“It’s strange… My work keeps increasing, but my deadlines keep getting shorter…”
It felt like the amount of work he had to do had basically doubled, and yet the time until the deadline had been cut roughly in half. Jougi Shiraishi was in a terrible panic. How panicked was he? Just as panicked as that one time when, in the middle of running, a hobby that he had taken up, he got the absolutely harebrained idea, “Oh yeah, let’s try running a slightly different route than usual today!” and veered off the road, arriving at a country lane he had never seen before as a result, not knowing the way home, not knowing how to get back to the original road, with zero yen in his possession, no smartphone, carrying nothing at all except for his house key, and then while he was in this desperate situation, the sun set and it started to rain and he found himself on the verge of tears. “Wahh, I can’t take it anymore!”
By the way, once he just kept on running, he made it back to a familiar road and got home no problem. His muscles were sore the next day.
But enough of that.
Basically that’s how it felt, like I was on the verge of death, as I once again finished my manuscript at the eleventh hour. I inconvenienced people on all sides, which I feel terrible about, but in all likelihood, Volume 14 is going to come down to the wire, too…I think… I’m sorry…
Well, even so—
Before the afterword, first I’d like to start with my comments on each chapter.
My comments are just packed with spoilers, so anyone who hasn’t read the main book yet, please turn back now.
All right then, here you go.
• Chapter 1 A Day in the Life of a Traveler
A story that summarizes the daily life of a witch in interview format. Wow, can you believe that there are some witches who make money through sleazy trades?
Personally, I think this chapter might be something of a prologue story.
• Chapter 2 A Blizzard during Eternal Summer, and an Easygoing, Lovable Girl
I feel like it’s been a long time since I wrote a long story that was pure comedy from beginning to end. By the way, while I was writing it, I almost came to my senses several times, and asked myself, “Why on earth am I spending so many pages on a story like this one…?” but somehow I kept on writing to the end. Personally, I find characters like Ursula, who have a screw loose, really easy to write, so I like them.
• Chapter 3 Euthanasia
A story about viewing something negative in a positive light.
From the agreements we make to open social networking accounts to the contracts we sign with mobile carriers, everyone has been faced with overly long explanations, but no one really listens to them, do we? But from the side of the business making the contract, they have to offer the explanation, so the salespeople drone on and on. The majority of consumers sit there picking their noses like, “Well, it can’t be anything too important,” and let the whole thing go in one ear and out the other, but the information the salesperson is giving them is all important—that’s why they’re saying it… We really must listen more attentively…
• Chapter 4 The Curse of the Sword, and Two People’s Story
I’ve wanted to write a character with a split personality for many years, but what came out this time was a story about a personality that dwells inside a sword and also possesses a human host. Strictly speaking, that’s not a split personality, now, is it?
In the story of the cursed weapon, Evening Liella was hated from birth, but I don’t think that being hated and cursed means that there was no way for her to find happiness.
If I ever have the chance, I’d still like to write a story about a character with a real split personality.
This chapter continues in the epilogue, “Two People’s Story Continued.”
• Chapter 5 Ashen Witch Counseling Agency
At every opportunity, Elaina takes on questionable jobs.
When I decided to include this chapter in Volume 13, I was beside myself thinking, “I’ve already got a chapter with an unhinged masochist and sadist in it, though… What should I do…?” But after thinking about it, I concluded, “Oh well,” and kept it in as one of multiple such episodes.
• Chapter 6 Moving Hotel Renoir
This was a story about the lonesome Renoir.
I’ve been holding on to the idea of a hotel that moves around for a long time, but without the slightest idea what kind of story I wanted to make out of it, I let it rest for a long while, and the result was that I ended up penning this chapter.
A snack that was beloved when people of my generation were young stopped being produced, and when news of it spread on social media, I saw a lot of comments mourning its loss, like, “But I loved the stuff!” and, “I wish I could eat it one more time.” But what’s done is done. By the time they were regretting their loss, it was already too late. If we take it for granted that something beloved will always be there, it loses its value, and can quietly slip away. Before grieving the loss of something, I’m sure it must be important to say how much you like it while it’s still around to be liked.
• Chapter 7 Two People’s Story Continued
This chapter forms a sort of epilogue to the volume. Actually, not so much to the whole volume as to Chapter 4; it’s like the payoff for that story.
I found myself in a bind after I finished writing everything because I had two chapters that could have been the last story in the volume, “Moving Hotel Renoir” and “The Curse of the Sword, and Two People’s Story,” and both of them seemed like decent conclusions, so I didn’t know what to do. One way or another, after some discussions, the final chapter itself became “Moving Hotel Renoir” and the epilogue became the wrap-up to “The Curse of the Sword, and Two People’s Story.” I digress, but this time I wrote quite a few long stories for the first time in a while, so I’m super tired.
So, that does it for my comments on each chapter.
By the way, this is changing the subject, but recently, I’ve been tending to not get enough exercise, so my frustrations have just been building and building, you know, and finally, I joined a gym. These days there’s apparently such a thing as web enrollment, an incredible system by which you can join from home without even going to the gym. But it’s all very good that I joined, except I can’t stop thinking about what I’ll do if people tease me, like, “Hey, look, a lanky little bean sprout came to give it a try!” or, “Why are you here? Come to show off your skinny body?” or, “With a physique like that, what do you even plan to work on? Are you mental?” And I think I might cry if I’m surrounded by bulked-out six packs, so I’ve been too scared and haven’t been to the place yet. Help me.
A number of things have changed since I stopped using the treadmill I bought previously when I moved, and I’ve tried my hand at running, and just now joined that gym.
I feel like I’m getting more active year by year, so by this time next year, I’ll probably be skydiving or something.
By the way, changing the subject again, but you should know that there are plans to start broadcasting the The Journey of Elaina anime in October. I’m getting loads of emails every day to go through all sorts of checks, but I always look forward to doing them while looking at the original manuscripts.
There’s not much time left before October, but I’d be very pleased if you would wait restlessly along with me.
Well then, let’s get started on the acknowledgments.
To M, the head editor.
I was cutting it especially close on the schedule for this one. I do want to try to be careful and not run up against the deadline for Volume 14, but I apologize in advance if things turn out just like Volume 13 all over again.
To Azure.
Thank you, as always. Once again, the cover illustration was just incredible… That, and this Volume 13 had a “Special Edition with Character Model Sheets” available, but as a matter of fact, there were a number of illustrations that even I hadn’t seen yet. “A-awesome…so this is the hidden treasure they’ve been keeping…” I thought. Just the best.
To Itsuki Nanao.
I always look forward to seeing your comic book versions. Especially in the chapter “A Runaway Princess, Pursued by Whom?” Chocolat was ridiculously cute all over again… That’s what I thought.
To all the anime staff, and to the licensing team at GA Books.
Really, thank you so much for your efforts in this extremely difficult social climate. Both the viewers and the original author are really looking forward to the anime broadcast in October.
That’s it for the acknowledgments.
The Journey of Elaina, Vol. 14 is scheduled for publication in October. There’s also going to be a special edition that comes with a drama CD, and once again I was allowed to write the script just as I please. I’ll be very happy if you enjoy it.
Let’s meet again in Volume 14.
See ya!
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