Author’s Representative: “L”
There are some dynamic incidents going on one after another in the public arena, but how are you spending your days now?
Hello again! And thank you for waiting!
I bring you Slayer’s Special ① - “The Prince of Saillune”!
The explanations will introduce me - L, who poisoned the artist and took over the afterword corner (defiant).
Now, since this is a collection of short stories, let’s do the usual explanation of each work.
“The Prince Of Saillune”
This one is technically the artist’s debut in magazine work.
As it says.
“Robbers, Killers” As it says.
“Naga’s Challenge”
You’ll know when you read it.
“Elsia’s Castle” As it says.
“Slayers Excellent Villain Fight!”
It’s a newly-written story and it’s not a story about villains appearing and fighting for five minutes for no reason at all.
It’s a rare work written in the third-person.
...Well, I believe that mostly concludes the outlines of each of the stories.
What!? You don’t understand it even though I explained it so wholeheartedly!?
You’re terrible! You’re always like that! You don’t listen to me at all!
...Let’s put aside this silly talk.
First of all, please read one of these works. As long as it won’t cause trouble in your bookstore, you can even read it standing by the shelf. Even if the artist won’t permit it, I will.
Well then.
This is the “L’s Challenge to the Readers” corner that’s said to generate 90% of the interest in the books, but I’m going to take a break from it in the short stories compilation book. Furthermore, we’re holding the “They-Probably-Don’t-Look-Like-This Portrait Contest” announced in the third volume. Depending on the month, the intensity of the competitiveness changes quite a lot, so if you’re lucky, you may even receive some lousy handmade prize from the author.
By the way, in March (since it hadn’t been that many days since the February release, we considered them as March entries) the first place prize for “Zanaffar” went to Tamiki Yui-san from Wakayama, the April one for “That-Hometown-Girl” went to Kagura Kazumi-san from Shizuoka, and the May one for “Zolf’s Real Face” went to Nakata Atsushi-san from Nara. (I’m writing this in June).
The future announcements will be made only to the winners. If you don’t receive anything within two months of your submission, you should take it that you didn’t win.
There were many portraits of “The Artist” and “Actually-UglyL” (grimace) made by people hoping for a lucky break.
...Just one surprise like that would’ve been enough―.
Actually, there are still many poor characters whose portraits we haven’t received yet, despite the fact that they were mentioned by name, but we did receive some of the chimera made by Daymia or even the weird bug Lina used for fishing! Aah! Give some love to those guys who are lower than bugs! (Laugh)
Also, in the third volume, we asked for “Characters who were never drawn or weren’t drawn clearly in Dragon Magazine or The Novels”, but there’s more readers who haven’t read the first issues of Dragon Magazine, so we want to change the rules to “Characters who weren’t clearly (or were never) drawn in Novels”.
Oh right, I received a question from a person, who drew “Underling S” asking if it’s a man or a woman - now that I think about it, I never wrote it. I would like to ask the character in question about that.
“...M-Me? I’m a man. The other one was a man too, but I don’t know about the remaining five.
They still act dead.”
And there you have it.
He’s pretty much exposed his identity by now.
However, his true version has the exact same appearance as the one already drawn, so if you want to draw him, draw his human version. By the way, he’s been frozen in his human form (he looks like he’s around 20 years old).
Here’s a question for you - whose representation is he?
...It’s an easy question if you follow the rule of elimination.
And since it’s easy, there’s no reward.
We’ve received suggestions to put the winning pictures along with scores in the afterword, however, due to many of them being in color (...or more like, most of the black and white ones were drawn just for laughs), we have no plan of doing that at this point. I’m sorry.
As for the future prizes, things like “So-what L-sama Wind Chime” or “What-are-you-gonna-do-with-it-Nee-chan Mask” are being considered. By the artist, that is.
There was a suggestion to give one of “The Treasures of the Four Elementals with L-mark” each month, however if you think of earth, water, fire, wind - while for “wind” it could be a wind chime or a fan, and for “water”, a teacup or a mug, for “earth” it couldn’t be anything other than a flowerpot at best, and for “fire” a match, so that was given up on.
...I mean, getting a match as a prize for a picture with your heart and soul in it would be just too sad―
...Though, there’s room for argument about whether getting a wind chime or a mask would make anyone happy…
On another topic, we’ve received a number of questions about “Slayers” doujinshi, so I will answer them now.
There are currently two licensed authors… one of which was publicly announced in Dragon Magazine, so I assume it’s okay to interpret it as public information and write down the contact information right here. (Is it okay, Kikimaru-san?)
Postal Code ○7○ Asahikawa Kagura Shijou 7 Chou-me
Mrs. Yamada Yoko-sama, Kikimaru-sama
In case of an inquiry, it goes without saying, but it’s advisable to include a stamped and selfaddressed envelope or a return postcard with your letter.
...Well, that would be all.
Let’s meet again in a full-length book.
Stay well, everyone!
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