My father died this summer. The life of a man who was born to a peasant, and who was brave enough to be a nobleman of what he had in the lower ranks, closed the curtain with a shortness of thirty-nine years.
My father suffered from the disease for a long time.
My father, who also had a tough flesh, gradually lost weight and became like someone else, and at the end of the day he tried to sleep and took his breath away.
He said he was in all that pain, but he looked at peace when he died.
Human beings seem to be the things that make suffering go away before they die.
On funeral day, my father’s body was cremated.
Cremation prevailed in this Someforth Empire, even in areas where cremation was not allowed.
When I saw the melamera and the burning fire and the smoke that stood up, I got a real feeling that my father was dead.
Because of one circumstance, I never thought of my father as my father from the bottom of my heart.
But still, I’m pretty sure he was the most trusted and respected person in this world.
It brings tears to my eyes, but I feel good about it.
Don’t cry.
Never cry here, given what I’m about to do.
After my father’s funeral, I gathered together those who were my father’s men.
I wear a fine costume, take care to look like an adult man at all, and stand before everyone.
And he raised his breasts with dignity, and proclaimed:
"Beginning today, I, Ars Lovent, will inherit the trail of my father, Raven, and become the head of the Lovent family!
It was the twelfth anniversary of Japan’s death and rebirth into this world.
The death that came to me that day was too lamentable.
I am a man who has lived a truly mediocre life in a country called Japan for thirty-five years.
I was born into a very ordinary family, I go to elementary school, I go to middle school, I go to high school, I go to college, I go into a company there, I also earn four and a half million a year and I am mediocre.
Speaking of things that aren’t normal, it’s about not being married, but in today’s world of diminishing children, I might say it’s normal.
... Well, it may not be normal that she has never been able to do it properly either.
I think my face is normal on its own, but do I still have personality problems?
Lack of aggressiveness is a word that has been said by many people. I’ve also been told it’s always blurry.
It’s not coming off. I do have a personality that I don’t get that enthusiastic or aggressive about other than what I really like.
Maybe the reason she couldn’t is because there’s never been a single woman that I really liked before.
Well, it’s Monday.
It was a holiday until yesterday, so it’s depressing but I have to go to work.
Hold your favorite business bag in your right hand, turn the door knob with your left hand, open the door and go outside.
I took the keys out and tried to lock them, at that time,
It’s not normal. The pain hit my chest.
My hands trembled tremendously, dropping my keys and business back to the ground. And then I hold my chest with my hands.
I can’t breathe in too much pain, I can’t stand. I fell to the ground.
What is this? What is this?
My head doesn’t work properly due to pain. I can’t think of anything.
As it is, my vision is getting darker and my consciousness is getting farther away.
My consciousness fell into the dark with horrible agony as the situation made me understand nothing.
When I woke up, what was in my eyes was a woman’s face.
I can’t swallow the situation at all.
Let’s go back and think from scratch.
First of all, I was trying to get to work as usual.
So, as I left the house and tried to close my keys, an intense chest pain struck me.
The woman’s face comes forward when she realizes it.
It’s the face of a slightly rounded, loving woman.
I’m not Japanese. I am white.
If you fell from chest pain, is this a hospital?
But women don’t wear nurse clothes.
I don’t even know him. I don’t have any white female friends.
Her expression in the first place has a soothing look, as if it were a dog loving owner.
It would be different than the look on your face toward something that fell and was transported to the hospital.
A woman opens her mouth and talks to me about something.
I have no idea what you’re talking about.
Foreign language, but it really doesn’t sound familiar at all.
For once, I don’t speak a major language, but I know what language it is.
Looks like a woman from a minor country.
I’ll try to move my mouth, too. I make moves, but not words.
Only "uh" or "uh-huh," it seems, can be pronounced.
I try to move my body, but I can’t move it satisfactorily.
Looks like it’s working for once.
That’s when I put my hands in my sight.
Small. Amazingly small.
It’s like a baby’s hand.
My head is filled with question marks.
The conclusion I finally came up with in my mind, that it was a mistake to see, was lightly smashed when I saw my hand again. It remained small.
What the hell is this?
What’s the joke?
Am I dead then and reincarnated?
Roundabout reincarnation is one idea in Buddhism, the idea that a dead soul will go to the afterlife and be reborn again and again in this world.
Buddhist founder Buddha said that living is bitterness.
They say that the human soul continues to suffer all the time by repeatedly reincarnating, dying and reincarnating, dying and reincarnating.
By training and enlightening, you can break free from the circle of reincarnation.
Is it true that I was reincarnated because I was not enlightened?
I think it’s strange to remember, assuming it is.
Anyway, I only understood that something unusual was coming down on me right now.
I understood, but I can’t speak, I can’t move my body, I can’t do anything.
Do we have to wait now?
I’m kind of suddenly sleepy.
Is it because your body is a baby?
I couldn’t resist the intense drowsiness and I fell asleep.
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