My name is Nana.
Mercury species created for the management of the Sun Castle.
Gomura: Currently, I have been assigned to work under the direction of the head of Taiki's village, and I am on duty to gather information under the direction of Yoko, the acting mayor of Goki.
Although there is no complaint about the position or duty, I want the command line to be unified.
I don't think it's possible, but if the order comes from the mayor and the acting mayor at the same time, which one should I follow?
Tra n s l a t ed by Jp m tl .c o m "You have to obey Yoko, the top of your position."
"I should follow the greatest village chief."
Ask for a discussion between the two.
Please let me know if you come to a conclusion.
Well, it is a mission.
Whatever I say, I have an inconspicuous appearance.
Unskilled: not too beautiful, not too much. Tra ns l ate d by Jp m tl.com
It is an ordinary woman.
Utilize it and merge into the village or the town to collect information.
At first I was doing it alone, but because of the size of Gomura I thought it was impossible, and I was working hard with the help of a trusted person locally.
I was going to go around the shops on the south side of Gomura today, but Yoko stopped.
In any case, the weather in Taiki's village is going bad, and the wife and children of the village chief will be evacuated to five villages.
In order to avoid the weather, I guess it is better to evacuate to Taiyo Castle instead of Gomura, but it is not possible to accept enough at Taijo.
I'm sorry.
Next time, let Bell suggest ways to improve the reception facilities.
Anyway, if you are evacuated to Gomura, you will stay in a mansion, right?
I've acknowledged.
Why did this happen?
Gomura children rubbed with the mayor's children.
I was forced to grasp the situation and get rid of it.
My stomach hurts.
What is the cause of the trouble? T r ansl ated by jp m t l.co m
I guess it should have been a bad time.
First, Yoko planned a meeting between the mayors' wifes and the Gomura influential people.
Some know, but many don't.
I don't know how long the evacuation will last, so it's not bad to prevent trouble.
The meeting was held at Yoko's mansion, and a luncheon was held.
It's a steep schedule, with calls coming in the morning and noon that day.
But the powerful people of Gomura are not just those who follow.
These are the people who have been chosen by Yoko and have gained the status of being a powerful member of Gomura.
It is excellent.
Therefore, the powerful villagers who were called by Yoko visited Yoko's mansion with her own children.
Perhaps he wanted to remember his children.
At this stage, the five villagers do not know that the mayor's children are coming.
Also, it is not possible to bring a child to a lunch party.
The number of people participating in the luncheon is fixed.
It is possible to cope with a slight increase in the number of people, but from the standpoint of Gomura's leaders, it would be rude to bring children to a luncheon hosted by Yoko. T r ans la ted b y Jpmtl .co m
Have the children learn their faces at the luncheon, and if they are lucky on the way home, they will also learn their children's faces.
I guess that was my intention.
We will do our best for that little hope, even if it is unlikely.
I guess it's my status now because I've exhausted.
Most of the influential people brought their children.
These children are all acquaintances.
I don't know over there, but I know them.
They are the children who are holding the children near the top of Gomura.
He has strong loyalty to Gomura and is expected to be the future of Gomura.
I hope too.
The children were told to play together during the parent's lunch.
This is to prevent them from running away.
Talking to children, the children who are around are nodded.
Children will not be on their own.
T r ans l a t ed by Jp mtl .c o m There is no benefit to having trouble near Yoko's residence.
So, I also looked away for a while.
I'm really sorry.
The influential people participating in the lunch party were judged to be more important.
No way, when I looked away, the children of the village chief who played near Yoko's residence ... I found Alfred and I didn't think I would argue.
Is the content of the quarrel simple?
"You guys are playing here with your permission. This is Yoko's mansion. Give your name."
"Hello. I'm playing because I said to the parent as play Alfred. Here. This is because they know even Yoko"
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