Posted on July 18, 2016
<– Chapter 18: Legend of Legend-Gangking(2) –>
The Minions running towards him hadn’t received any training. Therefore, their success rate wasn’t that great.(TLN:I think he is talking about the chance to get abilities) Instead, their base personality itself was aggressive, so they never retreated.
The Minion’s movements were clearly menacing. When he was a Minion like them, he could only block with a shield. However, he could see their movements now.
The problem was Lee-joonhyuk had never trained with a two-handed sword before.
If Lee-joonhyuk had trained with the two-handed sword than he would have had an easier time dealing with the Minions. However, his control over his muscles allowed him to have a certain amount of skill with the two-handed sword even though he hadn’t trained with it.
Moreover, he had an overwhelming advantage in strength and speed compared to all the Minions, so he just had to stay very alert.
He deflected the running Minion’s axe. He used the rebound to increased the speed of the two-handed sword, and he stabbed the opponent’s throat. Since Lee-joonhyuk had gotten stuck on the armor last time, he now used quick and short attacks.
Lee-joonhyuk retreated when the Minion fell clutching its throat.
A Minion’s axe had come down on Lee-joonhyuk’s previous location. When Lee-joonhyuk saw the axe embed itself on the floor, he once again stabbed quickly with his two-handed sword. However, the Minions weren’t stupid.
The other Minion stepped forward to deflect Lee-joonhyuk’s two-handed sword. Lee-joonhyuk didn’t resist against the strength that deflected his two-handed sword, and he retreated backwards again.
He wanted to earn gold by taking them down, but he didn’t have a death wish. Even if he took them down, they would only earn him around 1G.
If he got unnecessarily injured facing them, it would be a big loss for him.
Therefore, Lee-joonhyuk didn’t force it.
When Lee-joonhyuk retreated, the Minions’ morale went up. They had thought they were at a disadvantage since Lee-joonhyuk’s capability was more outstanding. Lee-joonhyuk calmed himself as he looked at their excited figures.
There were seven of them left, and his confidence rose as he was able to dodge their axes. Their movements couldn’t escape his eyes. Moreover, his extreme concentration allowed him to dodge their attacks.
Lee-joonhyuk grasped his two-handed with both his hands. He blocked the attacks, and he used the opportunity to stab them between their armors. This was all he did.
However, he delivered a fatal blow each time, and the number of Minions decreased rapidly.
In a flash, there were only three minions left. At that moment, he heard Atlan’s voice from behind the Minions.
“You still haven’t taken care of them?”
The Minions froze when they heard Atlan’s voice. Even if they were aggressive, there was a clear limit to it. They were basically frogs in front of Atlan, who was a snake.
Lee-joonhyuk laughed bitterly when he saw them freeze then he stepped forward. Since they stopped moving, his enemies were very vulnerable. The back handed slash didn’t need a lot of movement to execute, so it was hard to land a critical blow unless he aimed it towards the opponent’s vital points.
However, he was using his extreme concentration, and Lee-joonhyuk had grown up. He slashed all three Minions in the throat, then he angled his two-handed sword to flick off the blood.
“What happened to Grangsha?”
“Of course, he is dead.”
Atlan spoke as he lifted his arm to show an anitque bracelet.”
“How much is that?”
“This? 32000G”
“I bet he is feeling a little bit nauseous.”
Vera spoke as she appeared behind Atlan.
“Nauseous? He’s probably running around like a mad man when he realizes what he had lost.”
If a Minion dies, they fall into a coma in reality. The body cannot wake up when the soul dies. However, it was different for Heroes like Atlan and Vera. Even if they were killed in the Dimensional Battlefield, they can be revived again.
Instead, they’ll drop items they had purchased with gold. This was why they struggled to kill the opponent without dying.
Vera approached Lee-joonhyuk. She extended her hands, then she hugged him. His face was buried in her bosom, because of Vera’s height.
She let out a laugh when he struggled.
“I heard your ability has evolved?”
“Oomph. Please let me go.”
“You are pretty good even if you are a Novice.”
Lee-joonhyuk laughed bitterly as he spoke.
“What are you going to do?”
Vera turned back to speak.
“First, let’s clean up the battlefield then move. It’s probably been spread that we’ve had a battle here.”
Vera sent her gaze toward Atlan.
“They’ll know about the gangking performed by Atlan, so they’ll all come here. This is why we should make ourselves scarce from here.”
“I understand.”
Lee-joonhyuk also wanted to escape this place in haste. Vera spoke as she saw Lee-joonhyuk pick up the gold coins.
“I guess you properly trained with Atlan’s method?”
“I had no choice since I want to return alive.”
Vera smiled, then she looked at Kim-sarang.
“Hmm. Who is this child?”
“She is a Minion, who came along for the ganking.”
Vera approached Kim-sarang. Kim-sarang was 160cm tall. Vera was over 2m tall, so she had to strain her neck to look up at her.
Vera bent her waist, so they were at the same eye-level. While their eyes met, Vera opened her mouth.
“You are a child with a talent.”
Lee-joonhyu was surprised, so he asked Vera a question.
“She has the potential to become a Novice?”
Vera shook her head as she answered him.
“Do you know there are several types of Minions?”
“Are you referring to the archers guarding the tower, and the normal Minions?”
Vera took out a staff from within her possessions.
“What is your name?”
Kim-sarang glanced to read Lee-joonhyuk’s countenance. Kim-sarang carefully replied after Lee-joonhyuk nodded his head.
“My name is Kim-sarang.
“My name is Vera. Take this.”
“What is it?”
Kim-sarang carefully received the staff. Vera spoke as she looked at her.
“Focus your mind here.”
Kim-sarang focused her mind on the gem attached to the end of the staff. However, there was no change. Vera put her hand on Kim-sarang’s head as she spoke.
“Try focusing once again.”
Kim-sarang focused her mind again, and the staff with the gem at the end started to emit a light. Vera grabbed Kim-sarang’s shoulders from behind.
“Can you feel the energy gathered there?”
“Now think about throwing that. Your target is that tree.”
Kim-sarang didn’t even have time to think about answering her. She just thought about throwing the energy towards the tree. From the end of staff held by Kim-sarang, a fist sized ball of light formed. It flew towards the tree, and it collided.
Accompanying a small sound of impact, there was a fist sized wound on the tree. Lee-joonhyuk asked in surprise.
“What is she?”
Vera spoke as she placed her elbow on top of Kim-sarang’s head.
“This child is a Magician Minion.”
Lee-joonhyuk had only met Minions with normal sword and shield. The only exception was the archers defending the castle walls and tower. Of course, he never thought a Magician Minion existed.
Kim-sarang was also surprised at what she had done.
Vera, who still had her elbow placed on top of Kim-sarang’s head, looked towards Lee-joonhyuk.
“This child. Are you acquainted with her?”
“We’ve come here together.”
She was the only alive from the Minions, who had accompanied him, and she was Korean like him. Lee-joonhyuk looked at Vera. She spoke, while she smiled.
“Even if she is a Magician Minion, she can only use the basic Energy Bolt right now. Should I teach her a little bit?”
Atlan stared blankly at Vera.
“What’s gotten into you?”
“Joonhyuk performed admirably after you taught him. I might be jealous after seeing this.”
“There is a big difference in ability when one become a Novice. What I taught him isn’t that helpful. I just taught him a technique that allows him to utilize his body. I didn’t teach him any skills.”
Vera answered back as she laughed loudly.
“I’m only thinking about helping this child control her mana easily. Also, we’ll be traveling together, so I should at least do that.”
“Do you think she’ll be able to survive?”
Vera turned to look at Lee-joonhyuk as she spoke.
“Joonhyuk will protect her.”
Kim-sarang’s big eyes looked towards Lee-joonhyuk, and he could only laugh bitterly. He wasn’t in a position to help someone, but he couldn’t avoid answering her.
“I’ll protect her to the best of my ability.”
Vera spoke as she hugged Kim-sarang from behind.
“Any ways, Magician Minions doesn’t step onto the front line. There will be plenty of people blocking in the front line.”
Vera had Minions, who had fought with her. There were only 15 of them left, but she used them to form a barricade.
If it was their first battle, Minions didn’t know how to form a barricade, but these Minions were different. They had already survive one battle, so they had learned how to use the shield for their survival.
Vera clapped her hands to get everyone’s attention, then she spoke.
“Let’s go. We have to get out of here.”
Atlan spoke as he stepped forward.
“Let’s go back into the forest.”
Lee-joonhyuk asked in surprise, and Atlan put on a dark smile.
“We have to set up a trap this time.”
After saying this, Atalan started to move and Lee-joonhyuk followed after him. Vera followed him with her arms wrapped around Kim-sarang’s neck. Behind her, the 15 Minions cautiously followed after them.
Their nervous figures reminded him of himself. It was fortunate Vera had taken a liking towards Kim-sarang. Of course, he was able to overpower other Minions, since his overall capability had increased after awakening to his talent. However, he was able to do so, because of Atlan’s teaching.
If Vera teaches Kim-sarang well, then her probability of her surviving would definitely increase.
They moved for 7 hours without resting, then they stopped at a field with tall reeds. He didn’t know what kind of plant this was, but he couldn’t even see Atlan, who was over 3m tall. Atlan pushed aside the grass to enter, and the party followed him in. Then he spoke as he sat in place
“We’ll rest here.”
“For how long?”
Vera answered instead of him.
“This is one of the short cuts inside the Valley of Death. If they are in a hurry, then they will travel this way. We’ll cut them down at that moment.”
Lee-joonhyuk nodded his head when he heard they would set a trap here. While Lee-joonhyuk regulated his breathing as he sat, Vera hugged Kimsarang. Then she started showing couple demonstrations, while she gave an explanation.
Atlan had taught him how to control each of his muscles. He guessed Kimsarang was learning the basics of magic from Vera. However, he thought of a problem. Will she be able to use her ability when she returns to reality?
Atlan had approached next to him as Lee-joonhyuk stared into space. He sat next to Lee-joonhyuk, and he asked a question.
“Did you gather some gold?”
Lee-jooonhyuk took out the gold coins from inside his pocket, then he counted it.
“I had 780G when I came here. After the hunt, and the capture of the Minions, I earned 19 G. I have a total of 799G.”
Atlan shook his head from side to side.
“How much gold did you pick up last time?”
“Around 80G.”
“You don’t know how you earned the rest?”
Atlan spoke as he looked over the nervous Minions, who were resting.
“When we were killing the heroes, wasn’t there an instance where your body touched them?”
“It counted as you contributing to the fight, so you were given a class bonus. It is a benefit you earned from being a Novice.”
“Is that so?”
“Yes. We capture the heroes for the dropped equipment. However, if you help out, you will be deposited with gold.”
“This is why I’ve accumulated so much.”
“Yes. Last time, you were only able to touch the other’s body, so you didn’t received too much gold. However, you casted your barrier on me this time, so your contribution should have risen rapidly. You might have received a lot of gold this time.”
Lee-joonhyuk spoke as his eyes sparkled.
“How much do you think I’ll receive?”
At that moment, Vera told Kim-sarang to study by herself then she approached them from behind. Vera spoke confidently as if she had heard the conversation between the two.
“The rate you are paid is dependent on your contribution. If you had a crucial role in killing the enemy then you could receive around 500G. However, if you didn’t attack the opponent directly, then it should be around 200-300G.
Vera spoke as she sat next to Lee-joonhyuk.
“Does that mean you have around 1000G?”
Lee-joonhyuk turned toward Atlan, and he asked a question.
“Didn’t you say I will be able to buy some useful things if I had 1000G?”
Atlan took off a cloth he had wound around his waist, then he revealed the hidden waistband. The waistband was densely packed with gems.
“You’ll be able to buy one of the gems embedded here.”
Lee-joonhyuk was moved by those words. He knew what the embedded gems represented.
These were the gems sold by Dimensional Merchants. The gems held strange power within it, and the wearer’s ability increases when one uses it. This was his chance to increase his survivability by a wide margin, so he didn’t need to be stingy with his gold.
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