Monogatari Series - Volume 16 - Chapter 12.06

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The epilogue, or maybe, the punch line of this story.

Punch line?

I mean, isn’t me getting sliced up and scattered across the ground in pieces already enough of a punch line?


I was alive.

I wasn’t dead─the sun was directly overhead.

Which meant that six or so hours had passed, and it was already the middle of the day─instead of being sliced to ribbons, I was splayed out on my back beneath the rays of the noonday sun.

What the hell.

What’s going on?

Ms. Gaen’s gone.

Without a trace.

What’s going on─didn’t Ms. Gaen chop me into bits with the Aberration Slayer? Or did my vampiric immortality restore me from the brink of death? No, that’s impossible, I didn’t give Shinobu any of my blood to drink.

Ms. Gaen had aimed for a time when Shinobu would be asleep so as to prevent even an outside chance of that happening─but even if it had, if my body was possessed of enough immortality to restore itself after being chopped into such tiny pieces, I couldn’t survive being out under the sun’s rays like that.

It was almost as if─there was an Aberration Savior to go along with the Aberration Slayer.

What’s happening here?

What the hell is happening─no.

What─did Ms. Gaen do?

“Ah, you awake?” A shadow fell over me as I lay there with my arms and legs splayed out, still totally confused. “Or did I wake up the sleeping child─Mister Rock-a-bye-baby?”

“Don’t talk about me like I’m some kind of lullaby, my name is─Araragi,” I spat out reflexively.

At the girl standing over me─a girl with pigtails and a giant backpack.

But the last bit caught in my throat.

Not that I’d forgotten my own name, of course─

“So it is. Sorry, slip of the tongue.”

She grinned as she said this─showing me that sunny smile I had liked, had loved, so much.

That longed-for smile.

I had thought I would never see again─

“And, is the punch line that you failed the entrance exam because you didn’t even make it to the test site, Mister Araragi?”

“Come on, it can’t end with such a lame joke.”


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