[physical enhancement] An ability that enhances the overall traits of one’s physical attributes. The skin becomes thicker, muscle density rises, and strength of the bone increases. Although intelligence is slightly increased, the five senses such as: hearing, eye-sight, touch, smell, and taste are drastically enhanced.
This is something that raises everything…
[steel body] Increases the density in one’s body, while the skin becomes tough like a well-made leather armor. The body will be able to withstand more damages as the cells itself become tougher. As you level, you will notice the density increasing in the body, allowing for more steel-like body. Surprisingly, even after learning this skill, the skin will still be able to maintain its flexibility.
It is sort of similar to Physical Enhancement, yet different at the same time. The Physical Enhancement allows for all abilities in the body to be increased, whereas the Steel Body only raises the defense. If I only wanted to consider defense, Steel Body would be the most logical choice to make.
And… I think the best for me to do right now is to learn Steel Body. Why? Because my combat style is melee, and I already have healing skills to get me by.
“Purchase Steel Body.”
paaht. Light engulfed me. Although there was no strong impact this time, I could feel the changes my body had gone through. I could feel… that my skin had already become tougher. I hope… I’m not becoming a monster or something. A random thought crossed my mind for a split second.
Test complete
Player Jung Yoon-Hwan
& Survival Combat
Fight to survive!
Run as you fear for death!
You are the master of your life,
Do not submit to death!
-A cry from a speaker
The text on the wall had changed and another light engulfed me. Just as before. Am I going back to my reality? I thought to myself as I closed my eyes from the light.
And when I opened my eyes, I was laying in a hospital bed with my phone still in my hand. When I… checked for time, it was back to 2:00.
I was dragged into that place at 2. But… does this mean that time stops here when I’m there?
I got myself up to open the blinds in the hospital room. There was a peculiar looking clock on the wall there, and it was pointing at 2.
I think I know what the rules are. I’m forced to go there every day at 2. Once time there, time here stops completely, and I can acquire superhuman abilities that people can only dream of having here.
If God didn’t exist… this wouldn’t be possible. But… I don’t know what’s going on. Why me? just why me? What did I do? Did I do something special?
I sighed without realizing, as I began thinking about what I’m going to do in this situation when I should be more focused on how all this happened in the first place.
All of my injured wounds have already been healed completely. I already know what the doctors are going to say.
“Is this a blessing in disguise…”
My mother is not there, nor is my father. It’s rather simple. They both had passed away while I was young. I do have cousins, but I have never been in touch with them. As for my mother, she didn’t have any cousins and my father had cut all ties with his.
That is why contacting them would be impossible. Should I be thankful that it’s like this? That there’s no one who’d worry about me being like this.
But, first, what I need to do is…
“Tell them I have no money, and leave as soon as possible…”
Feeling discouraged, I rang the bell to call in the nurses. It’s commonly known that a patient can easily leave the hospital if they don’t have any money to pay for the treatments.
Walking in the night, I stared into my unbroken phone. It was a long day… I had been placed in the hospital from an accident, fought with Dobermans, and receiving Divine powers. But, none of it felt real even if they were all engraved in my memories.
Isn’t it normal for people to get traumatized in situations like this?
another sigh came out before I could stop myself. Wait. Not sighing in situations like this isn’t normal either, right?
I pulled out a cigarette from my inner pockets while walking through the cold air. The cigarette had already been crushed beyond the point where I could smoke it. Disappointed, I threw it on the ground.
I should at least be thankful that my cards are still intact. Just what am I doing… haha.
“what am I… going to do from now on…”
I may be an orphan, but I do know that to survive in Korea, I must at least hold a college degree. So… I studied my ass off to get into a college within Seoul.
My academic studies are currently on hold, as I had no other choice but to work part-time to gather money for tuition. For inheritance, all that was left to me was 120,000,000 won, which is comfortably sitting in my bank account. I could use this money to pay through my school, but I chose not to touch it, hence my reasons for working part-time.
As long as something drastic doesn’t come up, I’ll be okay.
If everything goes accordingly, I will be able to save up enough money for school, get my degree, and get on with my life. Then, I’d find a job to live out the rest of my days.
Start my career, find a girlfriend, and live just like everyone else.
All these thoughts dispersed into thin air just like the air I was breathing out into the cold night, as I had no idea of what my future has in-stored for me. I mean, how could I hope to plan my future… when I’m already faced with an unrealistic situation? Even I will never know what’s going to happen.
Fear sets in, and a feeling of mysteriousness. I just don’t know what to do…
“somehow I did manage to survive through all that…”
When the Dobermans came at me, I did an amazing job handling that. If I had made a mistake…I probably would’ve ended up as their food. Have I always been a composed person like that? is what I hoped to think but… none of that matters now, because I’m alive. That’s all that matters.
Upon walking through my small studio-apartment door, I took off my raggedy clothes and threw them on the floor before laying on my bed. My mind is flooding with random thoughts, keeping me from going to sleep. Why is this happening to me?
I forced myself to close my eyes. And, before long, I had fallen asleep quicker than I realized.
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