Dwarves were depressed.
He tried to turn the leaves of the world tree into alcohol, but he failed.
"I can only do it in water!"
And the water is tasteless and odorless.
It's just a liquid.
You can drink it as it is, but if you squeeze sugar and citrus, it will be easier to drink.
Queen Fairy, don't urge me by hitting my back so I can drink.
A little more sugar? Transl at e d b y jpm tl .c o m
Was found was found.
Do Zabton kids drink?
here you go.
By the way, does this water have any effect?
Because the raw material is the leaves of the world tree, a recovery effect?
"Well? I tried drinking ... but did I get tired?"
Is that about? Tr ansla t ed by jp m tl .co m
Then it would be better to use the leaves as they are.
Any further production will be discontinued.
"I wanted to do a little more research, but I can't help doing it. Let's work hard on the new fruit of Shimura."
That's what happened.
Oh, don't drink everything.
Please leave a little.
I don't drink.
I wanted to give to God.
It is not a failure because it has a fatigue recovery effect.
Just because you didn't get what you wanted.
all right.
I will also dedicate proper sake together.
Separately, I don't think God will complain to that extent.
After the statue of the creator of the supply and the statue of the god of agriculture, with water and sake, I go to the reservoir.
Trans l at ed b y jpmtl.com This is the first pond with a pond turtle.
A gift of cabbage to the pound turtles.
A little harvest.
Don't be shy.
Pound turtles are eating whole cabbage with a munch, saying that they are sniffing.
That's exciting.
There was one lettuce.
Good, lettuce.
It doesn't matter ... when did you know the taste?
They were fed.
Okay, I'll bring you.
Do you like Chinese cabbage?
Okay, bring the Chinese cabbage.
After giving the cabbage, lettuce and Chinese cabbage to the pond turtle, I look at the black children behind me.
I'm waiting for us to be neatly aligned.
I started gathering when I was giving cabbage to the Pond Turtle. T r a n s l a t ed by jp mt l.c om
I know.
I was surprised when I went to get the lettuce and Chinese cabbage.
Well, let's do it.
Eat something, go hunting together, play with balls and more.
Which is good?
It's honest.
I worked hard until nightfall.
Returning to the mansion, I play Kuro and Yuki.
Because Kuro and Yuki did not participate, refraining.
Well, not only Kuro and Yuki but also Kuro's children who have a role are not participating.
Let's say it's another day.
After Kuro and Yuki, the cats who attacked my back and Bishibishi from a while ago.
My sister, Miel, Rael, Well, Frog. T ra nslat ed b y jpmtl.com
Kittens Ariel, Haniel, Zeluel and Samael.
When there's no Demon King, he's approaching me.
At a short distance away, my father's cat, Raigiel, and my mother's cat, Jewel, all look apologetic.
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