Chapter 516
['The 4th Wall' is reactivating!]
The light in the world flickered on and off several times . I felt the sensation of my body being sucked into somewhere, and within this half-awake consciousness, the friction noise of the train's wheel meeting the railroad tracks filled up my head .
I couldn't accept this .
Even though I knew that this wasn't a matter requiring my acceptance, I still found it hard to swallow .
⸢Why did the 'Secretive Plotter' make such a decision?⸥
I couldn't forget his final expression .
How could he make such a face? He didn't get to complete what he truly wanted, so how come . . .
⸢Wh at did Sec ret ive Pl otter re ally wa nt, th en?⸥
All of the memories regarding the Secretive Plotter flitted in and out of my head .
The story I got to learn through the original novel's texts – while enduring such a vast, indeterminable amount of time, what did Yu Jung-Hyeok hope to see at the end of this road?
Just what was it exactly that he expected to encounter?
⸢[[Even if it's not a conclusion you wanted . . . Do not think of this world as a failed regression turn . ]]⸥
Only those words remained stuck in my brain like a curse .
⸢Kim Dok Ja⸥
'The 4th Wall' warned me in a stiff voice as if to punish my arrogance .
⸢Thi s not a pro blem y ou ca n ju dge⸥
The wall was right . Even after that guy had left, I couldn't escape from being this damn 'Constellation' .
Under the brilliant radiance, the figures of 999th turn's Uriel, Yi Hyeon-Seong, Kim Nam-Woon, and Yi Ji-Hye scattered away .
Could he really become happier with this?
He made this choice himself, so was that his happiness, then?
He was a being born in the tragedy, so maybe, he wasn't aware of that choice being another tragedy?
The Fables of the younger me and the 'Secretive Plotter' were getting further away .
The man looking back in this direction for one last time was no longer Yu Jung-Hyeok from the 'Ways of Survival' .
⸢Be ca use he's b orn in th e tra gedy ca n he fin ish th e tra gedy too⸥
⸢"This place is the epilogue of that story . "⸥
The ancient tale I've been reading concluded, just like that .
[You have reached the ■■ of all the scenarios . ]
[You have now learned of the secret of the world . ]
The only remaining topic for us was on how to live the story's 'ever after' . The part of the story that the 'Ways of Survival' didn't tell me .
[The 'Most Ancient Dream' has ended . ]
Abruptly, a certain thought popped up in my head . Something that had been forgotten after being swept up in the situation .
The Dokkaebi King told me this: that this world was a dream of the 'Most Ancient Dream' .
⸢In that case, what happens to the characters of the dream after the dream has come to an end?⸥
The characters from the 999th turn and the 'Secretive Plotter' had all escaped from the role of 'Characters' and were freed from the dream through their own will .
If so, what would happen to other people, then?
After the dream was over, the people from the dream would . . . . .
[Final scenario clear reward has arrived . ]
The noises of a cheek being slapped around resounded out; under the flickering subway lights, Kim Dok-Ja slowly opened his eyes .
"Hey, you . You awake now?"
He saw Han Su-Yeong's face up close as she roughly held him by his collars .
" . . . . What happened?"
"That's what I want to ask you . "
Kim Dok-Ja massaged his head as if he was suffering from migraine, and stood up from his spot .
"Where are we?"
"Inside the subway . Time for us to head back home, I guess . "
Han Su-Yeong saying those words seemed rather refreshed, for some reason .
The train clunked and shook around . The darkness outside the windows gently wavered about .
"Dok-Ja-ssi, are you alright?"
His companions discovered him and walked in closer . Yu Sang-Ah, Yi Hyeon-Seong, Jeong Hui-Won, Shin Yu-Seung, Yi Gil-Yeong, Yi Ji-Hye, Jang Ha-Yeong . . . . and even Yu Jung-Hyeok, they were all here .
⸢Everyone was alright . ⸥
Kim Dok-Ja slowly looked around him . There was no other presence within the subway . It was likely that this train was the same one they rode in earlier .
⸢Are we really safe now?⸥
"I've treated your injuries . Once we return to [The 4th Wall], we should entrust you to Seol-Hwa-ssi's care, but . . . . "
Yu Sang-Ah feeling for Kim Dok-Ja's pulse faintly smiled . His companions approached him one by one . However, even though their gazes were fixed on him, none of them managed to readily open their mouths .
Unexpectedly, the first one to do so was Yu Jung-Hyeok . Rather than approaching Kim Dok-Ja like everyone else, he leaned against the subway's seat at an angle and glared outside the window .
The universe's Fable was coming undone on the outside . The once-tangled roll of thread was turning into dust and scattering away one strand at a time .
"It's the <star stream=""> . "
Fables existing in countless world-lines were illuminating the space by scattering their bright lights . The <star stream=""> they had been living in was right there . The world they cursed and resented, but still couldn't forsake, was slowly disappearing while emitting the most radiant light for the last time .
As Kim Dok-Ja dazedly stared at that spectacle, Shin Yu-Seung tightly squeezed his hand .
"It's over now . "
Overcome by a certain emotion, Yi Hyeon-Seong suddenly broke down in tears . The bear-like man who never showed a single drop of tears no matter what transpired began sobbing away uncontrollably . Jeong Hui-Won watched him and bit her lower lip as her nose tip began stinging, as well . Yi Ji-Hye raised her head, perhaps not wanting to shed her own tears .
"It . . . really is over . "
It was indeed over . This long and expansive tale had finally come to an end .
Kim Dok-Ja stared at the distancing meteor shower . He stared, and then, stared again .
As if she knew what he was thinking about right now, Han Su-Yeong addressed him . "This isn't because you read that novel, you know? You also had no idea, right?"
Companions nodded their heads . They were also aware; they knew that this event might not end like this .
It was just that, they were quietly staring at Kim Dok-Ja and his Fable .
⸢The world that couldn't be lived in, unless one read it . ⸥
The child who had to read something, anything, if he wanted to live .
They were saved many times over by such a child .
⸢Reading something in order to survive – that was the same story for everyone . ⸥
"It would've been fine by just reading it, but Dok-Ja-ssi, you tried to change the story by yourself . I think that's more than enough . "
Jeong Hui-Won said that .
The one who had never reached the end of this world, starting from the beginning of the 'Ways of Survival' all the way to its conclusion . She softly smiled and patted Kim Dok-Ja on his shoulder .
"So, what do you think? Is this the conclusion you wanted to see?"
Kim Dok-Ja couldn't reply to her . He was too busy wiping away the tears clouding his vision to do that .
⸢So that he could see with his own eyes the view of the world he established . ⸥
Kim Dok-Ja slowly opened his eyes, and the subway's pitch-black windows were reflected in his irises . The faces of his companions could be seen mirrored on the glass . As if, that was a group photo with the universe serving as its background .
⸢The conclusion of this world that he so dearly wished to see . ⸥
" . . . . I'm looking at it right now . "
As if they were waiting for those words, Shin Yu-Seung and Yi Gil-Yeong began wiping away Kim Dok-Ja's tears . He tightly hugged both of the kids .
It was then, someone asked this question .
"We'll be happy after this, right?"
Only the vibration of the train leaving the station resounded out within this silence like a pulse .
Maybe, this train would never go back; they would never be able to visit that station, ever again .
They would forge ahead towards a brand new terminal .
As everyone stewed within their own thoughts, quite unexpectedly it was Yi Ji-Hye who threw out a realistic question first .
" . . . . By the way, what will happen to the world-line we've been living in?"
When everyone gazed at her, she scratched her cheeks in embarrassment and continued on .
"You know, that thing . If the Dokkaebi King is to be believed, this world is merely a dream of the 'Most Ancient Dream', but if that dream is over, then . . . . "
For sure, the time flow of the world they were living in froze after the [Final Wall] was destroyed . In that case, even if they returned to that world by riding on this train . . .
[It'll be fine . Our world is functioning normally . ]
"Aha, I see . That's a relief . . . . Ehng??"
Yi Ji-Hye stared at Kim Dok-Ja, then at Yi Hyeon-Seong, and even at Jeong Hui-Won and Yu Sang-Ah . No matter who she looked at, though, they were all making the exact same expression as her .
"Who replied just now??"
And then, everyone looked up at the air at the same time . A ball of fine fur was floating up there .
The eyes of the companions narrowed down to slits .
[Eh-ba-aht . ]
Biyu began sweating buckets in the air, but eventually, sighed out grandly and spoke up .
[You knew something was up already anyway, so why are you so surprised?]
The companions heard the explanation from Biyu .
The contents, when simplified, were like this .
[The world-line hasn't been annihilated yet . I don't know the reason, but . . . . the stopped time of the world is beginning to get written again, you see . Although the worldview shook around a lot after all the large Fables crumbled at the same time, it'll still take several thousands of years for the world to die naturally . ]
The sights of the world they used to live in could be seen faintly just beyond the subway's windows . The frozen time of the world was beginning to move once more .
⸢Uriel was slowly opening her eyes within this devastation . ⸥
⸢The Black Flame Dragon was asleep, curled up into a ball . And . . . ⸥
⸢Wrapped up tightly within the Somersault Cloud, the Great Sage Heaven's Equal was staring up at the skies above . ⸥
The Constellations were alive, too .
Even the Maritime War God, the Goryeo's Number One Swordsman . . . Everyone was still alive . Even though they had lost their previous lustre, they were still drawing breaths in this world-line .
Biyu spoke up as she looked at those Constellations .
[<star stream=""> still remains . The channel system has crumbled down, and Constellations can no longer wield as much power as they used to, but still, it was such a huge Fable that it'll take some time for it to completely crumble down . ]
A couple of my companions sighed in relief . A sigh that they themselves couldn't really understand .
Yi Ji-Hye asked again . "But, the dream is over, right? So how can this world continue to exist?"
[I already told you, I also don't know . Be smart enough to listen properly when someone tells you something the first time . ]
" . . . Well, it sure is a relief, but since when did you learn to speak like this? Besides all that, look how rude you are! Ahjussi! Listen to how Biyu talks! This creepy kid, until now . . . . !"
Kim Dok-Ja shifted his gaze over to Biyu, prompting the latter to feign complete ignorance and open her mouth as if she didn't know anything .
Everyone broke out into a helpless chuckle . Yi Ji-Hye panted angrily and just before she could shout something, Kim Dok-Ja reached out and wordlessly hugged Biyu .
This bundle of fur that used to be so tiny at the beginning of the scenarios was now so big that one couldn't wrap their arms around it .
Yu Jung-Hyeok watching that spectacle spoke up . " . . . . Maybe, it's the last miracle . "
A miracle, was it? That was certainly a word that didn't suit him . Because, that was the one word he believed the least . Even then, his utterance loosened the expressions of the companions .
"Then really, everything has been resolved with this . "
"And now, all we need to do is to buy the big house where we can live together!"
The kids spoke up, only to be shot down by Han Su-Yeong .
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