Prologue: Liselotte’s Melancholy
Southwest of the Galarc Kingdom, in the trading city of Amande... Ten days had passed since Christina and Flora disappeared.
One morning, Liselotte Cretia was in the drawing room of the governor’s estate. She was accepting a letter from Roanna, who was visiting as a messenger from the Restoration. She was seated on one of the reception chairs, scanning over the letter penned by Duke Huguenot.
The contents were detailing the possibility of an engagement between Liselotte and the hero, Sakata Hiroaki. Liselotte would become his third wife from the public point of view, but the letter emphasized that Hiroaki hated the thought of ranking his wives and believed there was no meaning to the order. It also asked for her to immediately visit the Galarc Castle with Roanna in order to meet Hiroaki, noting that Roanna was to be the second wife and Galarc’s third princess Rosalia would be the first wife.
However, the first thought that came to Liselotte’s mind after reading the text was...
How do I reject this...?
Suppressing her desire to sigh heavily, she glanced up at Roanna seated before her. The girl who had arrived as Duke Huguenot’s messenger was sitting elegantly with her eyes closed as she waited for Liselotte to finish reading the letter.
The marriage meeting will take place in the Galarc Castle. The sender says Duke Huguenot, but it’s been stamped with King Francois’s signature, so I’m essentially being summoned by His Majesty himself. This is Duke Huguenot we’re talking about, so of course he wouldn’t overlook the proper procedures regarding this.
When making a marriage proposal to a noblewoman of a distinguished family, it was only natural to seek the permission of the king. But the fact he had gone to approach the king formally before Liselotte herself was a cunning move. With the proposal crafted like this, Liselotte was now one step behind.
His Majesty approved of my freedom in marriage already, but...
It was unclear how far King Francois was willing to respect Liselotte’s freedom when the Restoration—their allies—were in such a precarious state. Since the Restoration’s headquarters were located in Marquess Rodan’s domain, it was in a position that bordered the Galarc Kingdom and could suppress the Proxia Empire.
Even if the organization itself was terminated, it would still become the potential frontline if a war between the Galarc Kingdom and the Proxia Empire ever occurred. The Beltrum Kingdom’s main government was already strengthening its connections to the Proxia Empire, so the Galarc Kingdom’s best interests lay in having the Restoration alive and well. That way, they could act as a breakwater in case of an emergency.
Duke Cretia’s domain in particular was located along the border, and the royal family of Galarc had entrusted them with the protection of the western border, so they had a mutual interest in that respect. It was an important matter of whether one’s own kingdom would be the frontline for a war.
If things continue at this rate, the Restoration movement will be at risk. I don’t know what circumstances prompted me to be nominated as a marriage candidate, but I can’t take an optimistic view without hearing His Majesty’s opinion first.
Liselotte thought to herself calmly—she needed to confirm the facts. Did King Francois summon her through this letter because it was the least he could do to show his cooperation with their allied hero? Or was the situation worse than imagined and he needed to act proactively?
If it’s come to this, I can’t just send a rejection without showing my face. I guess I have no choice but to visit the Galarc Castle... Good grief, this is going to be trouble.
Liselotte finally let herself sigh. When she imagined how offended Hiroaki would be when she rejected him, she couldn’t help feeling heavyhearted. But there was no helping it: no matter who the offer came from, Liselotte had no intention of marrying someone she didn’t even like. It would be her choice and her choice alone who she devoted the rest of her life to. In order to make that possible, she had become the governess of Amande and established the Ricca Guild, making her position and power unshakable.
“I have read the letter.” Liselotte looked away from the paper and up at Roanna.
Roanna bowed her head solemnly. “I apologize for bringing such sudden news to you.”
“Not at all. I’ve heard of the news already.”
The leaders of the Restoration—that is, Christina and Flora—had disappeared with no clues as to their whereabouts. The Restoration had separated from the main government under the just reason of overthrowing Duke Arbor with the two legitimate princesses on their side. With the foundation of the organization having disappeared, they were on the brink of collapse.
Duke Huguenot, who was leading the Restoration, surely felt a sense of panic about this, and it was a troubling issue for the Galarc Kingdom as well, as they wanted the Restoration to act as a cushion between them and the Proxia Empire and the Beltrum Kingdom.
“I’m terribly sorry to bring up another sudden request, but as it says in the letter, would you be willing to come with me to the Galarc Castle as soon as possible? I understand you have your own business to attend to, but if you could create some time within the next few days...” Roanna looked at Liselotte with an apologetic face.
“I don’t mind—I just so happen to have business to take care of in the capital. We can leave today.”
“Thank you very much.”
“There’s no need for that. I just need to give the hero my reply directly, is that correct?”
“Yes, that’s what Sir Hiroaki desires.”
“The hero...” Liselotte paused for a brief moment, then nodded firmly. “I understand.”
If he wants to hear my reply directly, then he must be on board with this proposal. If he wasn’t interested in the proposal, he wouldn’t have specified the reply to be through a direct meeting, Liselotte analyzed from Roanna’s response.
“I will go and prepare for my departure. It shouldn’t take that long, so please wait here in the drawing room until I’m done,” she said to Roanna.
“Okay. Please take your time.”
“I’ll leave a servant in the room, so tell her if you need anything.”
Liselotte looked at Natalie, one of the attendant ladies waiting in the corner of the room. Natalie replied with a respectful bow. Incidentally, Aria and Cosette were also waiting next to Natalie. The order to Natalie was an indirect order for the other two to follow her, so Aria and Cosette also nodded faintly to show Liselotte their understanding.
“Then, if you would excuse me.” With those words, Liselotte stood up and headed for the door. Aria and Cosette followed her quietly, and the three of them left the room.
Honestly, what should I say when I reject him?
As soon as she stepped out into the corridor, Liselotte let out a melancholic sigh. Aria and Cosette watched their master with sympathetic smiles.
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