Dear readers of the novel version (this book), it’s nice to meet you. My name is Yuri Kitayama.
Dear readers of the web version, thank you for continuing to support this series. This is Yuri Kitayama.
No matter which reader you are, thank you for showing your interest in the first volume of Seirei Gensouki: Spirit Chronicles.
Now, there may be people confused by my use of the terms ‘novel version’ and ‘web version,’ so allow me to explain that first:
This Seirei Gensouki series first started as a novel I submitted to the website Let’s Become a Novelist, which I am still updating now. After receiving much love from the readers there, HJ Bunko graciously extended an offer to me that thus led to the publication of this novel version. And so, you can access the web version of Seirei Gensouki at any time you wish on the Let’s Become a Novelist website through your PC or phone.
That being said, reading the web version won’t reduce the excitement nor fun of reading the novel version. Nor is reading the web version necessary to enjoy the novel version.
In order to allow the story to be enjoyable no matter which version you choose to read, the novel version of Seirei Gensouki is a remake (or rewrite, really) of the contents of the web version (specifically speaking, the basic story line is borrowed from the web version with a few additional scenes, altered scenes, increased heroine time, change of setting, etc...).
So if this makes both the novel and web versions enjoyable, I will consider myself a very lucky author.
There is also something else I’d like to say before I run out of room... I’d like to express my deepest gratitude for all those involved with Seirei Gensouki, now and in the future.
Firstly, to the readers of both the web and novel versions who continue to show my humble work love, thank you very much! There would be no Seirei Gensouki without you.
To the proofreaders who check for minute typos and language expressions, store owners who advertise and promote this work, thank you all very much.
Furthermore, to the editors at HJ Bunko and involved parties at Hobby Japan: thank you for your pains in publishing Seirei Gensouki!
I am especially grateful to my editor, N, from the bottom of my heart! Thank you for gently guiding a completely lost newbie author like me through our first meeting together, and for working so hard behind-the-scenes to get this work out. I will be in your care from now on too!
Finally, to my illustrator, Riv. Thank you so much for your numerous, beautifully colored illustrations of Seirei Gensouki. Even details that I hadn’t considered as the author (especially backgrounds and clothes) had so much detail put on them. The cute and colorful expressions of the heroines make me grin every day. From the bottom of my heart, thank you! I’d like to wrap things up here for now... I hope we can continue to meet now and far into the future. The publication of Volume 2 has already been decided, so hopefully I’ll see you again there!
Yuri Kitayama
August 2015
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