While rubbing and rubbing the sake slime, I stare near the reservoir.
Next to me is Masayuki, one of Kuro's children.
Looking far away with me.
The pound turtles look at us in a face that is okay.
Yeah, okay.
He is healed by rubbing the sake slime and there is Masayuki. Tra n sl at e d b y Jp m tl.c o m
Oh, the sake slime was taken to Saints Ceres, and Masayuki was taken by Masayuki's partners.
Yes, carve a statue of God.
The statue of God that I carved was switched to chess pieces after about 10 carved because the founder brought money and jewelry.
Four sets of ordinary pieces.
God version is also made as a changeable piece.
In order to eliminate such inconsistencies as chess pieces, the pedestal is differentiated. Tr a ns l at ed b y Jpm tl.co m
Chess wasn't too difficult as there are only six types of chess: King, Queen, Bishop, Knight, Luke and Pawn.
Yeah, good.
But is it really a penalty to compete with this?
Just decorate.
No, the founder.
This is not for sale.
It's not about the amount.
It's not a good idea to take out something that is a treasure of Colin.
Speaking of chess in the village, croyon and marbit, so I made a croissant version and an angel version.
Black is King and Yuki is Queen.
These are also distinguished by pedestals, but the crowns are placed clearly.
I decided to make the angel version of the king a tier, but with a marbit.
Queen changed to Rinshia.
It's pretty cool.
T ra ns la te d by jpmt l .c om Zabton arrives and gestures for a version of Zabton, so we make a Zabton version.
Zabton's children are abundant in variety and don't bother casting.
Let King be Zabton and Queen be ... Arachne's Arako.
Gomura: When I was immersed in the work, I was told that the Gulfs had returned.
The Gulfs have successfully defeated Warbear.
In a 10-day suppression period, the number of defeated Warbears is 27.
There are countless other monsters and monsters.
According to Gulf, it was unusually crowded, and if left unchecked, five villages, surrounding villages, and even the town of Shashat could have been damaged.
Good luck.
"Because the only sign was the damage from Trent, he was careless."
Yoko is relieved.
There are no concerns about the defense of Gomura, but there are concerns about the surrounding villages.
Chicken In addition, the surrounding villages recommended livestock production of cattle and pigs in anticipation of consumption in the towns of Gomura and Shashat.
Not a small amount of money has been invested in them, but it was going to be in danger.
Well, the best thing is that there is no damage to the villagers.
"Be careful, let adventurers go around each village." T r ans la t e d by jp m t l .com
I agree with Yoko's proposal.
There is no reason to object.
"And the monsters and demons that were defeated this time ..."
"What is there?"
"No, merchants are waiting for sale."
Monsters and beasts defeated by the Gulfs are transported to Gomura by adventurers and demolished.
Well, if a merchant, do not miss it.
"I wish I liked it, but ... why check with me?"
"Originally, the right of the prey is to the defeated person, but this time it is the defeat of the village chief. In addition, we promise a reward for each prey. In such a case, the right of the prey is given to the village head is there"
"Please call me an order"
"I'm together"
"Okay, make sure the Gulfs have the parts they need, and sell the excess."
"I'm saved, because the auction was already ready."
"Check, I'll hurry."
The Gulfs who returned from the subjugation were having a banquet for their meat needs. Tr a n s l a t ed by jpm tl.com
Nobody seems to be seriously injured ...
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