Chapter 6
[Collusion of International Superpowers]
On the same afternoon that Tatsuya received successive calls from Yakumo and Maya, a small restitution ceremony was being held in the city of Hei Ho on the border between GAU and the New Soviet Union, between the diplomatic officials of the two nations.
The hosting city of Hei Ho is the very city subject of cession. That is the subject of the restitution. Three years ago, the GAU invaded the New Soviet Union. Believing rumors of the death of the NSU Nationally Recognized Strategic Class Magician, Bezobrazov, they seized the opportunity to take the Primorskaya Oblast (province) region. But the news of Bezobrazov still being alive struck them both figuratively and literally.
Perhaps in a sort of poetic justice, the card they thought was taken out of the game was used against them. The use of the Strategic Class Magic [Tuman Bomba] of Bezobrazov was the decisive factor in the strategic defeat of GAU's invasion.
Likely not wanting an escalation of the conflict, as soon as the GAU was on the back foot, the NSU dragged them to the negotiating table and had them sign a peace treaty. Favoring the NSU, the city of Hei Ho would then be ceded to the new Soviet Union.
The return of the city of Hei Ho marks an amicable conclusion to the conflict, increasing friendly ties between the two neighbors, as well as the consummation of the NSU and GAU's secret alliance against a common enemy. Under normal circumstances, a ceremony of the sort would have no care for expenses as long as it was big and gaudy, as it is an opportunity for the involved nations to show to the international community their friendship. However, given the above-mentioned circumstances behind the event, this one was an exception. Neither GAU nor the NSU wanted to attract too much foreign attention, especially from Japan and the USNA. For that reason, the celebration was kept modest.
Adjacent to the hotel which was the venue of the ceremony, there was an old office building. The offices of a water transportation company and an insurance company that were housed in that building were today compulsorily rented out by the NSU's security detail.
There, Chen Xiangshan, commander of the GAU special operations unit, arrived at a room next to that provisional security command center.
Waiting inside was a high-ranking official of the New Soviet Union Intelligence Service, Vladimir Alexeyevich Sokolov. Sokolov is the head of the Intelligence Department known abroad as the new KGB, which is responsible for all Japan-related intelligence operations.
This secret meeting was brokered by the Hong Kong Triad and its higher-level body, the Hongmen. And this wasn't the first. The entire secret alliance against Japan itself was arranged by Hong-Men. The secret alliance with Japan itself was arranged by Hongmen.
Although the formalization of the secret alliance is happening today, the preparations and planning for the joint operation against Japan have been in the works for a year. These two high-ranking officers were here for a final meeting to iron out whatever kinks remained before they could put the joint operation into action. And also, but not least, to make sure the other side wasn't going to take out their chips from this gamble.
"The drone is ready." Chen Xiangshan started, reporting the state of preparation on his side. "The new bombs to be fitted have already been delivered to the warehouse in Blagoveshchensk."
Blagoveshchensk is a nearby city on the other side of the river from Hei Ho.
"Then everything is on schedule."
"Indeed. We'll send it to Vladivostok at once."
Sokolov silently nodded in response.
This new drone developed by the GAU is an autonomous flying model, which houses a Shì shén (shikigami) capable of blocking detections via radio waves through magic to a certain extent. Meanwhile, the New Soviet Union has devised a small, high-ordinance, non-nuclear bomb to be carried by the former.
In the first phase of the operation, the drone, fitted with the bomb, would be transported from Vladivostok to the coast of Sado Island by a NSU transport ship. Once there, a GAU magician aboard the ship would operate the drone to fly it over from Sado and attack the coastal areas from Joetsu to Chuetsu. Next, the GAU and NSU would use this attack as a diversion to infiltrate their respective operative units into Japan.
As of now, their joint operation is finalized at the point of landing. From that point on, both sides will proceed with their own operations.
Chen Xiangshan and Sokolov ended their confidential meeting by setting the departure date of the ship a week later on the 14th, and the date of the drone attack for the 15th.
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After his encounter with Sokolov, Chen Xiangshan traveled to the city of Shenyang. Formally known as Mukden, Shenyang is a historic city located north of the Liaodong Peninsula and northwest of the Korean Peninsula. It is here that Chen Xiangshan's unit is currently stationed.
At 4:00 p.m., time of his arrival, a man and a woman, both in their twenties, received Chen Xiangshan as he returned to his office as the unit's commanding officer.
There was no one else in the room. These two were his only close confidants after the loss of Lu Ganghu.
"Welcome back, father. Thank you for your service," The woman, wearing an out-of-place mandarin dress, greets Chen Xiangshan. Her actual age is over 30, but she has even more of a baby face for an East Asia, making her look about 10 years younger than she really is.
As suggested by how she addressed Chen Xiangshan, she is, in fact, his daughter. Adopted daughter, though.
Her name is Chen Jingna, a captain (上尉) by rank. She was born in Hong Kong and is also known as Ginger Cheng. Chen Xiangshan adopted her because of her outstanding abilities as an intelligence operative, even among his own men.
In combat power she proves as good as her male counterparts, and in intelligence work she is by far the best in the unit, making full use of her unique advantages as a woman. Because of that, among other reasons, Chen Xiangshan intended to make her his successor. The male officer standing silently beside Chen Jingna is Lieutenant Lu Weichen. He is the much younger brother of Lu Ganghu, who was once Chen Xiangshan's trusted confidant and lost his life to Chiba Naotsugu three years ago during an infiltration mission in Japan. Like his elder brother, he is a fighting style that is a combination of martial arts and ancient-style magic, and is currently serving in Chen Xiangshan's unit, filling the role of the former Lu Ganghu.
"The infiltration campaign has officially been set to take place on the 15th," Now in his office's chair, Chen Xiangshan announced, looking up at Chen Jingna and Lu Weichen standing side by side in front of his desk.
Lu Weichen's expression hardened, while Chen Jingna smiled with the bellicose smile of a panther.
"Sir, am I correct to assume that you'll entrust me with this assignment?" Chen Jingna remained in the "at rest" posture, her sweet voice basically coaxing the order to be given to her.
Chen Xiangshan stared pointedly at his female officer. To which didn't seem to have the desired effect in having the captain to show any kind of reproach.
Emotions dulled the shooting daggers, and the hard stare softened as Chen looked at his adoptive daughter instead of the captain in front of him. It was not the first time Chen Jingna has behaved in such a manner considered inappropriate of a military officer. This attitude had been there since before he adopted her.
"Captain Chen Jingna. I've decided to grant your request and give you in-field command of the infiltration operation. Lieutenant Lu, you are to assist Captain Chen."
"Understood, sir." Chen Jingna's predatory smile deepened. "Understood." In much contrast, Lu Weichen responded in a curt and concise manner, his solemn and honest countenance unmoving.
"Do you both have a clear understanding of your objectives in this operation?" Lu Weichen's responds his commanding officer with brevity and clarity, as he should.
"We're supposed to infiltrate, use post-hypnosis on the young girl who has gone undercover as an exile, unaware of her role, and then destroy the Japanese military base, right?" Meanwhile, Chen Jingna reviews the mission with a mixture of derision and amusement.
"Aren't we just acting under the assumption that the Japanese military is oblivious of everything? The girl is one case, she should be unaware of her role there, but surely the Japanese must have screened her twice or thrice before accepting her exile." Chen Jingna questioned her adoptive father of the glaring unverified variable on the laid out plan.
"They couldn't have noticed. The Japanese military inspections are biased toward a direct physiological and magical approach. Things such as simple manipulation, like suggestion, go undetected."
Chen Xiangshan's lips twisted into a condescending sneer.
Chen Jingna audibly scoffed glibly.
◇ ◇ ◇
After the meeting with Chen Xangshan, Sokolov traveled in a small military plane from Blagoveshchensk, on the other side of the city of Hei Ho, to Khabarovsk. Upon arrival, instead of heading to his office of the Intelligence Service, Sokolov went to one of the workrooms he had apart from his official office in Khabarovsk. He had those private offices all over the country and abroad. In his capacity as a field division commander of the Intelligence Service, he also oversees the illegal operations of the military.
"Zdravstvuyet, Vladimir Alexeyevich Sokolov."
Sokolov was greeted by a middle-aged Asian man when entering that room.
He was not an employee, much less a subordinate. They were business partners, rather, collaborator or accomplice would be more appropriate terms.
"Mr. Yuen. Have I kept you waiting?" Sokolov responded impassively to the friendly smile he was received with. Not a hint of amicability, no false smile, just an inquiring look.
"No, not at all, I've just arrived myself a few minutes ago. So, did you reach an agreement with GAU?"
The middle-aged man spoke with an air of a small-time businessman.
"Yes, without problems. All thanks to your assistance. I owe you my thanks."
Sokolov's demeanor, though unaffectionate, showed no contempt for the man.
This middle-aged Asian man's name was Yuan Wenzheng, also known as Henry Yuan. He is an overseas Chinese from Hawaii and now a senior member of the Hong Kong Triad. He has a sworn brothership with another overseas Chinese who is also from Hawaii, Zhu Yuen Yun, an even more prominent figure in the American hongmen. His rise to prominence in the Hong Kong Triad was largely thanks to Zhu Yuen Yun's financial support.
Yuan Wenzheng was the facilitator behind the scenes, bridging the interaction between the NSU and GAU through Sokolov and Chen Xiangshan. Prior to that, it was largely due to the Hong Kong's Tirad under the table efforts that brought the NSU and GAU to a point where they could ally, surmounting the grudge from the recent military clash three years earlier. It was Yuan Wenzheng who led this project.
Which is not to say the idea was Yuan Wenzheng's. Utilizing an alliance between the NSU and GAU to oppose Japan was the brainchild of Zhu Yuen Yun of the American Hongmen. He then had his sworn younger brother, Yuan Wenzheng, put it into action.
Sokolov and Chen Xiangshan believed that the Hong Kong Triad had lobbied for the formation of an alliance against Japan for its own interests. Neither of the nation's representatives were aware of Zhu Yuen Yun's involvement. As it stood, in a sense, both nations were playing into the hands of Zhu Yuen Yun.
"That's great news. So, is it scheduled for somewhere in mid-month?" Yuan Wenzheng asked Sokolov without breaking his amiable smile.
"Yes, the 15th. …How did you know that?" Despite asking, Sokolov did not look too surprised.
"It was a fair guess, considering the GAU's transportation capabilities."
"I see."
Sokolov wasn't impressed with the answer. He imagined Yuan Wenzheng and the Hong Kong Triad would be able to know that much.
"Will Your Excellency be in Sakhalin as well?" Sokolov was neither a cabinet minister nor a general, so the term "Your Excellency" was strictly incorrect. It was nevertheless an informed decision by Yuan Wenzheng, who preferred that over the Han Chinese, "Dàrén".
"Why would you ask that?"
While the GAU planned to infiltrate their operative forces from Hokuriku, the NSU would invade Hokkaido from the Sakhalin Island. Creating a disturbance in Hokuriku, they would divest the Japanese military attention and take the opportunity to occupy the northeastern coast of Hokkaido. Eventually, the goal was to seize control of the entirety of the Hokkaido region from Japan.
At about the end of WWIII, the NSU envisioned doing the same thing in the course of building a new state, but abandoned it in favor of countering the GAU's northward expansion. However, with the secret alliance with the GAU in place, the NSU didn't have to worry as much about being attacked from the south, and thus, their territory ambitions were rekindled.
"My apologies if I sounded rude. I asked, because if so, I'd like to accompany Your Excellency to Sakhalin."
Yuan Wenzheng's answer to Sokolov's inquiry reeked with an ulterior motive.
"Are you planning to extend your reach to Sakhalin?"
Sokolov interpreted Yuan Wenzheng's intention to expand the sphere of influence of the Triad into the island.
"It is my understanding that Your Excellency has no duty to the Mafia."
"Do as you please."
"Thank you very much. I will make sure that Your Excellency is generously compensated for your kindness." "I could use an extra batch of provisions, too." Sokolov's "provisions," as he put it, were food, ammunition, and other supplies.
As for the "compensation" promised by Yuan Wenzheng, he meant for all intents and purposes a financial bribe to finance Sokolov's activities.
"Duly noted," Yuan Wenzheng said, nodding reverently at Sokolov's brazen request.
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