According to the Book of Records, despite all the tragedies that took place during the Night of Di Du’s bloodbath, it really did only last one night.
On the morning of the second day, Di Lin’s order had appeared on every notice board in the Capital.
“Haven’t you had enough fun yet? Get your ass back before noon! -Di Lin, March 27th.”
Many of the historians were often also expert linguists, and they all believed there were a lot of historical inaccuracies in regard to that order. First, it was the lack of a clearly defined subject. Who was “you” supposed to be in the sentence? And how can you get your “ass” back? Second, morning was also a very vague statement. When does “morning” start? Does he mean today’s noon or tomorrow’s noon, or some other date next year? Also, what does he mean with “fun”?
Either way, they were in overall agreement that the erroneous and counterproductive poster was the irrefutable proof that Di Lin did not take his childhood education seriously. He had to have skipped classes on a daily basis when he was young. In other words, if Di Lin had taken his childhood education more seriously, and had learned the proper morality and ethics, he probably wouldn’t have become the ice-cold killer that he was. So the final conclusion was that the teaching of Civil Morality had to take place when one was still young…
Still, as it turned out, before twelve o’clock midday, the vast majority of the Far Eastern Army had already reported back to camp. They knew all too well that their commanding officer was not someone you could argue semantics with. When the clock had hit one in the afternoon, all the regiments had gathered and made the head count.
Guard Captain Cobra led the forces personally and patrolled the streets. Whenever he saw any Far Eastern Army soldiers still out there having “fun”, regardless what their reasons were, (Didn’t see the notice boards, misread the message, didn’t understand the order or simply lost track of the time.) he would hang them on the spot.
After two o’clock, Stirling’s Imperial Guards also joined the peacekeeping force. Together they caught a band of robbers trying to take advantage of the chaos.
The order of the city was mostly re-established in the same afternoon.
Many people never understood how a famous general like Di Lin could openly allow his men robbing and killing innocent civilians. There were many on-going theories, but the young historian – Tang Chuan’s theory was most believable:
“Di Lin simply had no choice. He commanded his army with an iron-fist. If he didn’t provide them some occasional release, like looting or other opportunities to get rich, his men would have rebelled a long time ago! His army had always been the most spirited, most capable, and most loyal (Well, in this case they were only loyal to Di Lin, not to House ZiChuan) of all House ZiChuan’s armed forces. It was the ever victorious Army!
The only downside was, the cost to create such an army, and it was simply too expensive… more expensive than the House could afford.
After the rebellion was crushed, ZiChuan Shen Xing’s first task was to award the officers accordingly based on their respective merits in war. The result however, was a series of questionable personnel changes.
Former Chief of Staff – Luo Ming Hai was promoted to the Supreme Commander. When ZiChuan Xiu first heard of the news, he whispered to ZiChuan Ning: “It was probably a better idea to bring back the Buddha statue from the Temple and make it the Supreme Commander instead, either way you won’t hear a thing from them, ever. At the very least, the Buddha’s smile is more pleasant to look at than Luo Ming Hai’s stupid face.”
Former Deputy Commander of the Imperial Guard – Stirling was promoted to Acting Central Army Commander. He would be responsible for reorganizing and restructuring the Central Army.
That was the only personnel change which everyone approved. Stirling had earned his promotion. Everyone expected him to fully take charge of the Central Army, and not just being the Acting Commander in the near future.
Next up was the one personnel change everyone had problems with. After the order was re-established, countless accusations of Di Lin openly encourage his subordinates killing innocent civilian had flown into the Ministry of Supervision. Di Lin, as the newly appointed Inspector General was forced to settle several thousand cases against him every day for a week. It made his finger arthritis even worse.
It was however, not without upside. His hideous handwriting since childhood had seen great progress over the course of the week, to the point it could even be considered as art. Though, of course, it was limited to a few words: “Case Dismissed – Di Lin.”
Knowing the blood feud between Di Lin and Luo Ming Hua, that particular personnel change made everyone question ZiChuan Shen Xing’s true motive: Was he trying to pit his subordinates against each other on purpose, so they could keep each other in check and make it easier for him to control them? Or… then again when you saw his senile appearance, he really did not look much like a master politician. Could it perhaps be an honest mistake?!
Either way, during Luo Ming Hai’s inauguration ceremony, Di Lin who was supposed to make an appearance as the next Inspector General was absent, while during Di Lin’s inauguration ceremony, Luo Ming Hai had showed, albeit with inextinguishable flame of hatred burning in his eyes. Everyone had thought it was short of a miracle that he didn’t try to kill him there and then.
Ministry of Supervision was responsible for overseeing all administrative offices. Its usual relationship with the High Command could be boiled down as: One day of healthy discussion, one day of arguing, one day of shouting, one day of fighting, and three days of peace. Now however, everyone had expected it would turn in to a weeklong fighting, nonstop. Most of the staffs working at the High Command and the Ministry of Supervision had already prepared themselves for the possibilities of potential health hazards; some even went as far as to make a serious investment in life insurance coverage.
As per Luo Ming Hai’s request, due to the overwhelming workload concerning civil restorations after the rebellion, and the lack of capable and experienced staff, ZiChuan Shen Xing had approved the reinstatement of the former Chief of Civil Affairs – Ge Shan, allowing her to atone for her mistakes.
The former Deputy Chief of Civil Affairs – ZiChuan Xiu however, had let his little merits during the rebellion overcome his common sense. Given his questionable loyalty and lack of insight, he was found guilty on the charges of insubordination and showing sympathy for the rebels. (What merits do you think you have anyway? Other than spending your night drinking away with the Central Army Rebels? Do you really think you could have killed Lei Xun on your own? How dare you anger the Headmaster? Your crimes cannot be forgiven!) However, since both the Inspector General – Di Lin and the Acting Central Army Commander – Stirling spoke on his behalf, the great benevolent Headmaster had decided to overlook this once. ZiChuan Xiu shall be removed from the active duty and reassigned to the Army Reserve, effect immediately. Everyone knew being in the Army Reserve meant you had less power than a dog on active duty.
Sadly, it also meant that ZiChuan Xiu had to say goodbye to his extravagant office, the expensive furniture and that gorgeous female secretary with the mini-skirt. What pained him the most was – the question of whether his beautiful secretary was in fact a virgin or not would forever remain a mystery…
Following his demotion, on an afternoon and in ZiChuan Ning’s house:
Bai Chuan: “What the hell?! Why are we being reassigned to the Army Reserve as well?”
Luo Jie: “This makes no sense. We didn’t ask to pardon the rebels!”
Chang Chuan: “Sir, can you ask around for us? Is this a mistake? I heard Sir Stirling is now in charge of restructuring the Army. Can you perhaps get him to pull some strings for us?”
ZiChuan Xiu pondered: “But… asking for personal favour is an expensive business. Neither my integrity or personal honor would stand for such act…”
Bai Chuan: “Fuck off! It is not like you had any integrity or honor in the first place!”
Luo Jie: “Consider the fact that we have served you truthfully for so many years. Please, Sir…”
Chang Chuan: “Please, Sir. We can even pay you for it!”
ZiChuan Xiu: “Now you are putting me in a difficult situation! It is not about the money you see, even if you were to put a brief case full of cash in front of me right now…”
Before he could finish his sentence, the trio had already put every last cent they had saved up over the years onto the table.
“I mean even if Bai Chuan was willing to kiss me right now and not slap me right after…”
Just now, ZiChuan Ning appeared at the doorstep, and ZiChuan Xiu immediately added: “I wouldn’t have taken advantage of the situation, of course! My integrity wouldn’t allow for such underhanded act! Those who would take advantage of a damsel in distress are the ones I hate the most! Anyways, I will take your money and see if I can pull some strings! But no promises, I heard there is a reform going on aimed at combating corruption…”
The trio expressed their sincere gratitude.
“It is all right, Sir. As long as you are willing to help, we are grateful regardless of the outcome!”
“Sir, we will be eternally grateful!”
“Sir, thank you!”
Later that night, ZiChuan Xiu was having dinner with Stirling at a local restaurant.
“Xiu, regarding your reinstatement, I will talk to the Headmaster in a couple of days when he is in a better mood.”
“I don’t care. I don’t mind being in the Reserve. I like the quiet life.”
“Right, Xiu. What is going on with your officers? Why did they all volunteer to be assigned to the Army Reserve? When I made the personal changes, I really thought it was such a waste of talents.”
“Oh, long story. Luo Jie’s haemorrhoid was acting up again, Chang Chuan was having a midlife crisis and Bai Chuan was having her period.”
“That is really unfortunate. They are all very capable officers, especially the girl, Bai Chuan! She was very brave. I wanted to make her the new Red Banner Master in the newly restructured Central Army, but since they made the request themselves… I guess I have no choice.”
“I know right. They are one of a kind. We played cards together for so long, even though they lost every time, they still haven’t figured out that I was a cheat. Where else am I supposed to find idiots like that? If they really had left, I would probably die of boredom… Besides, I don’t really want to take Ning’s money.”
The truth was, despite being Civil Servants, both Luo Ming Hai and Ge Shan were quite capable in their own rights. They had proven to be extremely effective and efficient in organizing the series of restoration efforts needed in the aftermath of the calamity. (Like providing aid to victim’s families, cleaning up the streets, rebuilding the houses, offering care to those in need.) In conjunction with the great contribution Stirling had provided to Di Du’s security, within merely three days, Di Du had managed to revive from the ashes of the catastrophe befalling it. The order was restored, the city had begun to heal, and the lives of the civilian continued where it left off.
Just when the city of Di Du celebrated the end of the disastrous days, on Imperial Calendar, Year 779, April 1st, the news everyone thought was the April fool’s day prank, struck everyone like a lightning bolt:
“Far Eastern Army Commander – Ge Ying Xing had fallen.”
mperial Calendar, Year 779, March 28th, Commander Ge Ying Xing had left Di Du for the Far East. Around approximately three hundred miles from Fort Warren, in a place called Yellow Stone Mountain, the former Deputy Commander of the Far Eastern Army – Lei Hong, took Yang Ming Hua’s bribe, lay in wait with thirty thousand of his elite forces and ambushed Ge Ying Xing. After a bloody battle, Ge Ying Xing was heavily wounded and his six thousand personal guards were almost completely annihilated. In the end, a few hundred surviving guards gave their lives helping Ge Ying Xing escape the encirclement, but alas, due to the serious nature of his injuries, he passed away soon after he reached Fort Warren.
The City of Di Du was shocked by the dreadful news. Ge Ying Xing was one of the most senior officers from the times of the former Headmaster – ZiChuan Yuan Xing. Despite his incredible list of achievements and the immense power he held, he always remained his humble self, and had never acted recklessly. As the Commander of the Far Eastern Army, he was in charge of all the daily affairs concerning the Far East. The amount of wealth passing through his coffers numbered in the hundreds of millions, yet he could remain honest, not taking a cent extra. He led a simple and modest lifestyle. (While the like of Di Lin or ZiChuan Xiu, would take couple hundred thousand from the spoils of every battle.) He had always been strict to himself, compassionate towards the others. However, the most impressive thing about him was his unwavering loyalty to the House. With his sickly body, he kept Yang Ming Hua at bay for over six years. Both the army and the nation held him at high esteem!
When Ge Ying Xing’s body was transported back to Di Du, the grieving crowd waiting at the side of the road had spread to the end of the horizon. The tears of millions of followers had soaked through the white marble staircase. People of Di Du were angry, and they had spoken: “Cut the traitorous Lei Hong to thousand pieces!”
The state funeral of Ge Ying Xing lasted for three days. During his memorial service, Headmaster ZiChuan Shen Xing announced that Commander Ge Ying Xing’s remains shall be placed in the “Hall of the Holy Spirits”, the Imperial gravesite reserved only for the former Headmasters of the house. It was the highest honour to ever bestow upon an officer. In the entire history of House ZiChuan, forget Commanders, not even any Supreme Commanders were given such honour.
When Headmaster read the opening words of his eulogy, he could barely finish the first sentence before he burst out in tears. He kept on repeating: “The hero has returned, he has returned…” And then he fainted. On purpose or not, it had won him a great deal of goodwill from the people.
That day, the sound of tears had deafened both the inside and the outside of the memorial hall.
Together with ZiChuan Xiu, Bai Chuan came to the memorial service as well. Even though she had only seen Ge Ying Xing once, she could never forget how he had saved her life. She could still remember so vividly his worried gaze, his sickly frame and the warmth of his hands… She had already sobbed her way through several handkerchiefs.
Just then, she noticed something very peculiar: Standing beside her, ZiChuan Xiu did not shed a single drop of tear. In fact, he was furious; his eyes were filled with ice cold hatred. One could feel the chills coming from him miles away.
Tracing after his icy gaze, she found ZiChuan Shen Xing standing on top of the stage, reading his eulogy in the Memorial Hall.
Bai Chuan shivered at the sight; he had always thought Di Lin was the only one capable of such menacing look.
“Sir, don’t keep all your emotions to yourself, it is better to let it out.”
“Sir, take it easy, don’t overexert yourself. I promise you we will get that traitor – Lei Hong!”
“Sir? Are you all right?”
ZiChuan Xiu slowly opened his mouth; his every words screamed murder: “A grave injustice was done to Sir Ge Ying Xing. He will not be able to rest in the afterlife!”
With that, he stood up and gave Ge Ying Xing’s portrait a deep bow. Ignoring the others and the ongoing memorial service, he turned around and left.
His actions had offended many. “Ungrateful brat!” they called him, saying: “Sir Ge Ying Xing had saved his life several times, and he couldn’t even be bothered to stay around for his memorial.”
ZiChuan Xiu's unexplainable behaviour on the Memorial Day had always bothered Bai Chuan. Ge Ying Xing was a loyal servant to the house. He fought as hard as he could, and died from an ambush. Why did he say a grave injustice was done to him?
The question had bothered her for as long as she could remember, until many years later when she met the young Historian of House ZiChuan – Tang Chuan.
When she mentioned what had occurred that day to him, Tang Chuan had an answer ready almost immediately: “It is obvious. The fact that Yang Ming Hua managed to bribe Lei Hong couldn’t possibly have escaped Luo Ming Hai’s notice. He was his most trusted advisor after all. Yet, somehow no one had warned Ge Ying Xing of Lei Hong’s betrayal. Clearly, it was ZiChuan Shen Xing’s idea. After the death of Yang Ming Hua, the balance of power was broken. Ge Ying Xing, who had the support of the army and the people, had naturally become a thorn at ZiChuan Shen Xing’s side. And thus, a loyal servant of the house, who gave everything he had for the greater good, Ge Ying Xing died at the hand of the one he had sworn to serve. If not injustice, what else do you call it? Did none of you notice at the time? You must be kidding. It was pretty obvious…”
Bai Chuan had no answer, but she did realize one thing: “The one playing the game is often lost, but the one observing sees it all.”[1]
The day the news of Ge Ying Xing’s death reached Di Du, High Command immediately gave the order for retaliation, requesting the other two Deputy Commanders of the Far Eastern Army, Lin Bing and Luo Bo to go after the traitor – Lei Hong.
In truth, before the order was even given, on the same day Ge Ying Xing passed away and without Far Eastern Army Staff Officer – Luo Bo’s consent, the enraged Deputy Commander Lin Bing was already in pursuit of Lei Hong’s rebel forces.
Lei Hong’s original plan was to kill every last one of Ge Ying Xing and his personal guards, leaving no witness behind. That way he could openly accept new “Headmaster” – Yang Ming Hua’s promotion, and become the next Commander of the Far Eastern Army.
He never once doubted the success of Yang Ming Hua’s coup. The reality however, did not agree. Not only did Ge Ying Xing survive the ambush, Yang Ming Hua failed to take the Capital as well. All of a sudden, the vast world had no place left for him to hide.
When confronted with Lin Bing's great army of vengeance, his first instinct was to run. Together with his men, he fled all the way back to his own controlled territory in the province of Galok, where he swiftly ordered the garrison units to join him in his rebellion.
Imperial Calendar, Year 779, April 2nd, twenty-five divisions formerly under Lei Hong’s command had raised their banners against House ZiChuan.
High Command wasn't too bothered by the recent developments. Compared to the recently ended rebellion from Yang Ming Hua, House Liu Feng’s massive attack on the capital six years ago, or half century earlier, the Border Army's rebellion, this was but a small scale local rebellion near the border. It wouldn't threaten the longevity of the House in anyway. Therefore, there was no need for panic. They could simply leave everything in the capable hands of the two Deputy Commanders, Lin Bing and Luo Bo. Given their vastly superior army in comparison to the rebel's, perhaps it would take a while, but the outcome was certain.
To all except Di Lin.
No one in the entire Capital had foreseen the terrible consequences this small rebellion could lead to, except him. On the very same day, Do Lin strongly advised High Command to divert three hundred thousand men from the Central Army or the Border Army and redeploy them to the Far East. The overwhelming force was necessary to crush the rebellion within the week, preventing the situation from escalating any further.
Supreme Commander – Luo Ming Hai didn't even bother to read his proposal. He simply said he needed to go to the bathroom and excused himself in front of the others. Fifteen minutes later, He came out without the document. Apparently he had "used" the proposal while he was in the toilet.
The only resort left to Di Lin was to see Headmaster – ZiChuan Shen Xing directly, but he was quickly being told by the Headmaster: “The jurisdiction of the Ministry of Supervision lies in overseeing the general conduct of the Officers of House ZiChuan, whether any of them had engaged in criminal conduct, fraudulent behaviour or dereliction of duty. The affairs of the Far East fall under the administrative purview of the High Command. You have exceeded your authority; therefore it is best if you withdraw.”
While Di Lin was being sent into a wild goose chase between the Ministry, High Command and the Headmaster’s House, something else happened in the Far East that had escaped everyone’s notice. It was something so insignificant, not even the “Capital News” saw fit to write an article about it.
Imperial Calendar, Year 779, April 11th, the days before the war between House ZiChuan and the rebels was about the break out in the Far East. In the province of Charo, a village so small, it wasn’t even marked on the map of the Far Eastern Region, where majority of its population were Beastmen, with some minority of Serpents. A group of less than hundred warriors from all races came together and formed the “United Freedom Army” with the sole purpose of defending their lands from their common oppressors. In other words, they had openly declared their independence, separating themselves from House ZiChuan’s rule.
Twenty years later, (Part-time) Deputy Inspector General, (Full-time) Historian, Tang Chuan published his greatest work – An article on the analysis of what caused the Great Rebellion of the Far East in the year 779.
The article analyzed the economical, political, cultural, historical, geographical, and many other aspects surrounding and leading up to the event. It debated whether the outcome was inevitable or by happenstance, and included a few additional notes from the author himself.
However, his publication was mostly a scheme to get a favourable endorsement for his promotion and perhaps a raise. The real victims were the editors in charge of reviewing his script. The total number of editors who could finish reading its List of Contents in one breath and hadn’t fainted straight after from shortage of oxygen… were zero.
In the article, Tang Chuan believed that the Great Rebellion in year 779 only seemed random, but in fact many of the historical, economical, political, cultural and geographical factors leading up to the event, had suggested otherwise.”
“During the reign of the Empire of Light, the Far Eastern Regions were mostly barren wastelands. As the border region connecting the great Demon Empire, most of its local population were a lawless and hardy folk. Even the Demons despised them and called the place the ‘Land of Barbarians’. Although the Demons mostly ignored its existence, every time they invaded the Humans living in the core regions of the empire, the great Demon Army would pass through the Far Eastern Regions. Naturally, they wouldn’t mind stripping the place bare along the way. Hence its local population, (mostly Beastmen, Dragonkin, Serpents, Goblins, Dwarfs and even a small number of Demons.) held very little liking for the Demon Empire.”
“When House ZiChuan was first founded, it was surrounded by enemies. Its founder, ZiChuan Yun knew the only way to secure its position was to expand its territory as much as possible, and thus, the reason for the constant war for territory against foreign powers. However, in the path of its westward expansion, it was confronted by the powerful House Liu Feng. The war between the two Houses lasted for several decades, and the death toll numbered in the hundreds of thousands. In the end, House ZiChuan had not won an inch of land.”
“During ZiChuan Yun’s final years, he came to the realization that he should have focused his attention elsewhere. Despite almost all of his generals’ and advisors’ protest, he turned his spear around and ordered for the advance into the Far Eastern Region, which had always been seen to be within Demon Empire’s sphere of influence. In the eyes of many, it was suicide. He should pray to the Gods to be left alone by the demons; it was simply unthinkable to actively provoke a monster of that size! ZiChuan Yun’s plans however, turned out to be a great military success.”
“Under the banner of ‘Liberate the Far East from Demon’s tyranny, Unite and rise against the Demon King, Save the Far East and protect its people.’ three hundred thousand of House ZiChuan’s mightiest army arrived in the Far East.
House ZiChuan’s actions quickly rallied the local tribes to their cause, gaining them large amounts of active support in the form of volunteers. The local tribes even formed volunteer armies to fight alongside House ZiChuan against the Demon Empire’s aggression!”
“Fortune smiled, the Demon Empire was caught in the middle of a war of succession that year, and had no attention or army to spare to deal with the situation in the ‘Land of Barbarians’. They merely sent a few recon forces as a show of strength, which gave House ZiChuan the necessary time to establish its hold in the Far East. After another two centuries of active efforts from the several generations of Headmasters, even more territories were gained. As of now, the Far Eastern Region encompassed over one fourth of House ZiChuan’s total territories.”
“Most of the native population of the Far Eastern Regions were from the non human races. (Beastmen, Serpent, Dwarf, Goblin and Dragonkin etc) It made up of over eighty percent of the total population in the Far East. Humans made up for the remaining less than twenty percent. Yet, the less than twenty percent Human population were considered as the ‘Nobles’ in the Far Eastern Societies. Most of the other races served the Humans as house servants, slaves or workers. They also did the most tiring work, like farming, building or lifting…”
“No one really knew when it all began, but the great Army of Saviours of House ZiChuan had turned into the Army of Oppressors. Naturally, many of the local tribes had raised their complaints in the past, but when the well equipped, well disciplined and well trained Army of House ZiChuan ‘very patiently’ taught them a few lessons in blood and fire, they quickly admitted their ‘wrongdoings’ and returned to the ‘loving arms’ of their ‘caring father’.”
“Politics wise, death of the Far Eastern Army Commander – Ge Ying Xing had no doubt lit the fuse. Not only because Ge Ying Xing commanded everything in the Far East, but after his death, there wasn’t any other commander in the region that held enough prestige in the army. It was like a snake without its head. And most importantly, Ge Ying Xing’s death had led to House ZiChuan’s civil war, which in turn led to the redeployment of the local garrison units. Some joined the rebels and some went to fight the rebels. As a result, many of the local defence forces were left vulnerable.”
“When the troublesome races like Beastmen or Demons woke up in the morning and noticed just how vulnerable those who had ruled over their heads for as long as they could remember truly were… They naturally came to the conclusion that it was a much better idea to simply tear their Human masters to pieces with their iron claws than to serve them like slaves under the searing sun and overseer’s whips.”
“Of course, an important reason as to why the rebellion spread so rapidly was no doubt related to the lack of interest and incompetence shown by the members of House ZiChuan’s ruling echelon…”
In the Far Eastern province of Charo, the rebellion of a small nameless village became a rebellion of seven villages in mere three days. On the fourth day the rebellion had grown to include hundreds of villages, and on the six day it had spread even further to include thousands of surrounding villages and towns.
In response, the provincial governor, Red Banner Master – Lin Wei urgently dispatched the garrison force against the insurgency, but the three thousand human garrison force was vastly outnumbered and outmatched by the united rebel army ten times their size. The outcome was a humiliating defeat…
Within a week, almost the entire Charo province had fallen under rebel’s control as the rebel army laid siege against the provincial Capital, the city of Locke. The flame of rebellion showed no signs of slowing down and continued to spread to the several surrounding provinces… Urgent requests for reinforcement kept coming like a snowstorm…
In the coming week, the flame of rebellion had spread like a wild fire. Even the Capital realized the seriousness of the situation. An urgent meeting was called at the request of ZiChuan Shen Xing to discuss the deployment of countermeasures. Inspector General – Di Lin was not a member of the High Command, but given his prior ‘involvement’, the fact he had been to the Far East and knew the situation better than anyone else, ZiChuan Shen Xing invited Di Lin to the meeting despite Luo Ming Hai’s protest.
However, the moment the meeting began, they were already left flabbergasted by what Di Lin had proposed…
“Inspector General – Di Lin, can you repeat what you just said?” ZiChuan Shen Xing couldn’t believe what he had heard.
“Yes. The situation in Charo has spun out of control. We must treat them with extreme prejudice by making an example of them. I suggest we massacre the entire rebel population and openly desecrate their remains. It will strike fear into them and make anyone think twice before rising up against us.”
The commanders attending the High Command’s meeting looked at each other and laughed: “There we go again! Di Lin the Butcher. It is almost as if he knows nothing else but to kill everyone.”
Luo Ming Hai gave me a sneer, hinting all sorts of mockery, then he smiled: “Di Lin seems to want to kill the rebels the same way he killed the civilians in the Capital. Then again, I suppose killing civilians has always been his forte!”
Commander Fang Jin interrupted: “To round up all the rebel population, how many men would we need?”
Di Lin ignored Luo Ming Hai’s provocation as he answered: “I estimate we’ll need around two hundred to three hundred thousand men!”
“Where do you suggest we can obtain such large force?” Ming Hui Asked: “Are you suggesting we draw them from the Central Army or the Black Banner Army again? I’ve make it clear, you can’t have a single soldier from the Border Army. Liu Feng Shuang has been stirring troubles around the western border, raiding our outposts. No one knows what that bitch is up to.”
“She wants to keep the Border Army pinned down, stopping from sending reinforcement to the Far East!” Di Lin answered casually, but screamed in his head: “How do you not understand that?! What a tool!”
Di Lin spoke politely to ZiChuan Shen Xing: “Diverting forces from the Border Army or the Central Army would have been a good idea if it was a week ago. Now it is too late! Deploying troops from here to Charo all the way in the Far East is going to take at least three weeks, and we must crush the rebels right now!”
“If not from here, then from where?”
Di Lin responded calmly: “Province Galock!”
A moment of silence, everyone was shocked by what those words entailed.
“You want us to order the army that is about to attack the traitor- Lei Hong to retreat and fight the barbarians instead? You are aware they are dug in and are ready for battle, and you want to tell them to turn their back now and let Lei Hong kick them in the ass?”
Di Lin lowered his voice: “There is another alternative… we can negotiate with Lei Hong, and accept all his demands. As long as he is willing to fight the barbarians, we can promise to pardon all his crimes! His foremost concern right now is to stay alive, I’m certain he’ll accept.”
Almost everyone was outraged by what Di Lin had suggested. Fang Jin even rose to his feet, shouting: “How could you even suggest us to pardon the bastard who killed Sir Ge Ying Xing?”
Di Lin continued patiently: “It’s only a promise. It doesn’t mean we have to follow through.”
“That won’t work.” ZiChuan Shen Xing sighed: “If we promise to pardon the killer of Ge Ying Xing, we are going to have a riot on our hand before the day is over, and tomorrow morning the Council of Elders is going to have all of our heads. Too bad, really, it’s an excellent idea.”
He turned towards Stirling, who had been there the whole time but hadn’t said anything: “Commander Stirling, what are your opinions on this matter?”
Stirling seemed unfocussed, but ZiChuan Shen Xing’s inquiry made him put his thoughts on the matter at hand: “I also believe that we should divert troops from Galock, but not all of it… I believe a few divisions should be enough to quell the rebellion. Those rebels are in the end, a coalition of barbarians. They shouldn’t offer too much resistance. They are also disorganized and undisciplined… I believe we can defeat them with ease.”
Most of the commanders supported Stirling’s suggestion.
ZiChuan Shen Xing announced: “Very well. Today’s war council is hereby concluded. I hope the High Command and the Ministry can have a fruitful working relationship in the future. Let’s not keep wasting our time on complaining about others. It will only serve to brew hostility amongst ourselves…”
Everyone quickly left the room, leaving only Di Lin standing where he sat. Stirling called for him a couple times, but he kept a straight face and ignored him. In the end, Stirling had no choice but to leave him behind.
“Small Rebellion?” Di Lin murmured. Slowly, facing the empty Conference Hall, his mouth twitched into a wild laughter: “Hahaha, Small Rebellion they say! It is going to be a thunderstorm that will lift House ZiChuan by its root! You will all be dead soon, fools!”
“Sir Xiu, I heard you haven’t been reading the news lately, is that true?” Chang Chuan asked.
“Who told you that? I always keep myself updated with all the important state affairs. I made sure to read the latest issue of Playboy and Penthouse every day… But, why are you asking?”
“Oh, nothing, I just heard the technology stocks had plummeted, the currency devaluation rate is through the roof, even higher than Luo Ming Hai’s blood pressure, all the while the bank interest rate is at an all time low. The only thing retaining its value is the real estate! I’m wondering if you are interested, Sir?”
“Oh, I see… You have a point. So what do you recommend?”
“Well, Sir. You are in luck. I’m the perfect person to ask! Check this out; I just happen to be in possession of a lovely mansion, two hundred and eight square meters, a three story building. It is located in the heart of Locke, the provincial capital of Charo. Convenient transportation, beautiful neighbourhood, great prospects, it’s guaranteed to rise in value! Here, I have the brochure and the deed to the house.”
“Hmm, looks good. What will it cost? I don’t have that much money…”
“Sir. You are practically family to me. What do you take me for? Don’t worry about the money! But since you mentioned it, how about a pretty sum of twenty thousand as a token of my appreciation?”
ZiChuan Xiu laughed to himself; a house like this usually went for at least two million… Still, he pretended to be embarrassed: “Hmm, Chang Chuan… You know I’m like the poorest Officer out there. I barely have any savings. I don’t think I can come up with that kind of money… How about fifteen thousand?”
Chang Chuan hesitated, but finally relented, albeit unwillingly: “You are lucky that I’m in need of the money. Sigh… All right Sir. Let’s make the trade! Here is the deed, and…”
Chang Chuan’s eagerness gave ZiChuan Xiu a moment of pause. He made sure to double check the deed…”
Chang Chuan seemed insulted: “Sir, are you questioning my integrity and character? Here, look. The deed is issued by the City Hall of Locke. See? It even has the official seal on it… If you don’t trust me, then I will sell them to Luo Jie instead…”
“Hold on, wait. Fine, here is the money.” ZiChuan Xiu took out a stack of stinky bills from his shoe hidden underneath his bed, and counted them to Chang Chuan.”
“Ok then, the deal is made. Fair and square!” Both of them spoke the words at the same time and they both smiled the moment they turned their back to each other. The way they smiled, was pure evil.
Five minutes later, Luo Jie and Bai Chuan came to his room.
“Sir, I heard from Chang Chuan that you are interested in real estate. My family has a house in the City of Sha Jia in the Far East and I’m planning to sell it…”
“Sir, I got a house too I want to liquidate…”
ZiChuan Xiu double checked every page of their Property Documentation. They all seemed genuine. He wondered: “Why are you all selling your properties? Chang Chuan was the same…”
“Well, Sir, Chang Chuan got into some trouble with the law enforcement, and needed money to pay the fine.”
“Then, Luo Jie is…?”
“Luo Jie accumulated a huge gambling debt; he is being hunted by the loan sharks.”
“What reason do you have then, Bai Chuan?”
Bai Chuan robbed her eyes, pulled out her handkerchief and wiped her tears: “My mother’s aunt’s cousin’s fiancé’s brother’s neighbour was diagnosed of cancer, and is in need of a lot of money… I’m not rich, the pay being in the Army Reserve isn’t great either. My only choice is to sell my family’s estate.”
She burst out in tears.
ZiChuan Xiu felt really bad for her. It was his fault that she ended up in the Army Reserve; he even scammed her of all her hard earned savings by lying to her that he would use them to “pull some strings”…
The tiny bits of conscience still left in him screamed in agony – something like that had never happened before!
So he only talked them down to selling their properties to him for half price; he even paid them cash!
ZiChuan Ning came in to his room: “Brother, what are you laughing at while staring at a pile of paper?”
“Oh, Ning. Do you still remember when I told you I would buy you a pretty giant doll?”
“Of course. That was seven years ago! But you never came through! And all the perfume, dresses, make-ups you promised me… I even borrowed you a shit tons of money! Also, you haven’t paid a cent for the rent or the food, and…”
“Ning, haven’t I taught you? You are the next Headmaster of the House. You must learn to be generous! We are family. Don’t be so stingy eh? Anyways, forget all that. I will check out the flea-market tomorrow, and buy you a big giant doll! Once I re-sell all the properties…”
ZiChuan Ning took a closer look at the deeds.
“Ning, I suddenly realized I have a keen eye for business! Should I consider retirement and become a trader? It is not like I’m getting anywhere with this Deputy Commander job. Hey! Where are you going? I’m talking to you! This is important!”
ZiChuan Ning returned to the room with a stack of newspapers. She laid them open next to each other; each topic seemed to outshine the next:
--Rebellion of the Far East is spreading like a wildfire, City of Locke is in grave danger!--
--Alert! The rebels sacked the City of Locke! Provincial Governor, Red Banner Master Lin Wei died honourably in battle! Five thousand ZiChuan soldiers were killed!--
--The rebels razed the City of Locke to the ground! The rebels massacred the entire Human population!--
--Latest update! City of Sha Jia is surrounded by the rebels!--
--Urgent news! Large amount of rebels appeared all over the Far Eastern Region! Many cities have fallen!--
--Far Eastern Army – Red Banner Master – Li Ke has been appointed as the Commander for the anti-rebel army!--
--The five divisions of the anti-rebel army has met the rebels, victory will be ours!--
--The rebels are getting wiped out! – Li Ke has given the following statement in his interview.--
--Requiem of Blood! The story of anti-rebel army’s demise!--
--Loyalty beyond life! Sir Li Ke will live on in our hearts…--
--Special update: total humiliation! The defending garrison unit stationed in the Province of Yun has mutinied!--
--The province of Charo has fallen into the enemy’s hands. No human has survived the onslaught except one – Interview with the young banner warrior, Hu Hai who recently escaped death!--
--Kiss of the reaper – the adventure of Hu Hai!--
--Update: Garrison unit of province Minske has mutinied! The provincial capital has fallen!--
--Conservative estimate, the current number of the rebel army has reached three hundred thousand – Military Expert talks of the upheaval in the Far East!--
--High Command has given the order, in order to avoid mass panic, Capital News shall no longer report war news from the Far East!--
--From now on all our topics will be about “boy loves girl” or other innocent topics. Contributors are welcome!--
ZiChuan Xiu’s face instantly paled, from mere white to chalk, and from chalk to black…
“Brother, what is the matter? This is my uncle’s problem. Let him clean up his own mess!”
“Brother, you look… scary!”
“I never knew you cared so much about state affairs. I’m glad you have found a higher calling… Brother, where are you going in such a hurry? Did you eat something bad? The toilet doesn’t work!”
“Luo Jie, Chang Chuan, Bai Chuan! Get your ass in here now! How dare you trick me! I will feast on your tears tonight!”
“Where did you all go?”
“Those with the suitcases, guards, stop them!”
“Huh, Sir, you are mistaken… I’m not Luo Jie. I’m Luo Jie’s twin brother, Luo Kuang!”
“That is right, you seem familiar Sir. Have we met before? Let me introduce myself, I’m Bai Chuan’s sister, Bai Pi!”
“Huh, naturally I’m not Chang Chuan either! I’m Chang Chuan’s younger brother’s older brother! Is something wrong, Sir? Wait, stop. We are all gentlemen; we can talk about this! Help…”
“Ouch… not in my virgin ass!”
Thirty thousand soldiers perished under the command of Red Banner Master Li Ke, a devastating loss the High Command did not anticipate. It proofed that the rebels were not as disorganized as they had thought. Instead, they were a well disciplined force of armed warriors. It also served to further illustrate the incredible talent of their military leaders. They first exploited Li Ke’s arrogance, luring his army deeper into their territory, and then surrounded him with superior force. For such skillful display of combat strategy to come out from a race which was commonly believed to be pure brutes with little brains, one couldn’t help but reconsider – if the Beastmen possessed same kind of cunning and guile of Humans, in addition to their natural physical prowess, how long could Humans remain the masters of these less evolved races?
One very important factor that led to House ZiChuan Army’s defeat was: During the heat of battle, one division of Beastmen and one division of Serpents from House ZiChuan’s army had mutinied at the same time, causing the front line to crumble in an instant. It was exactly what Di Lin had feared. A large portion of the Far Eastern Army consisted of local non-human races. In the war of Humans against other races, their loyalty was not something you could count on. The situation continued to evolve as Di Lin predicted, the terrible defeat was like adding firewood to what was already a wildfire. Everywhere, non-human soldiers sent to suppress the local revolt turned on the human officers leading the army, causing entire division to mutiny and then joining the rebellion.
Within the month, what was once the rebellion of a small village had spread to seven provinces. The number of people participated in the rebellion had reached five hundred thousand. The speed and the ferocity, in which the rebellion had spread, gave everyone a pause.
Someone did recall what Inspector General – Di Lin had predicted, but could only lament regretfully: “If only I knew…”
The second war council joint by High Command and the Ministry was assembled at the request of ZiChuan Shen Xing to discuss how to best handle the current situation.
As of now, the other commanders had all realized their mistakes and the correctness of Di Lin’s foresight. They were fully prepared for Di Lin’s disgusting gloating and humiliating mockery… They had turned themselves into solid rocks.
But Di Lin didn’t say a word this time around. He just kept smiling, but doing so silently… making everyone completely miserable in the High Command.
In the end, ZiChuan Shen Xing finally lost his patience as he kept asking Di Lin: “Inspector General, what is your opinion on this matter? Would you like to share?”
And every time, Di Lin would answer directly: “Sir. I have no opinion on this matter. I would rather hear what other Commanders had to say.” It was a worse torture than straight out killing them. Luo Ming Hai’s cheeks were swollen red.
As a result, the war council did not reach any conclusion, and had to end prematurely.
Later, Stirling came to see Di Lin: “Brother, I knew you had something to say. Why wouldn’t you say it?”
Di Lin smiled bitterly: “Because it is pointless. When Lei Hong first mutinied, I told them we have to redeploy the Central Army to the Far East. Nobody listened. When the non human races rebelled, I told them we needed to divert the army fighting Lei Hong to deal with the rebellion; we could even negotiate with Lei Hong for a temporary truce. And again, nobody listened, instead they went to draw forces from the provinces west of Fort Warren. I’m sure they are going to order Far Eastern Army to ignore Lei Hong and focus their full attention on the rebellion of races next… But too bad, they are always one step behind.”
“Then what do you suggest?”
“My proposal would scare Luo Ming Hai shitless and give him a stroke.”
Stirling smiled: “My blood pressure is just fine, you can tell me!”
Di Lin looked at Stirling: “All right, then listen up. In my opinion…”
Di Lin spoke one word at the time: “We don’t need to care about Lei Hong or the rebellion. Pull the Far Eastern Army all the way back to Fort Warren, together with every garrison unit stationed around the border, including the ones guarding the border to the Demon Empire. We must relinquish our control to the entire Far East… Perhaps then we can still salvage this.”
Even Stirling was shocked, so much so he couldn’t even speak. Di Lin sighed: “See, even you can’t handle it. What is the point of me telling them?”
High Command’s reaction was exactly as Di Lin predicted. They just gave the order to Deputy Commander Lin Bing and Luo Bo currently holding in the province of Galock with the bulk of Far Eastern Army, ordering them to cease the battle with Lei Hong and turn around to deal with the revolt!”
The order arrived just when the Far Eastern Army was caught in a fierce battle against the Rebel Army. Given the chaos of the battlefield, if they gave the order for retreat now, they might as well bend over and let their enemies kick them in the ass!”
When Deputy Commander Lin Bing first received the order from the High command, she shouted angrily: “Luo Ming Hai knows nothing of war! If we turn around now, we may as well let them kill us! Fuck him and his stupidity!”
The more level-headed Luo Bo put a hand against her mouth and began preparing for the retreat.
Luckily, under Luo Bo’s shrewd leadership, a normally very flawed tactical manoeuvre, to retreat right in front of your enemy, was made to look like a perilous ambush, deterring Lei Hong from giving chase. After suffering a few casualties here and there, the Far Eastern Army of three hundred thousand strong successfully retreated from the province of Galock and began their march towards the rebellion of races.
The battle against the rebellion of races went pretty much according to plan at first. The Far Eastern Army booked success almost every day; even Luo Ming Hai was relieved. But when the army reached the heart of the rebellion, the province of Yun in Year 779, June, they suddenly lost all contact. Three hundred thousand men seemed to have disappeared from thin air, leaving everyone in the High Command in the dark…”
Only Inspector General – Di Lin seemed not to be bothered by it: “Lei Hong is not a fool after all.”
New reports only began to arrive on July 5th, the bulk of the Far Eastern Army shrunk from three hundred thousand down to fifty thousand. They had to give up their heavy weaponry and run back to Fort Warren with tails between their legs. Behind them, the combined Army of all races pounced at them like hungry wolves. There were fifteen divisions of Lei Hong’s Rebel Army amongst them as well.
Only until now did they realize what had happened: The traitor Lei Hong had contacted the Army of all races, promising them to cut off Far Eastern Army’s supply line and their path of retreat. In the eyes of the Army of all races, it was no doubt a win-win situation.
They quickly came to an agreement in the province of Minske, and signed what would later be known as the infamous “Minske mutual protection pact”. Its content entailed how they would divide the Far Eastern territories after House ZiChuan’s defeat. According to the treaty, everything east of Fort Warren, the Far Eastern Regions would fall into the hands of the non-human races, allow each race to rule over themselves, and everything west of Fort Warren, the former core regions of House ZiChuan would belong to Lei Hong.
Many people found it strange, how Lei Hong, who was a Deputy Commander of House ZiChuan himself, could be so arrogant to think that with the support of a few Beastmen or Serpents, he could topple House ZiChuan’s rule. Surely he should have known just how powerful House ZiChuan really was.
But there were others who thought the only reason Lei Hong signed the treaty, was to ensure his own survival. He was definitely not delusional enough to think that he could somehow bring an end to House ZiChuan’s hold over the continent which had lasted for nearly two hundred years. By agreeing to that particular proposal, he could make it look fairer to the other parties in the treaty, so they wouldn’t question his sincerity. It wasn’t every day a human would come to their aid.
The fact was Lei Hong knew exactly how the outcome would affect his chance of survival; it was in his personal interest to fulfil his part of the bargain. He went on to cut off Far Eastern Army’s supply line, the path of retreat and any chance of contacting the High Command. And that was what led to the mysterious disappearance of the Far Eastern Army.
Both Luo Bo and Lin Bing felt relieved when the Far Eastern Army finally managed to catch up to the bulk of the Army of all races on the beach of Red Lake in the province of Yun. They immediately gave the order to engage.
Even though the soldiers were hungry and exhausted by the time they arrived, they knew if they win this battle, the rebellion would effectively end and they would be able to go home. The thoughts filled them with strength and made them fight with renewed vigour.
For a while, the Far Eastern Army had the complete control of the entire battlefield. Their armoured lancers crushed through the lines of the Army of races, sending them scattering in all directions. Everyone thought their victory was certain!
Until the sun began to drop, and glimmers of sabre and lancers flashed over the horizon. A thundering roar later, the same armoured lancers, except under a different banner and wore a different colour showed up behind them. It was Lei Hong’s Rebel Army!
The already exhausted Army of House ZiChuan had no chance of stopping the charge of Lei Hong’s still fresh army. By then the scattered Army of races had regrouped and fought their way back… They scattered quickly, but they regrouped swiftly as well.
Luo Bo took reign immediately, killing a dozen of deserters with his sabre; Lin Bing stood in the forefront of the danger, encouraging the soldiers to continue to fight. But their defeat was decided, nothing else they did mattered.
Battle of the Red Lake, Far Eastern Army sustained two hundred and thirty five thousand casualties, including three Red Banner Masters, fifteen Banner Masters and forty six Deputy Banner Masters. Army commander, Luo Bo was serious injured… Since the founding of Far Eastern Army, not even when they faced the elite forces of the Demon Empire, had they ever suffered a loss this great…
Rebellion rolled on like a snowball, bigger and more fiercely every passing day. Soon the flame of chaos had engulfed twenty one of the twenty three provinces in the Far East.
Over a million rebel army battered against Fort Warren, time and time again! Pressing request for reinforcement poured down on High Command like storm, every word sounding more urgent than the previous!
--Rebel army has besieged Fort Warren, their army is massive!--
--Request for reinforcement, the defence won’t last.--
--We have ran out of medical supplies; we can no longer effectively treat the wounded!--
--We have run out of arrows and rocks. We pushed them back today with spits, tomorrow it will be blood!--
--Even the trainees from the Far Eastern Army Academy have joined the fight! We are now sending children into battle!--
--Staff Officer Luo Bo is heavily wounded, Deputy Commander Lin Bing has taken charge.--
The final letter was signed by Lin Bing and Luo Bo together in blood:
--If the reinforcement does not arrive within the week, then all that is left are our corpses.--
Fort Warren is the sturdiest barrier separating the Far East from the Capital City – Di Du. If Fort Warren falls, the million strong Rebel Army will pour through the gap like a flood sweeping away countless human lives living in the core areas of House ZiChuan. It is a scenario House ZiChuan simply cannot allow to happen at any cost!
Year 779, July 30th, The High Command gave the order, Acting Central Army Commander – Stirling was to lead fifteen hundred thousand, newly reformed Central Army to reinforce Fort Warren. Commander Fang Jing shall follow closely behind with the Black Banner Army. (Since Black Banner Army was stationed further away.) In addition, House ZiChuan had declared emergency state level two. All officers from the Army Reserve had been recalled to active duty, effect immediately.
On the dusk of a summer night, the sun began to set in the west, ZiChuan Xiu lay comfortably in the hammock net against the tall tree in front of the house. There, he drank the cold wine and watched the fiery clouds over the horizon, thoroughly enjoying the occasional times of peace and quiet. He was in a pleasant mood. As he raised his head, dust stirred abruptly across the distance, and from there, sound of hooves was rapidly approaching. Through the dust, he could make out the shape of a rider, a lightly equipped horseman soaked in sweats. He had his left hand on the reins, and his right waved a small red banner. A moment later, a red feathered arrow landed accurately on the gatepost in front of ZiChuan Ning’s house, and the rider shouted: “Alert!”
The rider flashed past him in an instant, and had no intention of slowing down, leaving only a trail of hoof prints behind drenched in yellow stains of horse sweats. ZiChuan Xiu rose up slowly as he watched the shadow of the rider slowly disappearing. He had a stern look on his face.
The sudden noise alerted ZiChuan Ning. By the time she came out, the shadow of the rider was mostly gone. She shared her concerns with ZiChuan Xiu: “Brother, what happened?”
She looked down and saw the red feathered arrow stuck in the gatepost, her face turned pale: “You have been summoned?”
ZiChuan Xiu nodded silently, pretending to not have seen the pain and worry revealed in ZiChuan Ning’s eyes.
Stirling came to see him later in the night. ZiChuan Xiu calmly welcomed him.
“I’m heading to the Far East tomorrow.” Stirling went straight to the point.
ZiChuan Xiu frowned: “That bad?”
“Worse than you think. Fort Warren is about to fall and we haven’t even recalled all our reserves…”
“I’m talking about your terrible sense of fashion. You even wore your socks backwards!”
“Never mind, don’t take your socks off here. I’m sure they smell terrible. So why have you come to see me tonight…” ZiChuan Xiu knew all too well why he came.
“I want to see Ka Dan.”
ZiChuan Xiu fell silent.
“Stirling, think about it for a second. You are about to lead hundreds of thousands men to the Far East to battle Demons. And yet, you came here to see the princess of Demons the night before! Is that something a Central Army Commander should do? Aren’t you afraid of your men finding out? Aren’t you afraid of someone report you to the High Command, calling you a traitor?”
“Besides, what are you going to say to her when you see her? Something like ‘Hi, Ka Dan, how are you. I’m going to kill your uncles and aunts tomorrow. Give me some encouragement in the form of love, and let’s kiss?!’”
“And what do you want Ka Dan to say to you? ‘My beloved Stirling, kill them quick, kill them fast, kill them nicely and kill them all. I’ll marry you when you come back?”
“Or perhaps you intend to make her cry while holding on to your thigh: ‘Don’t, please don’t go.’ So you would relent, unable to fight the Demons fully by the time you get to the Far East and let them slaughter you like a pig!”
Stirling seemed to be in pain. For that to appear on his granite-like and determined face was particularly impressive. ZiChuan Xiu quickly acquiesced: “Fine, you can have fifteen minutes!”
In the middle of the spacious Guest Hall, Stirling sat face to face with Ka Dan in an upright posture.
ZiChuan Xiu, ZiChuan Ning and a few others stared at them, eyes unmoving.
Their gazes quickly shifted to him, then to her, all the while eating sunflower-seeds. Someone whispered: “Look, he blushed!”
“I saw. Ka Dan blushed as well.”
“Shh, be quiet. Let them talk!”
Stirling looked at them helplessly: “Xiu, didn’t you promise me fifteen minutes?”
“I did, I’m giving you fifteen minutes to see Ka Dan. Isn’t she right in front of you?”
“Yes, I can see her. But somehow, I feel the room is a bit too small for all these people!”
“I think it is fine. Other than you and Ka Dan, it is just the few of us. I’m sure the room is big enough for all of us. Stop wasting time, a minute has already past!”
“But the question is, why are you guys even here?”
“Well. Bai Chuan is bored. Chang Chuan wants to master the art of seduction. Luo Jie probably never saw a real girl in his life, and my sister… Right, Ning, why are you here?”
“Erm. I ran out of romance novels. So I thought I’d come and see if there is any romance going on tonight… Ouch, Stirling. Let go of my ear! It hurts! Fine, I’m leaving!”
After ZiChuan Ning left the room, Stirling turned to Luo Jie, asking concernedly: “Master Luo, I heard you are having trouble with your stomach lately. You should rest.”
Luo Jie: “Nothing of the sort. I never get sick, and my stomach is fine…… Ouch, that seriously hurts! Fine, I’m going. Mercy please!”
Stirling retracted his fist as he escorted Luo Jie out of the room with his gaze, smiling: “Have a nice night! So, Banner Master Bai…”
“Sir, you don’t have to ask. I suddenly remembered something important. I have to go! Can I be excused, Sir?”
“Well, Master Bai, please feel free to leave if you wish. What about you, Master Chang, do you wish to sign up as the vanguard on the battlefield of the Far East in the near future?”
“You misunderstood, Sir. I’m having a terrible headache. Please excuse me Sir!”
After everyone left, ZiChuan Xiu showed his annoyance: “I hate those idiots who keep getting in the way. So annoying! Anyways, Stirling. There’s only us left now. So feel free to let it all out!”
“Bang” and the door were slammed shut behind him. Apparently ZiChuan Xiu was kicked out of the Guest Hall by “one of us”.
A moment silence later, Stirling cleared his throat with a small cough.
“Ka Dan… I mean, no. Perhaps I should call you Your Highness. How have you been?”
“I’m leaving for the Far East tomorrow. I’m going to war, but not against your kind. It is against the rebels of our own.”
“It could be very dangerous. I may never come back.”
“Which is why… I mean… I wanted to see you tonight. And so, in other words, it is like, I wanted to say that, you know… It’s been so long. Perhaps you already know what I want to say…”
“I… you… very much… Ka Dan. Ever since I first saw you, I have always been…… you.”
“I’m not born as a noble. I’m just a lowly peasant… But I think, my salary is enough for two people to live a……”
“I know, you are a princess, you are royalty. You will never lay you eyes on someone like me, a penniless soldier who has nothing of value but his broken sword. I just wanted to see you one last time tonight before I leave. I just want to talk to you, that is all.”
“Your return to the Demon Empire will have to wait. The Far East is mess right now. It is not safe. But don’t worry, I will find a way to help you get back.”
“You still haven’t said anything. Are you just tired? Or Have I been wasting your time?”
“Very well. It is getting late. Good night… I hope we can still be friends. Haha, you don’t have to worry about me. Haha. I’m not sad at all. Haha, ha.”
“All right. I’m going. Please take care. If there is anything you need, just let Xiu know. I told him to take good care of you, don’t worry.”
Just when Stirling had stood up and was about to leave together with his sadness, a soft and gentle voice reached him from behind: “Dear Stirling, the arrows have no eyes. Please be careful.”
He couldn’t believe his ears. Turning around enthusiastically, he spoke: “Ka Dan, you…”
Ka Dan already walked away, leaving a few words barely audible to the ear: “I’m not really in a hurry to go back.”
In the empty Guest Hall, Stirling came down to his knees, raising his arms in a prayer: “God, please bless me with fortune! Do I really deserve such?!”
Except neither the ecstatic Stirling nor the shy Ka Dan had noticed, that not sure when it happened, but the normally a fine set of window, had a couple of ‘peepholes’…”
ZiChuan Xiu: “Hey! Chang Chuan, are you done? It is my turn!”
Chang Chuan: “Damn! I though some mastermind like Stirling would be better at this. But no, he was absolutely terrible. He has brought shame upon the name of player!”
Luo Jie: “Yo, Bai Chuan. You are a girl too. What do you think Ka Dan’s words meant? Is that a yes or no?”
ZiChuan Xiu: “Hurry! Hurry! Take her by the shoulders and push her down! Use your intense look and your powerful arms! Conquer her, enthral her! Firmly hold on to her arms, and unbutton her dress…”
Chang Chuan: “Sir, you lost! I told you the love is in the air tonight. Now pay up!”
ZiChuan Ning: “Brother, should you really be peeping on Stirling and Sister Ka Dan doing that kind of things?! It seems wrong!”
ZiChuan Xiu: “Shut up! I saw the way you were staring earlier! You didn’t even blink! I don’t need a lesson of ethics from you!”
Imperial Calendar, Year 779, August 1st, the rebellion continued to spread like a wildfire in the Far East, and House ZiChuan has suffered hundreds of thousands casualties. Close to thirty million Far Eastern citizens struggled in the midst of the chaos. House ZiChuan’s sturdiest barrier, Fort Warren was about to fall and a million barbarian rebels were about to descent upon the defenceless core regions of House ZiChuan. From the Headmaster, High Command down to every single soldier and citizen, none could escape the countless sleepless nights it brought.
Yet, one of the three heroes of House ZiChuan, Central Army Commander – Stirling, had just spent the happiest moment of his life……
Imperial Calendar, Year 779, August 2nd, the City of Di Du was already wide awake. Today was the day Central Army Commander – Di Lin and hundred fifteen thousand of his companions were supposed to leave for Fort Warren. Headmaster ZiChuan Shen Xing was there to bid them farewell in person.
Since most of the Central Army were sons of Di Du, thousands upon thousands Capital’s citizens had come to admire the mighty army, hoping to catch a glimpse of their families. Mothers holding their sons’ hands, newlywed wives in their husbands’ arms, tears all over their faces, and cries everywhere.
Today, Commander Stirling was the focal point of everyone’s attention. Headmaster and members of High Command accompanied the army for dozens of miles, in the end Stirling had to come down to his knees, only then did Headmaster reluctantly bid his farewell: “Stirling, this is as far as I go. Know this: everyone will be waiting for the news of your victory here at home!”
The words moved Stirling to tears. He made a promise while still on his knees: “Do not worry, Sir. I will wipe out the Rebels and restore the peace! If I don’t succeed, I’d rather die in battle than to return empty handed!”
“Shh” ZiChuan Shen Xing whispered to Stirling: “Hey now, none of that talk! Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. I only need your safe return. I don’t have a son. I have always treated you like one my own…” It was a heartfelt speech.
“Li Qing is here as well; don’t you have something to say to her?”
Stirling had spotted Li Qing’s feature amongst those who came to bid theirs farewells earlier, but he only nodded, hinting at her, while turning his gaze back to the Headmaster: “Sir, I carry the fate of the House on my shoulder. This is neither the place nor time to let personal feelings getting in the way. Would you tell Li Qing I said goodbye? Thank you Sir.”
“Sigh, even though a man should put his country above his home, you are being…… too harsh!”
Despite Li Qing’s worried look and ZiChuan Shen Xing’s lament, neither of them took notice of Commander Stirling being slightly absent-minded today. He kept diverting his gaze towards the crowd, searching, only to retract it moment later, disappointed…
“Hey, Sister Ka Dan. You came all this way, why don’t you talk to Stirling?” ZiChuan Ning asked Ka Dan.
Underneath a dark veil, Ka Dan stared at Stirling’s shadow left behind by the surrounding crowd, shaking her head lightly: “If I walk up to him as who I am, I will only cause him troubles…”
A drop of hot liquid fell on the back of ZiChuan Ning’s hand. Her eyes widened, and through the veil she saw Ka Dan’s elegant face: “You are crying…”
Standing beside them, ZiChuan Xiu sighed under his breath and lamented: “Since the days of old, in the shadows of a country’s success, you can always find a woman’s tear. Even for the likes of Stirling and Ka Dan, a unique couple, the law still applies…”
ZiChuan Xiu contemplated, lamented, all the while…
“Brother, you hand… why are you touching the girl standing in front of you like that… and at that place too?”
“Oh, she seems so sad. I just want to comfort her a little…”
“Smack!” A loud slap later, the girl standing in front of him turned around, and she was outraged: “Pervert! How dare you grope me in public! My husband is heading to the Far East with Sir Stirling, to put his life at risk for his home. And you stand here as a coward, bulling a lonely girl like me! Do you have no shame?!”
Her words had angered the crowd, and a several fists surrounded them…
“Hahaha. Let me explain, it is clearly a huge misunderstanding!”
“I have always been a fervent supporter of those with the noble cause… Haha… How could I have done what she had suggested?”
“Listen, it was an accident!” ZiChuan Xiu acted all seriously, declaring his intent in a righteous tone: “Due to time, space, air flow, gravity and many other unknown factors, the position my hand just happen to unconsciously overlap with the position of the bulging part of her backside. It was a design of fate, and no one’s fault really…”
“Ouch, hey, there is no need to get violent! Ning, Ka Dan, where did you go? Help me explain to them!”
“Oh, we are just passing through. We don’t know that pervert. Do you worst!”
“Ungrateful little…! Ouch, not down there! That really hurts! Help!”
August 6th, the battle of Fort Warren had reached a critical point. The tall walls finally gave under the relentless attacks from the Rebel Army, collapsing to a gap. Hundreds of thousands Rebel Army poured through the crack shouting incomprehensible warcries.
At the time, the City of Warren was already fully mobilized. They had no forces left to send to plug the gap. Watching the endless Rebel Army storming towards the fort, Deputy Commander Luo Bo and Lin Bing could only burst into a bitter laughter. By then, they had given their all, exhausted all their resources. They were ready to die for their country at any given time…
Lin Bing deplored with her sword raised up high: “My only regret, is to not have seen the traitor Lei Hong bleed out in front of me… I have been robbed of my justice!”
Luo Bo caught her hand: “Wait!”
“Don’t you see what is happening? What are you waiting for? Surely you are not planning to confess to me right now!”
“Fuck off. I’m not in the mood for your jokes! There is something strange going on with the rebels!”
Indeed, horns sounded with certain urgency in the midst of the rebel army, and it wasn’t anything like the horns of victory. Their banners waved aimlessly, messengers dashed through the lines and officers shouted loudly, something was definitely amiss. Their soldiers reluctantly halted their steps, hastily trying to regroup. Something had caught them off guard; they were in disarray……
Horns of war sounded from the northwest!
The two Deputy Commanders, who were prepared to take their own lives moment earlier, shared a surprised look and uttered in unison: “Could it be reinforcements?! Surely not that fast?” Overjoyed in anticipation, they locked their hands tightly together!
“An army has appeared in the northwest!”
“It is a human army! Sir, the reinforcement has arrived! The reinforcement has arrived!”
“Only Cavalry! Numbers unknown!”
“Sir, I saw the banner! It is the Central Army! The Central Army has arrived!”
“Stirling… It is Stirling’s forces!”
“Long live the king! Long live the Headmaster! Long live the Central Army! Long live Sir Stirling!”
As if their words were heard on the other end of the horizon, deafening warcries erupted from the riders: “Woaah!”
It was no doubt Central Army’s warcry! Both Luo Bo and Lin Bing were pleasantly surprised: “How did he get here so fast?!”
When the army left the City of Di du, Stirling regrouped all the highly mobile cavalry units together, forming ten Cavalry divisions and twenty Infantry divisions. He believed the time was of the essence. Despite the protest from his fellow officers, he gave the order to have Deputy Commander Qin Lu take charge of the infantry divisions while he raced day and night, nonstop towards Fort Warren with the Cavalry divisions. He even created a new forced march record – Four days to get from Di Du to Fort Warren.
After arriving at the battlefield, and seeing the Rebel Army in disarray trying desperately to regroup, Stirling quickly gave the order: “Charge!”
His advisors all argued in protest: “Sir, the enemy outnumber us greatly, and we are exhausted from the march. We should enter Fort Warren and get rested first, before we attempt any offensive manoeuvres.”
Stirling refuted: “We just arrived, and our morale is high! The Rebels have been bashing their heads against the walls of Fort Warren for days. They have lost their edge. The only reason they are in disarray right now is because they don’t know how many men we have. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity!”
The Rebel Army tried desperately to regroup. Due to the abruptness however, they only managed to form six square formations of Beastmen[1] infantries in the way of Stirling. If they could stall his forces for a short while, their great army would be able to regroup, form up, and with their superior forces, they would crush Stirling with ease!
Several thousand stout Beastmen swung their giant arms, shouting wildly.
Central Army roared: “Woaah!” Hooves thundered forward, a neat line of pitch black pressed in on the Beastmen with lightning speed.
Thousands of arrows surged forward, dropping the front lines of the Beastmen like flies, leaving them screaming for pain.
The arrows took both the Rebel Army and the Defenders on top of the walls by surprise: “Why is Stirling’s army all horse archers? And why are they shooting while charging? How can archers charge into enemy ranks?”
When the charging riders approached the Rebel Army within hundred meters, Stirling’s clear voice echoed across the battlefield: “Front row, bring forth the Lances!”
“Clack”, the rapidly approaching Central Army Cavalry quickly sheathed their bows and switched out the lances. Their agile, stream-lined movement was no doubt what made them the most well-trained Army of House ZiChuan. To be able to execute such technical manoeuvre so perfectly while charging on horseback, even the Rebel Army was in awe.
The horses charged forward at the same pace while the riders lowered their body, extending a row of lances one and half meter forward from their mounts. Meanwhile, more Central Army Cavalries loosed their arrows from the backline, raining more death upon the Rebel Army.
The gap between the two armies quickly narrowed, fifty meters, thirty meters, ten…
There were warcries and there were shouts.
The two armies clashed head-on!
With added momentum, rider’s lances pierced through Beastmen’s hardened hide with minimal resistance. Some even pierced through several Beastmen in quick succession. The second row of Beastmen fought back with sticks and shovels, toppling the riders from their horseback, but was subsequently cut in half by another incoming rider who had switched to the sabres more suited for close quarter combat…
In an instant, several hundred Human soldiers had hit the ground, separating them forever from their pining loved ones far away at home. At the same time, several thousands of Beastmen were felled by the lances and sabres…
More and more riders fearlessly jumped into the fray, before long, Stirling’s entire force had entered melee with the enemy!
Stirling’s forces held the clear number advantage, and were far better armed than their rebel counterpart wielding sticks and shovels.
Faced against Beastmen’s natural physical prowess, Human soldiers usually fought in formation. With three soldiers a group against each Beastmen, organized combat against unorganized defence. The Rebels were in the end not a professional army. When it comes to unit cooperation and bravery, they were no match for the well trained and organized regular Army in close quarter combat, leaving everyone to fend for themselves. In less than ten minutes, six and half Beastmen divisions were sent fleeing in all directions.
Stirling’s whistle sounded loud and clear. Like a dream, the scattered riders immediately regrouped into massive square formations.
“Ignore the ones running away. Our goal is the bulk of the Rebel Army!”
Empowered by their first victory, soldiers shouted together: “Woaah!” and pounced like hungry wolves, tearing into the disordered bulk of the enemy forces in the middle of withdrawing from besieging the Fort.
Seeing the deadly riders annihilating all the hardened Beastmen in mere minutes, many of the Serpents, Dragonkin and Dwarfs already started to flee.
They were no soldiers after all. Sure, they might seem eager when they were winning, but the moment the tide turned against them, their first instinct was to run. They ones left behind had to quickly make a decision: Should they follow their officer’s order and form lines or follow suit and run… Before they could make up their minds, the riders had descended upon them. Screams, panic everywhere. Whatever hesitation they may have had, was gone in an instant!
Serpents: Gurogumi! (Run!)
Beastmen: Walawa Ke! Waja! (You damn cowards! Fuck it, run!)
Dwarfs: Ekorok! Thamar ekorok! (Surrender! We surrender!)
Dragonkin didn’t even say anything and already fled.
The only regulars amongst the Rebel Army were Lei Hong’s human divisions, but they left three days ago to deal with the two remaining provinces in the Far East who did not join the rebellion – Province Deja and Province Iribart. He would never have guessed that several hundred thousand Rebels could be sent into a panic spree by mere fifty thousand Cavalries…
Imperial Calendar, August 11th, a breathless messenger brought the news that would send the entire City of Di Du into a state of euphoria: “Victory at warren! Inflicting seventy-one thousand casualties! Capturing eleven hundred and six thousand enemy combatants! The rebels are on the run and Sir Stirling has given chase! Fort Warren still stands!
Under Headmaster – ZiChuan Shen Xing’s order, the City was to enter five minutes of silent prayer for those who had fallen.
High Command made the announcement later, to officially appoint Stirling as the Central Army Commander. (Removing the Acting part)
After the short prayer, the time had come for the million citizens to celebrate over night… Stirling’s name was constantly being mentioned, and each time it was followed by a wave of cheers: “Long live Stirling!”
The local taverns soon found themselves exploded with celebratory remarks: “May Stirling live forever! Cheers all around!” and the Sales of beers, flowers, fireworks, talismans in Di Du quickly went through the roof, greatly boosting the effective demands of the respective products, and consequently, causing the very stagnant economy since last year to enter a period of accelerated growth.
Many streetwise book publishers began rushing their new titles on the same night:
--Chronicles of a famous General – Stirling--
--The untold story between me and Stirling – Banner Master Li Qing’s deepest secret--
--Stirling in real life--
The reporters on the other hand, took full advantage of the fact that newspaper came out much faster than books. Full pages of articles of Stirling appeared on the front page of their papers the very next day:
--Stirling in the eyes of his friends--
--The great man next door – An interview of Stirling’s neighbour--
--My dinner with Stirling--
--I knew he would be great one day – Stirling’s kindergarten teacher claims she knew he would be great one day when he first saw him pee--
--Stirling’s first confession! – Stirling’s classmate, Lady Liu Mei Li’s statement: I never loved him!--
There was another announcement made on Imperial Calendar, Year 779, August 11th, except this one slipped under everyone’s notice. The “Capital Times” did write a small article on the subject in the "lost and found" section: “Due to the increasing tension in the Far East, High Command has appointed Reserve Division Deputy Commander – ZiChuan Xiu to conscript all class of men from the province of Mozof, Kesan and Anxing for the newly formed Emergency Response Unit.
Imperial Calendar, Year 779, August 13th, under the searing sun of summer, the ones bearing the fate of 'saving House ZiChuan from imminent destruction' had left the City of Di Du. Their goal was the province of Mozof, Kesan and Anxing located in the heart of House ZiChuan.
“Sir, we are dying from the heat! Why do we have to march when the sun is at its hottest, are you trying to get us killed?”
“Sir, does Supreme Commander – Luo Ming Hai have a grudge against you? Why is he sending you to do the recruiting? It’s bare none the most excruciating task available. We did nothing to deserve this!”
“Save your breath. That idiot wasn’t listening at all! See, he is giggling like a little girl again staring at the ‘Capital Times’!"
"Sir, what is so funny?”
“Oh, Bai Chuan. Here, have a look. They wrote an article about me in the news, and it is on the front page as well! It’s been so long since I last made it to the front page!”
“Let me see.”
“According to one of Stirling’s childhood friend – Stirling has always been a high achiever ever since he was young, and was often praised as a dedicated student. His childhood dream was to one day, be able to serve House ZiChuan and that honorable goal had guided him over the years, made him the man he is today. It gave him the courage to overcome any obstacles in his way and finally, become one of the greatest Generals of our time! Stirling’s story taught us that, as long as you put your mind to it, you can accomplish just about anything! Once you have a clear goal in sight, and it will show you the way! Stirling is the role model of countless youngsters…”
“Sir, I don’t see your name anywhere?”
“Oh, that ‘Childhood Friend’ is me. But I didn’t say any of those words, what I told the reporter was…”
“Stirling was a bloody rascal when he was young. He skipped class everyday to play Cards with Di Lin, and whenever he loses, he would always run away instead of paying what he owed, no integrity whatsoever! Also, he cheats on his tests every time by peeking Di Lin’s answers, but Di Lin wasn’t any better at it either! So they would both fail their tests every year. The teachers often scolded them: ‘How do you two always have the exact same wrong answers?’”
“Somehow my words got twisted when the reporter wrote them down!”
The group arrived at Province of Kesan two days later. The local Reserve Division Chief – Deputy Banner Master Jing Chang gave them a warm welcome.
Jing Chang was a little over thirty years old, average looking and well-spoken. The first impression Luo Jie, Bai Chuan and the rest had of the man was that of someone surprizingly familiar yet incredibly annoying. Somehow his smile reminded them of a certain someone way too much!
“So, the enlistment of militia, how has it been going so far? Master Jing?”
“Oh, rest assured, Sir! I always made sure to fulfil my quota when it comes to National Security. We trained every week and adopted all the military disciplines required of us! Everyone’s morale is high and they are confident. Just give them the word, and they would march fearlessly towards battle, and bring hell to House ZiChuan’s enemies…”
ZiChuan Xiu interrupted his monologue: “I see. But my question is how many have enlisted so far?”
“Ever since I heard of the Far East Rebellion, how the lowly savages desecrated our House’s sacred ground, my heart has been fuelled with anger and passion. My only regret is not having a pair of wings to fly me directly to the distant Far East, where I can bring death upon the Rebel Army myself! It’s very unfortunate that I’m but an insignificant officer working in the Reserve Division, and without direct order, I’m not allowed to abandon my post. I could only funnel my rage and passion into preparing the new recruits for what is to come. Through my actions, I shall proof my undying loyalty to House ZiChuan…”
“Good, very good. I fully understand your honorable intentions. So how many new recruits do we have?”
“Thanks to every Reserve Division staff’s tireless efforts, great progress has been made to the mobilization of the Army Reserve, and we were able to book great results! Naturally, we are not without faults and mistakes were sometimes made. But we should not let our occasional slip up define us. I assure you in the greater scheme of things, they are but needles in the haystack. Our achievements and contributions are what are important here; our shortcomings and failure are merely…”
“How many recruits?!”
Jing Chang hesitated, and then whispered softly to ZiChuan Xiu’s ears.
ZiChuan Xiu leapt to his feet: “That is all?”
“Ahem, surely someone as wise as you should understand the difficulties we have to face, Sir. Due to the severe lack of funding, we can’t ensure the welfare of our staff, no yearly bonus to speak of, and even the public funds for recreational activities were limited to thirty times a week per person… Life is hard! Yet, despite our challenging work environment, the majority of the Reserve Division staff still managed to carry on with their tasks and overcome all obstacles. They are worthy of praise for achieving as much as they did, Sir.”
“But this is way too few…”
“I have heard many stories of your great military achievements, Sir. Surely someone as wise as you understands the importance of quality over quantity! Yes the number of our recruit may fell short in term of numbers… but we are definitely ahead in term of quality! A hundred well-trained soldiers can easily best a thousand unorganized rebels! The average age of our new recruits is merely thirty-one years old! We have both battle-hardened veteran warriors, and brave young lads! The perfect combination in term of combat effectiveness! They are definitely the elite of the elites!”
“Very well, then you wouldn’t mind to conduct a military drill I presume.”
Just when Jing Chang was about to relay the order, ZiChuan Xiu stopped him: “Out of curiosity, are you really a Deputy Banner Master?”
“Well. I was initially part of the Army Reserve. I was reinstated to active duty after the event in Far East. Sir, what about you…?”
“Well. I was part of the Army Reserve as well…”
Both of them shared a smile, and they both understood: “So you are also a son of a bitch just like me!”
Bai Chuan whispered to Luo Jie: “Doesn’t that Deputy Banner Master reminds of you someone?”
The few guests from Di Du were dumbfounded when they saw the “Elite of the Elites” gathered in the training square.
Bai Chuan stuttered: “Why are there so many elderly holding crutches, with barely any teeth standing in the line? And that one, he couldn’t even walk straight without someone holding him up… Shit, he just fell on his face after taking two steps!”
Jing Chang explained: “Oh, Old man Wang is just having another heart attack. Let him rest a bit and he will be fine! As you see, Sir. These are all battle-hardened, extremely experienced veterans of war! Some of them even participated in the fourth generation Headmaster’s great crusade! They are the glorious, revered and priceless treasures of House ZiChuan!”
Luo Jie was shocked too: “And that kid over there, he is at most fifteen years old, and there is one even younger… Hey, brat, get away from me. My pant is not for you to wipe your snot with!”
Jing Chang elaborated: “And that is the young warrior of our future! He may seem a bit weak for now, but I’m sure after a few battles, he will become a great fighter! The young ones all have incredible potential! It is nothing to be scoffed at!”
Chang Chuan frowned: “I doubt they can survive even one battle. Master Jing, is that how you come up with the average age of thirty one? Is there even one young men of age twenty to thirty amongst them?”
Jing Chang acted as if he was wronged: “Master Chang Chuan, why would you say something like that? Don’t you see that man over there? He is exactly thirty years old!”
Everyone’s gaze quickly shifted towards the direction his finger was pointing – A man with only one arm sitting on a chair with his wooden leg pointed sideways…”
ZiChuan Xiu turned back towards Jing Chang: “You must have misunderstood. We did not come here to open a nursing home, kindergarten or to provide shelters for wounded.”
Everyone returned to the camp, and sighed.
“What do we do, Sir? High Command’s deadline is in September. We are out of time!”
“Sir, I have a suggestion. Should we just stuff the order at that stupid Jing Chang, tell him to get it done within the week?”
“Those damn useless bureaucrats! We can’t rely on them to get anything done. We have to find a way ourselves.”
“Sir, what are you writing?”
ZiChuan Xiu said: “Bai Chuan, come here for a second. Did you bring that mini-skirt of yours?”
Day two, the billboards of Bai Chuan wearing a super sexy mini-skirt had shown up everywhere in the streets of a certain Provincial Capital.
--Once in a lifetime opportunity for any well-endowed man!--
--Tour registration is now open! All young men are welcome!--
--Three day’s tour in the Capital! The glory of the historical sites and the mystery of ancient ruins awaits! Everything you need to fill your senses with wonder!--
--Lovely schoolgirl, Miss Bai Chuan will tell you everything you want to hear, promising a night you will never forget!--
--Travel costs are all included! Totally free!--
--Hard to believe? But it is all true!--
--Are you interested? Then take action! You do not want to miss out on this golden opportunity!--
--Make sure to bring your papers and contact us--
--Address: Phoenix Hotel, Room 123--
--Contact Person: ZiChuan Xiu, Luo Jie and Chang Chuan--
Within three days, every single useless bums, thieves, bandits, robbers, con-artists, and perverts within three hundred miles radius of a certain Provincial Capital had lined up in front of the Phoenix Hotel. Many of them even got into a fight trying to secure themselves a better position in the line.
The things they all had in common were: Young, energetic, healthy and like to get in to trouble. The good news however, was that the public security of that certain province had seen great improvement after Xiu’s Company’s recruitment effort. Especially the crime rate of robbery, thievery and public violence had dropped to an all time low.
As for them, Deputy Commander ZiChuan Xiu accepted anyone willing to sign up. In less than three days, he had accomplished everything High Command ordered him to do, and would soon return to Di Du with what would later be known as, the most powerful ‘Army’ of House ZiChuan!
According to Historical Records, on that day, Imperial Calendar, Year 779, August 18th, ZiChuan Xiu accomplished the mission to replenish troops for the first time! It was a day to be remembered, it was the day that marked the incredible future waiting for them!”
After returning to Di Du, Bai Chuan brought a white banner from High Command and reported joyously: “Sir, High Command has given us the permission to name our new Army!”
“Nice! How about we call this unit the Luo Jie’s deathguards?”
“Fuck off! I’d rather call them ‘Luo Jie’s death’ guard. Naturally, we should name them Chang Chuan’s handsome unit!”
“What a disgusting name! Bai Chuan, which one do you prefer?”
“Neither! I think we should call them the Pink Army of Bai Chuan!”
“That is just terrible… Sir, what do you say…”
“Hey, Sir. What are you doing?”
None of them had noticed, that ZiChuan Xiu already wrote down a big character of ‘Xiu’ right in the center of the white banner!
“That is it. From now on, our army will be known as, ‘Xiu’s Company’! I have a feeling, that this army will one day… Hey, stop peeing on it! Desecrating the army banner is punishable by death!”
The first banner of Xiu’s Company was still preserved in House ZiChuan’s Family Museum to this day.
Its historical value and importance were truly priceless.
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