After seeing off the traditions of spring and the departure of the children of Zabton, which I decided on their own, the horns of Kuros began to change.
After that, are you looking for a partner?
It will be amazing.
I can't stare at reality.
Try to improve the reservoir.
At present, it is a straight line from the waterfall at the source to the reservoir through the waterway.
So, when garbage enters the waterway, it goes into the reservoir as it is. Tra ns l at e d b y jpmt l.c o m
You can pick up garbage, but if it's a living thing, you may be in trouble.
To prevent this, a reservoir was created in front of the reservoir and one cushion was placed.
The reservoir is an inverted pyramid with a depth of about 5 meters in the center, but the reservoir is equally about 50 cm.
This increases the likelihood that the garbage or creature will be blocked by the reservoir.
Of course, a fence is needed between the reservoir and the reservoir.
Wire mesh is ideal, but there is no such thing, so we will use a fence made of bamboo.
It will prevent garbage in a good way. T ransl at e d b y jpm t
Similarly, drainage channels will be improved.
A drainage pool is created in the water channel that drains the bath, and slime is put into it to purify the water.
The same mechanism was installed in the drain from the reservoir.
This is to keep the water clean and not to let the pond fall into the river.
Bamboo fences will be installed between the reservoir and the newly created drainage pool.
This is not to prevent garbage from entering in the reverse direction, but to keep the slime in the drainage pool.
Speaking of which, I noticed that slime was increasing to a reasonable number.
Now I often see slimes moving on their own.
The first time he saw it moving on his own, he was impatient, but left alone because the slime turned out to be harmless by simply moving to where he needed it.
Sometimes different colors are mixed, but I don't think there is a problem.
When I was doing something, it was time for Kuros to find a partner.
However, he hardly set off this year.
It seems that the coupling was established among those who are present.
Is that a good thing?
Well, let's say good. T r ans l ated by jp m tl .c o m
Instead, they sent a group of High Elves, wandering in the woods like the Lears, to invite them to move here.
Going to Reef and Lhasa, they escorted ten Kuros and their children.
No matter how late I will come back by winter.
At the same time, log houses will be created to accommodate new people.
Somehow busy.
Alcohol grapes quickly reached their harvest time.
Since it was harvested, I tried to make wine.
The old method seems to be stepping on the foot, but it is NG to personally kick food.
So crush it roughly with a mortar made of stone.
After crushing, store in a barrel.
That's it.
Easy enough to be worried if you can make wine.
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