Chapter 2392: 2392
Han Sen wasn’t surprised by the appearance of the door behind the cogwheels . Instead, he let himself be pulled through .
This was a necessary part of the process of becoming a King . Whenever a King class creature successfully kickstarted their self-universe cogwheel, they were given permission to enter the geno universe core area .
No one had ever been able to determine the exact nature of the core area . Some said that it was actually a special xenogeneic gene . Others claimed that it was a location within the geno hall . There were many other guesses, but no matter which theory was more popular at the moment, there was never any evidence to support one claim over another .
For now, there was only one thing that everyone agreed on: the core area could be accessed through the self-universe cogwheel once someone ascended to King class .
When your cogwheel began spinning for the first time, you would be pulled into the universal core area . Just like Han Sen was being pulled in now .
His body flew into the blinding light shining through the door, and when his vision returned, he found himself to be standing inside a palace built of some ancient metal .
This palace was a strange patchwork structure . The entire place was composed of differently-sized cogwheels . The walls, floors, and roof were all like this . And the wheels were fitted so tightly together that there were no visible seams .
Every cogwheel was spinning at a different speed . Some moved so quickly that they blurred, whereas others were so slow that their movement was almost imperceptible . Rhythmic tick-tock sounds filled the palace, similar to the sounds that a mechanical watch might produce .
Han Sen didn’t have time for sightseeing, though, because his body was still hosting the powers of the Sacred Blood Statue and the Nine-Tailed Fox . Leveling up to King class hadn’t proved enough to destroy those energies .
Han Sen suddenly decided to use The Story of Genes . He wanted to see if he could use the Sacred Blood Statue and Nine-Tailed Fox power to push The Story of Genes self-universe cogwheel .
That was hoping for too much, though . The Sacred Blood Statue and the Nine-Tailed Fox’s power wasn’t enough to push the self-universe cogwheel of The Story of Genes . As Han Sen tried to use them, their powers subsided and eventually vanished . In the end, they disappeared .
Han Sen checked out his own body, just to be sure, but he didn’t find any trace of them within him . Then, he looked back at the palace .
The cogwheels were in constant motion like the gears of a watch . But unlike a watch, the palace had no needles to tell time . Instead, there were just more teeth . The more teeth a cogwheel had, the slower it spun . The fewer teeth a cogwheel had, the faster it went . Watching the clocks was strangely mesmerizing, almost lulling . It was like being in a palace full of clocks .
Han Sen’s body was hanging in midair . When his feet touched a cogwheel on the floor, the cogwheel accelerated . The change in speed swept out through the connected cogwheels, and soon the entire palace was humming with greater energy . The dimension of the place was twisted disconcertingly . A few moments later, the door of the palace opened, revealing a starscape beyond .
Han Sen’s body was currently safely ensconced in his Dongxuan Armor . He walked out of the universal core palace and looked up at the myriad of stars . Upon closer observation, however, he realized that what he had first taken for stars were actually scary King creatures .
When Han Sen stepped out of the universal core palace, the whirring sound of the palace’s cogwheels disappeared .
Han Sen knew he could summon the universal core palace whenever he wanted by pushing his self-universe cogwheel .
But this was the first time Han Sen had entered the universal core area, and he didn’t want to leave yet . He wanted to look around for himself and see if this place was just as the legends described it .
Suddenly, a light shot past Han Sen, vanishing behind him . Then it reappeared a while later, swinging around so it could head straight for him .
Han Sen was suddenly worried . Entering the universal core area required at least King class power, but deified elites could access this place as well . Han Sen was just a first-tier King, so he knew that he needed to be careful .
The star came to a stop in front of Han Sen . Now that Han Sen could get a better look at it, he realized that it was Dragon Eight of the Dragon . He was King class, as well .
“Dollar . ” Dragon Eight looked at Han Sen with fiery eyes .
When Han Sen joined the battles of the geno scroll, he fought as Dollar . There, he wore his Dongxuan Armor . Therefore, Han Sen rarely wore it when he wasn’t using his Dollar identity . He didn’t want to expose the fact that he and Dollar were the same person .
After the Dongxuan Sutra evolved twice, the Dongxuan Armor’s appearance had changed radically . Now, the Dongxuan Armor was solid black, so dark that it lacked any semblance of light . Any light that landed on it would disappear instantly . It someone looked at Han Sen from afar, he would seem like a black shadow hanging in the air .
Han Sen hadn’t expected someone to recognize him as Dollar just because of the Dongxuan Armor .
Since he was recognized, though, Han Sen made no effort to deny the claim . He looked at Dragon Eight and said, “Dragon Eight?”
“You remember me? Good . ” The fire of insanity in Dragon Eight’s eyes blazed even higher . He had lost to Dollar in one of the geno scroll battles . He hadn’t gotten over his loss, and he had been researching better ways to fight Dollar ever since .
But he had been unable to find Dollar . He didn’t expect to find him there, of all places . He opened his gold area and doused Han Sen in the light . With an arrogant smirk, he said, “This time, I am going to beat you . Release your area . ”
“Dragon Eight, what are you doing?” As Han Sen answered, a few more lights arrived . They were Kings of the Dragon . Han Sen even identified one of them as Dragon One .
Han Sen was shocked . Dragon One must have been half-deified by now, and he wasn’t the only powerful Dragon who had come . If they all attacked Han Sen together, things would definitely go badly for him .
“Big Dragon, he is Dollar!” Dragon Eight snarled, still staring at Han Sen .
“Dollar?” asked Dragon One and the others in surprise . Dollar’s performance in the geno scroll had been truly remarkable, even to them .
But Dollar hadn’t become an obsession for them the way he had for Dragon Eight . And they hadn’t been able to recognize him, initially . After a while, though, they started to believe the claim .
“You really are Dollar?” Dragon One asked Han Sen uncertainly .
“So, what? Does it matter if I am or not?” Han Sen responded smoothly .
“I know that I’m right . He is Dollar! The rest of you need to stay back, because he is mine!” Dragon Eight bared his teeth in a rictus grin . “Dollar, open your area . Let me see if you are as strong as you were before . ”
“That is unnecessary,” Han Sen said, gathering power in his finger as he spoke . He sent a coin flying toward Dragon Eight .
“Don’t ever underestimate me!” Dragon Eight shouted, and his gold area became solid . It transformed into an old golden chest, trapping the coin inside it .
The golden chest fell under the power of the coin, but it didn’t draw closer to Dragon Eight .
“What a powerful metal area!” Han Sen complimented his opponent .
Dragon Eight’s area allowed him to generate metal and make things solid . If Dragon Eight wanted to, he could seal Han Sen within the golden area .
It was similar to Nine-Headed Bird’s coffin suppression, but Dragon Eight’s area wasn’t just for sealing foes .
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