If I thought it was almost spring, listening to the sound of the ice cracking in the pond, it would soon be spring.
Good morning, Zabton.
Zabton's kids, they've been working hard.
And then Hacklen had a baby.
I'm taking a nap right now, so I'll call you when I wake up.
Oh, Dawes is thrilled... or the banquet is going on.
I thought it was a joke, but that's going to last until Rusty's birth. Tra n sl a ted b y jp mtl.co m
You can join us, but the more.
Well, Zabton would be fine...
Ursa was jumping on Zabton.
Then there's Alfrate, Tisel.
Well, it's been a long time.
I just wanted to introduce you to Versa as far as I'm concerned... is that it?
Tra n s l a te d by jpm tl.co m Where'd Versa go?
I thought you were here just now...
I hear Versa was hiding somewhere in the mansion.
Apparently, it's because Zabton brought him round with yarn.
Yeah, because I'm suspicious you were hiding, but I'm not suspicious.
Or how could Versa have been hiding?
Is that true?
No, I'm not surprised Versa's strange behavior.
Versa, who came to the village with her ancestors some time ago, was a grown-up at first, but when she guided her around the village, she started acting odd.
First, excitement in front of cows and horses.
I thought it was part of an example creative activity.
"To the Divine Horse (Godhorse)... the Divine Bull (Godcow)... that's so..."
What are you talking about?
Ordinary horses and cows.
Transl a te d by jpmt l.c o m Just a little smart.
And in front of the goats...
"Goat (goat)......?
This... goats?
That's what I was whining about, about a goat rampage.
That hurts more than I thought, doesn't it?
I know very well.
But I want you to stop throwing snowballs at the goats.
Because I'm not going to hit it, and I'm just going to get it on track.
Guided through the courtyard, Versa was being chased around by the chickens in a slightly gazed gap.
Probably tried to take an egg.
The eggs you can take are set.
Other than that, when I try to get my hands on it, I get chased.
Yeah, that hurts.
I get it.
"Divine Chicken (Godbird)......" T ran s la ted by jpmt l .c o m
I want you to stop putting God on whatever it is.
See, the chicken leaderliness started ringing in good shape.
Companies near Oki (do it).
"My eyes, my eyes!
No, that's why I said it's glowing...
Besides, it's not glowing enough to exaggerate that much.
Hikaru, born a while ago, shines better.
In the meantime, come back when you calm down... it's not compulsory, so you don't have to.
Versa hid when she saw Eigis, a Phoenix chick walking down the hallway of the mansion.
Aigis isn't coming.
Aren't you?
So, what...?
Versa observed Aigis for a while and became normally in contact with him as to whether he had drawn any conclusions.
I wonder what it really was. Tr a n slated b y jpm t l .com
I was a little surprised to see the Dawes banquet, and then I joined.
You're strangely tame.
No, it's not a bad thing.
However, when Dawes and Girard's opinions crack, is there any reason to have Girard's shoulder?
I don't suppose there's an example hobby involved, is there?
Isn't that why?
But as Mark and Dryme, Domime, Quarn, each with his wife.
Ideally, you should put your arms together or hold hands together.
Now follow what I say.
What's up, Dryme?
My wife Graffaloon stays in the care of Lana Noon, can't you deal with him?
Well, it's Rusty's only chance to take care of her now that she's pregnant.
There is no other way.
In front of Versa, stay away from other men.
Whoa, to me, too.
For once, when I'm in this village, he promises to be able to control it... because "refrain".
Let's be careful.
So, let's get back to it, how come Versa has Girard's shoulder?
Oh, because the Dark Dragon was on my side in the old battle...... I wonder if I'll be Girard's ancestor.
I thrived on the old Dark Dragon topic.
When the Fairy Queen and Versa met, the two solidified in pissy fashion.
For a while, as they were and started worrying about what I was going to do, the two of them approached and shook hands.
I hear we have an agreement.
Asking the two of you what kind of agreement it was, you didn't tell me anything.
Since we both live long enough to anticipate, is it to shut up about old embarrassment or something?
Well, we're having pancakes friendly, so no problem.
Besides, I was impressed to eat the dishes of the ghost maids and was surprised to see the world tree.
I know the ghost-made dishes are delicious because they won the culinary competition in Wumura (Oomura), but I don't have to weep.
You thought Versa calmed down like that, but you still mean you shouldn't be alarmed.
In the meantime, Zabton, untie Versa for me.
I haven't introduced you yet, but I'm the wife of my original ancestor.
...... hmm?
Zabton and Versa, you knew each other?
"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
Versa, you don't have to desperately deny it that far.
Oh, Zabton.
Anything. She serves the demon god (Rygiel) and is one of the thirty-seven Legionnaires, Legatus Legionis... Versa, why are you interrupting me?
"I will completely seal my taste in examples when I am in this village, so keep the matter confidential"
I don't know, but I can't believe Versa said that much... Okay.
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