"……Everyone, thank you for your hard work…… …..With this it will be the end."
Yaegashi Taichi and the other second years are in the clubroom of the Cultural Research Club after school. The two first years had something to do so they were absent. This timing seemed to be chosen at his own discretion — probably he chose it at his own discretion. That guy appeared and then said that. He was there two days after the career surveys were distributed.
"…..Huh, what was that?"
Nagase Iori asked back.
"……I said thank you for your hard work….."
"No, after that!"
Inaba Himeko shouted.
"Ahh…. with this it will be the end, I said I think…… ahh, is that so……"
The screwing around tone was the same as always. His languid attitude is similar every time.
The atmosphere of something not human was given off from him. It was Yamaboshi High School's Physics teacher, Gotou Ryuuzen. However that was only from the outer appearance, right now he is not the existence called Gotou. Inside that, that thing gave a name to himself, «Heartseed».
That 'something' had an eye on the Cultural Research Club many times and caused weird phenomenon.
"Wait a second, you said it's the last…..!"
"The last one…..I think it seems like I only said the last one though……Kiriyama-san….."
Because what is the last one….. Aoki leaned his leaned forward looking like she was protecting the shaking Kiriyama beside him.
"You're a lying irresponsible bastard, no way we can believe your words!"
"No, no Aoki-san……Have I ever lied about an explanation on something……? I may have not told you about important information…… and irresponsibly misleading you though……. But lying, unexpectedly I haven't lied……ahh……sorry……I said enough…….especially for the first time."
"You're still screwing around with your words to mess with us ……?"
Taichi voiced his thought cautiously. The previous time when «Heartseed» caused a phenomenon, he approached the first years. Since the last phenomenon, Taichi and the others' last confrontation with him was close to half a year ago.
There wasn't any strong feelings and the like.
Recalling those various memories and the unpleasantness that accompanied them.
Now he is looking like unaware or like forgetting about finding a clear explanation. Keeping those in mind, with eyes half closed and sloping shoulders, furthermore with no trace of life in his face.
"Calm down, for a moment."
Quietly saying it, Inaba let out a breath. While his own body has traces of heat, Taichi understood the intention of the calm Inaba. The others seems to be doing the same. Their face met and the four entrusted the Inaba with the initiative. Of course whenever she looks like she needs help they'll be prepared.
"…..So, why are you again suddenly saying about the last one?"
"Ahh….no simply……the things I want do have been completed……"
"'I' you said, so you mean the others……for example «Number Two», will probably come again."
"……The possibility is……none. ……Probably."
It felt like without thinking, Nagase interposes.
"As I thought 'probably' I am right!"
"No no, I want you to have some trust in me. ……Nagase-san….. well various things happened to you so that is probably impossible…… Everyone, you did your best for me ….. I'm thinking. …..That is why this time…..yes….. is a bonus stage……"
"While you're babbling about some bonus, this shit-like thing hasn't changed."
"We don't want anything from you so we won't be involved. "
Inaba continued and Kiriyama with a loud voice rejected him.
After clicking her tongue, Inaba asks.
"…..Yo, so it's like every time, is the phenomenon already starting? We still haven't noticed anything weird going on among us?"
"It can't be……the two first years again?"
Taichi, in a fearful state with his body shaking, whispered.
"……No no…… It hasn't started yet Inaba-san……Yaegashi-san……"
With a broad grin, somewhere «Heartseed» looked pleased and he brought the corner of his mouth upwards.
Looking pleased — seemingly, he is always mysterious but today he showed emotion.
"…..It starts from now….."
After announcing it, it begins. Until now, there was nothing happening.
Little by little the things to do continued to change. And «Heartseed» personally also continued to change in a tiny bit.
This amount of change overcame the constant self. There was a premonition that a new 'something' was born out of it.
"By the way……Everyone……nothing will happen to you."
"…….Huh? Nothing is going to happen you said? What were you even doing here?"
Inaba does not understand completely and said.
"Ahh…… that is why……. I'm providing a bonus stage……. …….Perhaps I will stay with you …..and give you a tiresome explanation…….?"
"Overbearing as always, this piece of shit."
The five were sitting in the chair and «Heartseed» was a few meters away from them standing at the side of the door.
However this endless rupture was in no way filled. Just like the heaven and earth.
“Well this time……everyone, will be in a dream-like situation…..where you will see other people’s desires…..wishes …..Something with that kind of feeling.”
“Other people’s wishes…… like a dream-like situation?”
Nagase replied like a parrot.
“Yes, wishes in a dream…….ahh…..shall we lump them together and call it something…….. Basically you can see 'dreams'…… Wishes that are called 'dreams' …… From dreams about the future……..a little about what one wants to do and also small daily desires……. well let’s call them dreams……”
It seemed like a polite explanation and his arrogance was appearing and disappearing. This is what hypocritical courtesy means.
"Well this…. things other people are desiring, wishing for are in the dreams as images…….you shall be shown at random …… Ahh……attached to them, you can also hear sounds……? It is in a similar style to the dreams you see when you are sleeping……don't you agree?"
"We see the wishes with the name 'dreams' are similar to the dreams we see when sleeping……. Isn't it a little close to 'Sentiment Transmission'…….? Before was 'emotions' being 'felt' but this time is 'images of dreams' we are 'able to see'.….."
Inaba analyzed swiftly. While holding a denying attitude, she didn't forget to calmly digest the information.
"By the way, these 'dreams', included the area of dreams of the future and the daily small desires, you said. However you are now making a rehash of 'Sentiment Transmission' between us. you can't think up of anything else to impose on us?"
"It's as Inaba said! There is no way we can lose to something like this!"
"…..Ahhh…… You are wrong. I should say it clearly right…….? That's because—"
"—The thing you can see…..are the ones of 'other people'. You can't see the ones owned by everyone else here."
"—Ahh…even though I said 'other people'…… It's the people inside this school, though."
"Huh…….that……that's a joke…..really……"
Kiriyama leaked out a voice while embracing her body with one arm.
Taichi's thought also gradually caught up. He trembled in fear to the development of the entire story inside his head.
"You will be able to see every person's 'dreams' in this school…..…..Everyone else except you guys…….."
"Ahh…..and Uwa-san and Enjouji-san won't be able to see these 'dreams' as well. ….. Because they were involved once…… that explanation wasn't needed right…..Ahhh….I'll stop..."
—In that way, «Heartseed» continued explaining with a extreme serious tone.
Taichi and the other four can see the 'images' of someone's desires and wishes for the future at random. The 'image' becomes the basis but attached to it sound could be heard as well.
That will suddenly appear in our head. If starting from that level of details, we will somehow understand it.
The content can be something for the short term or could be something for the long term. Many of the cases will be that person noticing something at that moment, thinking strongly about it and then that will be the 'dream' we see.
The side that will see other people's 'dreams' is the Cultural Research Club's five second years. The side that they can see the 'dreams' of is everyone in Yamaboshi Private High School except for the two Cultural Research Club's first year, Enjouji and Chihiro. When asked about the teachers,
"Ahhh……probably they will enter right…..?" vaguely saying.
There is also circumstances where many people witnessing the same 'dream' at once. At what timing and whose dream that they see is random. However, it tends to be the dreams from people close by. Also, if Taichi and the others think they want to see it, the 'dream' will become easier to see….. probably.
"…..And I generally was able to explain it or something of the like……. To make it clear…..there will be no harm done to you all ……? Surely, the bonus stage is …..ahhh…..wonderful."
Of course, it is as «Heartseed» said. There is seemingly no harm to Taichi and the others. But people outside of Cultural Research Club are involved, it's that kind of situation. Taichi is still perplexed.
"Using this 'power' for me….is sufficient. The last thing is……I think I will be nearby as much as possible so let me see….."
"As much as possible you said, what do you mean?"
Taichi asked.
"It means I'll be nearby as much as possible…… That's because it's the last one am I right……?"
Again, he put emphasis on 'last'. After so much emphasis, they began to not think that it is a bluff.
"By using this, is there not various…….wonderful things that can be done……? This time especially it is alright to not worry about……'becoming interesting'……"
It is alright for not to be interesting? Wasn't that «Heartseed» objective?
"Everyone, if you prefer…..I wonder if I should make it so you can see even larger number of people's 'dreams'…… You showed something 'interesting' to me, from me …..a certain type…..of appreciation."
He's exaggerating. However, languidly taking his time, «Heartseed» spread his arms and showed it.
Filled with neither anger nor fear, Taichi only felt a eeriness.
He was saying this is the last. It seemed like he won't make trouble for us. But the abnormal phenomenon has now spread to people other than themselves. Everyone else were also making a half troubled expression. …..No, only one person.
Only Inaba Himeko folded his arm, stretched her back straight, and raised her chin. While sitting, she had a look of looking down at the other.
That's how it is. Every time we are all in disorder, only Inaba will take one step forward. Completely relying on her, I'm really sorry for that, but I will entrust it to Inaba here.
"Ah, is that so?"
One kick.
Inaba rudely and briefly laughed scornfully. What does that mean?
«Heartseed» and Inaba stared at each other.
Inaba's composure did not crumble.
"Oops, one thing only to be confirmed. We can see these 'dreams', will the side who are seen, in short everyone else in the school except for us, notice it?"
"…..No…..They will not notice it though….."
"That's what I thought. If that happens, stopping us from revealing you guys will be a lot of trouble."
Inaba triumphantly said.
"…..Your face looks like you are having very fun……Inaba-san."
Looking at that Inaba, what does «Heartseed» think?"
"I sympathize with your stupidity though. Certainly that question you won't give an answer is not that simple, am I right?"
"…..Haa…..Immediately noticing it is as expected from Inaba-san. ….. ……However…….I would not know about that……?"
"Aren't you a poor loser."
"……Is that how it is……."
Again «Heartseed» and Inaba kept silent and they exchanged sight.
It was above the level Taichi could understand. Their fierce fight is unfolding.
The one who was avoiding the other's gaze was «Heartseed». With eyes without the spirit to do anything, his gaze encircled every face except for Inaba's.
"Well……since Inaba-san understands this much…..shall I go already….."
Without destroying his attitude of being in a higher position, «Heartseed» not being weary turned around with his back facing us. His hand grabbed the door.
"…..By the way, when will this end?"
Inaba asked «Heartseed».
"…..Who knows? And before long……we shall have an encounter….."
The clubroom after «Heartseed» left.
"……Well, the last thing he said, was it for real I wonder?"
Kiriyama was the first to speak and Nagase replies.
"I can't believe it but…… I think there's no meaning in him to make a lie now after such a long time……"
"Huh, seriously? A system where we can take it easy? Even so, it's still the last one left though."
Aoki also couldn't hide his bewilderment.
"Looking in to other people's 'dreams'…..huh? This phenomenon, if we were to give a name, what would it be?"
Understanding that he can only accept it, Taichi spoke.
Inside the room there was no one looking down. Everyone was level-headedly facing forward.
That is the strength that has been placed in Taichi and the other's hands after a year of misfortune.
Hmmm, sounding from Inaba's nose, she says.
"A name huh?....... Someone's 'dreams'….. Seeing 'dreams' is one way…..Looking without permission……perception…… Ahhh, something like 'Dream Perception'?"
"…..'Dream Perception', huh? Dragging other people in this……It's dangerous right?"
Kiriyama whispered and Aoki continues.
"It's not five people, not seven, but the entire school population….. How many people are there do you think? The scale has been extremely magnified. …."
"It requires even more caution than before, absolutely." Taichi made an opinion.
Everyone has the will to fight but they could not hide the heavy atmosphere.
A phenomenon on the scale of a few hundreds of people, how many are there even? Even only guessing, he trembled.
"I think holding the fate of other people is a gravely important matter….. In order to overcome this, will we discuss about a countermeasure?"
"No, that's not necessary."
Inaba quickly stopped.
"Alrighty…….huh? huuuuhhhhh? Not necessary? Why?"
Aoki's body broke in disappointment.
"Bonus stage, the words from that guy is correct. You guys get it?"
"Ummmm…..Not in the least."
"Even though this phenomenon has occurred, it hasn't started."
Tap-tap, Inaba tapped the table with her finger tips.
"This time, the phenomenon occurs and we will know the 'dreams'……the insides of the heart of other people except for us. But, the other person doesn't know we can see it. To sum it up."
Inaba said carrying her strong intention in her eyes.
"If we act like we didn't see it when we see it, nothing will be happening."
"Ummm….so we ignore…..the phenomenon?"
Kiriyama asked a question.
"Yes, the conditions for this time is different. Since now, it occurred among ourselves, that is we are in a state where we know each other. That was why we wouldn't be allowed to ignore it. But this time, 'Dream Perception'? Only one side knowing. This time will some kind of problem arise? No, it won't."
Inaba rambled. A little too much rambling.
"Well, we will know unnecessary thoughts and there will times when it will be difficult to handle other people. We will have to endure that. But in other words, we only need to endure."
Without even a moment for a breath, she continues.
"Doing something or even not doing something is ok. That's the meaning of that. The bonus stage that did not originally exist. Maybe giving it the name 'Dream Perception' wasn't really needed."
Correct. I can think that it's a correct logic. The number of points where the logic is flawed is zero. However, Inaba is a little....
"So our choice have been decided, right?"
Going too quickly on this—
"Basically, don't do anything. The story according this phenomenon can't begin."
"Wait, wait a second Inaban. This is too quick for us to make a conclusion."
It seemed that Nagase and Taichi hold the same concern.
"No, it's decided. That's because the other choice is to get someone involved with this supernatural phenomenon and that's your conclusion? The unpleasantness of these phenomenon, haven't you experienced it?"
"……No, but doesn't that mean we are only avoiding it?"
"If we accept the things we know from the phenomenon and take action, it will be the same as causing it. You will be making the things that should not possibly happen to happen. Are you going to say this Yui? For Aoki it's impossible so it's ok."
"Uhh…..ummmm the meaning, somewhat."
"That's cruel!? But I can't deny it!?"
"But Inaba," Taichi cut in. He wants to talk to everyone calmly once.
"For example, from this 'Dream Perception'……well, it still hasn't started so I don't understand it very well……when we know something extremely dangerous, are we even going ignore that?"
"It's not a future prediction. So I think it won't fall into that pattern. But if it does happen—"
A calm, cold-headed gaze turned to Taichi from Inaba. When was the last time this kind of eyes aimed at me? At least, after becoming a couple, never I think.
"Even that, ignore it."
"Huh? All the same, even a extremely serious crisis is no different?"
Kiriyama made an opinion right away.
"I understand why you said something like that. But if it is originally impossible, then you take action and change something. Won't that change a fate that shouldn't be changed?"
With that sentence, no one can object anymore.
That is why, Inaba's instructions from the beginning to the end is only one. That is from the one line of Inaba's introduction.
"Don't do anything."
After exchanging opinions after some time, they were dismissed.
Inaba without waiting for the other members left the clubroom.
"Hey, Inaba. . …..Sorry, I'll be going ahead."
After the remaining three called out, Taichi rushed after her.
Isn't it better to wait for the phenomenon to happen one time or so, shaking from that opinion Inaba announced the end of the meeting.
With a speed you couldn't call almost running, Inaba left the club room building but finally was able to catch her.
"Say, what’s the hurry Inaba?"
Grabbing her shoulder, which made her somewhat forcibly looked behind.
Ah, and it seemed she raised her voice.
Turning around, Inaba's eyes were moist and sparkling.
I must protect her, that is the instinct, I thought.
"That guy came, I'm….. uneasy about it."
"Was I perfectly…..perfectly able to do it."
Inaba looking she relied on Taichi tightly grabbed his uniform.
Taichi put his own hand on top of Inaba's.
"You perfectly did it. I somewhat, Ahh before my head right away wasn't spinning. Inaba were able to see through the innards of this phenomenon …..anyways, you were amazing."
It was a long time since we encountered each other. Inaba was from the beginning prone to worry. But just now, the only person who could read the situation was herself only, she had to be the leader. That is Inaba's burden and becoming uneasy about it.
"There shouldn't be any problem with the logic…… But <Heartseed>'s attitude is within my assumption…… Is there something I overlooked……."
"Inaba has done enough. For example, something you overlooked, it can't be help because it was for Inaba. After, we will all do something one way or another."
"But recently, I've become weak……"
"Become weak? You're really strong, I think."
Becoming negative, cheering her up, Taichi smiled and said.
"You're wrong! After me dating you I have become weak---"
Shouting, Inaba stopped opening her eyes and then after approached closer to Taichi's body . She dug her face into his chest.
"Sorry. It's because that guy suddenly appearing. I became feel awkwardly worked up, Forgive me."
"Oh, I forgive you."
When trying to come in contact with her body, Inaba immediately got away from Taichi.
"Huhu, What's with this exchange."
Inaba looking strong smiled. Decidedly, she tried reorganizing. Looking at Inaba, she looked proud but not being sweet with me was a bit lonely.
Inaba suddenly turned her back to Taichi and started walking. Seeming like she is telling someone, she talks.
"Yeah, it'll be alright. If the conditions that guy said are not a lie, then there should be any problems arsing."
Taichi lined up on the side. As Inaba said, without any worry, she said out---
"……Anything that happens, without doing anything and overlooking it will be ok."
Doing nothing and overlooking it.
Anything that happens, overlook it.
Isn't that basically, abandoning?
The actual phenomenon still hasn't happened so he can't get a grasp on the situation. Inaba's suggestion from before, only half of the talk was grasped.
If I think about it, Inaba's instruction, the thing we ourselves attempt is.
"You can do it probably, Taichi?"
Inaba asked. However, Taichi was not beside Inaba. Taichi was looking at Inaba's back.
Taichi noticed that he stopped walking. Inaba stood and stopped.
Hah, and Taichi stepped forward. With a quick pace, he was beside Inaba. And, Unable to determine whether she was talking to herself or not, with a wavering tone, isolated, Inaba murmured.
"I…..and correct, right?"
Without an immediate reply, unable to ask what it meant, Taichi was silent.
While Taichi was walking on his usual route to school, there was a fidgety unable to calm down feeling.
<Heartseed>'s phenomenon….. "Dream Perception", we don't know when it will happen. It was decided that if it feels that there is an abnormal even then we will mail each other. No one has contacted yet.
Turning the corner, it was his own home. Taichi felt a little relieved. Compared to happening on the side of the road, happening at home greatly reduces the worry.
On the side of his vision, someone made a voice and was standing still. Unintentionally, Taichi's line of sight moved.
From top to bottom, it was a white jersey look. With a prominent forehead and a hairstyle that had her hair tied back out of her forehead, it was a girl he recognizes.
"Huh, Fujihsima? What are you doing?"
While revered as the Missionary of Love, she was defeated in the second year class representative election. In the middle of her despair, she left the government service and went forward steadily on the path to resurrection. It can only be Fujihsima Maiko.
Always wearing her trademarked glasses, she was fitted with sports use water resistant clothes.
"What, you don't understand what you see? I'm in the middle of running."
Fujishima wiped the sweat off with the towel hanging on her neck.
"Why….., is it for training your body? Fujishima's home, has some distance from here, am I right?"
"Ahh, today I ran quite a bit. It's because every time I run on a different route…. and, I want to amuse myself with talking to Yaegashi-kun but , may I go?"
It's probably an inconvenience to her to stop her in the middle of training,.
"Sorry, for getting in your way. See you at school then."
Fujishima stiffened her arm and her legs were shuddering.
"Well, them, I'll be off!"
Somewhat in a rush, Fujishima ran pass Taichi's side. She's working hard, I think. While thinking, Taichi started walking ---.
His vision was wavering.
He can see doubles. He can hear doubles. A strange world that he hasn't experienced before until now. He gulped down.
【Fujishima is there. In front of his eyes was a door. Fujishima violently opened the door and ran inside. The word TOILET was on the door. She went into a stall and at the same time she removed what she was wearing. And then ---】
"What was that just now? ……ugh."
Involuntarily, Taichi said. Feeling dizzy, he pressed his forehead.
Suddenly a live vivid image player in his head. Sounds were heard. A sudden appearance of a, daydream.. How long was I caught in the daydream? I think it was for a moment. Right now the unchanging scene from before is projected into my own eyes. But inside my head, suddenly the scene appeared and disappeared and was controlled. Already, the daydream has passed away but the eyelid and also the ears have clearly recorded the sounds and the image. …..Even saying so, "designated" parts and detailed parts were becoming faintly white.
There was no way that was a delusion.
It shouldn't be a delusion.
A strange feeling. Coming to mind, rather than that, it is like a disc was forcefully put in, the play button pressed and then images were shown. It should be represented like that.
This is certainly not normal and impossible. Taichi couldn't think.
But Taichi suddenly understands….. There was an occasion of exceeding suddenly understanding.
It is likely that the thing just now was due to <Heartseed>, it was "dream perception". Taichi looked back and a tottering Fujishima running was in his sights.
This time <Heartseed> said we can see the desires with the name "dreams". What other people desire in the future or daily small things are included in these "dreams". Well, the thing now was.
Fujishima's gait was unsteady. I can only see that she is tired…… Could it be that.
"Fu, Fujishima!"
Taichi called her named and jogged a little to move to a closer distant.
Fujishima turned around and the colour of her face was, pale.
"What is it?"
"………..Did you want to go to the toilet?"
Preparing two cups of tea, Taichi arrived at the dining table in the Yaegashi home. The moment "Dream Perception" happened, it felt unpleasant but the anxiety did not continued for long and soon his physical condition returned.
He looked back at what happened not long ago.
The image was exact. The style was viewing Fujishima's body one meter in the sky. It was similar to a spirit from behind. The end of the field of vision, places beyond that was very much vague. There was no way it was projecting the situation and condition inside the toilet. The hazy image was similar to the occasion when seeing a dream while sleeping. Regardless of entering the stall, the point of view suddenly changed to the location where the words on the door can be seen. This situation of change to a good point of view is one and the same as a dream.
The sound of water draining was heard. After a short time, quietly and swiftly, Fujishima showed herself.
“Ah…..umm…..thank you very much……”
Looking down, Fujishima fidgeted with her hands in front of her body.
It was a rare event. It seems Taichi is witnessing Fujishima in an embarrassing scene.
“Come now, you were going astray in a residential area and incidentally felt the urge to urinate. Now your bladder”
“What are you explaining in detail? Aren’t you shy about that?”
As always, she’s a girl who deviates from the point. And also, her change in attitude is quick.
“Long awaited…….you could say, awkward but drink some tea before going.”
After a short moment of stillness, Fujishima said “I must not waste your courtesy.” and took a seat. The towel that was left on the table was around her neck again.
“That’s……that’s right. I forgot say but……if it’s possible, would you let me use some deodorant, I want to get some, I was thinking but…..”
Again, looking downward, Fujishima looking embarrassed mumbled.
“Even though I don’t mind, it is because I will immediately remove the stink.”
“So, I’m glad that Yaegashi-kun has a stink fetish.
“That is why are you shy or not, which one is it. And I don’t have a stink fetish!”
Whether it was on purpose or not, Taichi thought. He couldn’t read that level of emotion. Can’t be that she is consciously fascinated by here?
“By the way Yeagashi-kun. You understood well that I wanted to go to the washroom.”
Suddenly said to him, Taichi swallowed his saliva.
“If it was revealed, it will be embarrassing. I didn’t plan to make any gestures but.”
Which reminds me, Inaba’s “Don’t do anything” instruction was all of a sudden broken. Being the first time the phenomenon activated, the instant of that event, nonetheless was careless.
“Well, it’s because your gait was not reliable…..”
“That is because, even showing you that I looked tired, I didn’t show you something in the manner of worrying about my lower body.”
“Your, face didn’t look so good.”
“After I passed by, I remembered you calling to stop----“
“I’m – home-“
From the entranceway, a cheerful and lively fine voice was heard. His little came home it seems. Interrupting the conversation , Taichi let out a sigh of relief. …..wait.
He had a feeling that this encounter, will be extremely troublesome.
“Ah, Onii-chan. I didn’t see you in the entranceway but there were running…..shoes?”
Her big round eyes were innocent and her very lose webbed hair made her look calm and mature. While maintaining a kid's innocence, she also has an older sister atmosphere more than kids her age. It is possible to see the image of a future beauty. The elementary school grade six little sister was still carrying a backpack as she became certain and finally opened her mouth at the entrance.
"Ummm…..? Who is this?"
"This is the rumored imouto-san, I wonder? A pleasure to meet you, hello. I am Fujishima Maiko. Yaegashi-kun's frien……not that, rival…….no, unusual relationship."
"Fucking say it at once! Classmate is ok!"
Why did I drive in? Certainly it was on purpose.
"Ah, Thank you for being polite. I am the little sister, Yaegashi Rina. ……you said unusual relationship. Onii-chan previous girlfriend……Certainly not! A second person without delay, no…… because it's an unusual relationship, are relationship of only the body….."
"Hey, what are you imagining something trivial but not at the same time? Fujishima is only---"
"Ah. imouto-san. He allowed me to use your home. Thank you very much.
While talking, Fujishima with her fingers pointed at the toilet. ……By the way that direction, the toilet and the bathroom was also there.
"Huh….the bath…..? Hah. If look closely, the hair is wet……a towel…… In other words, you used the shower……in other words after incident…..!"
"Hey, what are you saying after incident!? Even if it was an accident, it won't become anything like that with Fujishima! [1]"
"Oh, you're good, Yaegashi-kun. Like incident and accident."
"Shut up for a moment, Fujishima!"
"Onii-chan…… You're that much of a quick worker huh……, unexpected carnivore [2] I thought you were incompetent and was unprepared for this……. I should teach you the things I was taught ahead of time. Uh-oh."
"Rina, you are making a fatal misunderstanding! And also, what are you planning to teach your older brother!? You're in grade six, grade six! You, it can't be that……"
"Wait, wait onii-chan, don't make any weird imagination!? I am disgusting but until I get to around onii-chan's age…… I don't plan on doing, it? It's because I don't think it's good if it's too early, like that."
"Aren't you a able sister, Yaegashi-kun? Unlike your brother without integrity."
"Don't add an unnecessary sentence, Fujishima!"
"Ah, but a kiss is something else, I wonder"
"Uwah……A person while shouting and grabbing your head and crouching down is real huh……"
"But onii-chan? Because you have complete experience, tell me next time ok? A talk like that. I want to hear about real experience from the point of view of a guy……. This is a wee bit embarrassing but"
"Your face turning red is cute~! The feeling of one making herself taller is good, I can't take this anymore!"
His vision is wavering. Again. A foreign feeling. At once his mouth was pinned down.
Forcibly, a image in his head was put in.
【Fujishima is there. In front of her is Taichi's little sister. His little sister's face looked hot. Fujishima approached closer to his little sister and placed her hand on his little sister's clothes. His little sister closed her eyes and entrusted her body】
A disgusting feeling, he thought bug that was for an instant. He noticed somehow or another that he let go of the hand he was used to cover his mouth. A day dream. His own delusion? No, there's no way that he will imagine that. That's because.
"Uooooohhhhhhhhhhh, Even if that's a delusion I won't allow it Fujishimaaaaaaaaaa!"
"O, onii-chan's aura from his back! It's an aura burning with anger!?"
"Delusion is safe probably!? Taking only delusion about us, what a thirst for blood! Because I will never in reality…… Or rather, how do you know when it didn't come out of my mouth!? Esper!?"
"…….You, your thoughts are like quickly imagining that things like thattttttt!"
After that, defending himself from all kinds of misunderstandings, it took around thirty minutes. (And then recalling Inaba's "Ignore them, don't do anything" command and going against it, he reflected on it a lot.)
With Gotou Ryuuzen's appearance, <Heartseed> was heading to the staff office. A female student walked pass close by ---- and the atmosphere changed.
"…..Hey, <Heartseed>."
Calm and having her own individual distinct rhythm, a gentle voice from a female student floated from somewhere as she calls his name. Appearing drowsy with eyes half opened, the consciousness of the original person was bit there. It looked like something other has commandeered the body.
"……<Number 2>…… still…….here…….?"
"Isn't it ok. ……At most, only see. It's not like…… it's not allowed?"
<Number 2> --- the name of the existence that caused the "Time Regression" on the Cultural Research Club.
"……It is unpleasant though……"
"……? As I thought, you, are weird. You, are most interesting."
"No,no….. Even if you are pleased, it would be troubling……"
'By the way…… it looks like your mission is over. Is that ok?"
"…….Is that ok, ……meaning?"
"The last things, you look reluctant to part…….am I wrong? Why? It's not odd?"
Suddenly, <Heartseed> stopped moving. The longer that normal gap has became empty.
"………..who knows?"
<Heartseed> answered. He continues.
"……Whichever way I do…….There isn't anything that can be done more than this….."
"Hmmmm…..well that's Ok. Well…..You will also see me. Please treat me well?"
The moment <Number 2> has finished talking it released the body of the female student, suddenly falling on her knee.
While noticing a weird feeling, the female student stood up and left the scene.
After making sure, with vigor the best he could do, <Heartseed> headed towards the staff room.
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