Back in his room, Han Sen started to read the scroll he had been given . He was quite surprised .
He thought he had received another copy of the Blood-Pulse Sutra, and that was what Uncle Bug had found all those years ago . This was actually a different Qi Gong, and it was called Life Door .
Life Door was a supportive Qi Gong; something to strengthen a person's inner body .
It was not too dissimilar to Heresy Mantra or Hidden Blood, in concept . Life Door, however, did not apply to a single organ . It strengthened a door inside a person's body; one that was called the Life Door .
The scroll said that to practice Life Door would enhance your entire body .
But to complete Life Door, you would have to reach a certain level .
Han Sen tried practicing Life Door, and after spending a few days with it, his body already felt better . Still, he knew it'd take far longer than that to open the Life Door itself .
Uncle Bug told Han Sen it took him twenty years to open his Life Door . Han Sen was far stronger than he was, and even though he knew it wouldn't take that long, it wasn't something he could get done in a few days .
A few days later, Moment Queen had successfully moved the underground shelter nearby . After entering, Han Sen was able to see Zero again .
Although Zero could teleport to Han Sen, he wanted her to remain in the underground shelter to care for the Flying Mushroom . After all that time had elapsed, the Flying Mushroom had matured . With it ready for consumption, Han Sen was eager to return to the underground shelter just for it .
It had the ability to turn ordinary spirits into king spirits, but Han Sen didn't want the mushroom to be too ripe .
Back in that shelter, he looked at the spirits he had come to possess and summoned Thorn Baron .
"It's yours," Han Sen told her, while indicating to the Flying Mushroom .
Thorn Baron looked delightfully surprised, and she gasped . She politely double-checked, asking, "Are you sure you really want me to use it?"
"I believe you are the best available candidate," Han Sen replied .
Thorn Baron's bloodline had a king spirit in its ranks, so her success rate would be higher .
After giving Han Sen a weirded-out look, Thorn Baron bit into the Flying Mushroom .
When it was eaten, the Flying Mushroom turned into a delectable nectar . And as she gorged on it, her body began to glow . She said, "Take me back to the Sea of Soul . I'm going to evolve!"
Han Sen placed Thorn Baron back as instructed . She glowed more and more, becoming brighter and brighter . In a short time, she had become so bright, she was nothing more than a blob of pure radiance . Her form could no longer be distinguished .
"I hope she makes it soon, too . If she finishes up sometime soon, I'll have yet another beautiful fighter by my side . " Han Sen was thinking about Little Angel, and gave her a look . He wondered when she'd finish evolving .
Han Sen had absorbed a lot of wild plants, but he had used all of his waterdrops on the super beast souls .
While effective, it wasn't as effective as feeding them black crystals . The gold raven had finally started to evolve now, though, becoming a berserk super creature beast soul .
Han Sen hadn't had his other super creature beast souls for long, so nothing was happening with them just yet .
"Moment, have you found any solo super creatures roaming about?" Han Sen asked her, while sitting on the throne .
"I saw one, yes . But I don't think we have what it takes to fight it . " While Moment Queen addressed Han Sen's questions immediately, her mood seemed off .
During Han Sen's several-year absence, Moment Queen had become the boss of the shelter . The leash had been disconnected, so-to-speak, and she was free to do as she wished .
Now that she had to start taking orders again, she was quite peeved .
"What kind of creature is it?" Han Sen asked .
Moment Queen must have gotten quite strong across those years, and she must have opened several gene locks by now .
She still wasn't up to par with Han Sen, though . Plus, Han Sen had the faithful and diligent Disloyal Knight and Blue Dinosaur to back him up . Aside from berserk super creatures, he'd have no trouble hunting whatever he wished to .
Moment Queen did not yet know how powerful Han Sen had become, so she was just telling him based on the assumption a super creature would be too much to handle .
The creature she spoke of resided deep inside Thorn Forest, and it was described as a scaly lizard . It was only two meters long, and she had seen it during her time of moving the shelter .
The creature was dining on an array of different bugs, consuming dozens with each mouthful . If it wasn't for a bunch of sacred-blood bugs that got munched on all at once, she wouldn't have guessed it for a super creature, given its rather tame appearance .
Han Sen decided to hunt the super creature . He commanded Moment Queen to move the underground shelter to the valley, and there, he bid for the Blue Dinosaur to enter .
It was the biggest and strongest tank a party could ask for . It was a meatshield that could withstand the grizzly blows of a berserk super creature .
Moment Queen was taken aback when she saw the beast . The other humans in the shelter were even more shocked .
"Have you happened to see any sacred-blood scorpions on your way here?" Han Sen asked, before they departed .
"I have seen some, yes . Which type are you looking for?" Moment Queen asked .
"Well, tell me which you have seen," Han Sen said, with curiosity .
The Transparent King Scorpion gem was useless just sitting in his inventory . It had to be infused with something .
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