The young woman wore a white evening dress that left her shoulders and arms exposed . It was embroidered with sapphires that emphasized her sky blue eyes .
She had a lively face and a bright smile . Her demeanor left Lith quite puzzled .
"I'm sorry, do I know you?" The young woman looked somehow familiar, but no matter how much he focused, Lith couldn't recognize her . The only thing he knew was that she was quite well endowed, her beauty was easily on Friya's level .
"Did you really forget about me?" She said with a playful gaze .
"Even though you are the only man that ever saw me naked?" She whispered while blushing on cue, hiding her face with a fan made of what looked like golden peacock's feathers .
'She's the Marchioness' daughter . Don't you see the resemblance?' Solus pointed out . 'Besides, it's true that so far most of the girls on Mogar are on the thin side, but for example Tista is much more…'
'First, gross . Second, Tista isn't a girl, she is my sister . Don't use her as a standard, thanks . ' Lith cut her short .
His companions were all taken aback by the girl's last remark .
'And he had the gall to call me a lucky b*stard!' Yurial inwardly cursed and congratulated at his friend at the same time .
"I'm sorry, Milady . I can't remember all of my patients, no matter how pleasing to the eye they are . I had too many . " Lith gave her a small bow, pretending to not know who she was .
Phloria felt reassured by the 'patient' part and threatened by everything else . Lith wasn't the kind of man to make false compliments .
"How do you know I was your patient then?" She closed her fan, her expression inquisitive in a way that Jirni didn't like at all .
"You called me your savior . I'm no warrior, just a healer . " While Lith played Sherlock Holmes again, his companions had a hard time repressing a burst of laughter at the blatant lie .
"That and the other part…" He whispered . "made everything clear . "
"Brilliant . " She clapped her hands while smiling non stop .
"A strong character, a bright mind, and an eye that doesn't stop just at a pretty dress . These are all traits that I appreciate in a man . Also, you are right, we were never properly introduced .
"I'm Brinja Distar, first daughter of Marchioness Mirim Distar and heir to my household . " Her choice of words was formal, Brinja even accompanied her self-introduction with a second curtsy, much deeper than the first .
It was quite uncommon for the host to show so much respect to a guest met for the first time . That and her previous words worried Lith as much as they did Phoria and Jirni . Being wooed by the daughter of his patron sounded like a massive pain in the a*s .
'Seems my big sister has a rival now . ' Friya inwardly smiled . That evening was getting more interesting by the second .
"I'm Lith of Lutia . If next year I graduate I will still be just a mage . " He gave her a deep bow while using modest words to belittle himself .
"Well, for being 'just' a mage you proved to be resourceful and brave . You even stood your ground against a self-entitled Archmage . Or was it just recklessness?" She replied without backing down from her position .
"No, it wasn't . " Lith shook his head .
"I may be someone of humble origins, but I didn't spend my time hiding in a cave studying magic or fighting non stop like a bloodthirsty beast . I learned society's rules, got admitted to one of the six great academies, made friends…" He pointed at his companions .
"and allies . " Lith nodded toward the Marchioness . "I just showed everyone what I accomplished after a single year of proper education . Now it's up to them to choose if they want to stand against me or support me . Either way, I'm not easily bullied because I made myself really hard to replace .
"No matter how big their ego is or how small minded they are, I believe that in times of crisis most of them would feel reassured rather than threatened by my presence . "
"See? That's what I meant, 'just a mage' Lith . " Brinja said with a radiant smile while taking his arm between hers, gently pressing it against her breast .
Lith was flattered, but unfazed by her behavior .
"Thanks, your Ladyship, but I think you missed the part about me being just thirteen years old and without any background . " Lith tried to step away, he could feel several eyes piercing his back .
"How is that a problem?" She giggled, holding his arm even tighter .
"In a few years, the age gap will become irrelevant . Whoever I'm going to marry, he will join my family and I'm rich enough for three people . I may have no magical power of my own, but the Distar bloodline gave birth to several powerful mages .
"I can't stand those shallow nobles that only care for my wealth nor the arrogant mages that see every non magic user as an object . I'm tired of being considered an arm candy with annuities from those who aim for my family title .
"Based on what I heard about you and on what you did tonight you are like a breath of fresh air . I just want to get to know you better . "
Her points were all valid, but Lith had no interest in any kind of relationship .
'What the heck, first Phloria and now Brinja? Women in the new world are quite assertive . ' Lith thought .
'Maybe it's because here magic gives them an edge . ' Solus suggested . 'Or maybe it's just a cultural thing they have . Unlike Earth's middle ages on Mogar women have the same opportunities as men . They can pass their last name and inherit their families' fortunes . '
Solus had a hard time not mentioning that she also would be assertive, if only she had the means to . Despite being brief, her experience with a body, first Lith's and then hers, had filled her with hope and confidence .
At the same time, Solus had become quite impatient .
'I wonder how many years will it take for me to get even that body made of light . ' She inwardly sighed in a corner of her mind, glad to have her privacy .
'Until then, I can only cheer for Lith from the sidelines . '
Distar Household, later that evening .
After all of her guests had safely departed to their homes via the Marchioness' private Warp Gate, she could finally sit down in the armchair in her office and relax . After the bumpy start, everything had gone as planned .
She took out a communication amulet, placing it in the middle of her desk . Four blue magic crystals appeared from the corners of the solid white oak table, opening a secure channel with Queen Sylpha .
"I hope you bring me good news, Mirim . " The Queen's stern face greeted her with a nod .
"Excellent news, your Majesty . " The Marchioness gave her a small bow .
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