Chapter 657
Chapter 657: The Proposal
“You came?”
“I did . ”
The dry, somewhat aloof conversation was between two Reflections of Protogenia . The Epochrion regarded the Terminator warmly, while the Terminator’s face was less readable .
“Huan Xue… I feel regret . For the first time in my life . ” The Terminator said softly .
The Epochrion paused . Was this the same strong, inflexible man she once knew? In all this time she never thought regret was part of his vocabulary .
The Terminator’s dark and creviced features broke into a small smile . “I’ve felt it ever since you left . I regret giving up so much of a normal life for power . But there’s one thing I couldn’t cut out – feeling . I realize now that you’ve always had a special place in my heart, but I never felt I was good enough for you . ”
He spoke frankly, holding nothing back . At their age and station they didn’t need to be coy . He wasn’t telling her this because he wanted something .
Conflicting emotions trilled through the Epochrion’s eyes, and she sighed . “Davis, you’re a good man . Honest, determined . Pursuing your goals is nothing to regret . The situations life put before you left you few choices, but you did the best you could and became a national hero . You have always been a close friend, a brother . That will never change . As I told you when I left the Conclave, no matter what happens you will never be my enemy . These last years you’ve have to shoulder incredible burdens . You must allow yourself time to relax sometimes . ”
The Terminator chuckled wryly . “I’m afraid I’ll have to rest when I’m dead . ”
She helplessly shook her head . “You’ve weighed yourself down with so many shackles . This is for you . ” She produced a glimmering vital crystal and handed it to him .
He gathered it with a nod . “I’ll have my people send over a Capital ship . ”
But the Epochrion shook her head . “No need . This is a gift from me . After all the years you looked after me, it’s the least I can do . I hope it can help heal you . ”
“I can’t accept such a gift without payment,” he replied . “Besides, the politicians will find out and grow suspicious I’m sure . We should pay, and I will . You know, although you might not believe it I hope to see a prosperous East . We will need everyone to face the alien threat . The politicians don’t seem to understand that resisting destruction is the top priority . The aliens aren’t just bearers of vital crystals . ”
Admiration was plain on her face . “As clear-headed as ever . I’m glad you understand . ”
“Anyway, a transaction isn’t representative of our friendship,” he continued . “And who knows, maybe if this crystal heals me I will be worthy of you . Perhaps by then you’ll want me in the Avenue, and maybe I won’t turn the offer down . ”
“This will never happen!” There was a flash of silver light . Suddenly, another figure appeared beside the Epochrion – the Wine Master . The Cosmagus’ face was a thunderhead .
“Huan Xue will be my wife, and no one will take her from me . ” The Wine Master’s voice was fierce and aggressive .
A forced smile spread across the Terminator’s face . “Is that so? I see no husband – only a coward . ”
“You!” The Wine Master’s anger flared . This man was a rival both politically and for Huan Xue’s affections . He found it difficult to contain his temper .
The Terminator continued, unperturbed . “Am I wrong? What has stopped you from plainly stating your love? You expect results without the work? If I were you I would have gone to the Conclave years ago to seek out the one I loved, no matter the odds . There are no excuses in the face of true love . But what did you do? I have never believed emotions to be unchangeable . Time and age change all things, psychology included . In all this time you have refused to change, to try, because you fear failure . Is this not cowardice? Is this not selfishness?”
The Wine Master’s breathing was quick with anger . He fixed the Northern Paragon with burning eyes and waves of protogenia pulsed from him .
The Terminator broke into laughter . “You may be a coward but you have a conscience . You’re single-minded . Your heart’s been unchanged all these years . My blessings to the both of you, then . But I warn you, if she ever comes back to me and the Conclave, I will never let her go again . ” He ended his reproaches there, and left the two of them alone .
The Wine Master blinked, stunned . The Terminator’s sudden shift in mannerism threw him . He was hard and composed, but suddenly gave in . But he turned his focus to the Clockmaker . Her feelings were most important .
She looked back at him with a faint smile touching her lips . The Wine Master awkwardly spoke . “I’m sorry, just then…”
She gently shook her head . “I liked seeing the bad side of you . A pleasant break from the norm, don’t you think?”
The Wine Master didn’t know how to respond . “I…”
She stopped him with a chuckle . “He knew you were listening . He said those things on purpose, he knows how I feel . ”
The Wine Master’s face became deep red as he realized he’d been fooled by the Terminator . He was so incensed that he couldn’t see the truth . The perils of a heart in chaos!
The Clockmaker stepped forward, and the Wine Master instinctively stepped back .
“Did you mean what you said?” She asked .
“What part?” He stuttered .
She stared into his eyes . “It sounded like you wanted to propose! I’m an old woman, I can’t wait forever . ”
Finally the Wine Master realized what was plain in front of his face . He smiled . “True . It was all true . Marry me, Huan Xue . I will be good to you, you’re the only woman I’ve ever loved . ”
“Prove it,” she replied .
With a smile the Wine Master flicked his wrist, and a wring appeared cradled in his palm . It was lavender hue, and its faceted surface sparkled prettily . It was the picture of grace and dignity . It was a power gem, masterfully crafted .
“I remember you like purple . I made this myself, little by little, with my own hands . I did not use my Discipline . I finished it a long time ago and have fantasized about putting it on your finger ever since . Will you give me the chance to make this fantasy a reality? If you do, it will make me the happiest man in all the universe . ”
As he spoke the Paragon held the ring aloft in both hands and dropped to one knee before her .
As she looked down on him she bit her lip . Her smile was gone, replaced with a mixture of joy and anticipation .
This was the day they’d been anticipating for so, so long .
“It took me so long to come to my senses, you’ve had to wait all this time . I’ve wasted the spring of our lives, but I hope it isn’t too late . ” The Clockmaker presented her pale, delicate hand to the Wine Master . A comforting white light enveloped them . Time seemed to slow to a crawl . The two looked lovingly at each other as the Wine Master slowly slipped the power gem ring onto her finger . 1
The Auction was more successful and impactful than anyone would have dreamed . Now that it was over, Skyfire Avenue was abnormally rowdy . Word had gotten out that the black market had a few crystals to sell . Since the crystals came from the Avenue itself, no one was going to corroborate these rumors . However when the first crystal appeared that was proof enough .
A pale blue light swirled around Lan Jue as he opened his eyes . He looked like an azure crystal statue . His skin was clear as glass and the blood pumping through him was plain to the eye . Although the energies radiating from him weren’t strong, they bore a unique quality . His appearance wasn’t frightening, what was frightening was the aura around him .
In the center of his chest, his diamond-shaped Core glittered with a faintly discernable light . Threads of silvery light embraced it . Though the immortal qi was fluctuating and unstable, it gave the sense of flowing through his whole body .
It was done . Finally, after so many days of training, the evolution of his Discipline was complete . The yin and yang lightning was joined, thick with the marvelous powers of the thunder essence and immortal qi . Lan Jue’s powers had undergone a complete transformation .
A dual-natured lightning was a rare and marvelous thing in the world of Adepts, but Lan Jue’s powers had risen to a whole new level . It went beyond his own comprehension, meaning only once he’d broken through to Paragon could he use it to its full potential .
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