No, that’s just not it. Everything I did up til this point was stupid. Like thinking that smashing the skull of an Undead would make them stop moving…
Zombies would die when their heads are bashed in. Same goes for the Skeletons.
Just what in the world was I thinking. You shithead.
This is a matter of life and death. It could be me or someone else that dies next time, so how could I be so stupid?
Because of me, a teenager is dead. Well, to be honest, it’s not entirely my fault since we all have to protect ourselves in here.
But… if I had only been more careful. If only...I was fast enough...he could still be alive. That much I knew for sure.
“Damn it….”
My mouth was dry, and I couldn’t get the sick feeling out of my stomach. Everything was bothering me.
“Damn it, damn it, god damn it!”
I smashed my hand on the wall. Pain radiates to my fist, but it quickly faded away.
Out of frustration, I went outside with a pack of cigarettes in my hand.
I place a cigarette between my lips and lit up the lighter. Cigarette’s burning smoke was quickly making its way down my airway. Then, I let it out in a single sigh as I crouched down on the ground next to the door.
Why the hell is it so hard to just live?
Everyone else is living out their normal lives peacefully….so why am I the only one who’s going through this? Getting involved in that hit and run….
Which reminds me, how am I supposed to catch them? Wait a minute, do I even have the luxury of going after them?
My head is spinning…
Another exhale of heavily inhale smoke leaves my body. I flicked off the burning cherry in the cigarette in order to blow out the fire.
I couldn’t get over this feeling. It’s like something that’s just been stained within me.
But, i must do whatever I can to forget it because...I’m going to have to return to that hellhole.
Unable to think straight, I took out another stick and placed it between my lips. The burning cigarette smokes relieved my clouded mind.
Pull yourself together, you bastard.
Do you plan on dying already? Huh? I was constantly giving myself a hard time for what had happened. But, I didn’t dwell on the thought for too long.
Plans for tomorrow.
Work for tomorrow.
Yeah, that’s where I need to place my focus on.
I got through today like this…what am I going to do about tomorrow? The increase in difficulty per day is insane….even with my recent upgrades, I’m not going to last forever.
Purchasing stuff from the real world should make more sense right now. I remember the hockey plates I used in the early stages. It did provide some protection, but it dulled my movements significantly.
I’ll need something different….
What is there?
Something useful….
Yeah, there was that!
The protective clothing worn by the swat team and the shield they use for raids. They’re both made from heavy duty plastic and it’s really light.
I can also use cotton-like materials that can be used for padding to buff up against dull weapons. The best part is that they can be easily purchased.
I know what I’ll need to get. I can just use Iron Mace as a weapon, and use the gun as a back up.
The problem is money. It’s always money.
I can survive with what I have saved up right now….but I’ll need to figure out what I need to do for the future. Technically, I can live off of points since 5P can be swapped into 500,000 won. But it’s a better investment to upgrade abilities and skills, and earning money separately in this world.
Don’t tell me I have to join a pyramid or something.
“ head is hurting… Let me first get the protective armor, and think about what’s to come later. Sigh…”
I just sat there with a big frown on my face looking like I was pissed at the world. I had so many random thoughts in my head, I didn’t know how I was going to get through this.
But, a sudden idea came to me.
My body.
Yeah, my body.
I’ll need to train my body no matter what happens.
“Steel Body Technique…”
This is the foundation of everything. It uses energy in order to strengthen my body. By toughening up my physique; durability, reaction time, and strength all increases.
Basically, I’m like a super saiyan, or the spiderman.
That bastard...doesn’t just have the ability to shoot webs and stick to walls. His entire body has been strengthened to handle the physical stress.
Of course, I won’t be able to get that like that with my current Steel Body Technique. I realized this when I fought against the Undead Knight...but I probably have gotten 30% stronger.
For an example, if I barely was able to lift 10kg before, I should be able to lift up to 20kg. It basically means that someone like me who was a nobody has at least reached the level of athletes.
So I began thinking deeply about everything.
Working out.
Yeah, that’s the key.
I’ll need to start working out, With that, I’ll be able to increase Steel Body Technique and Body Strengthening by folds. If I had some muscle to begin with… I might be much stronger now with increased physical attributes.
Working out… and money…
Even though there’s Healing skills within the Divine Law, but… I don’t think I’ll be able to make any real money with this without getting caught up in some drama…
I’ve heard that MMA matches bring in good money in Korea. More than expected. So, does that mean even white-collared workers go get their asses beat for money?
Who could turn down the amount of fight money that’s proposed?
“Alright, then….”
Let me think about MMA fights. As for working out, and making money...I’ll priortize those. It would be great if I could make enough money to support myself from fighting in the ring
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