Chapter 2416: 2416
Han Sen had realized almost instantly that Falling Leaf wasn’t an ordinary woman . She was very good at hiding her energy so that the average person would be unable to discern her level, but Han Sen had his Dongxuan Area . There was no way that Falling Leaf could hide her King class power from him .
Although Han Sen couldn’t tell how many tiers she had unlocked, she had definitely surpassed the first couple of tiers .
“Miss Mirror is very generous . Falling Leaf must be a ranking member in Spring Rain,” Han Sen thought, as he tried to come up with a way to make her leave .
If Han Sen made her leave himself, that would draw unwanted attention . It would also give Miss Mirror a clue to figuring out what he really wanted . So, Han Sen couldn’t take action himself . Instead of making her stay with them uncomfortable, and he would need to treat her nicely . Bao’er, however…
“When it comes to making people miserable, Bao’er is a true artist,” Han Sen thought, looking at his smiling daughter .
“Sister Falling Leaf, can you play a game with me?” Bao’er was holding a doll in front of Falling Leaf . Her big eyes made it look as if she was desperately begging .
“Of course I can,” Falling Leaf replied, a smile softening her cold face .
Falling Leaf was quite famous in Spring Rain . She was known as “The Icy Femme Fatale . ” Her calm, calculating mind made her an amazing assassin . When she worked, nothing could shake her up or throw her off her game .
Her greatest fight took place on a deified-owned planet . She killed a half-deified elite, the son of a deified being, and they all backed off her .
But facing a sweet little girl, even Falling Leaf’s mood seemed a bit lighter .
She seemed happier than when she faced Han Sen, at least .
Falling Leaf didn’t know Han Sen was a fake prince, but even believing that Han Sen was a real royal, she wasn’t interested in him . She would hate the thought of dating a prince .
If not for Miss Mirror’s order, she wouldn’t have accepted the mission that brought her here . She most certainly wouldn’t have agreed to serve Han Sen .
Han Sen watched Bao’er play with Falling Leaf and felt some relief . He returned to his room to continue practicing,
After many attempts to turn Jadeskin’s self-universe cogwheel, he was finally beginning to understand how it worked . He only needed to hit a breaking point for it to reach King class .
Jadeskin was different from the Dongxuan Sutra . Han Sen could actually see the Dongxuan Sutra’s self-cogwheel and all the other universal cogwheels around it .
But when he used Jadeskin, the universal cogwheels all appeared blurry . They weren’t as clear as they were with the Dongxuan Sutra .
So, Han Sen tried many different methods in the hope of turning the self-universe cogwheel . He had long since lost track of how many attempts he had made . The self-cogwheel refused to budge, however .
He only needed enough power to connect with the self-cogwheel . Anyone could push universal cogwheels, and the number of cogwheels they could push all boiled down to how much strength they had .
But ordinary Kings couldn’t actually see the universal cogwheels like Han Sen could . They could get a vague sense of what they needed to do, but they couldn’t tell it was actually a cogwheel they were pushing .
And although Han Sen had initially thought that the number of cogwheels someone had to push was directly related to their strength, that wasn’t exactly true . There were some people who didn’t push many universal cogwheels, but even so, they became very powerful . Many such people existed .
The difficulty of reaching King class depended on the strength of the initial cogwheel . If the self-cogwheel was strong enough and you cast sufficient power, you could spin your self-cogwheel very quickly . In so doing, you could equal the power of people who spun many cogwheels just by spinning your single cogwheel at high velocity .
Many Kings with one area power could unleash more power than Kings with many area powers . That was the theory .
Jadeskin was a geno art that was very simple in the way its power was used . The self-cogwheel didn’t have to push many neighboring universal cogwheels, but that didn’t mean the self-cogwheel was weak in itself .
When Han Sen was ready to become King class, he started off with Dongxuan Area . With Dongxuan Area’s help, pushing other self-cogwheels was easier . The ability allowed Han Sen to see the Jadeskin cogwheel .
Jadeskin’s self-cogwheel wasn’t much smaller than the Dongxuan Sutra’s self-cogwheel . After all, they were the self-cogwheels that were based on Han Sen’s body, so there wouldn’t be many differences between them .
But the two cogwheels did look rather different . The Dongxuan Sutra’s cogwheel was black, while Jadeskin’s was some sort of translucent jade . It connected to seven universal cogwheels . That number was fairly ordinary for an average King . Compared to the Dongxuan Sutra, that was a tiny number of connected cogs .
But having a small number of connected cogs didn’t mean that Jadeskin’s power couldn’t spread . The self-cogwheel would still spin very quickly .
Under the Dongxuan Area, Han Sen slowly cast his Jadeskin, then began shoving against his self-cogwheel to spin it . The progress was now much easier than it had been when he was pushing the Dongxuan Sutra’s self-cogwheel .
After all, Han Sen was King class now, so he had much more power that he could throw behind his efforts .
Katcha! Katcha!
The translucent jade cogwheel slowly started to shift . As the self-cogwheel spun, a weird flower symbol appeared on its surface .
The flower symbol spread like a growing crystal, slowly sliding over the self-cogwheel . As the cogwheel spun, the symbol swelled more and more . A short time later, it had completely covered the cogwheel . Jadeskin’s self-cogwheel became an ice moon .
Jadeskin’s self-cogwheel pushed the other seven universal cogwheels that connected to it . As it did, the symbol glided over those universal cogwheels too . Then it spread further .
The icy, jade-looking area power spread through Han Sen, becoming a strange sealing area . But after spreading for a while, the power returned, heading back for Han Sen . His body absorbed all of the power .
When the ice moon-like cogwheel spun, Han Sen’s entire body crystallized, and he glowed like a crystal . He was like a god wrapped up in holy light .
The cogwheel continued to spin as the universal core hall door opened . Han Sen’s body was sucked into it . He entered the universal core hall .
Han Sen didn’t hesitate . He landed atop the cogwheels of the hall, and when the cogwheels moved, the hall’s door opened . Han Sen exited the hall, finding himself in a new place inside the core area . This wasn’t where he had been previously .
Ordinarily, leaving the core area would set a spawn point for his return . He would be able to come back to the exact place he had previously left .
But now that Han Sen was entering with his Jadeskin cogwheel, it had taken him to a different location than where he would spawn with his Dongxuan Sutra cogwheel .
“Does that mean I can go to different core areas with each skill? I just need to change the self-cogwheel to determine which place I access?” Han Sen realized joyfully .
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