Nick continued to lie, but it had become more difficult after the Knife's interjection.
Originally, Nick had prepared a story where he managed to lure Pride into a cave in a basin, but now, he had to change his story so that she ended up in the mountains.
"That's how I managed to assassinate the Robe," Nick explained.
According to his story, he snuck up from behind, watched as the Robe attacked his servant, found the place where the Specter Core was located, and destroyed it with a devastating attack.
The Shields didn't question a lot.
They knew that Nick was being vague with his powers.
"Do you truly have the power to kill a Mid Demon like that?" the Right Arm asked.
Naturally, Nick had said that the Robe had been a Mid Demon.
"Yes," Nick answered. "In a direct battle, I might lose, but in an assassination, I will most likely win."
This was not a lie.
The Shields were used to amazing feats of power.
After all, which Shield hadn't killed people or Specters a couple of Stages higher than them in the past?
However, Nick's stories could only be rivaled by the Knife's stories involving her assassinations.
Naturally, the Knife was the best assassin in the world, and her entire power revolved around stealth, speed, and destruction.
While the Knife probably couldn't fight any other Shield openly, if she had the opportunity to strike secretly, she would be able to kill every other Shield, and she might even be able to threaten the Champion of Light.
She was like War. She could strike only once, but if she managed to strike, she was highly likely to win.
In a way, Nick was not exactly like her.
Nick technically did not have a devastating attack.
Nick simply unleashed a barrage of normal attacks with increased power.
He did not have any kind of fancy poison, bleeding effect, penetration effect, or similar things.
All the other Extractors had powers like adding explosions to their bullets, absorbing Zephyx, shooting fireballs, and so on.
That was also the reason why Nick was basically useless against a Force Specter.
Meanwhile, the Knife's devastating combat power came from her main ability, which she had advanced many times by gaining compatible abilities.
If she managed to cause injury to her opponent, she could use her own body as a proxy for the enemy's body.
For example, the Knife had cut through Pride's torso. Then, she stabbed her own torso and expanded the wound.
The degree to which the wound had been exacerbated was mirrored onto Pride with a modified value as starting injury.
The Knife's injury had become over ten times worse, which meant that Pride's injury had become over ten times worse, but due to the different severities of their base injuries, it had been much worse for Pride.
Naturally, there were a couple of rules that had to be followed, and the power of the enemy in relation to the Knife also made a big difference.
Of course, the Knife also had some abilities that increased the power of her initial attack. Otherwise, she would only be able to cause a slight scratch to an opposing Specter, making her primary ability essentially useless.
The fact that Nick's power in terms of assassination could be compared to the Knife's achievements was quite shocking to the Shields.
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