Fairy Queen, what do you like today's oyasu?
"Pancake! Put that black thing on."
Is it black?
Oh, maybe chocolate.
I had been making cacao for a while, but I didn't know how to make chocolate.
More recently, a beast-man girl has found a way to make chocolate.
Initially it was bitter, but mild with the addition of milk and sugar.
However, it is still far from the chocolate I know. T ra n sla t ed by Jp mt l.co m
The chocolate I knew was more round and sweet.
However, I didn't say that because the chocolate making I had was so hard.
Even this taste is highly acclaimed by villagers.
However, since it is all manual work, it is difficult to make quantity.
It is valuable.
So I don't eat chocolate alone, but use it as a topping for other foods.
The fairy queen is willing to ask for the chocolate topping. Tra nsla t ed by jp m t l .co m
I make it.
When the fairy queen replied pancakes, he had three fingers out, so he stacked three.
Put the whipped cream and bananas and cover with warm chocolate.
Finally, sprinkle with crushed almonds to complete.
For the time being, honey was prepared for adding sweetness, but ...
It will be a tooth decay.
Does a fairy become a tooth decay?
Oops, I can hear Alfred, Tizzel, and Urza's footsteps.
It looks like your study time is over.
Then bake the next?
Yes, she responded to Queen Fairy's request, but it was Alfred's who burned it.
I know.
In order.
This year the snow is amazing. T ra nsla te d by Jpmt l .co m
It is hard to maintain each area.
As a matter of course, it is necessary to dig a road hidden by snow.
And check the waterway.
Thick waterways are fine, but thin waterways can freeze.
The only check method is to hit the frozen water with a wooden sword.
So the kids want to do it.
Yes yes
Let's go together.
To be warm.
Should I wear a hat?
Oops, there are many people.
I am in trouble when I have a problem.
Lou and Tia are pregnant.
I can't overdo it.
Someone ... Hakuren was preparing to go out. Trans l ated b y Jp m t l .c o m
They seem to come together.
"While it looks warm, is the dragon cold?"
"I'm fine with this, but it would be troublesome for children to imitate."
"Mom is coming."
It was.
I, Hakuren, Alfred, Tizer, Urza, and three beast-man boys set out to look around the waterway.
Aside from me and Hakuren, if you see someone who doesn't know because you have a wooden sword, is it a little dangerous group?
No, kids from the kendo hall ...
Urza, don't swing the wooden sword.
All lengths are the same except for the wooden sword that the Tizel has, so they are the same.
Do not detour.
Do not hit the trees to drop the snow.
Urza is in the snow.
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