Chapter 414: 414
Shiori had a bowl in her left hand with a pair of chopsticks in her right hand, she’s about to dine in but she’s looking at Kotori and Wu Yan with a confused expression .
She’s wondering if the two of them has anything to say . They are acting way too suspicious .
One of them is busy wolfing down food like he hadn’t ate for days while the other is still flushed red and wielding her chopsticks even when her own bowl is empty .
Shiori glanced at them and she couldn’t hold back her own curiosity .
“Erm, you two want to share what’s going on here?”
Kotori flinched like a criminal, she stood up with such energy that the chair she’s sitting on flipped over .
Kotori blushed and she shouted at Shiori with closed eyes .
“Nothing’s going on! Nothing!”
Shiori is stunned . She didn’t understand why Kotori is flipping out like this . Could it be that something interesting happened?…
Shiori looked at Wu Yan who is awkwardly smiling . She asked him .
“Did I ask about something I shouldn’t have?…”
Kotori couldn’t help but think about what happened, rather, what almost happened . She’s completely red at the moment . Luckily for her, she managed to stop the train before it arrived at a weird destination, she’s glad she changed her ribbon at the fastest speed she can muster otherwise…
Kotori didn’t have the courage to look Wu Yan in the eyes . It’s more than just almost crossing the line with him, it’s because she’s embarrassed that she punched Wu Yan twice in her commander mode .
Wu Yan’s not going to spill the beans, of course, he would die before admitting he got punched in the face twice from trying to kiss a girl . Kotori also won’t tell because she has her own circumstances .
Shiori thought she really did miss something amusing, the two of them did something and they aren’t telling, that’s all Shiori knows for now .
Shiori hesitated for a bit and she bit her chopstick out of a subconscious whim . She lowered her head and decided to stop asking about it .
“Uu, I so wanna know…”
She still wants to know though…
The TV is on and the news was relayed to them through the screen .
“Earning this morning, a minor spacequake has been detected in Tengu City, no casualties have been reported and the authorities are still investigating the incident…”
This news stopped the three of them . Wu Yan and Kotori’s expression turned serious . She’s not in her bashful mode anymore, she looked at Wu Yan to make sure he’s not blowing his cover .
If it’s her commander mode, this reaction would have been expected . Her imouto mode shouldn’t react to something like this since the setting is that she’s a bubbly innocent girl who doesn’t have any opinions about events like this .
Wu Yan is seriously wondering if the two personalities are really distinct . It’s like they are sharing more than just memories . This imouto mode Kotori should also be aware of how to calmly face the news of a spacequake from observing commander mode Kotori deal with spacequakes .
The original work never dealt with this so he decided not to bother with it since he’s only been here for a day . He’s just going about his usual ignore the problem until it resolves itself attitude .
Shiori didn’t know that these two had such a covert background . At least, that’s how it seems at the moment . She muttered .
“Doesn’t it seem like there’s been a lot of these recently?…”
She’s referring to spacequakes .
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