Although I did use that explosion magic on them, the Dullahan came charging than expected. It then approach us, with a large shield that could hide its body, aw well as a greatsword that is even bigger than Amyl’s. As it is riding a horse, it is currently an enemy with the highest mobility that we’ve faced. That intimidating feeling can’t be called ordinary either. Since it swing its sword in that charging condition when we crossed swords, I got thrown away along with my sword.
“Guuh!” (Est)
As expected of rushing while mounted on a horse, what a terrifying and heavy blow. My hand still felt numb because of that attack. Coming here with that explosive power, the Dullahan then just passed us. I see, the ‘hit and run’ tactics huh? Then let’s use this tactic here.
I kill all the small fries before the Dullahan returns. I keep on spamming fireball nonstop towards the enemies as much as I can. Each of my shot hit as it covered a wide range. Everyone also attacked nonstop. The Salamander that Diabell had summoned turned the undeads to ash one after another. The flame attack is working alright.
When Lelena covered the enemy group with ranged Healing magic, their body start to collapse. Priest type is their natural enemy. When Claire used his archery skill’s 『Power Shot』, it penetrates several undeads while crushing their heads in a straight line. That’s not the kind of offensive power you would expect from a bow.
Amyl and Shallie keeps on beheading any undeads that managed to approach us. These two had quite a good combination. While in this confusing fight, they moved well while covering each other’s back, so I could be at ease.
Meanwhile, the Dullahan had begun its second charge. Although I tried to directly fight with it before, there’s no need to do it twice. I already know the weakness of riding a horse for a long time.
I strengthen the image and deployed the magic. What I’m using is the Earth magic. It’s a simplified version of the enclosure fence that I imagined the Oda’s army used in the Battle of Nagashino. I make a swamp at the place near the Dullahan, decreasing its mobility. I dig the ground and create a moat while its speed is reduced. I also build the enclosure fence with simple earthworks and waited. I didn’t forget to add splinter as a substitute for the barbed wire to the fence.
I used the flame spears as a substitute for the gun corpse from the gaps of the enclosure fence. The Dullahan threw itself into the enclosure fence to approach me while parrying the flame spears with its large shield and great sword. The headless horse took great damage as it falls into the moat, no longer able to battle.
But the moment the horse fell, the Dullahan jumps from the horse back and throw its great sword towards me. I managed to block it with my shield somehow. That single blow is way too strong. I should bring this to an end as fast as I can.
I once again faces the Dullahan while checking its status.
Dullahan:Level 40『Floor Master』
It’s a damn level 40! Besides, there’s a face on its large shield. This guy really had bad taste. Isn’t a Dullahan the type that even went shopping in the supermarket while holding the head under its arm? That face laugh with a smirk. It seems to be confident that it can beat me.
The Dullahan delivers a single strike at where I stood, making me evade at the very last minute. I counter attack with my sword, but it was easily parried by the large shield. Although the Dullahan keeps on attacking nonstop, I managed to fend it off somehow. However, since all I could do is just parrying, there’s no root to counter attack. Even after I’ve raise the Swordsmanship to Level 4 which is the same as an expert, it still end up like this.
Whenever I parried its attacks, I have a feeling that my strength is decreasing. No, this is not just my imagination. There’s some secrets to that great sword. I immediately kicked backwards to take some distance. There’s not that high chance of me winning in direct confrontation. Everyone else can’t provide support as they are busy with the undeads. I’m really in a bind here.
Let’s try firing the small fireball nonstop first. Although most of it are blocked with the shield, the others are cut with the great sword. However, although the fireball blocked by the large shield scattered the flame, the fireball that had been cut by the greatsword disappeared like it got absorbed into the sword.
I see. With this I found a way out. I will go all out this time. I close the distance in an instant and swing my sword with my best effort. I keep on attacking without giving the Dullahan and chance to relax. However, unlike the Dullahan who’s an undead, my physical strength is not infinite. My attacks becomes duller every time it got parried by the large shield, and then the great sword was shoved into my breastplate which had been wide open. My left side had been stabbed. I understood that it had crushed my bones and penetrated the internal organs. It’s too painful that I can’t even raised a scream. Red blood starts to overflows from my mouth.
“Master!” (Claire)
“Est!” (Amyl)
“My Lord!” (Diabell)
“Master, don’t die~!” (Shallie)
“Est! I’ll cast recovery now..!” (Lelena)
The eerie face on that large shield shows a triumphant smile. It intends to tease about my death without delivering the finishing blow. But you let your guard down. It my win once I managed to take down your head!
I catch the arm of the Dullahan that was going to pull out the sword. I unleashed the magic that I have imagined. Bright light was shot from my body, healing my wounds instantly. And in reverse of that, the body of the Dullahan collapsed like mud. The large shield raised its scream at the last moment. It’s a scream of an evil spirit that tried to somehow clings to the mortal world.
Once I see the great sword absorbing the magic, I start to think of a way to let it absorb the Healing Magic which is the weakness of the undead. Since it could easily avoid it if it was a range attack, I need to let it get close to me to make sure of it. Since this is the only way for me to defeat a stronger opponent like this, I’m literally risking my life here.
“Master!” (Claire)
Claire who had defeated the small fries came back for me. When I can’t move from Claire who had suddenly jumped to me, Shallie had also jumped to me from the back. You both are heavy.
“You really make me worried there! However, I’m glad that you’re safe!” (Amyl)
“I’m glad you’re safe. I really thought that it was already hopeless.” (Lelena)
Amyl keeps on shaking my hands. Lelena is full with tears. I guess everyone couldn’t hold back their worries. However, with this we have accomplished our goal. Lets celebrate the victory now!
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