I consulted Beezel to return the Gruwald and Huka titles.
I guess it's a matter of selfishness, but I wonder what it will do.
Conclusion, what worked.
It seems that Raschass had talked to Beezel beforehand.
As expected, civilian daughters.
Thank you.
But then I wanted a word first.
Beesel was in a good position with my permission. T ra nsla t ed b y jp m tl .c o m
Sorry for the trouble.
Yes, please play with Fracia.
Is Dad Better Than Grandpa?
Is that so?
T ra ns la ted by jpm t l .com Bezel, don't stare.
Give priority to the pure daughter's feelings.
Oh, here, Beezel.
Don't keep talking about your work.
Talk about sharks ...
Fracia leaves it to Holly.
"So what about Shaka?"
"It's about Baron Polo. You know it was on the battlefield, right?"
"Oh, I know"
Beezel is completely in work mode.
"It's the territory, but in fact the front moved west last year and was recaptured."
"Is that so? Why don't you want to return if you tell the sharks?"
"I guess it's already coming from Russell. And then I think it's been a baron's return. It's a hindrance to reorganization if you're in territory."
"Yeah, it's been on the battlefield for many years ... when the baron returns to the territory, it won't be able to recover with its own power.
Tra n sl ate d b y Jp mt l .c o m "So what about the baron?"
"It's gone. If you're notable, you may be given a new territory ..."
Fuka has no outstanding achievement.
"Why did you tell me that story?"
Mimura: "Baron Polo seems to have wanted to be one of the inhabitants of the Demon Kingdom, rather than one of the lords of the Demon Kingdom. Thank you for the baron. ''
"Of course. Fuka is already a resident of the village. But ..."
Isn't this story different now?
Did you not like that Flacia chose me so much?
I'm my father.
Naturally winning.
And shouldn't the apologize be the beesels, but the Demon King playing with the cat over there?
Did Beesel apologize instead, because the Demon King couldn't easily apologize?
Demon King apologizes to the cat.
Has Beezel disappeared? T ran sl at e d b y jp m t l.co m
When you look in the direction of Lassassia near me, Beesel tries to receive Fracia from Holly.
Lassassie, I'm going to go to Frussia with all my might, but what about?
"For Count Chrome, I'm a grandson I can only meet here. Please give me a little bit."
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