380 Bear-san, Princess, and Two Other People Eat Ice Cream
[By the way, is the King and the Queen not coming?] Yuna
They usually come even though I haven’t called them. The gate soldier rushed inside too. It’s also not strange for them to come to this room.
[I don’t know about the Queen, but His Majesty won’t come since he got work to do. So if you have a message for His Majesty or something delicious, then save it.] Eleanora
Isn’t that King… misunderstood that I’ll bring food whenever I come?
Even if I do, I bring it for Flora-sama, not for that old coot.
[What are we eating?] Flora
Flora-sama reacted to the word food. Do you want to eat now?
I thought for a moment and remembered that I have ice cream with me.
[Do you want to eat cold sweets?] Yuna
Because of the bear costume, I hardly notice the change in temperature. Whenever I noticed the heat, I’ll immediately think of ice cream, but thanks to the bear costume, it didn’t come to my mind. Looking at Flora-sama, she’s wearing thin, cute clothes.
[Cold sweets? Is it delicious?] Flora
[It’s cold and delicious.] Yuna
[Then, I want to eat.] Flora
I took out a cup of ice cream and a spoon from the bear box.
[Ah, Yuna-chan. New food?] Eleanora
[Since I knew that it was going to be hot when we went to the sea, I made cold sweets.] Yuna
[Certainly. I want some too.] Eleanora
As expected, you want to eat it too. I put Eleanora-san’s portion and four other ice cream portions on the table.
[Anju-san, this is for Anju-san, Zeref-san, the King, and the Queen. Could you please store them all in the freezer before it melts in the heat and becomes unpalatable?] Yuna
[Okay, then I’ll hurry and put it in the freezer.] Anju
Anju-san left the room with ice cream. I felt like I’m forgotten something, but it may just be my imagination.
[Well then, let’s eat.] Yuna
Flora-sama and Eleanora-san started eating ice cream.
[Oh, it’s cold and delicious!] Eleanora
[Yeah, it’s delicious!] Flora
While I was watching those two, it also made me feel wanting to eat, so I took out my own portion and ate it.
While the three of us were eating ice cream, the door opened without a knock. Perhaps I thought it was the King or the Queen, but it was different.
[It’s true! Yuna is here.] Tilia
Entering the room was Flora-sama’s sister, Tilia, the first princess of this kingdom. That’s right! I completely forgot about her. Did I promise to call her or prepare food for her if I come next time?
So that’s why when I took out the ice cream, I felt like I had forgotten something.
[While I was walking in the castle, I heard <the bear came> and <there was a bear walking with>, so I thought maybe that bear went into Flora’s room.] Tilia
Tilia comes to us, complaining.
[And once again, you’re outcasting me while eating something. Why doesn’t Eleanora call me or even inform me!] Tilia
I don’t want to be told such a thing. In the first place, I didn’t call Eleanora-san either. And neither the king nor the queen was called. I never called anyone, you know? Everybody is just coming here on their own!
[Oneesama, are you angry?] Flora
[I’m not angry. Flora, is that delicious?] Tilia
[Yeah, it’s delicious.] Flora
Flora-sama answered with a big smile. I could easily imagine the next words that will come out of Tilia after seeing that expression.
[I want to eat it too.] Tilia
The words I imagined did come out of her mouth.
If Tilia knew that her portion was not prepared in the freezer here, she will make a big fuss the next time I come here. I’ll give Tilia an ice cream to deceive her.
[It’s cold and delicious. The shaved ice is also cold and delicious. But this is on a different level.] Tilia
The shaved ice was just sprinkled with syrup on top of the ice. It’s different from ice cream.
[In this case, I think I want to eat this more than shaved ice.] Tilia
[You’ll upset your stomach.] Yuna
It’s not good to over-cool your stomach.
[But whenever I came back from school, everyone was always eating such delicious food.] Tilia
[I’ll just make some corrections. I’m just bringing it to Flora-sama, but then, the other people are just coming here on their own. Even though I haven’t called anybody.] Yuna
[But still, you’re preparing a lot for everyone, every time.] Eleanora
[I’m just making a lot and it’s not for Eleanora-san.] Yuna
[You don’t have to say something mean, because everyone is looking forward to it.] Eleanora
After that, Flora-sama had finished eating the ice cream and was still trying to eat it, but I didn’t want her to get a stomachache, so I said to Anju-san who came back, <Let her eat it after tomorrow>. I then gave a generous amount of ice cream. And because of that, I had to send Anju-san back to the freezer again.
Of course, I prepared Tilia and Eleanora-san’s portions as well.
After eating the ice cream, we began to continue drawing. Tilia, who was watching it, opened her mouth.
[This is Yuna huh. Flora really likes Yuna. Sometimes I want Flora to draw oneesama too.] Tilia
[Oneesama? Yeah, okay.] Flora
And just how did you know that black animal was me! I shouted in my heart. Is there anyone who can teach her how to draw? If you’re a member of the royal family, you also have to study art, right?
And so, I taught Flora-sama how to draw a bear. It’s quite rare that the king and queen did not come to this room, so I was able to spend a peaceful time with Flora-sama.
[Now then, Flora-sama, I’ll come again.] Yuna
[Yeah.] Flora
[If possible, come when I am here.] Tilia
That’s a tall order. Once school starts, there will be fewer holidays. The chances of our meeting will also be slim.
So I answered:
[I’ll do my best.]
That day, I thought I could go back to Crimonia, but Eleanora-san stopped me. As a thank-you for escorting Shia, I was invited to dinner and it was decided that I’ll stay at her home.
The next morning.
[Yuna-san, please drop by at our house when you come to the royal capital next time.] Shia
[Say hi to Noa and Cliff for me.] Eleanora
After parting with Shia and Eleanora-san, I didn’t go to the bear house and started walking in a different direction instead.
I used the Mithril knife when I fought the Wyvern. Before that, I used it when I fought against Scorpion. Since I came to the royal capital, I went to Ghazal-san’s shop for the knife’s maintenance.
As I come to Ghazal-san’s shop, I saw <it> holding a signboard with the word [bear]. As soon as you enter the store, you will be greeted by an iron golem. Standing tall without being melted properly. It’s not a signboard dog, but a signboard golem.
I lightly tap the iron golem before proceeding to the back of the store. There are no customers yet, probably because it’s still early in the morning. From the back, you can hear clang, clang. The sound of iron hitting the iron.
[Ghazal-san, are you there?] Yuna
I called out to Ghazal-san while going to the back of the shop. Then, the sound of iron hitting the iron stops and a voice replied.
[Give me a minute.] Ghazal
Yeah, after his reply, the sound of iron hitting the iron starts again. And when I was wandering around the store, the sound of iron hitting the iron stopped and Ghazal-san came out.
[Miss Bear? I’m sorry. I couldn’t let go of my work. So what’s up for today?] Ghazal
[It’s been a while since the last time I’ve come to the royal capital, so I thought I’d ask you for my knife’s maintenance.You told me you’ll do the maintenance for free after all.] Yuna
He said that if I give him the iron golem, he will give me free maintenance for my knife. So I emphasized that.
[I’ll do the maintenance on the knife, even if you don’t point that out.] Ghazal
[By the way, are you doing all of these alone Ghazal-san?] Yuna
I think it’s hard to run this store by himself. Gordo-san has Nert-san, but Ghazal-san doesn’t have anyone? Dwarven women looks younger, but men look like little uncles, and I don’t know their age.
[Well, I’m alone now.] Ghazal
Somehow, Ghazal-san is mumbling something. I won’t pry deeper either. I’m just normally wondering. I won’t delve deeper.
[Hey, let’s get over your business, give me the knives.] Ghazal
I take out two Mithril knives from the bear box and give them to Ghazal-san. Then Ghazal-san pulls the knife out of its scabbard and stares at it.
[There seems to be no particular problem. It also looks like it’s been properly maintained. Even so, I will maintain it for the time being. So, what in the world did you cut with it?] Ghazal
[…………] Yuna
[Goblins, Wolves?] Ghazal
[…Do I really have to say it?] Yuna
You’ll be surprised if I say it’s Wyvern.
[If you don’t want to say it, then don’t. But as a craftsman who made the weapon, I just want to know what you cut with it and got this weapon into this state. I’m only wondering if you were fighting weak monsters, or rather, did you fought a monster with it? Or have been in a battle between weapons. Look at the weapons, they look practically the same then and now. So I just want to know as a craftsman who made these weapons.] Ghazal
When he say that, I can’t lie anymore, and I don’t want to stay silent either.
[Only if you make a promise that you’re not telling anyone.] Yuna
[I won’t say anything to anyone. As I said, I just want to know how the weapons I made were treated, what they cut, and why they are in their current state.] Ghazal
I honestly told him.
[Etto, Wyvern.] Yuna
[…………] Ghazal
[Before that, I also cut a big Scorpion, I think?] Yuna
[…………] Ghazal
In my words, Ghazal-san looks at me and the knives he was holding alternately.
[You’re not kidding. Did you kill the Wyvern with it?…] Ghazal
[It was so sharp that I was able to cut it quickly. The Wyvern’s wings…] Yuna
For some reason, I began to make excuses.
[Even so, I’m just surprised by the Wyvern or rather, Miss Bear’s story. Also, about the big scorpion, some adventurers brought a part of its shell a while ago and it was quite a commotion back then.] Ghazal
He told me as if he remembered something unpleasant.
Perhaps it was Jade-san’s group who brought the big scorpion’s shell?
[Is that scorpion’s shell related to you?] Ghazal
[Maybe. But did it really made that much commotion?] Yuna
[We dwarves mainly deal with metal, but I heard from an acquaintance about an armor made of monster skin and materials. Although it’s just a part of the shell, it’s quite large and it quickly became a hot topic in the area.] Ghazal
[U~wa, it made that kind of commotion…] Yuna
[Because there was only a part of it, <Where is the rest?>, <Does the adventurer have it?>, or <are there other adventurer who have it?>
It looks like it was a big mess. I heard he even asked the adventurers, but he couldn’t get any details in the end.] Ghazal
Apparently, Jade-san and the others adventurers kept their promise about keeping my involvement.
[No way, you were involved.] Ghazal
[I just ended up defeating it. I didn’t defeat it because I liked to. That’s why the adventurer who were with me was given a hush money…] Yuna
[So that’s why the adventurer was silent about how he got it and the whereabouts of the rest of it.] Ghazal
Ghazal-san seems to be convinced and he’s nodding.
[Even so, I’m surprised about the big scorpion, but what about the wyvern?] Ghazal
[I just ended up fighting it. I also didn’t go and defeat it for myself.] Yuna
I fought them to protect Fina and the others and prevent them from going to Mereera. I didn’t go and defeat them for selfish reasons.
[I understand the story. For the time being, I’ll take care of it in the back, so please wait.] Ghazal
Ghazal-san went to the back with the knives.
Even so, I never thought that was the case with the scorpion. With this, it seems unlikely that the rest of the scorpion material can be easily sold.
Well, then all I have to do is to have Cliff or the King pick it up.
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