‘Huh? What is this?’
SuHyuk turned his head to the side, wondering about the strangely named skill
-New skill core’s particular features will be explained
[Skill Core]
‘Jin Cronos’s Concentration’ (Level: common<growth type>)
:During a battle, an increased concentration, forced upon the user, allows the user to perform tasks that the user isn’t capable of during normal setting. However, if the level of the skill is too low, this skill does not work properly.
-Supplementary Explanation-
The Black slaughter, Jin Crono’s very first awakened skill. This is the most valued skill of Jin Cronos who had become a legendary knight after having fallen in a trap made inside of a hole and battled his way out of the dimensional dungeon filled with 114 enemy titans.
Though this is a very difficult skill, and thus, is very hard to grow, but once grown, the effect of the skill will be very profound.
Jim Cronos had grown this skill all the way up to the legend rating.
(Cool Off Time: None) (Skill Type: Passive)
(DF Usage: None) (Growth Condition: Unknown)
[Price: 100,000 DF]
‘What is with the growth condition……the price is 100,000? Wasn’t the highest price on 1st floor 10,000?….’
SuHyuk was not sure whether the skill that he had just picked was a jackpot or a dungpot.
-Skills with growth conditions are special in that a specified condition must be met before it grows, and thus, level up. Though other skills, generally, have internal limits in how high a level can rise, the skill that the master had just earned had been known to rise to the legend rating. In other words, Jin Crono’s Concentration is an outstanding skill, and as such, the skill should belong in the 4th level of the Universe, but….I am not sure why it was in the 1st floor to be able to be picked up during random pick. This phenomenon is something that has overridden the system’s set limit.
‘Whatever the case, then I must have picked up a jackpot?’
-From a normal stand point, it would be considered as a jackpot, but…..without any revealed means of growing the skill, it could be considered a difficult skill to grow.
‘So then this is a dungpot?’
-It is a skill that is a bit difficult to explain in a normal way.
‘Hmmm….., okay, let’s push this aside. Then, for now, it is definite that this skill is not very helpful?’
-Yes, that is a fact.
SuHyuk’s gamble with the random pick was a result that was close to a failure, for now.
‘But, what is this stuff about rating?’
-Skill ratings range from common to rare, unique, hero, legend, and mythical. Of course, closer the skills go toward the mythical, higher the rating.
‘Then this skill core….even if its condition is difficult, if it can be raised up to the legend rating, then this would be a jackpot?’
-Yes, if it can be raised to that level, definitely
‘Okay, though it is kinda disappointing, but let’s leave it at that.’
SuHyuk erased the Jin Crono’s Concentration skill from his mind. It was not the time to be thinking about something useless to his current situation. He needed to think up a plan to utilize all of the skills that he currently can use for the betterment of the situation.
‘Two level 2 dimension demon….because they were sitting near each other without moving an inch, it would be impossible to kill them one at a time. Then would I be able to kill them while attacking them at the same time?’
For someone that was just a cleaner and not a helper nor even a knight, to be worrying about simultaneous attack on two demons is unfathomable. However, current SuHyuk was not your average cleaner from the past. He had, in his disposal, an outstanding transcendental ‘ability’…..and 4 skill cores that resulted from the ability. If these skills were to be used in a right manner, killing the two demons would not be an impossible feat.
‘I can’t discard the precision shooting skill. The biggest weapon that I have is, of course, the rifle. I have to win with that.’
Of course beast shells have, practically, no effect on level 2 demons, but that is true if it was shot, randomly, anywhere. If looked carefully, even the level 2 demons have some weak spots where the beast shells would penetrate. For such weaknesses to be taken advantage of, precision shooting is a must. So with there being only three slots for skills, precision shooting D couldn’t be taken out.
‘With the two remaining skill slots, I must fight while interchanging the skills among the three skills that I just purchased. Yan, how much DF is used to equip the slot with the new skills?’
-Hawk’s Eye requires 5, Penetration Increase requires 10, and Speed Movement requires 20. Also, the cool off time only counts down while in a skill slot. So, if a skill core is removed while it is on its cool off time, the count down freezes until the next moment that same skill core is inserted into the skill slot.
‘In other words, it can’t be used indefinitely while switching out.’ SuHyuk nodded at Yan’s courteous heads-up.
-And if you were to remove a skill core while it has some remaining effect, the remaining effect will be lost.
‘Chet, that is disappointing.’
Actually, it makes sense that such would be the case, but it was still disappointing, nevertheless.
‘Whatever the case, did I prep myself as much as I possibly could?’ SuHyuk put away the Universe and did a final evaluation.
Four skill cores that are not in use….For now, SuHyuk inserted Penetration Increase and Hawk’s Eye in the empty skill slot.
‘Alright, let’s slowly start.’
If he could wait and wait until the demons leave, he would rather do that, but he knew that the demons would not leave the spot.
There was one thing that the beast scientists would always say regarding the demons, that they are definitely not dumb.
According to those researchers, the mental capacities of the demons were quite high. Though the beasts had the similar mental make up of regular animals, such were not the case with the demons.
The reason why the two demons were sitting at the exit door was to wait for SuHyuk, because they knew that he would come to this location for him to exit the dungeon.
‘First, setup the claymore….’ SuHyuk set up all of his claymores at locations that he had thought up. No matter how powerful the claymores, if not used correctly, would have no effect on these level 2 demons. The reason for that was the same reason as the beast shells. They simply were not strong enough to penetrate the strong exterior of the demons. For SuHyuk to set these up, in spite of that fact, there was something that he had thought up.
SuHyuk went up to the pre-scouted little hill with caution after crawling on the ground for about 30 minutes to set up the claymores. This hill was about 700 meters away from where the demons were, but he had in mind to at least snipe one of the demons from the spot.
Churkuk, Churkuk.
SuHyuk reassembled his sniper rifle with seasoned skill. In order to be a cleaner, such skill was a norm. For someone that had been a cleaner for 10 years and having lived outside of the colony for 20 years, this was not even a job.
After inserting the magazine with the poisoned shells into the rifle, SuHyuk gently set the rifle down on the ground, and with lightness, he set the distance on the rifle.
‘Should I have just bought the other Penetration related skill instead of the movement type?’
Now that he was almost ready for the attack, he had regretting thoughts regarding the choices he had made on the skill cores. Though it can’t be confirmed, but it seemed logical that if he had combined Penetration Increase skill with Projectile Impact Induction skill, he would be able to penetrate the exterior of the level 2 demons quite easily.
Of course, he had already thought that this reasoning was not beneficial since it couldn’t be proven, but just as one’s cake looks smaller than the other’s cake, he couldn’t help but to think that, possibly, his abandoned thought might be effective after all.
‘There is no point in second thinking things when it’s all over and done.’
SuHyuk shook his head to clear off his anxious mind.
Only thing that he had to keep in mind was how to implement the task with what he had in his possession.
‘I have to take care of one of the demons with this one shot….’
SuHyuk was aiming for an eye of the Red Canine Leopard Demon. There were many reasons for aiming for the eye, but the simplest reason was because the eyes were the easiest to penetrate with beast shells.
-Wind is consistently blowing from left to right at 1.5 m/s.
Yan constantly updated SuHyuk the wind strength and direction as she provided an exact target mark on the eye of the Red Canine Leopard Demon. Though it may not seem much, but such were big help to SuHyuk.
“Whoooo…..” SuHyuk lightly cleared his chest in his effort to blow away his nervousness. Then he slowly squeezed his trigger finger that he placed on top of the trigger with very minute pressure on the trigger.
‘Wind condition is good….and there is no movement…Right now!’
Keeik, Taaang!
The instant the beast poison shell fired, one of the eyes of the Red Canine Leopard was being penetrated by the shell. No, it was on its way.
At the last moment, after feeling something uneasy, the Red Canine Leopard twisted its head and the beast shell ended up in the head region.
Unfortunately, the beast shell didn’t penetrate the head, but instead, it had hit the head with quite a force and it made the Red Canine Leopard Demon to tilt side to side.
‘One more time!’
Churkuk, Ting!
He had to do whatever it takes to finish off the Red Canine Leopard Demon. Already, the Black Husked Hog Demon was running toward SuHyuk as if it was on a rampage, and therefore, he wouldn’t have third chance at the Red Canine Leopard Demon.
‘Skill activation, Hawk’s Eye!’
SuHyuk even used Hawk’s Eye as he, again, concentrated all of his attention on the Red Canine Leopard Demon.
-The wind strength is exactly the same, but the direction of the wind is reversed.
With the knowledge of the new wind condition, SuHyuk adjusted accordingly, and without any hesitation, he pulled the trigger.
Precision Shooting, Hawk’s Eye, and Yan’s support all added up to raising SuHyuk’s marksmanship level to the highest possible state. This was an obvious result considering SuHyuk was already a good marksman.
The shell that left SuHyuk’s rifle entered the right eye of the Red Canine Leopard Demon and it entered the demon’s brain.
Not even the demon should be able to get up after this, especially, when the shell was a poisoned shell. Because the probability of the poison spreading throughout the brain of the Red Canine Leopard Demon was pretty high, SuHyuk could afford to focus solely on the Black Husked Hog Demon.
‘Next is the Hog Demon!’
Now that he and splendidly succeeded his attack, SuHyuk quickly threw down his rifle and turned his head to look at the Black Husked Hog Demon.
The power behind the Black Husked Hog Demon’s charge was something not even the knights could stop.
‘You have always been known for unconditional charge toward your target.’ SuHyuk looked at the Hog Demon as he pulled out a switch from his pocket. He, then, without a care, pushed the switch.
Instantly, 10 claymores that were stationed at either side of the charging Hog Demon exploded. Of course the beast bones that were inside the claymores wouldn’t penetrate the thick exterior of the Hog Demon, but the fact that all 10 claymores exploded at once, the combined explosive force was enough to halt the Hog Demon’s charge.
As can be imagined, the Hog Demon was shaking in its steps. All around the Hog Demon, as well as around SuHyuk was muddied in debris and smoke, but unlike the Hog Demon, SuHyuk had a valuable ally.
“Yan, give me the target markers!”
-Target markers initiating.
Even though the smoke made things hard to see, on top of the smoke was the name of the demon written in words as well as a rough sketch of Hog Demon’s silhouette.
Once he identified the target, SuHyuk threw his grenades toward the Hog Demon. He didn’t just throw one, but he threw all 5 of the grenades that he had.
Quakang, Quaaaaaaakaang!
On top of the claymore attacks, now the grenades bombarded the Hog Demon.
Of course, even with this attack, there was no way that the Hog Demon would fall. No, the potential was great that not even the damage would be visible. Even then, SuHyuk dealt out all he had toward the Hog Demon.
All the attacks only made the Hog Demon mad. The Hog Demon shook its body as it looked at SuHyuk with piercing eyes….the eyes that turned dark red.
Overly excited Hog Demon was determined to instantly charge toward SuHyuk as soon as it was able to locate him.
Currently, SuHyuk had nothing to prevent the Hog Demon’s charge, and the situation was not such that he can really deal with the Hog Demon. The Hog Demon’s exterior was just too strong for SuHyuk to deal any real damage. It really didn’t look like he had an answer to his dilemma.
But at that moment,…..something popped out next to the Hog Demon. A shadow that was running through the smoke…..
Unbelievably, that was SuHyuk.
Of course, the Hog Demon had every intention to charge toward SuHyuk when it located him, but something unusual happened at that moment.
SuHyuk’s body that was running toward the Hog Demon phased away into nothing. In actuality, what happened was that SuHyuk had blitzed toward the Hog Demon with unbelievable speed and had moved out of Hog Demon’s point of sight, but there was no way for the Hog Demon to know that.
After having lost sight of SuHyuk, it quickly looked around, but SuHyuk was nowhere to be found.
“I am right here you fat pig.” The sound came from immediately below the Hog Demon.
SuHyuk slid underneath Hog Demon’s belly and pulled his rifle’s trigger even before he had finished calling out to the pig.
Instantly, tens of beast shells penetrated through the belly and entered Hog Demon’s body.
If said accurately, all of the beast shells were fired at an area the size of a human adult’s fist, and as a result, the shells had nowhere to go but to penetrate through the exterior and enter Hog Demon’s body.
That small fist sized area that SuHyuk concentrated his fire upon was the Hog Demon’s weak point….its reproductive organ region. Though all around this area had solid defense, this reproductive region was definitely weaker. Not only that, this region is usually solidly shut tight in order to protect the region, but upon heightened anger the region opens up.
It was because SuHyuk had known this fact that he, first, made the Hog Demon angry before speeding toward this weak region.
With an agonizing whale, the Hog Demon fell on its side.
Following the Red Canine Leopard Demon, the Black Husked Hog Demon fell as well.
SuHyuk had always struggled to stay alive, and because of that unending resiliency, he was able to live through today as well.
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