Chapter 92 Chapter 92 – Drinks
Log in to get LK and view more chapters.For several seconds, nobody said anything.
Nick just raised an eyebrow. "Man, the atmosphere in here is gloomy. Did someone die?"
Jenny's expression became more worried.
Trevor took a deep breath.
Wyntor looked at the ground with furrowed brows.
"No, we're here to support you, boss!" Trevor said with a smile as he stepped forward.
"Support me?" Nick repeated in surprise. "With what?"
Trevor reached Nick and grabbed hold of the carpet, lifting it off Nick's shoulder. "With this, of course!" he said with a bright and casual smile.
"You can leave this here. We're going to deal with the rest of this matter. Why don't you go back to Horua? He probably needs you right now."
Nick just looked at Trevor with surprise.
It felt strange.
The way Trevor was acting felt unfamiliar to Nick.
Trevor was acting like nothing was wrong and was talking to Nick like it was just any other day.
For some reason, Nick felt his insides shake, and he took a deep breath.
"Don't worry!" Jenny spoke loudly from behind Trevor. "We're going to take care of things here. You just go have a nice day, okay?"
Nick also looked at Jenny with a slightly confused look.
"You did well, Nick," Wyntor said, trying to portray a warm voice but failing. "We'll deal with everything else. Take the rest of the day off."
Nick looked between the three people with uncertainty.
He was not used to being treated like this.
Usually, he was the one that had to deal with the worst things.
And when he felt regret and pain, nobody was usually there to talk to him.
When he had killed that one woman, he hadn't talked to anyone for days, if not weeks.
When he had come into contact with the Nightmare in the sewers, he also had been alone.
When he had thrown Horua to the Dreamer, he also hadn't talked with anyone after.
Nick had expected that the same thing would be true today as well.
He would dump Pator's corpse in front of the Screaming Coffin, leave, stay in his room for a couple of hours, deal with Horua, stay in his room for a couple more hours, and then go to sleep.
And then, he would just return to work.
Like always.
But this time, Nick's three colleagues showed their support, and they would be dealing with the latter part of this event.
Even more, they were acting like nothing was wrong.
'They're acting like I didn't just kill a kid,' Nick thought as his insides shook.
'But am I not doing the same thing?'
Nick's gaze drifted towards the ground. n-)OveLbIn
"Wanna go out for a drink later?"
Nick looked at Trevor.
"What?" he asked.
"Go out for a drink," Trevor said with a smirk. "I know this really good place that sells amazing drinks, and I feel like today is a good day for a couple of them."
Nick blinked a couple of times. "Drinks? Like water?"
"No, alcohol," Trevor answered with a laugh.
Nick had seen a couple of people drinking alcohol in the Dregs before, but it was more on the rare side since alcohol was so expensive.
He had only heard a couple of things about it, and he felt like it wasn't a good use of money.
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