TL : Cnine
When I’m searching inside of the bag, first is the one that I want―― In short, since I saw that there’s a robe to covering my entire body in it, I’m pulling it out.
When I’m trying to spread it out, it seems that it was folded inside, it’s color tinged in completely jet black color and was something that have hood attached to it.
Since this is something that preferred by many magician and such, if it’s the previous me, it’s almost like an item which I will never take in a store.
But, for me, that tinge won’t catch anyone intention and, it’s covering my entire body from top of my head till the tip of my toe, so it’s an amazing item, I was charmed by it to the point that I won’t even mind to buy it. [TL : Yeah, that kind of robe awakened your chuuni soul]
I feel like to give a round applaud to the fashion sense of the adventurer girl, Lena, who choose this with a brief comment, “Please help me to buy clothes“.
……Anyway, let’s try to wear it first.
When the feeling of my arms passing through the sleeves transmitted, it seems it’s made of a good material, the material feels good on the skin.
Though I’m quite wondering about the touch sense of this body which nothing but withered meat isn’t different from when I’m alive, even if I can’t feel calm about it, I’m a demon.
I think I’ll just leave it that way.
And yet, except for the feeling when wearing it, my plan to live as an adventurer still way to go, whether there’s obstruction or not when I’m moving and doing such other things is the main problem.
In that case, when I’m confirming it, though it’s definitely have slight problem in my field of vision when I’m covering my entire body till head with the hood, I can still see quite distance in front of me and confirming my surrounding to some extent.
But as expected, in case that I’m being surrounded by enemies, though I might have no choice but to removing my hood no matter what, the current me is strong enough if it’s just one or two demon.
「……How it is? Are you like it? 」
「………… Yup………. I-I’m astonished……..」
Lena was already coming closer before I noticed and asking suck question to me.
She, who was truly scared by my appearance till just some times ago was closing at quite close distance.
Though she still held her sword in her hand, she’s not pointing it at me right now.
Could it be that she already used to my presence?
When I think so,
「……….. I-It’s feel great………. That aside, you are not………….. Scared of me?」
「No, I’m still quite scared of you. But, it might be because various in-human like part is hidden by the robe………… It’s somehow feel alright even if I’m approaching at this distance」
Well, though I said close, there’s still around three steps between us.
I sense that, could it be that it’s just barely outside the range of Lena sword.
She might take this distance in which she can responding if I do something, her wariness is definitely isn’t faded.
Even so, it was quite improvement.
Is what I think when I see Lena taking such action.
A sudden encounter with a dragon before getting my self eaten by it and then became a Bone Man《Skeleton》, you can see me as a quite unlucky subject but, I can’t help but unentionally thinking that it was quite a luck that I met Lena.
Though it might be true that I saved her life, there was normally no human and such who will choose the means of communication with demon without feeling of prejudice till this far.
Even now, it’s still a mystery why this girl is cooperating with me till this far but, I’m truly grateful for that negotiation.
「Ah, that’s right. I also purchased many other things you know…….. See, there’s gloves and shoes. As I thought, you can’t walking in the city while showing your limbs like that right? 」
As she say that, she’s taking out gloves and shoes from the bag and then placing it on the ground of the labyrinth.
Both was made of fine quality leather.
It’s tinge quite normal for both of them, she understand it so she selected the one that’s not conspicious.
This is truly a nice event.
Anyhow, in the first place I’m asking nothing but clothes to Lena.
That’s why she might purchasing the robe, was what I thought.
And yet, Lena’s considering my intention, she came after purchasing so many different things after various consideration.
Where in the world do you think you’ll find a girl of marriageable age choosing clothes for demon………
The kindness which I received for the first time after becoming a demon, turning into tears which won’t coming out…… No, it might be not suited for this body.
Anyhow, I properly equipping the gloves and the shoes.
To be honest, since my limbs are dried which made it different from living flesh, those gloves which made for normal human to use was marvelous whether for fitting or it’s sturdiness.
But, either of them in the end is unsatisfactory, I deemed it acceptable since I could wear it.
But, despite in the matter of the shoes need to forcibly fitting it by tying it with strings, the gloves is too big.
It seems that it’s really hard to grasp my sword with this, though I’m a bit worried, it should be okay as long as I’m putting this on when strolling in the city.
「Ooh, that’s quite……… Impressive isn’t it. When you put that on somehow, Tomb Man《Wight》? ……….Ah, I’ve bought a mirror too but, are you about it? 」
Lena, whose words somehow similiar to the employee of the store is saying that line (You look like tomb man, but I don’t know whether it’s a compliment or not) after that is croching for a while on the ground and then taking out a mirror from inside the bag.
……. Nevertheless, though I’m slightly wounded by the fact that she didn’t personally handing that over to me, maybe it can’t be helped……..
But, she really is sensible girl for her to even bring back a mirror.
Always after I became a Bone Man《Skeleton》, since I can do nothing but confirming with my sense of touch about how become of my own face, I felt uneasy.
Of course when I’m still alive, I who became 25 years old understand that I’m not baby faced to be mistaken as someone in his teens, I”m not even that attached anymore to my former face.
There won’t be any problem even if my face become frightening.
I’m taking the mirror which made of polished metal while thinking about such thing, and then trying to take a look on it.
Thereupon, the face reflected in it was…………..
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