Chapter 5 – And the Pentagon Was Dissolved
Month: 0 – Day: X – Clear
Could it be… That Chihiro-kun is the troublemaker among us?
That… Shouldn’t… Be… Possible.
Ah, I accidentally said something strange like “troublemaker”. Nothing like that’s happening anyway.
Although the senpais had been pretty weird for a while, they seem to be better now; that makes me happy. Seeing everyone like this, I’m still really worried and I don’t know why. I’ve even been asked “Do you feel like there’s been anything weird lately”, “Has anyone been acting strangely” and so on, but nothing comes to mind at all, and I can only say that I don’t know.
It’s good that the senpais have gone back to the way they were, but Chihiro-kun seems to be sinking deeper and deeper. He seems to be always fearful: he sulks in a corner trembling, and going near him will greatly scare him.
So it might just be…
…That can’t… be true…
Besides, even if it were that one in a hundred million chance, I wouldn’t be able to do anything.
I’m definitely not saying that just because; I’ve already tried my very best. But it’s not enough.
So in conclusion, it doesn’t matter if I know or don’t know: the result will be the same. I’ve always been useless. I can only be a bystander.
—The me today is normal as always.
On Monday, the five second-years of the Cultural Research Club all arrived in the clubroom early in the morning. Yaegashi Taichi and Inaba declared that they should they should hold a discussion about them likely being sucked into a strange event started by <Fuusenkazura> again. How many times had they gathered together for this kind of situation before?
Everyone first confirmed the highly confusing recent events with each other, and in the spur of the moment they finally realized the matter that “they themselves hadn’t done it, but the other four had seen it”. With just these facts, they couldn’t eliminate the possibility that Taichi and company were being controlled by someone, but since there were no empty patches in their memory, they could prove that they weren’t there at the time to actually be controlled. Drawing from that information, they could only conclude that “there had been an impostor who looked like each of them making contact somewhere unknown with the other four Cultural Research Club members”. Although someone mentioned the possibility that only the person affected at the scene had their memories modified, this notion was quickly dispelled.
“No matter when, this type of situation could only happen under the pretense that they were alone. That’s probably our opponent’s weakness.”
Inaba said flatly, putting down her piece of chalk.
“Mm~.” Kiriyama agreed.
“But look, everybody. We don’t have any idea what our opponent looks like. Even if our opponent’s been telling lies, they’re still going to look the same.”
“I want to see through the fake Taichi and fake Inaban! With the power of love!”
Nagase piped up. Beside her, Aoki hugged his head:
“AH! Then that means the power of our love did nothing at all!”
“What do you mean, ‘our’?! Who are you talking about?”
Yui demanded indignantly, eyes bulging.
“Even if you say that, this guy was definitely Inaba, both in appearance and smell…”
“S-Smell… Do I really smell that strong…?”
Inaba, who had been radiant until now, suddenly looked haggard.
“No, um, you smell… great.”
Nagase shrieked.
“R-Really. Taichi thinks I smell great… But I’ve been looking forward to mixing my own smell with Taichi’s. Uhuhu.”
“Too much information—!”
Nagase shrieked again.
Kiriyama brought everyone back on topic and they began to develop a counter-strategy against recent events. It seemed like they were on the fifth iteration of these incidents. Having become accustomed to them, everyone had matured. The conversation advanced smoothly.
“If these are limited to one-on-one encounters, all we have to do is be more careful under those situations, right?”
“We could avoid one-on-one encounters, but there’s no way to prove that they’re limited to them~.”
“Hmm… If we’re going to be so careful now, doesn’t that mean I don’t get to be alone together with Taichi?!”
“Eh? But we just have to make sure that we’re always in a group of three or more.”
“So that means I get to be together with Taichi all the time ❤.”
“I agree with Inaba-chan!” As long as we do that… Yui and I and make up for lost time together…!”
“Hey, I-Inaba. I’m obviously glad about this, but don’t you think this plan will be very difficult to carry out? If everyone sticks together like this, wouldn’t there actually be a higher chance of two of us being alone?”
“That’s why we’re trying to combat that—“
“Inaba, I declare to thee! Temporarily seal away your ‘dereban’ status! That is an order!”
“Fine, I’ll be serious. Ahh— Although that imposter bastard can disguise himself to look like us, can he inherit our memories too? As long as we confirm our identities with things that only the two of us know, we’ll be able to call them out if they don’t know the answer.”
“Memories… I see. Hey, hey, why don’t we make up a password?”
“And then we’ll be able to determine their identity. Good idea Iori, it’s worth a shot. The problem lies with that fact that our opponent takes every opportunity to infiltrate our group, and we have no quick method to prevent that.”
“Ah! About that, have Chihiro-kun and Shino-chan been affected? I haven’t heard of anyone disguised as them, so they probably haven’t been in on the whole thing.”
“Yeah. We should ask them.”
“But if this imposter can only disguise himself as one of us five, we only need to check amongst ourselves from time to time.”
“We can’t guarantee that it’s only limited to five people, Taichi.”
Hearing Inaba’s rebuttal, Kiriyama spoke nervously:
“He might be able to disguise himself as other people too…? Is-isn’t that really scary? What if the friends I’ve been talking to aren’t really my friends… or something?”
Nagase agreed:
“Yeah, it would actually be better if it were limited to us five, so if this guy can disguise himself as other people then we’d have a big problem on our hands. Worst case scenario, we won’t be able to trust anyone.”
“So they might be able to pose as someone other than us. But is he taking orders from someone? Some puppet of <Fuusenkazura>, or one of his illusions designed to confuse us?… Whatever it is, we only need to do one thing.”
“What’s that?”
Kiriyama asked Inaba.
Inaba carefully scrutinized each club members’ face. Imitating her, Taichi and the others began to do the same.
The five-person pentagon gazed amongst each other in the Cultural Research Clubroom.
Then Inaba spoke:
“There may be suspicious feelings amongst us. But please trust, trust your closest friends. But that doesn’t mean you should trust everything they say, understand?”
Everyone nodded.
“Trust each other, work together.”
Everyone understood what she meant.
“Because, in the end, heh heh…”
Inaba shook her head, chuckling.
“<Fuusenkazura> has never rendered us, the Furious Five, helpless, now has he?”
“Don’t forget your bet on the Sports Festival! If I win I get to be your master~!”
Nagase chirped happily.
After school, since their Ouendan Contest practice times overlapped, Taichi, Nagase and Inaba were chatting amongst themselves.
“Uhm… There’s going to be three grade levels combining into one team…”
Inaba mumbled nervously. Taichi asked her:
“What’s the matter, Inaba?
“My class is super hyperactive, and the third years are the same… It’s just that the first years aren’t into it at all.”
“Chihi and Shino-chan aren’t either?”
“They probably don’t make a difference. Chihiro-kun’s always like that anyway. He’s supposed to be the Ouendan Contest representative, but he doesn’t try. Does he think it’s cool to act so tired about everything?! Psh.”
Inaba complained fiercely.
“Don’t say that. I heard he just lost at the Jankenpon, that’s all.”
“Anyway, if the first years of the Green Team lost their spirit, then we’re finished. But we second years don’t really do anything either… Ah, we’re assembling together, see you later.”
Inaba jogged back towards her own class.
“Hmm~, Inaban’s changed. She had this sinister vibe when she was a first year, always moving underwater, unlike the revealing nature she’s got now.”
Nagase gazed at Inaba with the eyes of a loving parent watching her chid.
“Can’t the same be said for you, Nagase? You hated community service when you were a first year and went completely free of duties.”
“You too, Taichi. Taichi… Although you like cleaning up after everybody, you’re really not the selfless type who charges to the front.”
Really? — Taichi scratched his head, thinking to himself.
“Yeah, we’ve all changed!”
Nagase wrapped up the topic with a flourish.
Today was an Ouendan Contest practice day; the three classes representing the Red Team met together. Excluding those who were absent due to other commitments or negligence, nearly one hundred people gathering together was a sight to behold.
Taichi and the representatives from other grades were responsible for these people.
At least, in theory.
“Hmm—- How about this formation…”
“Setouchi-senpai! Can you come over for a second?”
“Coming! Yaegashi-kun, can I leave this portion to you?”
“T-To me? Can I really do it…?”
Since there were too many absent representatives today, there wasn’t enough help to go around.
“Take a break for a second! We need the second year reps over here!”
Setouchi ordered. The second year representatives jogged over.
“What are we supposed to do? There’s no way we can handle this much work, especially with those first years and third years…”
Setouchi said, her face anxious.
“Just leave the second years to one person and send the rest of the reps to other grades.”
Nagase suggested.
“That’s not a bad idea, but what if one person can’t handle all of them…?”
Taichi was about to say, when he suddenly thought of someone.
“No, Fujishima can do it.”
Fujishima seemed more energetic to him lately. Looking back, there had been something strange to her. Maybe the Fujishima he had seen back then was an illusion derived from what was happening during that time. But it was undeniable that class representative Fujishima’s leadership prowess in her heyday was a force to be reckoned with.
“Eh? N-No, I can’t…”
Fujishima shook her head frantically, devoid of confidence.
But in a situation like this, there was no one other than Fujishima who could lead group practice all by herself.
“Ah~, for our future victory, we really need Fujishima-san’s strength!”
Watase Shingo said confidently. Nagase followed up almost immediately:
“Oh! That’s right~, we’ll have this in the bag if Fujishima-san gives it her all~!”
Under Nagase and Watase’s influence, everyone else joined in:
“Looks like we need Fujishima-san after all~.” “Ahh, I wish we had Fujishima-san’s help~!” “Only Fujishima-san’s strength can…”
“My… strength…?”
“Hmm? Sorry, what, Fujishima…?” “You idiot, encourage her properly.” “Go Fujishima!” “Fujishima GO GO GO!”
For some reason, bystanders were also infected by this atmosphere and joined in:
“Fujishima! Fujishima!! FUJISHIMA!!!”
With everyone in unison, the strange chant grew louder and louder. Seeing the yelling second years, the first and third years were miraculously sucked in as well. Hey, hey, that’s too much spirit, Red Team!
Fujishima froze to the spot, drowning in the chant, trembling.
Then, she clenched her fists, pushed up her glasses, raised her chin, and stood brazenly upright.
“… Is she some kind of demon?”
Taichi sputtered — It seemed that a new frontier had been reached deep within Fujishima.
“If you people need me so much, then it seems that I have no choice! You want me to rule over you peasants! Piece of cake!”
This is why I call you a demon.
“Th-That was amazing, Fujishima!!!”
“I’ve been wondering for quite some time, Watase, if you’re secretly into S&M. If you like Fujishima because of her dominant nature.”
By the way, Fujishima’s demon-mode only appeared during that day of practice.
After practice, Taichi went home.
According to the club members’ hypothesis, before they had noticed, this terrible phenomenon had been going on for some time. But <Fuusenkazura> had yet to appear before them.
Was he doing something for the fun of it again? Or was it <Number 2> again, who had initiated the “Time Regression” a while back[19]?
What Taichi was most worried about was when <Number 2> had possessed his little sister. Whenever he remembered that nightmare, Taichi became extremely unsettled.
“Eh, strange things happening lately?”
His magazine-reading, sixth-grade sister looked up at him, and her already round eyes became even larger. Her soft, wavy hair had grown over her shoulders. She had a maturity about her completely unfitting of a sixth-grader, and she was a well-behaved little sister who Taichi was proud of in every way (of course, Taichi had no plans whatsoever to show her off to anyone else).
“Since you asked so suddenly… H-Have you finally noticed?”
Taichi asked frantically; there could have been some change that even she had detected.
“Mhm~. I feel that you’re going to want to die after hearing this, onii-chan, so I kept it hidden from you. But since my cover is blown, I’ll have to tell you now.”
… I’ll want to die? He couldn’t imagine what kind of scandalous information she was about to reveal.
“So actually, I’ve~~”
His sister teased, smiling, as she made the explosive declaration.
“—got a boyfriend.”
… A boyfriend.
……… A boyfriend.
……………… Made a boyfriend.
Taichi crumpled onto the floor.
“Are you okay onii-chan?! Falling down like that?! Your head made a big noise hitting on the bed!”
“H-h-h-h-how c-c-can this be…. A boyfriend…?!”
“Onii-chan you’re talking like a robot?! Please go back to normal!”
Taichi’s consciousness sank into oblivion. Through his muffled vision, the silhouette of his panicked sister came into view… His cheeks emitted the sound of being slapped… Ow, that hurts…. His sister was probably slapping him… AH!
Taichi sat bolt upright. That was close.
“A boyfriend… You’ve made a boyfriend! It’s too early! You’re only in sixth grade! As your brother… I will never approve of something like this!!!”
“Aw~, I even waited until onii-chan got a girlfriend!”
“Wha…! So it’s because I got a girlfriend! Then what if I don’t have one anymore…”
“Are you going to break up with your girlfriend, onii-chan?”
“… No.”
“How long until you will?”
“… Never.”
Taichi sputtered, resisting his embarrassment. His sister sighed “Aw~”, giggling, connecting eyes with Taichi, who was on the bed.
“C’mon~, onii-chan, you’re not afraid to say it at all~. But since you already have someone so important to you, you should understand how much I want to fall in love too?”
“Ugh… Even if you say that, it’s too early for you… No, you’ve grown a fair bit already…. My sister’s finally grown up… Although you’re a bit young, if you want to do it so much, then I guess you can.”
Taichi squeezed out, holding back hot tears. His sister lunged over with an ecstatic hug.
“Awesome~! I love you onii-chan! Let’s double date next time, onii-chan ❤!”
“I’m h-happy… But I really want to cry…!”
Tears beaded up in Taichi’s eyes.
— Right, how old is your boyfriend?
— Three years older than I am, he’s in his third year of middle school.
— What…! Break up with that lolicon bastard now!
— You’re one to talk, you siscon brother.
They have begun to notice that these situations are being caused by someone.
Having confirmed this, Chihiro had placed an audio recorder inside the clubroom earlier. He had just retrieved it.
Chihiro was now in an empty classroom in the club building — the room where he had threatened Inaba last time. He was not using a chair, but sitting directly on the hardwood floor, lazily stretching out his legs.
The fact that “Fantasy Projection” could only be used one-on-one had been discovered. Even though he had only used it a few times, they had actually deduced the possibility that it could be used on other people than them.
Worse, they had come up with ways to separate an imposter from the real thing. Honestly, he was close to checkmate. Now, <Fuusenkazura> was also — No, he didn’t need to worry about that. How could he be stumped by something as unlikely as this? Didn’t he overhear all of it by being extremely prepared? Everything was still in control.
But Chihiro finally understood why everyone trusted that lovesick idiot girl. She was exceptionally capable at deduction, held up collective morale, and was truly a worthy opponent. Inaba Himeko was a force to be reckoned with.
Of course, the others weren’t a pushover; after all, it was they who had successfully endured several incidents like this. But even so, their ability to approach these incidents extravagantly was abnormal in itself. They were supposed to be feeling the burn already, yet they can still chitter about the Sports Festival; God, they have problems.
These people are not normal.
But he was normal, right?
He just made a little mistake. Needless to say, he must be an existence of a higher plane than them. Those who are subjected to “Fantasy Projection” have absolutely no way of knowing.
Trust each other, work together, huh?
That was Inaba’s plan? What a dumbass.
What’s trust going to prove? It’s just a bunch of empty words.
What’s trust going to do? Nothing at all.
This world will stop at nothing to betray you all — it eyes every opportunity to stab you in the back.
That is how this world is.
Chihiro resolved to use “Fantasy Projection” even more — whether it be you five, or other people, everyone will converge on you guys. I will ensure that you have no way of identifying the truth, that you have no way of trusting anyone on the planet.
Underestimating me comes with consequences. I’ll let you guys have a taste of hell.
After school, Chihiro sighted Yui, who was preparing to leave school for the dojo. Since she only popped into the Club for a second, there was hardly a soul in sight at the shoe-changing area during this moment.
“[I am Aoki Yoshifumi to Kiriyama Yui.]”
Chihiro used Aoki.
“You leaving, Yui?”
“Yeah. Are you going to the clubroom now, Aoki?”
To ensure that further developments progressed smoothly, he must be absolutely immaculate in his actions from now on. No problem. He won’t fail.
“Hmm… Say, shouldn’t we be more careful when the two of us are alone together now? Hey, what’s the password?”
Chihiro [Aoki] took the initiative.
“The password’s ‘Flatten <Fuusenkazura>!’… Hey, this password’s too tacky, isn’t it? Should we change it?”
“It’s simple and easy, we don’t need to.”
Chihiro [Aoki] explained. Yui pouted unsatisfactorily.
Now that Yui was sure that he was Aoki, he should cut to the main topic. He was an imposter — it wouldn’t matter much if this fact was discovered, since even if it happened, they would know that a password was completely useless.
Should he take an audacious step — “attack” her? Probably overkill.
Chihiro [Aoki] called, extending his hand.
Yui looked at the hand with alarm. What was she afraid of?
Chihiro [Aoki] reached closer and closer — Yui kept her gaze on his hand.
Yui had a small frame, a delicate face, and cheeks so soft they seemed to melt — Chihiro [Aoki] touched her face with his hand.
His finger rested on Yui’s face. Suddenly, his entire body went numb. Yui’s cheek was unexpectedly cold, which comforted him.
“… What are you doing?”
Yui demanded, still in a state of unmoving shock and staring straight into Chihiro[Aoki]’s eyes.
“Um… Because I think you’re very cute…”
“So, you’re touching me because you feel like it?”
Neither embarrassed nor angry, Yui’s expression was blank. Chihiro [Aoki] was confused, but he replied:
“Uh… Yeah.”
Yui’s eyes suddenly flashed murderously.
“The real Aoki would never do something like this! Die, imposter!”
As his crotch suffered a brutal strike, excruciating pain flowed through Chihiro’s entire body.
He lost all strength and his senses dimmed. Tears swam in his eyes and crippling nausea writhed in his gut.
Chihiro [Aoki] lost his composure in one hit.
“That hurts so much…. Ahh… That hurts…! Hey… kicking the crucial points so hard… You’re going to kill someone…”
“Quit your moaning, imposter. Ohh, I should hurry up and capture you, then we’ll solve the problem. Hmm— where’s some rope…”
— Capture, me?
What are you doing? Hey what are you doing? What, what, whatwhat, whatwhatwhatwhatwhatwhatwhat? Shit. Shit. SHIT. Fuck fuck fuck. Chihiro felt like all his bodily fluids were gushing out of him.
Play dumb? No use. Once Yui contacted someone else it would be all over. If anyoneother than Yui came they would be able to see that Uwa Chihiro lay on the ground.
It’s all over.
He could be dealt with so easy, somewhere like this, like trash?
No. Nonononononono. He would be a failure. A disappointment. He wouldn’t be able to stay at this school any longer if he was discovered. He would be a social outcast. No— would <Fuusenkazura> take him from this world—?
Chihiro’s vision blurred. What should he do? Admit that he was an imposter right now, and— Yes. <Fuusenkazura> told him. <Fuusenkazura> could be anyone within this group. He’d use that as an opportunity—
“Even if you capture me… I would… disappear very quickly…”
Was this really going to work? Was he just digging his own grave?
“Disappear… huh. I see. So that’s not going to work.”
Ahh… He’s saved. Hanging over a pit of death.
“Hmm—, but no matter how I see it, you look like the real thing.”
Yui scrutinized Chihiro [Aoki].
You’re looking right at an imposter, so why aren’t you more serious? Her eyes looked like those of someone gazing at a small insect in her hand. Yui was disdaining Chihiro[Aoki], who lay prone on the floor. Don’t look at me like that…!
Fighting the waves of pain, Chihiro [Aoki] asked a question.
“How… did you know…?”
“Aoki would never touch me just because he felt like it.”
Yui answered immediately, her words revealing a deep trust.
Trust… What does that matter, huh? Don’t wear your heart on your sleeve with that self-righteous expression.
“You look like you still have strength, so I’m leaving first. I’ll be ready to serve you if you decide to come.”
Flicking her chestnut hair, Yui looked devoid of fear.
“Ah, I also need to tell everyone that you can remember our memories too, so a password won’t work.”
Yui seemed to lose interest in him and left. Curled up on the ground, Chihiro watched her quick gait disappear.
A student walking by gave a look of surprise.
“What’re you looking at? Piss off.”
With difficulty, Chihiro pulled himself up using the shoe locker as the terrified student ran off.
At least he was saved. It seemed that the fact that “he did not have their memories” had been taken care of as well. He had achieved his goal. But—
Chihiro ferociously punched the metal shoe locker. The locker emitted a booming echo. His hand began to hurt. Emptiness and defeat were carved into his heart.
He and Kiriyama Yui were worlds apart, and he was unable to chase after her.
Things did not go as planned this time.
On his way to school next day, Chihiro saw Taichi. Taichi was about to enter the school.
Chihiro decided to attack him. His head had been so full of adrenaline the previous night that he had gotten not a wink of sleep, yet Chihiro was inexplicably excited. He had always avoided situations full of people, but it didn’t matter anymore.
“[I am a person always late for school among Yaegashi Taichi’s friends in his class.]”
Chihiro couldn’t help but marvel at his brain’s ability to think calmly even when he was excited.
If “Fantasy Projection” produced unexplainable paradoxes, huge problems would occur—for example, if, during administration of “Fantasy Projection”, the person being copied appeared, there would be two of the same person — paradoxes like that.
His head was very clear today. He was in excellent condition. This was his normal rhythm. He could not lose.
“Oh, Watase. You’re here early.”
“Morning, Taichi.”
Chihiro heard his own altered voice (although it repulsed him in the beginning, he was used to it now). It seemed that he had become a male by the name of Watase.
“Hey, Taichi. I know it’s sudden of me, but can I borrow some money?”
It was vulgar, but this was the easiest and simplest way to lower one’s reputation.
Money is the incarnation of human desire.
“No problem… How much?”
“All of it. I’m really in trouble right now.
Chihiro [Watase] lowered his head.
Taichi was a goody-two-shoes. Chihiro didn’t need to do much to win over all of the money.
“I understand.”
See? You degenerate idiot.
“What are you… Eh, you don’t need to tell me. But when do I get it back?”
“As soon as possible.”
This was too easy… Huh?
Taichi was staring right at Chihiro [Watase]’s face. His gaze was abnormally sharp.
Unnerved by this strange aura, Chihiro [Watase] took a step backward.
“You’re a fake.”
“Ah…No, how…”
“Watase is very old-fashioned with borrowing money, even if you lend him a bit he’s going to sign a paper and write you an IOU! He calls it his grandpa’s last words!”
What the hell is that?! Who would know about that?!
Chihiro [Watase] cursed inwardly, and turned to run. Retreat!
Chihiro bolted towards the back of the school building. Groups of people coming to school and others having morning practice looked at him oddly. His face was hot. Nausea gushed up. This, this wasn’t defeat. This was a tactical retreat.
But to the bystanders, he was a complete and utter loser.
Because of what just happened, have they discovered that he can’t copy their memories after all? He didn’t know. Shit!
That went badly. The situation was unfavorable.
All throughout class, Chihiro crafted his next step— he even neglected club work to prepare for the upcoming battle. Until midnight.
After school, he attacked Aoki.
“[I am a family member of Aoki’s that he might expect to appear.]”
“Hey, sis, you’re coming home?”
Aoki waved. He was surprised that Aoki had a sister, but Chihiro [Aoki’s Sister] didn’t say a word as he walked towards him.
He was going to sentence this boy to the cruelest, most merciless punishment possible.
“Eh? What?”
Chihiro [Aoki’s Sister] smiled, clenched his fist, and fiercely launched, towards that completely unprepared face—
A punch.
Two punches.
Aoki staggered, having received two full hits to his face.
Chihiro felt light, fast. He was already seeing his opponent sprawled upon the ground. A wild, violent desire took over Chihiro’s mind like an anesthetic. Just like this, handing himself over to primal instinct, properly fixing this boy — that wouldn’t do. He still had self-restraint, he would be merciful. He wasn’t doing it this time for his own pain.
“What are you doing sis?!”
Chihiro [Aoki’s Sister] cocked his head silently.
“Ah… An imposter… Ah.”
As though mirroring Aoki’s soft spoken nature, Chihiro [Aoki’s Sister] smiled crookedly.
“You little fake… How dare you use… my sister’s appearance…!”
Scream. Rage. Seethe. If you want to, bring it on. I’ll repay you in full.
Then, you will realize that you have been led into hell.
“Wait… You’re saying… We’re to the point that we don’t know when or who is attacking us…?”
No matter how dumb you are, you still noticed.
“Fantasy Projection” allowed one to become anyone. Even if you eventually saw through the disguise, it is impossible to do at first glance. Therefore, you could be attacked by the entire world. No one could survive. Everyone would suffer a breakdown. Chihiro was aiming for this— only that could make it “more interesting”.
What kind of despaired face are you going to make? — Chihiro waited.
“What the heck, that’s it?”
Bright sunlight from the blue sky shined onto Aoki’s face.
Aoki was laughing.
Laughing, at him.
“You… What are—“
“Look, if you’re striking out like this, aren’t you just admitting defeat?”
“How do I put it… <Fuusenkazura> and <Number Two> were the same. Sure, they’ve backed us into desperate corners before, but they have never struck again after that. Well, <Fuusenkazura> did step in once during the “Personality Exchange”[20].
Without emotion, without fury, Aoki talked in a matter-of-fact way.
“I don’t understand it that well… But Inaba-chan’s said before that they’re waiting for ‘our hearts to waver’, and ‘they’re interested in our unbreakable bond’ or something. That is, if they can scramble our relationships with these strange incidents, they’ve won; on the other hand, if we endure through it, and jump the hurdle, we’ve won. That’s the difference between winning and losing.”
Aoki nodded, as though he were agreeing with himself.
“Then, how do I describe this contest? It’s not an analogy, but if you interrupt, that’s a foul? Or forfeiting the competition?”
“I don’t remember participating in a contest with you people…”
He made up some ridiculous rules and claimed that I lost? What a joke.
“No, no, you lost. Aw, are you really not <Fuusenkazura>? Did the rules change…?”
Aoki began fretting by himself, but quickly concluded: “Well, I’ll discuss it with everyone else”.
“But, well, what I wanted to say was that, we’re definitely not losing to someone like you who can’t resist attacking us. Also, if it’s me, I’m willing to forgive you, but if you do it to a girl, I… You’re going to get it.”
“How am I going to get it?”
“Not gonna forgive you. You’re going to get it anyway. All of the above!”
He didn’t think that through. Just a mishmash of baseless rambling.
It was supposed to be rambling, so why has it come to this? Why do I feel like I’ve lost?
He was the strong one, and they were the weaklings. They were in completely different positions, so why have their positions flipped? Foul? Forfeiting the competition? Lost? Fuck that. I’ve won. I’ve won. I’ve won. I’ve won. I’ve won. I haven’t lost. I haven’t lost. I haven’t lost. I haven’t lost.
No matter from where he looked at it, when he looked at it, how he looked at it, who looked it at, it was HIS victory. Right? Get somebody over here to decide. Anybody. But looking behind, all she[21] did was—
Hindered progress. Everything negative. Bad luck.
The world was not on his side.
From then on, whatever he did, he would return to wherever he began.
It rained all day.
During practice at the dojo, Yui anxiously asked Chihiro:
“Hey, you haven’t been coming to the club lately, is something wrong?”
Chihiro, however, replied awkwardly without looking at her: “Nothing.”
He could not meet her eyes. Right now, they were enemies. When it all began he could influence events and talk to them normally at the same time. Now, he couldn’t imagine how he had managed to do something like that at all.
But even if Yui stood right beside him now, he couldn’t talk directly to her anymore.
Unconsciously, Chihiro somehow wanted to have a proper conversation with Yui.
He also wanted to feel someone’s warm presence. He was getting a little tired of constantly being an opponent.
After practice, Chihiro approached Yui from behind.
Yui twirled a cute pink umbrella in her hand as she walked in the rain.
As though he was refusing to lose to the sound of the rain, Chihiro raised his voice slightly, and declared:
“[I am the friend of Kiriyama Yui with whom she wishes to talk with the most right now.]”
As he declared, Chihiro drew closer to Yui.
“Hm…? Eh, Chinatsu?! You’re Chinatsu, right?!”
Yui rushed over with a surprised look, her long boots splashing into wet puddles.
“When did you come back?
“How was it over there?”
“Have you been training properly?”
Chihiro was suddenly drowning in Yui’s questions. But through them, he also realized that this person used to live in this city but moved away, and also practiced karate. Combining this information, and considering her name, Chihiro remembered that this was Mihashi Chinatsu, who used to be Yui’s archrival during tournaments. Her ponytail left a deep impression and she was even more competitive than Yui.
He was at least somewhat familiar with this person, so Chihiro [Mihashi] was lucky. If he had had no idea who he was, it would be considerably difficult to maintain a conversation.
“You can tell me whatever’s bothering you.”
Bring it on, Chihiro [Mihashi] declared. As another condition of “Fantasy Projection”, he would probably run out of things to say very quickly.
… What the hell was he doing?
“Really~? That’s great! Let’s go shopping, then…”
“H-how about we forget shopping…”
He wanted to—
“Hm? Why?”
He wanted to— Right, he became Yui’s friend to think hard about what on earth he would do next. To discuss it all with her and come up with a good plan.
Yeah, he knew what he was going to do. He could relax now. Calm again.
“I’m waiting for someone to call me so I have to go in a bit. Let’s just chat here.”
“Eh~, but it’s raining?”
“That’s fine. You look pretty cute with your umbrella and boots.”
Chihiro [Mihashi] praised her slightly.
“Right~? The amount of cuteness a girl has is really tested during wind, storm, cold, and heat!”
“I beg to differ on the wind…”
“On windy days, you really have to… Eh, isn’t it super rare for Chinatsu to praise me like this? Why are you suddenly… Ah, what if you’re the imposter…?”
Fuck, she knows. Chihiro [Mihashi] hurriedly took the initiative.
“Ah, it’s nothing… Hm, seems like I need to trust people after all.”
Successfully misled.
Yui chatted endlessly about this and that. Probably catching up with an old friend; she looked extremely excited. But since he had received too much information in too little time, Chihiro was unable to absorb anything for later use.
Sometime later, she brought up the subject of the boys in the Cultural Research Club— of course, she talked about Taichi and Chihiro. But the center of conversation still revolved, as expected, around Aoki Yoshifumi.
“— He’s always like that, God, Aoki’s so worrying.”
All about Aoki.
“Aoki’s been—“
All about Aoki.
“— So Aoki said that, and then—“
All about Aoki.
“After that~”
Chihiro [Mihashi] couldn’t stand it anymore and wanted to interrupt her. He didn’t want to hear Aoki’s name out of Yui’s mouth— that uncomfortable feeling of being deemed a failure.
Yui’s lips were as adorable as rosebuds. Right, he forgot, he was going to interrupt her. He needed to say something.
Like what?
The rustling of raindrops hitting their umbrellas seemed to grow louder.
“Then, what do you really think about Aoki, Yui?”
The question flowed naturally out of Chihiro [Mihashi]’s mouth.
At this, Yui’s movements hardened a little.
The wind picked up. Pea-sized raindrops splashed onto Chihiro [Mihashi]’s umbrella, but the rain didn’t seem to grow heavier.
“Ye… ah.”
Yui, who would normally go red and flustered on this subject, was very calm now. Probably because she was talking to [Mihashi Chinatsu].
Whatever Yui was expressing now was likely her true feelings.
If it could rain harder right now, that would be great— Chihiro prayed.
“It’s always him confessing that he ‘likes’ me, but I’ve always been wondering, what does it mean to ‘like’ someone? What does it mean compared to when someone does a lot for me, and then his heart is moved?”
Their surroundings were silent.
“But, I’ve already come up with a conclusion.”
“But I can’t say that it’s ‘already’ happened, it probably just ‘lacks some firepower’!”
Finally, she returned to her normal disposition, embarrassedly rocking her umbrella back and forth.
“Anyway, no matter what, if I get to the bottom of it, I’ll definitely tell you.”
I know— Chihiro hurriedly conceded like he had solved a puzzle.
Ahh, so this was the finality.
To ensure that the subject had ended—
“Also, what do you think of Uwa Chihiro?”
“Oh, Chihiro-kun?”
Yui mumbled something about why she was asking this as well, but gave a reply.
“Hmm~, well… I’ve known him at the dojo for a long time, and later I invited him to the Cultural Research Club. My ratings have gone up since I’ve made someone join the club!”
Yui looked pleased with herself.
“Chihiro-kun’s personality is pretty awkward, and teases me sometimes… But he’s probably the cutest kouhai among the boys.”
Yui smiled a bright, sunny smile.
I’m being laughed at.
Of course I am.
No, no, actually, what the hell am I doing?
Am I being stupid? I’m being stupid.
He did not want to devolve into a common existence bothered by common problems. Had his heart softened? How pathetic. There was still something that he absolutely, positively must do.
No matter how he is described, no matter what he becomes, the burden on his back hadn’t been achieved.
Chihiro remembered what <Fuusenkazura> had said.
— If I observe from over here that whatever you’re up to is boring beyond belief, then I advise you to drop the illusion that you can return to the normal world unharmed—
From deep within his body, Chihiro began to tremble uncontrollably. He gripped the handle of his umbrella tightly, so tightly that his left hand began to go numb.
Save me, save me save me save me save me save me save me save me save me—- But he could only save himself.
He could not turn back. No one would extend a helping hand towards him either.
Chihiro [Mihashi] found an excuse to leave Yui. Looking ahead, the dewed trees, full of life, extended forward, lining the path.
“Bye bye~”
Hearing Yui’s parting words behind his back, Chihiro left.
With Yui’s presence gone, he was back to being alone.
The sky was growing dark around him. There was not a soul in sight.
No one was staring at him. No one acknowledged his existence.
Hey, notice me. Hey, look at me. Hey, I’m right here. Anyone, anyone anyone anyone anyone anyone, anyone, just—
Chihiro roared into the empty void.
His mind was covered in a thick smog. He was completely at a loss for what to do. Even if he switched methods of attack, he couldn’t come up with a suitable plan.
Within just a few days, the five second-years of the Cultural Research Club all returned to their normal state. Whether it was “Fantasy Projection” or Chihiro himself, to them, they were mere trifles.
He had thought he was the strongest “Fantasy Projection”, but if took a long, hard look himself now, he was merely a defective product ridden with holes. Why was he so stupidly gleeful when he first got his power?
Everything depends on how you use it, <Fuusenkazura> had said, but logically, no matter who used it, the effects should be the same. Could it be that, since he was no better than others— no, that can’t be true, can it?
Objectively, he was— No no no, he would never admit it. How could he just admit it? If he admitted that, his emotional state would really be beyond help.
When dawn arrived again, Chihiro prepared for school.
Before he exited the front door, his mother had asked with a worried look, “You haven’t been looking so good lately, is something the matter?”, but Chihiro now found it impossible to remember what he had said in reply.
Even as he stepped into the classroom, Chihiro’s mind was a shambles. He had probably talked to someone, but he could not remember what it was about at all. Enjouji Shino seemed to be staring at him anxiously… Whatever.
Lunch break.
Devoid of an appetite, Chihiro shuffled out of the classroom alone.
The students hurrying towards the cafeteria pack by pack were loud as shit. The group eating in the classroom were the same too, annoying as all hell.
Suddenly, Chihiro felt alone.
Did everyone else feel the same way? Or, was he the only one?
No matter what it was, there was no place for him.
Chihiro walked around and around the school unsteadily; without meaning to, he arrived at the club building. He kept searching for a place with less people, yet he walked into somewhere like this.
Well, since he was here, he should go and get his voice recorder. Chihiro began climbing the stairs. He arrived at the fourth floor, turned the corner— and began to suspect his own eyes.
Striking, long chestnut hair, a small body, a familiar profile.
Kiriyama Yui was here.
This was his first time seeing her since they had parted in the rain yesterday.
Yui was walking towards the clubroom and seemed not to notice Chihiro.
I don’t want her to see me like this— A thought suddenly popped into Chihiro’s head. Definitely not now.
Chihiro began to take creeping steps backward, but—
“Huh? Chihiro-kun—”
“[I am Yaegashi Taichi to Kiriyama Yui!”]
Chihiro bellowed immediately.
Yui’s body froze on the spot.
“— Hm? Eh, Taichi… I thought I just saw Chihiro-kun for a moment there…”
Yui wrinkled her brow confusedly.
“Must have been daydreaming.”
That was way too close.
Steadying his leaping, hammering heart, Chihiro [Taichi] said:
“Well, let’s go inside first.”
“Ohh, Kiriyama, Chihiro. What’s going on, I thought we didn’t call Chihiro-kun to come this time?”
This voice, right now, absolutely should not be here.
“… Ah… Eh? Ehh? Taichi… There are two Taichis… Eh?”
Coming up the stairs was Yaegashi Taichi. Furthermore, due to “Fantasy Projection”, Yui had mistaken Chihiro for Yaegashi Taichi. That is, right now, Yui saw two Yaegashi Taichis.
This was the unexplainable paradox that <Fuusenkazura> mentioned.
If this happened— <Fuuzenkazura> had also said—
Something very severe would occur.
Severe… Severe to what extent? Will it happen to himself, or to Yui?
In addition, a third party had seen him use “Fantasy Projection” now. They were going to discover that he was the perpetrator.
Chihiro descended into a panic.
Run, run now? The fact that he was using “Fantasy Projection” was blown. He was done. Taichi recognized him — Uwa Chihiro — as Uwa Chihiro. Uwa Chihiro was here now. That wasn’t okay. He must mislead them now. There was no time to lose. If he wanted to live, he couldn’t be himself anymore.
“[I am Inaba… Enjouji Shino to Yaegashi Taichi!]”
That was dangerous— Chihiro wiped his cold sweat. When he was thinking about his target just then, he accidentally said Inaba’s name. But Inaba might have just been arriving here as well.
“Chihiro… Ah, no… [Inaba].”
Chihiro’s mind went blank.
Was only whatever he said first effective…? Cold sweat beaded on his entire body.
Fuck, out of options. Out of options. Out of options. Out of options. It’s okay, it’s okay, calm down.
Anyway, he needed to get the hell away now—
“Hey, Taichi… Oh, Chihiro’s here too? What’s up?”
Inaba Himeko appeared at the stairs.
In this moment, Taichi must be seeing the real Inaba and the false [Inaba].
“Huh…? Inaba and… Inaba… two of you? … Two? Inaba… Inaba…”
Taichi’s voice became muddled and incoherent.
Taichi and Yui opened their eyes wide; their eyeballs looked ready to fall out. Their throats emitted a noise as though they were broken.
Chihiro trembled nonstop, to the point that he wondered if he was going to break apart.
The sky began to spin.
Yui and Taichi’s eyes relaxed. They had probably lost consciousness.
The one broken wasn’t anyone else but this worthless sack of shit, Uwa Chihiro.
Kiriyama Yui and Yaegashi Taichi collapsed onto the floor and lost their memories.
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