Across the beautiful curved wall made out of specialized glass, numerous stalagmites shaped like hanging bells were standing. This view, combined with the quiet sunset expanding in the background, along with the dry air devoid of humidity particles, was seemingly unlimited. The ground was seemingly dyed green.
There was a man leaning against the wall with both hands behind his back. He looked around, and his eyes finally landed on a middle aged man next to the chess table.
The man leaning against the wall spoke. His voice was loud and clear. He had the voice of an obese man.
“The Imperial Fleet won. Logically, they were not supposed to win. Correct?Boltik (ボルテック)?”
“Yes, Landesherr. However, while the Alliance Fleet did lose, they did not get annihilated.”
“Will that change the whole situation?”
“Perhaps the Alliance Fleet would be able to reverse the situation in the future and deliver revenge. In terms of the current situation, however, the Imperial Fleet won, and the Alliance Fleet would not be able to counterattack again. As far as the Dominion of Fezzan (フェザーン自治領) is concerned, this is a good thing. Landesherr, do you agree?”
The man leaning against the wall, or the fifth landesherr of the Dominion of Fezzan, Adrian Rubinsky (アドリアン・ルビンスキー), lifted his entire body off the wall and stood up.
His appearance was extremely peculiar. While he was approximately forty years old, he was already bald. He had light brown skin. Everything on his face: his eyebrows, eyes, nose, and mouth, were oversized. He could not be called a handsome man. However, his appearance does leave people with a strong impression. His was a burly man who looked to be energetic and vibrant.
The Dominion of Fezzan was a neutral trading country. Because the ruler Adrian Rubinsky was notoriously shrewd and formidable, during his five-year reign, the Empire and the Alliance gave him a nick name – The black fox of Fezzan (フェザーンの黒狐).
“Are you satisfied? Boltik?”
The Landesherr looked to the assistant whom he considered his confidant, and said sarcastically.
“This victory was won by luck rather than by strength. Next time we may not have this kind of good luck. In the future, we need to fortify our intelligence collection and analysis. That is the key to success.”
Rubinsky sauntered towards the chess table. He was wearing a black turtleneck with a lilac suit. The casual outfit did not suggest that he was the head of state.
Boltik pressed down on a button, and on the chess table, a map appeared.
“This was the two fleets’ fleet formation diagram. Please look over it.”
This was the same map Kircheis showed Reinhard three days ago. The red represented the Imperial Fleet; the green, Alliance. There were three green arrows, and they were distributed to the front, left, and right of the red arrow. The green arrows appeared to have formed a triangle, and were encircling the red arrow.
“There were 20,000 Imperial vessels, and 40,000 Alliance vessels, so the Alliance Fleet had an absolute advantage.”
“In terms of position, the Alliance Fleet also had an advantage. They wanted to besiege the Imperial Fleet, but, this guy…”
Rubinsky held his forehead with his meaty hand, and said:
“These folks used the formation the Alliance Fleet used several hundred years ago at the “Annihilation Battle of Dagon.” Have they no desire for growth?”
“Well, strategy is, at its core, the theory of warfare.”
“Heh, of course, armchair strategists always feel they have the perfect plan, but when it comes to actual combat, it is a different story. What about the Imperial Fleet’s overall commander? Was it still that blond young man?”
“Exactly, it was Count Lohengramm.”
Rubinsky gave a hearty laugh.
Five years ago, just after the sudden death of the previous landesherr, Valenkoff, he controlled the regime. However, the opposition party felt he was only 36 years old, too young, and instead supported a seasoned fifty-something-year-old candidate. Now, Lohengramm was a whole sixteen years younger than him, and his prestige was already rising. For those talentless veterans who only knew to complain, an unhappy era seemed to have arrived.
“Landesherr, do you know how Count Lohengramm resolved this crisis?”
Boltik asked excitedly. The landesherr looked at his assistant while coolly walking towards the chess table, and sharply pointed out:
“He made use of the enemy fleet’s scattered state, and destroyed them individually. It was that easy.”
The assistant looked surprised, and turned straight towards him:
“You are right. No, you have unique insight!”
Rubinsky smiled arrogantly, as if he felt the praise was absolutely correct.
“Experts often have insights that could turn a crisis into an opportunity, and further, reverse the situation. This battle was the same. Anyone would think the Imperial Fleet was already fully surrounded, so they would have no chance of victory. However, this imperfect encirclement instead exposed the Alliance Fleet’s weakness as their forces were not united.”
“You are right.”
“The most important point is, the Alliance Fleet underestimated Count Reinhard Lohengramm’s operational command capabilities. However, that was expected. Please let me know, did the battle situation change for the better at the end?”
Boltik again operated the chess table, and the table top displayed a new graphic. A red arrow moved towards one green arrow at lightning speed. After it destroyed that green arrow, it then turned around to destroy another green arrow. Now, the situation was over turned into a one-on-one situation. The landesherr stared silently at the changing situation until it advanced to this point, before he sighed:
“Great implementation of the plan to isolate and annihilate. His fleet moved so rapidly. Everything was perfect.”
He said with his head tilted.
“However, based on the current development, the Imperial Fleet should have won. After all, it would be unlikely for the Alliance Fleet to restore the tide. So, why was the third fleet not destroyed? Who commanded this fleet?”
It was originally led by Vice Admiral Paetta, but after the battle initiated, the flagship was bombed, and he sustained seriously injuries; therefore, he authorized his deputy general staff officer Commodore Yang Wen-li to take full command of his fleet.”
“Yang Wen-li… I think I heard this name before.”
“He was the guy who directed the Great Retreat of El Facil eight years ago.”
“Ah! It was that time!”
Rubinsky remembered.
“I was thinking at the time that it was surprising to have such an extraordinary man in the Alliance Fleet. So, how did the El Facil hero perform during this battle?”
The chief assistant operated the chess table and explained to his boss the development during the last stage of “The Battle of Astarte.”
The green arrow on the map split to the left and the right, causing the advancing red arrow to miss. Following that, the green arrow that originally split into two forces advanced from the left and right side of the red arrow, and met up behind the red arrow to attack the red arrow from the rear…
Rubinsky hummed with a deep tone. He did not expect there to be another commander in the Alliance Fleet to be able to manipulate the fleets like the gods.
In face of the crisis of having the entire fleet annihilated, Yang Wen-li was able to remain calm and analyze the combat situation, and then win unexpectedly. This kind of man was not any less talented than Lohengramm.
“It is as if we are watching a fun magic show.”
Rubinsky waved his hands and gestured for the assistant to cease the explanation. Boltik took a step back and waited for instructions.
“Yang Wen-li. His performance this time was very impressive. This also meant that his last success in El Facil was not by chance.”
“An organization could be the best or have the best weapons, but all of that is useless without a controller. If those in power have neither talent nor generosity, then any good situation could be worsened. For example, tigers may have sharp teeth, but for it to be able to exert its power, the tiger itself would still have to perform well.”
Rubinsky thought to himself as he sent away the assistant.
The star, Fezzan, was surrounded by four planets. Three of the planets were covered by sweltering natural gas blocks. Only the surface of the second planet had land, and its atmosphere had similar composition as the atmosphere of mankind’s homeland: the third planet of the solar system. The composition was 80% nitrogen and 20% oxygen. However, the biggest difference was the second planet lacked carbon dioxide, so higher plant-forms could not survive here.
This planet also had very little water. Relying on seed dispersal of cyanobacteria and other simple-plant-forms, the planet was able to be cultured to have greenery and fertile soil. This kind of greening efforts could only allow the areas on the surface of the planet with good water supply to have greenery. The rest of the planet was covered with red rocks, deserts, wilderness, and wind-eroded terrain. It was a scenic wonder.
Within the Fezzan system, the only inhabited planet was the second planet, therefore, in 373 IC, the autonomous region created around this planet was named the Dominion of Fezzan. They had a population of approximately two billion. They own only a small patrol fleet, but they controlled the trade between the Alliance and the Empire. They held considerable interests. The circumstances would suggest that they belonged to the Empire, but the truth was they existed with almost complete political independence. Additionally, their economic strength far exceeded the two great powers.
Since Leopold Laap (レオポルド・ラープ) founded the country, all subsequent landesherrs painstakingly managed its stability. When considered along with the Empire and the Alliance, the power divide was: 48% Empire, 40% Alliance, and 12% Fezzan. Its situation internationally was “not weak enough to be bullied, but not strong enough to threaten others.” If the strength of Fezzan were to be combined with the power of the Empire, then the Free Planet Alliance would have the unfavorable position of perishing at moment’s notice. Conversely, should Fezzan and the Alliance join forces, then its strength would be above the Empire, but destroying the Empire would still be a difficult task.
The reason Fezzan was able to maintain such a unique balance internationally was due to its artistic display of its strategic and political prowess. If Fezzan became too strong, then it would threaten the Empire and the Alliance, then they might very well join hands to eradicate Fezzan. Under this scenario, the two countries’ power added up to be 88%. Should they start a war, Fezzan would face its demise. On the other hand, if Fezzan was too weak, then it would have no importance internationally, and neither the Empire nor the Alliance would respect its independence and freedom.
If the Empire wanted to annex Fezzan, Fezzan would ally with the Alliance, or even join hands to challenge the Empire. Conversely, if the Alliance wished to make a move on Fezzan, then Fezzan would instantly fawn over the Empire to seek protection. Therefore, Fezzan not only provided the two countries with the necessary goods, it also buttered up and won over the two countries’ respective head-of-states in order to continue its survival.
The head-of-state of this nation that held this important position was the fifth landesherr, Adrian Rubinsky.
It would be difficult for either the Empire or the Alliance to attempt to destroy the other. The two countries were evenly matched, so if they were to force a fight, then both would suffer, benefitting Fezzan.
Fezzan was therefore able to maintain its international importance. What it lacked in military strength it made up with wealth and strategy. The Empire and the Alliance had enormous guns and ships, but due to their lengthy bloody military campaigns, they depleted their national strength, impoverished their people, and weakened their countries. The Galactic Empire’s absolute monarchy clashed with the Free Planets Alliance’s democracy. Both insisted on their orthodoxy, neither was willing to compromise. As they continued their mutual destruction, Fezzan stood on the sidelines, winning against both sides without the loss of a single spaceman.
Now, with the emergence of Count Lohengramm and Yang Wen-li, Fezzan had a premonition that a new era was arriving, and it should pay close attention to the two’s future developments. While this may be overestimating their abilities, the fox smelled that one could not be overly prepared in this matter.
The western hemisphere of the planet Odin was currently shrouded by the soft night.
In both the Alliance’s and the Empire’s territories, the phenomenon of planet rotations and the alternating days and nights were eternal. Even Rudolf the Great who controlled the Milky Way and all its living things could not change the law of planetary motion. However, the various planetary cycles were not the same. While one planet’s rotation period might be 18.5 hours, another’s might be 40 hours; none were the same.
On the other hand, the circadian rhythm within people was determined by the rotation period of the birth place of humanity – the third planet of the solar system. Using one hour as a unit, this planet took approximately 24 hours to rotate around the sun. Because of this, it was customary to use the 24-hour-length day. The people who traveled between the planets, however, had to face the problem of desynchronosis, and adjust their biological clocks accordingly.
Spaceships, space cities, or planets that, for various reasons, required man-made climate-controlled environments to allow life, were able to simulate 24-hour days. Artificial lights were turned on during the day, and turned off during the night. These places had their temperatures regulated so that they were cooler at night and warmer during the day. Seasons were also simulated to allow winters to have shorter, colder days, and summers to have longer, hotter days.
Some planets had exceptionally long or exceptionally short rotation periods. In order to force 24-hour days, some planets would have the sun up during the entire day, and allowing darkness for the entire tomorrow, while other planets may have two sun rises in a day.
The planets that were most inconvenienced by the 24-hour-day were the ones where the rotation periods were 21.5 hours or 27 hours, etc. While they were very close to the standard 24-hour day, when implementing the 24-hour standard, they always had several hours of differences. The differences increased daily, and the adjustments that needed to be made increased along with it, making it difficult for the people to adapt.
Both the Empire and the Alliance used the “standard calendar (標準暦)” that consisted of 24-hour-days and 365-day-years. January first in the Galactic Empire was also January first in the Free Planets Alliance.
“We should no longer be bound by the shackles of earth. Not only was earth no longer the center of our society, the Universal Calendar was also implemented. Should we not also design a new time-standard?”
People who felt old things equaled bad things often made the previous statement. Yet, what should be the basis of the new standard? And who was capable of coming up with such a standard? These questions could not be answered. At the end, the ancient system received majority support. The most ambitious methods were not necessarily the best, some said. Instead, efforts should be spent on things that could be accomplished at the present time.
“The earth is our chain-and-shackle!” Folks also cried out against earth measurements. One gram equaled the weight of one cubic centimeter of 4°C water. This was weighed under the earth’s gravitational force. Additionally, one centimeter equaled to one four-billionth of the earth’s circumference. These measurements were used universally by all mankind.
Rudolf the Great once attempted to change the units of measurement. His own height would be one Kaiser Fadden (カイゼル・ファーデン), and his own weight would be one Kaiser Centner (カイゼル・セントナー). These standards would be used to create a new set of units and formulas to measure length and weight. However, it was studied but not implemented.
The reason his proposal to change the measurements was not implemented was not because it was too unreasonable. Minister of Finance Kleve (クレーフェ) was consulted and asked to calculate the cost estimate for the proposal. He considered that all computers, networks, and data would have to be updated, and since they just changed from the old monetary unit to the Imperial Mark (帝国マルク), a few zeros were arranged in the estimate. The legend had it that the pompous Rudolf the Great was speechless upon receiving the preliminary cost estimate.
Many people today said that the numbers Kleve came up with were obviously inflated. Thankfully, while Rudolf who deified himself was ignorant, Kleve was a gentle man who considered the long term consequences and risked this silent defiant act. Because of him, meters and grams were allowed continue their existence.
…The magnificent palace of the Galactic Empire kaiser, Neue Sanssouci (新無憂宮, ノイエ・サンスーシー), looked as if it was floating underneath the night sky.
This was a freestanding building that was surrounded by many large and small buildings, countless water fountains, both natural and manmade forests, rose gardens, statues, flower beds, gazebos, and limitless lawns. Combined with the ingenious use of lighting, the palace looked as if it was covered in a thin layer of silver sparkle, and was very soothing to the eyes.
This palace was the governing center for over one thousand star systems. While it was surrounded by a few mansions, none were high-rise buildings, and many built their primary living spaces underground. The subjects’ living spaces were not supposed to be taller than His Majesty the Kaiser’s palace, and they were not allowed to overlook the palace from above. Both these situations were considered extremely disrespectful. Even the satellites that orbited in the sky were not allowed to pass directly above the palace.
The palace employed over 50,000 servants and maids. They were responsible for daily cleaning and sweeping, hospitality, garden management, deer feeding, etc, but the extravagance was also a symbol of the kaiser’s high status and vast power.
Elevators or escalators were not available within the palace. The staircases were the only means to go up and down stairs. This is the case even for the kaiser.
Rudolf the Great felt a strong physique was an essential requirement for a ruler. After all, if a man could not even go up and down the stairs with his own two legs, how could he shoulder the responsibility of a nation?
Tonight, the courtiers were gathered in Das Zimmer von Schwarzperle (The Black Pearl Room, 黒真珠の間) within the palace to attend Count Lohengramm’s Imperial-Fleet-Admiral-Scepter Granting Ceremony. Count Lohengramm defeated the rebel fleet in the Battle of Astarte and demonstrated the kaiser’s supremacy, and was therefore granted this prestigious award.
While the fleet admiral rank was only one rank above the high admiral rank, the position was abundantly more prestigious. The position paid a salary of 2.5 million imperial marks a year, and except for treason and heresy, all other crimes could be absolved. Additionally, he was also granted the ability to establish a fleet admiral’s mansion, and freely appoint and dismiss his required staff.
Only four Imperial fleet admirals were able to enjoy this exclusive glory. Now that Count Lohengramm joined their ranks, there still were only five fleet admirals. However, Count Lohengramm was simultaneously appointed as the Imperial Space Fleet’s deputy commander, so half of the Imperial Fleet’s 18 space fleets fell under his command.
“If he gets promoted again, he will go from count to marquis.”
In the corners of this spacious Das Zimmer von Schwarperle, people were whispering. Since ancient times, hearsay accompanied people this way, unaffected by circumstances or times, in both luxurious palaces and slums.
The positions closest to the kaiser’s throne were taken up by all the most important and highest ranked people in the country: aristocrats first, followed by high ranking court officials and high ranking military officers, and lastly, the commoners who were presently wealthy. These people all stood on the two sides of this six-meter-wide red-velvet carpet that was carefully woven by two hundred craftsmen over the course of a quarter of a century. All the court officials stood on the same side, led by Marquis Lichtenrade (リヒテンラーデ侯).
Marquis Lichtenrade, the Imperial minister of state (国務尚書) was also served as the interim Imperial prime minister (宰相代理), presided over cabinet meetings. He was a 75-year-old man with sharp but insidious eyes, snowy silver hair, and a long nose. Behind him stood Minister of Finance, Gerlach (ゲルラッハ財務尚書); Minister of the Interior, Flegel (フレーゲル内務尚書); Minister of Justice, Rumpf (ルンプ司法尚書); Minister of Science, Wilhelmj (ウィルヘルミ科学尚書); Minister of Court Affairs, Neukölln (ノイケルン宮内尚書); and Cabinet Clerk, Kielmansegg (キールマンゼク内閣書記官長), etc.
The other side of the aisle stood the military officials, such as: the Minister of War, Fleet Admiral Ehrenberg (軍務尚書エーレンベルク元師); the Imperial Military Grand Commander, Fleet Admiral Steinhof (帝国軍統帥本部総長シュタインホフ元帥); Chief of the General Staff, Fleet Admiral Klasen (幕僚総監クラーゼン元帥); Chief Space Fleet Commander, Fleet Admiral Mückenberger (宇宙艦隊司令長官ミュッケンベルガー元帥); Chief of the Armored Grenadier, High Admiral Ovlesser (装甲擲弾兵総監オフレッサー上級大将); Chief of the Palace Guards, High Admiral Lambsdorff (近衛兵総監ラムスドルフ上級大将); Chief of Gendarmerie, High Admiral Kramer (憲兵総監クラーマー大将), and the commanders of the eighteen fleets, etc.
As the old-fashioned horn sounded, everyone stood silently at attention. The thundering announcement of the supreme ruler’s entrance by the herald-of-arms knocked on the eardrums of the attendees.
“My lords and ladies, I announce His Majesty, the sovereign of humanity, the ruler of the universe, the protector of heaven’s law and order, the sacred and inviolable Galactic Empire Kaiser Friedrich IV (フリードリヒ四世)!”
As he finished, the Galactic Empire’s national anthem began to play, and the courtiers bowed.
Some people were probably secretly counting the seconds under their breath. When they raised their heads, the kaiser was already sitting on the luxurious golden throne at the front of the room.
The 36th kaiser of the Galactic Empire was Friedrich IV, age 63. He was a man who appeared to be fairly fatigued, and looked to be much older than his age. This appearance was not the result of the burden of national affairs, but the product of a bitter power struggle. His frail physique formed a stark contrast when compared to his ancestor Rudolf’s physique.
The kaiserin passed away ten years ago from a minor illness. She had only influenza induced pneumonia, but she was not cured. During an era where even cancer was curable, “influenza” stubbornly refused to be removed from the list of illnesses. It was as the Alliance historians maliciously commented, “Even the might of Kaiser Rudolf the Great could not eliminate the flu.”
After the kaiserin passed away, the kaiser granted a beloved concubine, Annerose, the title of Countess Grünewald (グリューネワルト伯爵夫人). In actuality, this concubine’s position had replaced that of the kaiserin. However, because the countess was not born into a noble family, she was not allowed to participate in national affairs. Her beauty was also absent in tonight’s scepter granting ceremony.
“Will His Excellency, Count Reinhard von Lohengramm please approach the throne!”
This time, the courtiers did not bow. All eyes were fixated on this young military officer as he entered.
When the court ladies saw this young man, they could not help but let out the sound of praise. Even those who disliked Reinhard, which was the majority of the attendees, had to admit that he was a handsome man.
His flawless elegant appearance was akin to that of the highest quality porcelain doll, except that dolls eyes were not so intense, and expressions not so resolute. If the kaiser was not so enchanted by his sister Annerose, and if he was not born with this kind of expression, then the rumors would certainly spin the relationship between him and the monarch into that of homosexual love.
The sentiments of the attendees varied chaotically, but Reinhard’s footsteps were steady and strong, with the attitude of a warrior. He stood in front of the throne, apathetic within; he knelt down with one knee, upholding his respectful façade.
He positioned himself and waited for the kaiser’s orders. In formal settings, subjects could not speak before the kaiser spoke.
“Count Lohengramm, this feat of yours was truly amazing.”
He uttered without any trace of personality.
“I do not deserve the praise. It could not have been done without Your Majesty’s blessing.”
Reinhard’s response was also lacking in personality, but this was the result of his careful consideration and self-restraint. The truth would not only be incomprehensible to the other party, it would also breed animosity within the rest of the people. As far as Reinhard was concerned, the piece of paper the herald was about to announce for the kaiser was the only important part of this charade.
“Good. I will give you special permission to go see your sister.”
Reinhard was enraged. The fury was like an angry wave that almost refused to be contained. Outrage flashed though his eyes like lightning, but because he had his head lowered and he kept his composure, no one saw.
“Special permission? We biological siblings need your special permission to meet? Your robbed me of my sister with your privilege, Friedrich IV. The reason you are sitting on that seat was not because of your abilities, it was because of your blood! We do not have enough power right now, but one day, I will rip you off that seat. I will make you taste the loss of your most treasured things.”
At this time, the herald spoke, pulling him back to reality.
“For your victorious crusade against the rebels in the Astarte Starzone, you, Count Reinhard von Lohengramm, are hereby promoted to the rank of Imperial fleet admiral, and appointed the position of the Imperial Space Fleet deputy chief commander. You shall be granted the command of half of the space fleet. Imperial Calendar March 19, 487, Galactic Empire Kaiser Friedrich IV.”
Reinhard stood up and walked up the stairs. Most respectfully, he accepted the appointment letter. Finally, he was granted the Fleet Admiral Scepter. As of this moment, Reinhard von Lohengramm was officially an Imperial fleet admiral.
Reinhard smiled brightly, but he was unsatisfied. This was but the first step in his journey towards his goal. He finally obtained power from the hands of the simpleton who robbed him of his sister.
“Wow, a twenty-year-old fleet admiral.”
The one who said this with a lowered voice was chief of the armored grenadier, High Admiral Ovlesser. He was nearly fifty years old with a muscular stature. His left cheekbone was once struck by the Alliance’s laser beam. The scar appeared to be fresh and purple. He deliberately left the scar unhealed so he could brag about being a battle-hardened warrior.
“Did the glorious Imperial Space Fleet just become a toy for toddlers? Your Excellency?”
He purposely incited the fleet admiral who just had half the fleet under his command stolen by Reinhard.
The grayed eyebrows of chief Space Fleet commander, Fleet AdmiralMückenberger (ミュッケンベルガー) raised slightly.
“You should not say that. The blond kiddo (金髪の孺子)’s military prowess is undeniable. Not only did he just defeat the Alliance Fleet, the method he employed made even the experienced Merkatz speechless.”
“Well, it did look as if all his teeth got pulled.”
The crowd looked over to Admiral Merkatz who stood silently amongst the military officers as Ovlesser harshly criticized him.
“He might have won, but if it was just once then it was simply luck. My humble opinion is that the enemy was too inept. After all, victory and defeat were the only two possible outcomes.”
“You are being too loud.”
The fleet admiral rebuked him, but did not disagree with the contents of the high admiral’s statement. As far as the aristocratic or elderly admirals were concerned, graciously accepting Reinhard’s merits without question was not an easy task. However, there was a time and place for everything, and the fleet admiral felt the need to change the subject.
“Speaking of the enemy, do you know anything about that commander named Yang?”
“Hmm… I do not remember him at all. What about him?”
Ovlesser had completely forgotten the El Facil incident.
“Was that not the guy who prevented the total defeat of the rebel fleet and caused the death of Rear Admiral Erlache?”
“I see…”
“He seems to be an extraordinarily talented commander. I heard the blond brat was also fairly impressed with him.”
“Isn’t that delightful.”
“If that only concerned Reinhard! Can you pick and choose your opponent in a battle with the enemy?”
The fleet admiral’s tone sounded somewhat bitterly, and Ovlesser shrugged his broad shoulders awkwardly.
The music played again in Das Zimmer von Schwarzperle. This time it was an anthem praising the meritorious military officers, The Walküres Cheering for the Warriors.
Captain Siegfried Kircheis and other adjutants waited in Das Zimmer de Amethyst across the broad hallway.
Kircheis was neither an aristocrat nor a commissioned officer, so he had no right to enter Das Zimmer von Schwarzperle. However, in two days he would skip the rank of commodore and be promoted directly to the rank of rear admiral, solidifying his status as “Your Excellency.” Then, he would also have a foothold in these magnificent ceremonies.
Whenever Reinhard advances to the next level, I also subsequently get promoted… Kircheis’s body softly trembled. While he did not deny his talent, the speed of the promotions were still abnormally fast. He could not help but fear that his new position may require more than what he was capable of doing.
“Are you Captain Siegfried Kircheis?”
A man asked with a lowered voice.
The thirty-some-odd-year-old officer stood in front of Kircheis, his insignia placed him as a captain. He was tall; his black hair was mixed in with streaks of white; and he had hazel eyes and ghostly pale skin.
“The ocular prostheses seemed to have malfunctioned. Sorry to frighten you. I will have to replace them tomorrow.”
“Oh, they are prosthetics. I am so sorry. I was being rude.”
“Please do not apologize! It has photoelectric sensors installed. Thanks to this I am able to move about freely, but their lifespan is a bit too short.”
“Were you injured at war?”
“No, I was born like this. If I had been born during the era of Rudolf the Great, then I might have been sentenced to death under the Inferior Genes Exclusion Act.”
His voice reverberated through the air for a long time before settling down. Kircheis took a deep breath. He openly criticized Kaiser Rudolf. He clearly committed lèse-majesté.
“You have a very good superior officer, Captain Kircheis.”
Oberstein said, speaking slightly louder, but it still sounded as if he was whispering to himself.
“A good superior officer is one that could enable his subordinates to realize their full potential. The current Imperial Fleet lacks this type of talent. However, Count Lohengramm is different. He is not frivolous like most young people, so he appears to be very solemn and pragmatic. Those aristocrats who only care about family legacies probably have a tough time understanding him…”
The word “trap” flashed through Kircheis’s mind like a warning signal. He could not be certain that this man who called himself Oberstein was not a pawn sent by one of those people who coveted Reinhard’s downfall.
“Which fleet are you with?”
He nonchalantly changed the subject.
“At the moment, I am with the headquarters intelligence department, but, I am being reassigned to the Iserlohn Fortress garrison fleet as a general staff officer.”
After he replied, he lightly smiled.
“You seem to be very guarded.”
The blood quickly drained from Kircheis’s face and he was left speechless. Then, Reinhard walked in. The ceremony seemed to be over.
“Kircheis! Tomorrow…”
He loudly exclaimed while examining the ghostly pale man next to his subordinate.
Oberstein saluted and reported his name. After giving customary congratulations, he left.
Reinhard and Kircheis walked out of the hallway. It was already night time, and they were staying at the guest facility within the palace. They had to walk about fifteen minutes through the gardens to reach the facility.
“Kircheis, I am meeting my sister tomorrow! You should come too!”
Reinhard said as they walked underneath the night sky.
“Is it alright if I go with you?”
“What are you worried about? We are family!”
Reinhard smiled like a boy, but he soon collected himself and lowered his voice.
“So, who was that man? It was kind of unsettling back there.”
Kircheis quickly explained everything.
“He was very difficult to read.”
Kircheis gave his impression. Reinhard raised his eyebrows as he listened to Kircheis’s description.
“He really is very difficult to read!”
He agreed with Kircheis’s assessment.
“We do not know why he approached you, but of course he had an ulterior motive. We have too many enemies like this. Being careful of them is also becoming quite difficult!”
The two of them both smiled.
Countess Annerose Grünewald’s mansion was at a corner of the Neue Sanssouci. Even the fancy court vehicles took more than ten minutes to drive there from the guest facility.
Kircheis and Reinhard would rather walk, but it was the kaiser’s good intentions, so they rode in the court vehicles dispatched by Court Affairs.
The mansion they arrived at was adjacent to a Bodhi tree lined lake. The clean and elegant architectural style was very fitting for the lady of the house.
When Reinhard recognized Annerose’s beautiful figure, he leaped off the car and ran towards her before it made a full stop.
Annerose welcomed her little brother with a smile that resembled the spring sun.
“Reinhard, you finally came! Kircheis too!”
“…Miss Annerose, it seems that you are doing well.”
“Thank you. Then, please come in! I have been waiting for the two of you to visit since a few days ago.”
Ah, this is still the same woman as before. She did not change one bit. – Kircheis thought. Even the sovereignty of the kaiser could not taint her elegance and innocence.
“Do you want coffee? And we can have some almond cake! I made it myself so I do not know if you will like it. Try it anyway.”
“It tastes awesome!”
Reinhard rushed to answer. Instantaneously the spacious drawing room was filled with a warm atmosphere. Time seemed to have turned back to ten years ago.
The sound of the coffee cups clinking, the cleanliness of the tablecloth, the slight vanilla scent of the almond cake… At this moment, the room was filled with a kind of simple happiness.
“I often hear people say that prestigious people like countesses do not have to cook their own meals…”
Annerose skillfully cut the cake and smiled:
“Even if they say that, this makes me happy so I do not want to stop doing it. I do not want to rely on machines. I like cooking with my own two hands.”
The cream dissolved as the coffee stirred. The three of them chatted freely while they ate the cake, and their hearts were filled with waves of warmth while the time passed.
“Reinhard never thinks before he speaks. Did he trouble you, Sieg?”
“Not at all.”
“You have to tell the truth.”
“Reinhard, tsk, stop joking around. Viscountess Schafhausen (シャフハウゼン) gave me a delicious pink wine. Will you go get it from the basement? Is it bad to make an Imperial fleet admiral run errands?”
“You are making fun of me! Sigh, running errands or whatever, I will do as you command.”
Reinhard nonchalantly stood up and left, leaving Annerose and Kircheis. Annerose smiled warmly at her younger brother’s best friend, and said:
“Sieg, thank you for always taking care of my brother.”
“Not at all! I am the one that is being taken care of. I am not even an aristocrat and I am already a captain at this age. I often feel I am excessively lucky.”
“Soon you will be promoted to rear admiral, right? I have heard. Congratulations!”
“Thank you.”
Kircheis felt the blood rushing to his ears.
“My brother will not say it, or maybe he did not even notice it, but he is very much dependent on you. Please still continue to take care of my brother in the future.”
“I will do my best, but I may not be good enough.”
“Sieg, you need to have more confidence in yourself. Yes, my brother has talent, maybe even a little more than others, but he is not as mature as you are. He is like a bolting antelope. He only knows to rush forward. One day, he will rush right off a cliff. I had that kind of premonition since the day my brother was born, which is why I have to talk to you.”
“Miss Annerose…”
“Sieg, please. Please protect him so he does not fall off a cliff. If you foresee that happening, please talk to him. I think my brother will accept your advice. If, however, if he will not listen to even you, then… then that would probably be the end of him…”
The smile faded from Annerose’s exquisite face, and the haze of grief overshadowed her sapphire eyes.
Kircheis felt the sharp pain of a razor slicing across his heart. This was true. This was no longer ten years ago. Reinhard and he were no longer youngsters running on the street, and Annerose was no longer the girl next door. One was now the kaiser’s beloved concubine, one was the Imperial fleet admiral, and one became the fleet admiral’s adjutant. The three of them now exist in a place where you could smell the aroma of both power and corruption…
“Miss Annerose, I will do everything in my power to protect him.”
Kircheis swallowed his emotions and agreed to her request.
“Please trust I will be forever loyal to Reinhard, and I will not disappoint you.”
“Thank you. I am so sorry that I am causing you trouble, but I cannot trust anyone except for you, so please understand.”
“Actually, I only wish I could take care of the both of you,” Kircheis thought.
“Ten years ago, when you told me to ‘become good friends with your little brother,’ I already secretly decided to take care of you both…”
Ten years ago, had he been this age, he would definitely not let Annerose fall into the hands of the kaiser. Perhaps he would go against all odds and flee with the pair of siblings to the Free Planet Alliance. If he had done that, maybe he would have become an Alliance officer by now. At that time, he did not have that capability and he was not clear on what he wanted in life. Now was different. However, after all, a decade had passed. Everything was lost. Why was it that when someone wanted to accomplish something, his age could never accommodate his goal?
“You should have placed it somewhere easier to find.”
Reinhard yelled as he returned.
“Alright then. Thank you for your hard work and your hard work will be rewarded. Go get some glasses.”
“Although our time together is short, I am glad for every moment of it.”
Kircheis told himself, but in his heart, he could not help but feel disgusted by the next battle.
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