Gilal's wife came in the form of a dragon.
The dragon's appearance is huge.
It's bigger than the Dose dragon.
Each covering is large, like a black rock.
So it looks like a huge mountain is moving.
On the contrary, the wings are small and do not suit the huge body.
No, it's still bigger than the wings of the dragon in Dose.
In fact, it doesn't seem to matter much about the size of the wings, because it's not flying with the power of the wings. T ranslated by jpm tl .c o m
The tail is thick and long.
There are about three times the body.
It's a bit unbalanced if you think about it normally, but I don't care because there are other prominent points in the wife of Giral.
The prominent point is that there are eight heads.
Eight necks extend from the body, and all of the heads or faces beyond that are all fancy and scary.
I'm sorry to judge it by its appearance, but if it is justice and evil, it will definitely be evil.
I couldn't judge a woman unless I heard she was a giral wife. Trans l at ed b y jp m t l.c o m
His wife arrived from the north, passed over the village and landed south of the village.
This is because they do not suddenly break into the village, but instead talk to the outside of the village.
So, I am also waiting in the south of the village.
Perhaps the tail of the Guiral's wife landed at the last minute of the southern forest, and his tail broke into the forest and broke the trees.
One of his heads looks back and looks at the broken trees, and looks like a failure.
The dragon disappears, and a woman appears.
A woman with long dark hair ... in a black dress.
It is beautiful even from a distance.
But the woman in that beautiful black dress was a few steps away.
I started from my face.
I didn't show my face.
I leave it to Girard.
I heard that it had not been a human figure for nearly 500 years. T ra nsla t e d by jpm tl .co m
He may have forgotten the feeling of walking.
By the way, Kuro and Kuro's children in front of me.
He may be watching his wife, but his tail is down and his feet are shaking.
Thank you.
Don't overdo it.
Zabton's children don't have to stretch the thread.
She is not an enemy.
It's a giral wife.
Well, I heard about her heroism from Hakuren to Dose, Rajmeyren, and Draim, so you can be wary.
Her name is Gouronde.
Also known as "the enemy of God."
If you unravel the history of this world, it seems that it is a dragon that will definitely be named.
Gourondae seems to be younger than Dose and Girard, but heroism is more numerous than Dose and Girard.
It seems that Hakuren was scared before coming to this village, but Hakuren is treated as a common sense dragon compared to Gournde.
T ra nsla te d b y Jpm t l .com The first reason is that conversation can be communicated.
Second, Dose and Laimeilen don't really hate it.
But Gourde is different.
It seems that he was just a rampage with desire.
And strong.
Doss and Rajmeyren do not compete with her.
Gourondae was rampaging about 800 years ago.
Even though he was rampaging, he wasn't searching for his enemies, but rather hitting something on his path.
Therefore, the damage is great, but there is little human damage because there is evacuation time.
There are two reasons why she is even called “the enemy of God”.
One is that she has defeated all the army that challenged her.
She did not chase the fleeers, but the challengers were relentless.
Among the destroyed troops were religious troops, which were described as "enemy of God."
Another is the destruction of the world tree.
He shattered and burned the world tree, which is said to be the only one in the world.
Just because they grow there. Tr an sl ate d by Jp m t l.c om
The gift—the world tree is considered a miracle better than God, and she who destroyed it has come to be called “the enemy of God”.
Violence without thinking.
Just attack what you touch.
Gourondae was evaluated as such.
Giral stopped her.
At the same time, Girard, who had been sharpened variously, challenged to lose to Gouronde.
Girard and Gouronde married what had happened, but what happened.
Goronde Rumored to ruin the world as it is, Gouronde has begun to nest quietly.
Since then, Gourondae has not rampaged unless it has entered the nest.
And 500 years ago from now.
When the threat of Gouronde was forgotten, a hero challenged him in his absence.
Su A hero who is dead.
14 people.
The companion is 260 people.
Magic weapons were being supplied to such heroes from various powers.
From the factions who do not forget the threat of Gourondae.
Weapons to defeat the dragon.
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