TLN: This is the first schedule chapter. I’ll probably work on Dragon Maken War for the other scheduled chapter.
< Legend of Legend(LOL)-New Employee(2) >
Lee-joonhyuk ran towards the convenience store in his training suit. It was morning still, so Shin-soyun should still be there.
Lee-joonhyuk looked in through the glass door, and he was Shin-soyun organizing delivered items. He entered.
Shin-soyun got up from her seat. When she checked it was Lee-joonhyuk, she couldn’t hide her worried expression.
“Is your body ok?”
“I’m on wings after I drank that cider.”
Shin-soyun burst into laughters at Lee-joonhyuk’s words.
“That’s good.”
While Shin-soyun was organizing, Lee-joonhyuk brought two triangle kimbab, and two banana milk. Once he put the items on the counter, Shin-soyun went behind the counter to ring him up. Then she carefully looked at Lee-joonhyuk.
When she finished ringing him up, he pushed a triangle kimbab, and a banana milk towards her.
“I promised you this.”
“You had another interview on the weekends?”
Lee-joonhyuk spoke as he ripped the triangle kimbab out.
Shin-soyun’s eyes became round as she asked.
“Then where did you get in?”
“I was able to get into ST Capsule.”
It was a large corporation, which was ranked 3rd in Korea. When Shin-soyun heard he had passed, she looked at Lee-joonhyuk with sparkling eyes.
Lee-joonhyuk took a bite of the triangle kimbab. He spoke, while he laughed.
“This is why I’m buying.”
Shin-soyun looked at Lee-joonhyuk as if she was impressed, then she snuck a glance around her surrounding. She didn’t have any customers, so she also ripped the triangle kimbab open. She skipped breakfast, so she was a bit hungry.
Shin-soyun raised the triangle kimbab then she spoke.
“Thank you for the food.”
Lee-joonhyuk watched Shin-soyool eat the triangle kimbab, and he stuffed his left-over triangle kimbab into his mouth. Then he opened the banana milk, and he downed it in one-shot.
While he was struggling to live for one month, he sometimes thought about Shin-soyun.
The last girl friend he had was in high school. While he was in the military, he had been betrayed by a woman.(TLN:See below for explanation) This was why he didn’t date any women even when he returned to college.
This was the reason why he had gotten relatively good grades.
When he was moving back and forth between the line of death, he had thought of Shin-soyun, who always bright and energetic.
We wasn’t sure what his feeling was towards her, but he just knew he felt good when he was around her. Lee-joonhyuk spoke after he threw the wrapper for the triangle kimbab, and banana milk into the trash can.
“When I receive my first pay check, I’ll buy you a much better dinner.”
Shin-soyun was a little bit taken aback by Lee-joonhyuk’s words. She didn’t mind drinking milk or eating a triangle kimbab, but she felt a little bit shy having dinner somewhere else.
“Are you asking me out on a date?”
Instead, Lee-joonhyuk was more taken aback at those words. He scratched his head, and Lee-joonhyuk mumbled.
“It doesn’t have to be. I was able to pass with the help of your encouragement, so I’m very thankful.”
Shin-soyun let out a clear laugh as she looked at the nervous Lee-joonhyuk.
“I’m just joking.”
Shin-soyun spoke as she smiled.
“Now that you have entered a big company, you are going to have to buy me dinner.”
“I’ll buy you a big dinner. I will.”
Lee-joonhyuk spoke as he lightly tapped his chest.
“I’ll be starting a 3 day and 2 night orientation, so I won’t be able to come until Friday. Don’t wait for me.”
“I’ve never waited for you?”
Shin-soyool spoke with round eyes. Lee-joonhyuk made a wounded expression as he spoke.
” If you say it like that then I have no choice. I’ll be going now.”
“I was just kidding. I waited for you since I wanted to drink the banana milk.”
Lee-joonhyuk spoke with a confident expression.
“All right. I’ll buy you a banana milk everyday once I officially start work.”
Shin-soyool stuck out her tongue slightly then she spoke.
“Then I’ll become burdened.”
“Is that so?”
“Just visit me occasionally like right now.”
Truthfully, he purposefully came here on the day he had the interview. He wanted to receive her encouragment. He was a someone who was getting ready to get a job, so his money situation was obvious.
“I’ll do that. I’ll head out now. See you next time.”
Lee-joonhyuk waved his hand, then he went outside. Lee-joonhyuk had already lightly warmed up, so he ran full speed to his rented room.
He had only exercised for two days. However, his soul survived such a harsh environment. This caused his body adapt quickly. Atlan was right. If one part develops then the other part follows.
He had been warned about becoming imbalanced, so he ran hard to balance himself. Lee-joonhyuk opened the door to his room, and he entered. Then he started to do a handstand.
He had average athletic abilities, so it wasn’t too hard for Lee-joonhyuk to find his balance. He slowly started to do a push up in this state. Eventually, he lost his balance and he lay flat like a star fish on the floor.
He used a fall technique the moment he started to fall down, so he was able to reduce the impact. Lee-joonhyuk looked at the ceiling of his roomas he mumbled.
“Is it a date?”
Lee-joonhyuk remembered the words of Shin-soyun. He let out a laugh then he started to do sit-ups.
“Phew. Phew.”
He had to try his best to remake his body to survive the next summoning. He also had to train his ability. In between all of this, he had to get used to the company he had been hired to.
It felt like he wouldn’t have time to enjoy something like a date.
Lee-joonhyuk wore a backpack over his formal wear as he once again stood in front of the 12 floored building.
After standing in front of the ST Capsule building, he started to walk energetically as he took in a deep breath. He entered the 1st floor lobby, and he talked to the the help desk.
“I’m here to participate in the new employee’s orientation. Where do I have to go?”
“Please use the stairway on the right to go to the 1st basement. You will arrive at an assembly hall. You have to go there.”
“Thank you.”
Lee-joonhyuk bowed his head, then he started walk. Lee-joonhyuk went to the basement floor, and he saw the assembly hall. Since it was an assembly hall for a large company, it was quite larger than his college’s assembly hall.
Lee-joonhyuk opened the door and when he entered, he saw several small groups conversing with each other. Lee-joonhyuk looked over them once, then he started to walk towards them.
Everyone was gathered in the front, so Lee-joonhyuk had to search for a seat. As he sat in an empty seat, everyone’s gaze was drawn towards him.
They all whispered in a small voice, but Lee-joonhyuk’s ears could pick up all their voices. In the Canyon of Death, he couldn’t afford to miss even the smallest of sounds. If he did then he could lose his life from a monster’s ambush. This was why his senses had become more acute.
“Who is that?”
“He looks familiar, but I don’t know who he is.”
Then, a woman amongst them opened her mouth.
“Isn’t he the guy from the video?”
“Oh! I think you are right?”
“He is one of our new employees?”
Lee-joonhyuk felt embarrassed by their whispers, so he stood up from his seat. They were probably his co-workers, who joined at the same time. From amongst them, their might be those who might be assigned to the same department as him.
“Hello? My name is Lee-joonhyuk.”
Lee-joonhyuk introduced himself, so they could no longer talk behind his back. A woman raised her hand as she asked a question.
“Are you the the person from the recent hot video?”
“If you are talking about the bus accident, then you are right.”
The women started to whisper to each other, and at that moment, a man raised his hand. He wore glasses, and at a glance, he looked to have a confident expression.
“Did you take the interview on the same day as the accident?”
“The accident had somewhat been taken care of, so I came to this place straight away.”
“Even when you had injuries?”
Lee-joonhyuk knew what this man was trying to ferret out. He kept his gaze on the man as Lee-joonhyuk nodded his head.
“I thought I would have regret if I failed without even taking the interview. This was why I did what I did. However, I heard a stinging lecture on that day. She said how could I sell medical devices when I don’t even take care of my own body.”
“Then how were you able to pass?”
Lee-joonhyuk replied back nonchalantly.
“Only the interviewers would know that answer.”
The man frowned at Lee-joonhyuuk’s answer. However, Lee-joonhyuk continued to speak, while ignoring the other’s reaction.
“Any ways, I look forward to working with you all, my fellow employees.”
“I look forward to working with you.”
The women gave their greeting. Lee-joonhyuk slightly bowed his head, then he took his seat again. He sat in the front seat, so he felt their gazes on the back of his head. However, he ignored it, since he wasn’t facing them.
The whispers started up again, but soon the door to the assembly hall opened. Five people with employee badges entered. These were the employees participating in the new employee orientation, so everyone moved into their seats.
When they instructed the new employees to sit in the front, the man with the glasses sat next to Lee-joonhyuk. When he sat down next to Lee-joonhyuk, he slightly frowned as if his pride had been hurt. However, Lee-joonhyuk didn’t pay any attention to him.
When the 20 new employees all sat in their seats, one woman climbed up to assembly hall’s stage. Lee-joonhyuk’s eyes widened slightly when he saw her.
It was the lady with glasses from the interview, who had lectured him.
“I see every top new employees are present.”
She pushed her glasses up, then she looked at the group with a haughty expression.
“My name is Kim-oonsuh. I’m the director in charge of strategic planning. It is good to meet you all.”
The department in charge of strategic planning was one of the main department of the company. When she said she was the director of a department, everyone became very nervous. Once they found out the woman in front of them was in charge of a main department, they couldn’t help but sit straight in their seats.
Kim-oonsuh looked around as she spoke.
“I’m in charge of the orientation, so I’ll be with you for 3 days and 2 nights.”
Kim-oonsuh glanced at the tablet she brought, then she spoke.
“Mr. Kim-jangho.”
Lee-joonhyuk looked at the man next to him, who stood up abruptly. He stood up with a confident expression.
Kim-oonsuh spoke as she looked at him.
“You are one of the top applicants. During the 3 days and 2 nights, you will be in charge of the 1st group consisting of ten members.”
“I’ll work hard.”
“Also, Mr. Lee-joonhyuk.”
When Lee-joonhyuk stood up, Kim-oonsuh spoke calmly.
“Mr. Lee-joonhyuk will be in charge of the 2nd group of ten members. Each group will have 10 members, so please choose who you want to team up with. It is up to you to decide.”
For some unknown reason, Kim-jangho stared daggers at Lee-joonhyuk whe he heard Kim-oonsuh’s words. Lee-joonhyuk replied, while ignoring the other’s gaze.
Kim-oonsuh spoke as she put away her tablet.
“After 30 minutes, we will ride a bus for a field trip. We will be going to a water supply factory, so please pick your members until then. I’ll see you all at the water supply factory.”
Lee-joonhyuk turned around to talk to the new employees after Kim-oonsuh finished her words and left.
“If anyone wants to join the second group, please speak up.”
Before Lee-joonhyuk could finish his words, all the women raised their hands. When all 7 women raise their hands, two men also raised their hand as they studied the others.
Lee-joonhyuk hadn’t expected to fill his group in one fell swoop, so he looked for the person with the employee nameplate. The nameplate said his name was deputy head Jang-woogun.
“Deputy head Jang. I believe we’ve chosen our group.”
“You are quite popular, Mr. Lee-joonhyuk.”
Jang-woogun took out the name tags, and he sorted it.
“After I pass out the nameplates, let us talk. We should, at the very least introduce ourselves to each other.”
Lee-joonhyuk received his nameplate, then he secretly glanced at Kim-jangho. He seemed to be in a bit of bad mood after seeing Lee-joonhyuk’s popularity, but Lee-joonhyuk didn’t pay much attention to it.
“The second group should head towards the back. I’ll hand out your nameplates.”
TLN: There is a saying, “a woman who wears her rubber shoes backward.” It is an idiom in Korea that refers to woman who cheats on the man, who is is in mandatory military service. The woman is expected to wait for the man, but it is a long time for a woman to wait. Korean military service is 21 months.
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