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第17話 学者ロレーヌ・ヴィヴィエ(前)

TL : Cnine

ED : Laizii

When she earned her university doctorate in the imperial capital at the age of 14, Lorraine Vivier felt the dullness of this world from the bottom of her heart.

Lorraine was hailed as prodigy since a young age, this assessment is unchanged even as she grows, as a certain point when she’s 10 years old, she entered the highest education institute in the country, gaining the title of doctorate when she’s 12 years old, and then earning the title of senior doctorate at 15.

As for the person herself, there’s not that much thing she doesn’t understand left in this world, though even the thing that she doesn’t understand is a dull world in which she can gain deeper understanding than the specialist, it was that kind of world.

That’s why, maybe.

In a certain day,  Lorraine abandons everything, you might even say there’s in the extreme end of the continent of the border country of Yalan kingdom, moreover, she goes without telling anyone even in Malt city located at the frontier.

Certainly, she has her own reason to betting her status.

The so called reason was that she wants the plants that couldn’t picked except in the vicinity of Malt city, so she came by herself to pick that.

Naturally, she can commission adventurers or ask someone to pick it for her but, Lorraine was really  bored.

She wanted a stimulus.

That’s why she did a reckless action ny going to pick it herself.

Yes, that was a reckless action.

Now, ten years has passed after that, the current her understand just how arrogant and childish her action was at that time.

Though she might be able to study, in the end, The Lorraine of those time was just a kid, she didn’t understand anything at all.

And the person who taught her that was there.

At those point, the boy was working as an adventurer in Malt city, his name is Lent Fayna.

Due to a strange coincident, Lorraine decided to look for the plant deep into the forest in the vicinity of Malt city along with him.


Lorraine of those time was a great scolar about to gain the title of senior doctorate at the age of 14 but, for the sake of gaining this title, she must have a deeper understanding regarding magic.

And for that reason, she has to be involved in magic to some extent, in accordance to the evaluation in the Adventurer Guild(Guild), she has to be recognized as magician of silver rank.

But, in the end it means that she must become a magician who can use magic appropriate for silver rank, while in reality she has no need to have the ability of a silver rank adventurer*. [TL* : Silver rank adventurer just in magic and don’t need real ability]

Moreover, if it’s the usual way, they’ll be experiencing actual combat themselves but, since Lorraine was doing nothing but pushing her way through the path of learning, she never experienced suffering in real combat as a magician.

If it’s a normal situation, though they won’t learn that much skill as a magician, Lorraine was blessed by rich talent as a magician even in her misfortune.

Certainly she has no real combat experience, she has too much sense to master magic, and learnt magic of silver rank as if swallowing it.

At that time, since Lorraine is in the situation where she can’t enter the area where she wants to pick the plant without permit from the Adventurer Guild(Guild), she decided to come to Adventurer Guild(Guild) to register as an adventurer but, she who holds the title of senior doctorate was registered as a silver rank adventurer.

And then, Lorraine who is holding the proof of being an adventurer which shines in a silver color decided to head towards her destination with a pleasant mood.

Incidentally, she picks the commission to pick the medicinal plants which is growing in the vicinity of her destination as a way to earn extra money.

But, a voice suddenly called out to her from behind when she’s about to leavw

When she turns around while thinking of something, on that place is a swordsman with stout build.

「Little miss, have you just received the commission to go to forest of Azul a while ago? In that case, please take this guy along to carry your baggage」

Saying so as he pushed the back of a boy.

It’s not some kind of big incident but, when she thinks about it now, she noticed that the turning point for Lorraine was right there.

In short, this boy was Lent Fayna.

Of course Lorraine thought was “What the hell is this old man saying so suddenly“.

She completely couldn’t understand the reason for him to suddenly say something like that.

Maybe because he knows what she’s thinking right now, the old man said.

「This guy is still a novice so I want him to gain various experience, though we’re usually collecting raw material together in the forest of Azul, my schedule is rather packed today.  So I’m looking for someone to take him along instead. Thus, if it’s you, I felt that it’ll just be alright, how’s that? 」

It’s quite an absurd negotiation.

Without any hint to suddenly taking along someone, perhaps even the subject of the negotiation, the boy’s rank might even be below copper rank.

In short, when it comes to Lorraine’s judgement who has the ability of a silver rank, he’s a hindrance.

That’s why, though she inclined to refuse that request, the old man,

「What, it’s not like I’m saying to share half of the commission fee.  You just have to take this guy. You received the picking commission just a while ago right? If it’s picking, even to this guy, the remunition will increase you know. It’ll be fine even if you take all of the commission fee. In addition to this one, you just need to take the baggage. That’s why. Please take him along」

His pressure is quite powerful, it doesn’t seems that she can pull back.

At last, Lorraine is helpless, by saying “Uhn”, she decided to take the commission along with Lent but, henceforth, it was unexpected but she was glad from the bottom of her heart that it’s him.


Forest of Azul is spreading wide and vast, it was a place that serves like a natural stronghold for many wild animals.

Though Lorraine knows about that from the knowledge she gained from the book, when she practically sees it, she was astonished that it’s so much different from reading it.

The first reason for that is, Lorraine couldn’t walk for so long inside of the forest.

It doesn’t mean that she has no stamina.

Rather, she even haa body strengthening magic  for someone at the age of 14.

But, there’s a trick in how to walk in the forest, just walking will gradually snatch your stamina, in the end, for the first time in her life, she understood the so called total exhaustion.

And yet, Lent who’s an adventurer of far lower rank than her isn’t showing any sign of exhaustion, he suddenly hands over the supply of drinking water to Lorraine who sits-down due to exhaustion.

And, when she’s looking at the bag hanging on his hips, many types of medicinal plants are already in his bag.

Moreover, when she asks him to show it to her one by one, every herb was flawlessly picked and treated perfectly even to the eyes of the scholar Lorraine.

When Lorraine asked a person to procure medical herbs only a few were able to perfectly treat it.

There’s even the time when they met a demon.

Till the time Lorraine has been entering this forest, she never fought with a demon from the front.

Of course, as a senior doctorate, she knows alot magic which have a plenty enough combat power to defeat a demon but, when moving to somewhere, Lorraine is always following someone, someone else beats the demon without her having the chance to use magic.

That’s why when she’s truly facing a demon for the first time, Lorraine couldn’t do anything but hold her breath.

”――Is this thing actually that much terrible.”

She frankly said that but, she only thought that much.

She thought nothing after that―― Whether to fight or if she can’t use magic, that kind of thinking didn’t go up to her head.

And then, she couldn’t even move her body.

To Lorraine who become that way,

「……… Lorraine! Use Fire Ball(Fortier Borivas)! 」

If Lent didn’t say that, Lorraine definitely won’t move from that place forever and ended like that.

But, since someone gave instructions, with only moving that way,  the Lorraine of that time was nothing but good-for-nothing.

To Lorraine who become dumbfounded in front of the demon who became charcoal due to a powerful magic, Lent who she knew almost has no combat experience is drilling the combat against demon in detail to her or when it comes to real combat, he ended up teaching how the demon will move to her.

Lorraine is a wise person.

She’s wise because no one can rival her.

That’s why, like a dry soil, the thing Lent taught to her was absorbed with terrifying speed, deep in her heart, she knew that she could survive is thanks to Lent in her first combat.

As for the medicinal plant―― It seems she received the plant which should be gathered for the commission.

According to the content that she read in the book, the place where it’s growing is quite restricted, there’s no worry as it’s easy to be found.

But, the truth is, she completely can’t find it.

When she thought that she finally found it, she can’t find nothing but one plant after spending lots of hours looking for it.

As a result, she even thought that she’ll sack the author of the book when she meets him later.

And yet.

Despite of that, there he is.

The number of medicinal plants on Lent’s hip, who was walking behind her in the forest while smiling keeps increasing at a staggering rate whenever she’s turning around to look at him.

Moreover, there’s a lot of medicinal plants which she’s looking for on his hip.

In short, it’s definitely is growing on the place she passed by, but she’s failed to notice them.

By the time she noticed that, she understands just how narrow the world she was looking at.

And then, she earnestly requested Lent to somehow teach her things like the fundamental of combat, or basics for an adventurer, or the way to picking plants, or the place where the medicinal plants are growing.

Lent’s happily teaches her that, Lorraine was somehow able to complete the commission by dusk of the same day.

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