Try as he might, Chen Ge could not get the third drawer to open . He pulled out the top two drawers to try to see the contents of the third drawer from above . However, to his disappointment, there were wooden boards partitioning the different levels, so he could not see anything .
"The room is purposely kept clean, and I do not want to ruin it . If you can hear me, you'd better come out on your own . "
This was not the first time that Chen Ge had threatened a ghost, but he had no idea whether it would work or not . He grabbed the edge of the drawer and tried to pull, but the drawer seemed stuck on something .
"Xu Yin!" Chen Ge summoned Xu Yin, and they grabbed the drawer on both sides . As Xu Yin channeled his strength, the wounds on his body opened again . The red blood trailed down his white arms to drop on the edge of the drawer . The drawer that remained unmoved started to loosen .
"Keep going!"
Xu Yin did not hold back . He would do what Chen Ge told him to . The wounds on his body tore open, and blood dyed his shirt . His face was twisted from the exertion, and his hands were covered with his own blood .
"So painful!"
The tightly-closed drawer finally was pulled open the width of one's finger . Xu Yin's power seemed to affect the stuff inside the drawer . The blood continued to flow, and the drawer was slowly pulled open by Xu Yin . When the drawer opened to the size of half a palm, several human hands suddenly reached out from within!
There were male and female hands . They tried to stop Chen Ge and yanked the drawer close . Surprised, Chen Ge and Xu Yin released their grip, and the drawer closed shut with a bang .
"Why do you insist on this struggle?" Chen Ge stopped Xu Yin, who intended to repeat the earlier effort . He picked up the hammer and said, "I'm trying to be nice . After all, we might work again in the future .
"I hope you'll give this serious consideration . I can use brute force to smash the table or use fire to burn everything and look for what I need in the rubble, but I won't . I'm a kind person, and you can ask any of my friends to confirm that . "
Chen Ge squatted beside the drawer; he was not afraid of the stuff that might reach out from within the drawer . He gripped the drawer's handle . "This drawer belongs to me, and I'm just taking it back . "
He increased his strength and said, "I will forget what happened tonight . Even though all of you have tried to trick me again and again, none of you came for my life . You only wanted to scare me away . I'm telling you not to waste your time . I'm someone who you can reason with . If you have any issues, come out and talk to me . "
Then Chen Ge's empty hand picked up the hammer . "Like now, you have no other option . Eventually, you'll need to face me . Why not lower your guard so that we can start this over the right way?"
The drawer slowly vibrated like the spirits inside it were in a disagreement . After ten seconds, the drawer voluntarily bounced out for one centimeter . "Good, I do appreciate cooperative spirits . "
Chen Ge took out the third drawer and placed it on the table . It contained several comic books . "These are by the artist's hand?"
The notebook said that none of the publishers wanted to work with the artist, so he probably went the route of self-publication .
"So many ghosts came from these comic books?" Chen Ge thought back to his experience that night, and he understood certain things . He flipped through the comic books that looked to be the artist's work .
The artist had a semi-realistic style, and it was understandable why no publishers wanted to work with him . The characters in his story felt uncannily real . The whole comic was made up by five individual stories . The main character of the first story was a gambler . He was thin and tall; he looked similar to the man Chen Ge had seen earlier . The gambler was born in a single-parent family . He had never seen his father and was raised by his mother . He did not receive any worthwhile education .
If he did not make anything of himself, it would have been fine, but he suffered from the vice of gambling . Even in his thirties, he had no work and relied on his mother . For him, life was meaningless other than being alive .
However, when he was 37, his peaceful life was shattered . The mother who took care of him fell seriously ill, and they quickly burned through his mother's savings . His mother wanted to give up on the treatment, but the gambler did not agree . He sold everything they had but the old house that was under his mother's name .
Even so, the surgery still needed some money, and even if the surgery was successful, she could not do heavy work again . He thought about it and began to borrow money from loan sharks .
The surgery was successful, but the loan had tripled from the interest . The loan sharks forced the gambler to sell his mother's home to settle the debt . The gambler asked them to give him one night to consider .
The second day, the loan sharks returned, and they got a shock of their life when they pushed the door open . There was a basin on the round table, and it was filled with blood . The gambler's left hand was chopped off, and he stood next to the table with the cleaver in his right .
He said that he had not done anything worthwhile for his mother before in his life . Now that his mother could not do heavy work anymore, if he sold the house, she would have nowhere else to go . Therefore, he would never sell the house . If they wanted something as compensation, then he would give them his life .
He was the one who signed the loan papers . He rushed out of the bedroom, slashing the cleaver, so no one dared to stop him . They watched on as the man jumped from the eighth-floor window . The gambler died on the spot, but the arm that he chopped off was still not found .
The main character for the second story was an interning English teacher . The old landlady rented her the living room and the master bedroom while she stayed in the small bedroom . After her son passed away, the old lady became quite confused and absent-minded . The teacher took care of her like she was her real mother . The two got close, and things were moving toward a positive ending .
The English teacher would conduct tuition at night, so she came home late . However, when she returned, the old lady would have dinner prepared for her . She was already old, so she would be asleep when the teacher returned .
Afraid that she might wake the old lady up, she would advise the old lady to close the door when she went to sleep . One day, the teacher came home late again . She did not realize that someone was following her . Once she left the stairwell, someone reached out from behind to clamp his hands over her nose and lips .
She struggled vehemently and tussled with the culprit in the corridor . Surprised by her vehemence, to prevent her from making noises and attract attention, the murderer slit her throat . The body could not be left in the corridor, so he dragged the teacher's body back into the bedroom . He cut her into pieces to hide them inside the many drawers .
It was the old lady who found the teacher inside the drawers the next day .
The killer was caught five days later, but the old lady's condition worsened . With the neighbor's help, she was sent to the hospital .
It was then that the room welcomed its third tenant . It was a real estate agent, and he was the main character of the third story .
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