if it was that Kirito, who tried to help Deusolbert and even Deputy Knight Commander Fanatio, who brought him to the verge of death… perhaps……
“——That’s not possible.”
Muttering so, Eugeo forced his stream of thoughts to a stop.
There was no purpose in thinking any further. Upon regaining the «memory fragment» safe kept on the highest floor of the cathedral and returning it to Integrity Knight Alice’s soul, the current Alice would vanish along with all of her memories. And the real Alice, the person most important to Eugeo, would return.
I will embrace the awakened girl tightly and definitely say it this time. That I will protect you… I will protect you forever. That moment will arrive tomorrow, or this night if circumstances allow it.
Hence, there was no need for idle thoughts now, it was the time to do nothing but to advance forth.
Just as the seven o’clock bell rang out in the evening from somewhere in the cathedral, the staircase came to a stop.
That made the count he kept, of the floors passing by, reach a round ten. In other words, this was the ninetieth floor. He had set foot onto the crucial section of the Axiom Church at long last.
No stairs further up could be seen anywhere in the broad hall. There was only a single grand door at the northern wall. There was no mistake that a vast area utilizing the entire floor, like the fiftieth and eightieth floors, lay ahead.
And with that, an enemy stronger than any before must be lying in wait.
—Can I win? All by myself?
Standing still at the end of the hall, Eugeo asked himself. Just how could he fight against someone stronger than Fanatio, who drove Kirito half the way to his death, and Alice, who they were no match for, even as a pair.
However, now that he thought about it, Kirito had took on all of the enemies’ attacks by himself in the battles thus far. Eugeo had hidden behind his partner’s back and merely activated his full control art. Kirito had said that it was the natural strategy considering the natures of their skills, but with him away, Eugeo had no choice but to fight from the start to the end.
Gently caressing the Blue Rose Sword at the left of his waist, he ascertained the sensations of its grip and guard. He could probably use the full control art just one more time, but he couldn’t capture the enemy with the ice tendrils by activating it blindly. He had to first drive the enemy into a corner with pure swordsmanship and create an opening.
“…It’s time.”
With that whisper to his beloved sword, Eugeo brought up his right hand and strongly pushed open the white door.
What immediately closed in were bright lighting, a dense, white smoke, and a dull, unceasing sound.
—Offensive sacred arts!?
Thinking so instinctively, Eugeo tried to jump aside, but noticed the white mist streaming out was not smoke, but steam. His hands and sleeves merely got wet upon contact, there was no pain. He assessed the state of the interior across the swirling heat.
As expected, it was a vast space that expended the entire area of a single cathedral floor. The ceiling countless lamps were fitted onto was high as well, so it likely had a name resembling the «Cloister of Spiritual Light» or «Sky Garden» [4] , but he didn’t have the means to find it out right now. The floor surface couldn’t be seen through the obstructing steam, but there seemed to be no human presence.
Eugeo took only a few steps into the space and tried to find the source of the steam. When he did, he noticed with his ears, rather than his eyes, the splish-splashing sound of water. There was no mistake that the roaring was of a large quantity of water falling onto water, coming from somewhere far.
That was when cold air flowed in from the still-opened door and swept aside the surrounding steam.
A marble path with a breath of roughly five mel extended deeper into the space from Eugeo’s position. The sides of the path dipped down with steps and filled there, to the brim, was clear water—no, hot water. It seemed to have a depth of over one mel, and Eugeo couldn’t even begin to imagine how many lil of hot water would it total up to if that filled the entire room.
“…Just, what is this room…”
Eugeo’s hoarse voice leaked out upon the far too unexpected scene.
The temperature of the water was too hot as a pond for rearing fish or other animals and the humidity wasn’t pleasant enough for it be a garden for admiration. It would even be more comfortable to strip down and jump into the hot—
“Ah…… do-don’t tell me…”
After murmuring once again, he knelt down by the side of the pathway and thrust his right hand into the hot water. It was neither hot nor warm, it was at a temperature that Kirito would comment as “a nice water temperature” if he was here.
In other words, this was a gigantic bath.
Without any further words coming from him, Eugeo deeply sighed while kneeling.
His home until two years used a rather large tub as a bathtub and by the time Eugeo got into it as the last person, only half of the hot water would have been left. Hence, he got struck dumbfounded the first time he saw the large bath in the academy’s dormitories and wondered how could such a large quantity of hot water be boiled.
However, this bath was on an entirely different level. There would still be space even if all of the apprentices in the Sword Mastery Academy were to get into together. No, of course, the male students couldn’t possibly enter a bath together with the female students, though.
After taking another sigh, Eugeo took the opportunity to wash his two hands in the hot water and stood up, holding back the urge to wash his face too. He started on the marble path likely heading deeper into the space, towards the staircase to the upper floors. No matter how things were, getting assaulted in a bath would simply be too—
Or so he thought before he noticed belatedly.
The path expanded into a circle in the middle of the large space, the large bath. When he approached, Eugeo finally sensed someone’s silhouette beyond the steam hanging over the water surface in front, on the right.
Instinctively jumping back, he placed his hand onto his sword’s grip.
He couldn’t see too well with the steam obstructing, but the other party had a pretty large build. Short hair and unfeminine. Submerged up to his shoulders in the hot water, he was stretching out all four limbs.
The man appeared to be simply bathing rather than lying in wait, but he couldn’t let down his guard. Regardless of the circumstances, that was unmistakably an enemy, so perhaps he should be attempt a preemptive attack while the opponent was still in the water.
It happened when Eugeo quietly slid his beloved sword out from its sheath.
“Sorry, but could ya wait for a bit? I mean, I just got to the capital a moment ago, so my whole body’s stiff from all the flying dragon riding.”
The voice was low and worn-out, but had substance. The speech that was more crude than anyone he encountered in the cathedral unwittingly left him silent. The lack of grandstanding reminded him of the peasants of his home town rather than of a knight.
While Eugeo stayed undecided over his reaction, splashing noises rang out and the steam concealing the gigantic bathtub parted to the left and right.
The owner of the voice had drops of water pouring off his entire body like a waterfall while he got up. With his back to Eugeo, he placed his two hands on his waist and rotated his neck, letting out a sluggish groan. He appeared full of openings, but Eugeo didn’t take a single step with his hand still on his sword.
What a tremendous body. The part below his knees was still under the hot water, but still, it was clear the man measured close to two mel. His iron-gray hair, tinged blue, was trimmed short and exposed his shockingly thick neck. Furthermore, the shoulders it connected to were abnormally broad yet again. His forearm, on the level of a log, must be able to wave swords around with ease, regardless of how heavy they might be.
What drew his eyes the most was his back, covered in layers of muscles. Gorgolosso Baltoh, whom Eugeo served as a valet, could boast of a tempered body as well, but the man in the bath reached new heights of bulkiness. Despite the unlikeness of him being young, there was no slackening around his hips whatsoever.
As his sight was stolen by the man’s standing posture, like the very image of an ancient god of war, Eugeo failed to immediately notice the countless old wounds running across his entire body. Observing properly, he saw that they were all wounds from arrows and blades. Scars, even from severe wounds, shouldn’t remain if treated quickly with high ranking sacred arts, so that meant he must have always been fighting on battlefields which rendered even that act impossible, for long stretches of time.
The man in the bath was, in all likelihood, the one called the Knight Commander.
In other words, the mightiest expert among all of the integrity knights. The greatest hurdle thwarting Eugeo’s path to the top of the Cathedral—
In that case, it would be best to slash and defeat the man while he held no weapon and armor. Kirito would definitely have done that. Even while his mind thought so, Eugeo stayed still.
He couldn’t judge whether the man’s back was full of openings or flawlessly brimming with preparation. He could even imagine the man was luring him into an attack.
Paying no heed to Eugeo’s hesitation, the man finished loosening his body, then began walking north as he parted the hot water. A basket had been placed a little way ahead on the path that seemed to have his clothes in it.
Having taken the steps up and straddled over the edge, the man took undershorts out from the basket and passed them through his legs. Next, he spread open clothes of thin make and wore them. It seemed to be clothes made in the north empire and while wrapping a wide cloth that came with the previous, the man finally turned his face to Eugeo.
“Yo, sorry for the wait.”
He had a firm look that matched the deep, worn-out voice well.
The wrinkle engraved near his mouth likely showed the man was over forty years old when he became an integrity knight, but his cheeks split by his high nose bridge were not slackened in any way. However, what left a deeper impression was the light in his eyes released from beneath his prominent eyebrows.
Despite the lack of what could be constituted as blood-thirst in those pale, light blue eyes, he felt an intense pressure just from facing him from over fifteen mel away. His gaze likely contained only pure interest in the opponent he would now cross swords against, and the rapture of battle itself? The only ones who could look upon an enemy with such eyes have had to possess an absolute confidence in their own swordsmanship. In other words, this man resembled Kirito somehow.
Having finished tying the sash in front of his body, the man turned his right hand to the clothes basket. With that, a longsword gently came out from the bottom of the basket, settling into his burly hand. Carrying it on his shoulder, he began walking on the marble with his wet, bare feet.
Standing still after closing until a mere eight mel or so away from Eugeo, the man rubbed his sturdy chin that had a short beard growing from it and spoke.
“There. Could ya tell me something before we fight?”
“…What is it?”
“Well, that’d be… did the deputy knight commander… did Fanatio die?”
That curt tone, as if asking about the menu for dinner, made Eugeo feel like retorting with a “Aren’t you talking about your deputy?” However, he immediately noticed an awkwardly constructed guise on the man’s expression as he averted his gaze to the side. Despite being truly anxious about it, he seemed averse to revealing that. That, too, brought to mind the partner who wasn’t present.
“…She’s alive. She’s receiving treatment right now… I believe.”
Having heard Eugeo’s reply, the man brazenly let out a sharp breath and nodded.
“I see. I won’t be taking your life then.”
Once again, he was at a loss of words. It was a conceit so immense that it had no room for suspicion over it being a bluff. Self-confidence was a great weapon in its own right, or so Kirito had said, but even he wouldn’t show this much composure in front of a strong enemy. The source of the rock-hard pride belonging to the giant of a man before his eyes was probably impossible for both Kirito and Eugeo to obtain—the experiences of winning through countless fierce battles, enough for every single one of those wounds all over his body.
However, even the count is significantly lower than his, Eugeo had also driven away integrity knights, just like this man, on more than one occasion on the way up here. Showing weakness before they cross swords would be inexcusable to the defeated integrity knights, to Gorgolosso and the academy’s instructors who trained Eugeo, and of course, to his black-haired partner.
Mustering all the fighting spirit he had, Eugeo stared at the man head-on. He spoke with strength to his stomach, for his voice to not quiver.
“I don’t like it.”
With his hand still in the bosom of his oriental clothes, the man let out an amused voice.
“What don’t you, boy?”
“Fanatio-san isn’t the only one of your subordinates, is she? There are Eldrie-san and the «Four Oscillation Blades»… and do you not care whether Alice is dead or alive either?”
“Aah… that’s what you were getting at”
The man looked up and scraped the side of his head with the longsword’s grip held in his left hand.
“I guess it’s like this… Eldrie’s lil’ Alice’s disciple and the Four Oscillation Blades, Dakira, Jeis, Hobren, and Giro, are Fanatio’s disciples. So, that makes Fanatio mine, you see? I’m not one for holding grudges, but at the very least, I’ll take revenge if my disciple gets killed; that’s all to it.”
He broadly grinned, then added on as if it just occurred to him.
“…Well, lil’ Alice might think of me as a mentor, though… honestly now, I don’t know who’d be stronger now in a real fight. It wasn’t that hard six years ago when the lil’ miss just became a knight apprentice, though.”
“Six years ago… a knight apprentice…?”
Forgetting about his retort towards the man for the moment, Eugeo murmured.
Six years ago would mean two years after she was taken away from Rulid. Kirito had taught him that the integrity knights’ names included a «number» in Sacred Tongue as they climbed the stairs and it seemed Alice was thirty, Eldrie was thirty-one, and Deusolbert was seven. It shouldn’t have been that long ago when Alice became a knight, judging from the newness of her number, but—
“…But Alice is thirty… the thirtieth integrity knight, right?”
The man lightly tilted his head at Eugeo’s question, but immediately let out an “aah”.
“Generally, we aren’t in the habit of giving numbers to apprentices. The lil’ miss became thirty last year when she was formally commissioned as a knight. She was more than qualified as one with her capabilities even six years ago, but she was too young and all…”
“But… Fizel and Linel possessed numbers despite being apprentices.”
The instant he heard those names, the man’s mouth distorted as though he just bit down on a bitterbug.
“…It just turned out that way with those pipsqueaks becoming knights. They’re exceptions, getting numbers while still apprentices. —Did you fight those two? Living through that’s surprising in a whole different way from defeating Fanatio.”
“We did get paralyzed by «Ruberyl’s poison steel» and almost got beheaded, though.”
Eugeo considered further while replying.
The man knew Alice when she was a knight apprentice. Hence, Alice had her memories sealed through the «Synthesis Ritual» a whole six years ago… when she was thirteen, it seems. Thereafter, Alice believed herself to be an existence summoned from the Celestial World in order to become an integrity knight and continued living in the cathedral…?
Gazing at Eugeo who sank into silence, the giant man shrugged his shoulders.
“Well, I don’t plan on losing to ya, so I doubt the lil’ miss who’s as strong as me got cut by you. From what I heard from that Chief Elder bastard, you had a partner, huh? If that guy isn’t that, he’s probably going at it with the lil’ miss somewhere, eh?”
“…That’s essentially it.”
After finding himself nodding, Eugeo restored the tight grip on his sword. He couldn’t help but to have his animosity chipped away by the man’s speech, but this was no situation to lose his focus. Concentrating his two eyes further, he cried out a taunt.
“By the way, who will be the next to exact vengeance on me after I cut you?”
“Hehe, don’t worry. There’s no master of mine around.”
He grinned and gently drew the longsword from his shoulder with his right hand. He carelessly stuck the scabbard left over into his sash with his left hand.
The slightly blackened, bulky blade was meticulously polished, but the infinite amount of old blemishes faintly remaining over its entire length glittered in the illumination shining in from the ceiling. The guard and grip appeared to be made from the same quality of metal as the blade, but unlike the sacred tools wield by the integrity knights he had fought thus far, not even a single splendid decoration adorned them.
That said, it was clear that was no weapon to look down upon, even from afar. It must have taken a considerable amount of blood over an endless period of time, with a sort of presence coiling about the dark-gray blade.
Eugeo, too, drew his beloved sword out from the sheath at the left of his waist while taking in a sharp, thin breath. It wasn’t in its full control state, but its pale-blue blade let out a faint chill, perhaps responding to its owner’s tension, forming flickering crystals of ice in the surrounding steam.
In a gallant motion that suited that fine body, the man pulled back his right leg while holding the sword in his right hand near vertical and visibly lowered his waist. It resembled the stance for the Norkia-style’s secret move, «Lightning Flash Slash», but differed slightly. Setting the sword that straight would result in a need for excessive movement in order to activate that skill.
Eugeo took the stance for the Aincrad-style’s secret move, «Sonic Leap», with that consideration.
As far as Eugeo knew, the mysterious Aincrad style, with its own practitioner, his partner, Kirito, had skill names in Sacred Tongue for all of its secret moves. The Sacred Tongue was a holy language passed down onto the Axiom Church’s originator by the three goddesses during the creation of the world, with no dictionary for it in the Sword Mastery Academy’s library—or even the castles the four emperors resided within, according to what he had heard from the instructors.
Knowledge on the meaning behind its vocabulary was restricted to those used in sacred art rituals. Hence, even Eugeo, who studied diligently in the academy, knew only the meaning for words like «element» or «generate» from the limited vocabulary.
However, despite how he lost all of his previous memories before appearing in Rulid Forest two years ago, Kirito seemed to have known of bits of Sacred Tongue that Eugeo didn’t. The vocabulary used in the secret moves’ names were no exception; he said Sonic Leap had the meaning of «jumping at the speed of sound». He didn’t know exactly how fast sound travelled, but it was a mighty skill that lived up to its name, shooting forth or back a long distance of ten mel with ridiculous vigor. A preemptive attack was effectively secured if it was activated when the enemy took the first step to shorten the gap.
A fresh vertical wrinkle engraved itself upon the man’s brows when he saw Eugeo, tension released from his body and his sword placed on his right shoulder.
“Now that’s one uncommon stance, boy. …You don’t happen to practice the Continual Sword, do you?”
The moment he heard that subdued question, Eugeo drew a sharp breath.
To be specific, the Sonic Leap Eugeo was going to execute was a single-hit secret move. However, it was the same as the consecutive hit skills at the core of the Aincrad style, in terms of how they did not exist in the styles passed down in the Human World. As expected, this man was no average person, to see through that from a single stance.
However, even if he had guessed that Eugeo used consecutive hit skills, he shouldn’t be able to perceive the boundaries of the Aincrad style. As long as the man hadn’t fought Kirito before he had lost his memory.
“…How does it matter even if I use the consecutive hit skills?”
Upon replying in a low voice, the man snorted.
“Nah, there were just some among those darkness knights in the Dark Territory who use the Continual Sword too, and I fought them loads of them. Those aren’t really good memories… after all, those of us on this side can’t use any of those fancy fluid skills at all, ya know?”
“…Are you asking me to fight with a traditional style?”
“No, no, whether it’s the Continual Sword or whatever else, I don’t care what it is, go ahead. I’m not saying this is to compensate for that or anything, but I’ll be starting with my trump card too.”
After twisting one side of his lips into a grin, the man thrust up the longsword, wielded straight in his right hand, even higher.
Eugeo’s breath was taken away once more immediately after. The weathered grey blade vibrated like a heat haze. He thought it was due to the steam flowing through the large bath, but no matter how hard he squinted, he could only perceive it as the longsword itself losing its solidity.
—Could it be that that sword is already in its full control state?
He frantically pondered while in the stance for the secret move.
He might had only been taught the «armament full control art» by the mysterious sage, Cardinal, recently, but he had already gained a relatively good understanding over this secret art through the multiple cases of actual combat.
It resemble secret moves in how it granted the sword a stronger strength, but in the end, the full control art was a sacred art, so that made an incantation necessary. As such, that permitted momentarily maintaining a standby state in between chanting the main body of the art and activating it with the ending line, “enhance armament“, like normal sacred arts.
The amount of time the activation standby state for sacred arts can be maintained was influenced by the user’s character and experience. Eugeo could maintain it for several minutes if he closed his mouth and focused his mind, but Kirito had shown he could hold the art while conversing with that astounding concentration he had at times like this.
He still had no idea what sort of skill the full control art of the giant man before him was, but it was evident he was quite an expert, simply judging from how he could hold a long conversation during the activation standby state. In comparison, Eugeo had no time to start chanting the art now and one way or another, the ice roses art could not exhibit its true abilities in this space filled with hot water.
In that case, he had only one path. He could only hit the man with Sonic Leap in the gap created by him executing a secret move—or activating his full control art, and conclude the battle. The opponent should be expecting Eugeo’s attack to be a consecutive hit skill, so it was likely he could react to a leaping attack at extremely high speed.
Determined, Eugeo put all of his focus into his two eyes and observed the entirely of the man.
The distance was approximately eight mel.
The Norkia style, as well as the school above it, the High Norkia style, had no skill that could reach from this range. So, if the man intended to swing his sword from the position he stood at without moving, the «trump card» he mentioned must be a armament full control art along the lines of extending his slash’s reach. He would have to evade that somehow and end this with a single counterattack.
As Eugeo envisioned, the man continued standing in that spot and slowly held the sword, kept vertical with his right arm, aloft. His mouth lost its smile and released a roar that shook the entire large bath.
“I am the commander of the integrity knights—Bercouli Synthesis One!!”
Where have I heard of that name—that thought flashed through his mind for an instant, but Eugeo discarded his idle thoughts and focused entirely on discerning the enemy’s skill.
A heavy thud roared out, the man who named himself as the knight commander stamped his left foot onto the marble pavement. The surrounding steam scattered away at once.
Those burly waist, chest, shoulders, and arms turned in a dreadful and rapid, yet composed movement. The sword raised straight first fell to the right, then swung horizontally. Eugeo felt it to be the ultimate form of the sword skills passed down among the traditional styles. A motion that could only be realized through training over an extensive stretch of time, both formless and perfected.
However, all traditional sword skills possessed a common weakness. As a consequence of the «form» being far too grand, the attack’s trajectory becomes predictable. By the time the knight commander’s sword began to slice apart the white vapor horizontally, Eugeo had already jumped forth, towards the left. That should be enough to narrowly evade any offense the sword had launched in its full control state, whatever it could have been.
The air quivered near his right ear. But he felt neither pain nor impact.
—I dodged it!
Assured of that, Eugeo activated the secret move, Sonic Leap, on his next step.
“O… oooh!”
His sword wore a green radiance tinged with yellow at his shout. His entire self accelerated, pushed by an unseen force, and Eugeo became a gust of wind, charging towards the knight commander who had swung his sword.
Behind him, the air pressure from the sword that he previously dodged hit the door to the large bath and let out a loud—
Nothing rang out. He couldn’t sense the slightest vibration.
Was the slash that the knight commander should have launched really that fast? Or perhaps it vanished before reaching the door behind?
Impossible. If that was true, the armament full control art of the knight commander, the man who should be stronger than Deusolbert and Fanatio, would be inferior to even Eldrie’s full control art, despite how he had only became a knight a mere one month ago. Eldrie’s «Frost Scale Whip» attack was as quick as lightning, reaching as far as several ten mel.
That couldn’t be possible. In that case, was the knight commander’s skill not a far-range type of attack? But in actual fact, Eugeo hadn’t received a single bit of damage.
If that was the case, the man had only executed a practice swing? A display of form, no different from what the students performed during the Sword Mastery Academy’s examinations.
—Is he making a fool out of me?
—Or perhaps he thought he could scare off some kid who’s still attending school with just a single practice swing?
The core of his head burned up the instant he felt that.
He was slow to notice, as a result.
There was something directly in front of the man who just swung his sword, in Eugeo’s path as he rushed forward while leaving behind a line of light from the secret move. A transparent fluctuation horizontally cut through the air. Much like the heat haze that enveloped the man’s sword right before he began that slash.
—That spot’s… where his practice swing cut through earlier…
A profound chill ran down his back. Although he instinctively attempted to interrupt his charge, a secret move couldn’t be stopped that easily once activated. He drew back his sword and his right foot scraped against the foot, but his speed merely fell slight and—
Eugeo’s body immediately came into contact with the heat haze that remained in midair.
A scorching hot impact surged through his left breast to his right armpit. Eugeo was blown away like an old rag flapping in a squall, swung around several times as he fluttered in the air. A large quantity of blood drew a spiral as they flowed out from the deep injury carved in his chest.
He fell back-first into the bath on the left of the pathway. A water sprout rose high and the surroundings were dyed in crimson the moment that settled down.
“Gu… haa…!”
He spewed out the hot water that made their way into his throat and that spray, too, was tinged red. It appeared part of his injuries had reached his lungs. If he hadn’t killed some of that momentum, despite the slight amount it had been, immediately before crashing into that heat haze, it wouldn’t be strange even for his body to be slashed into two now.
“System… call. Generate… luminous element…”
His body floating in the bath, he chanted a healing art in disconnected streams. Fortunately, he was surrounded by a large quantity of warm water. They should possess an amount of sacred power significantly more than what cold water had. That said, Eugeo couldn’t completely treat a wound that severe in a such short period of time with his capabilities, though.
The knight commander standing on the pathway calmly looked down upon Eugeo as he somehow succeeded in stopping the flow of blood and roused his body in his lightheadedness. He had already slipped his sword into the scabbard on the left of his waist and thrust his right arm into the breast of his clothes.
“That was pretty dangerous, I mean, I didn’t think you were going to rush in at a speed like that. Sorry ’bout that, almost killed you there.”
Those words lacked urgency even now, but Eugeo couldn’t find the strength to rebut any longer and forced out a hoarse voice from his hurting lungs.
“Wh… what was that… skill…”
“I did say I’d be using my trump card. I didn’t just slash the air with some practice swing, yeah? In a sense… I slashed the future of a little later.”
It took a little while for him to realize any tangible meaning from the knight commander’s words. The wound that throbbed, as though ice was pushed purely against the spot despite the surrounding hot water, robbed him of his thoughts.
—The future… was slashed?
That certainly was a valid description for that phenomenon.
There was no mistake that Eugeo activated Sonic Leap after the knight commander had swung his sword. However, as if the sword had assaulted him from the past, Eugeo suffered from a deep gash the moment he touched the trajectory of that slash.
No— To put it more accurately, it should said that the force behind that sword slash remained in midair. Eugeo did see something like a heat haze wavering in the air before he was blown away.
The «right place» and the «right time» were necessary for a sword slash to hit. The sword would miss the enemy if either the place or time were off.
In all likelihood, the knight commander’s full control art extended the latter of those conditions, time. Power remained within the trajectory even after the sword had been swung. To say it in another way—it slashed the enemy in that position of the future.
It was the most plain, appearance-wise, among the armament full control arts the knights he had faced thus far commanded, but still, this was a horrifying ability. Anywhere that sword passed through would be converted into a lethal domain. The «extent» of which would far exceed the duration of continuous slashes that consecutive hit skills boasted of. Close combat of sword versus sword would be practically impossible.
—Then I’ll have to bring this into a far range battle?
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