Chapter 441
The group spent the morning interrogating more witnesses, but neither Jirni's wits nor Tista's charm managed to find anything that could further the investigation .
"Embezzlement, illegal gambling, fencing . All things that would make today a field day if they weren't completely irrelevant for the task at hand!" Jirni cursed in frustration .
To add insult to injury, no made mage had appeared since they had defeated the merchant the previous day . It left them with only one shot at cracking the mystery behind the specimen still stored inside the quarantine array .
"Did you learn anything useful from that meatball?" She asked Manohar .
"Many things . First, keeping it alive requires a steady supply of mana and flesh . Second, it uses part of the mana to convert the flesh it consumes into its own and the rest gets stored somehow . Third…"
"Lith?" She cut him short, since Manohar seemed unable to understand the "useful" part .
"Not much . We know that whoever made it is a genius and that they employ Forbidden Magic . So far we have no clue about its purpose or how to track its source . " He replied, making her sigh .
"There isn't much we can do right now . You three get back to the lab and please bring me good news . Mage Felhorn and I have been summoned by Marquis Lanza, Othre's ruler . He doesn't seem too happy with our results . "
"Did he really expect us to solve the case in one day? Why not also demand that we turn hay into gold while he is at it?" Tista said sarcastically .
"Before our arrival, he was the one the Crown held accountable for the ongoing crisis . I guess the old coot is eager to put the blame on us and wash his hands of the problem . Keep me posted, I'll do the same . "
Once they reached the Marquis' office, both Jirni and Dorian had a clear idea of what to expect .
"So much for your experts, Felhorn . In less than 24 hours they managed to ruin months of my hard work! The Crown will be informed of it and believe me, they will not be pleased . " Lanza said while smoothing his black mustaches .
The Marquis was a man in his late fifties, around 1 . 67 meters (5'6") tall, with greying black hair and a wide belly that was a testament to his love for good food . Despite the cold weather and an open window, he was sweating profusely .
His vast amount of excess body fat helped Lady Ernas to make up her mind .
'Today I'll have roasted pork for lunch . ' She thought while pondering which side dish was better suited for her meal while she pretended to listen to his rants .
"At least while I supervised the investigation, the collateral damage while handling the made mages was minimal . You allowed a single one to burn down a whole building in broad daylight! Do you have any idea how many lives you have destroyed? Or the panic you have caused?" He lied through his teeth .
Made mages had done plenty of damage already, and their victims' body count had reached the double digits . The only differences with the Marquis's crisis management were that the made mages would die at the first spell and the victims would be forced into silence .
"Winter is coming and I have six families that have lost everything, without even a place to live . Merchants came to me claiming the fire has destroyed hundreds of silver coins worth of merchandise . Who is going to pay for that?" The Marquis' voice was outraged, but his grin told another story .
'The bigger their failure, the more negligible mine will appear in comparison . ' He thought .
"The Association will cover all the expenses . " Dorian said with a nod of his head .
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