The eagle's name is Huano.
He heads a group of two hundred dwarves.
That being said, she was just over ten years ago and is being challenged for leadership.
Until a while ago, blacksmithing was done at will, but after becoming long, it was troublesome.
It's easy to see why the forefather was always grumpy.
Meanwhile, it was reported that a group of people had troubled a village and put them in jail.
The elf who told me was living in a nearby forest.
T r an sla t ed b y Jp m t l .c o m Why are weird, ferocious elves hating the eagle giving information?
No, the information is helpful.
Going to pick it up will release the dwarves in jail.
Thankfully, those guys were bothering my eagle.
I want to leave it as it is, but I want to leave it ...
Gomura: That is the village that caused the inconvenience.
It is only recently made, but it is said that influential people of the demon kingdom are gathering.
T ran s late d by jp m t m It is impossible to leave.
I have to apologize for the inconvenience as a head.
The eagle thanks the elf for the information and prepares for the journey.
Do you want a signature to receive the information?
Is it necessary?
No, it's about a sign, but ... it's important.
all right.
The eagle headed to Gomura with some relatively gentle people.
If you take a violent person, you may have more trouble.
They gathered information before their departure, but their purpose was to put them in prisons for armor sold in Gomura.
Magic iron powder 鉄 Exactly, it is included in the armor.
I guess they said they would give up for free.
It only works in dwarf society.
Not valid elsewhere. T ra n s l a ted b y jpmt l .co m
It should be said that please let me use obediently.
I don't try to understand that.
Therefore, he cannot be the long candidate.
Arrived at Gomura.
I think the eagle's mouth was wide open.
I heard that Gomura is a big village.
But where is this village?
A huge city, a city!
That idiot together!
Did you bother this place!
Kuh ... my stomach hurts.
Fortunately, the representative of Gomura ... the mayor of the village mayor was very gentle.
He simply accepted this apology.
One relief.
This would not kill the dwarves in jail in a dark manner. Tr a n s l a t e d b y Jp m t l .c o m
If so, I wouldn't force you to release.
I just want you to be punished according to the law here.
They will be good medicines.
Work in this village and apologize for the inconvenience.
Oh, that's right.
I forgot.
The eagle presents an ax to the mayor of the village.
"It's a wonderful work."
It's an eagle, can you say that?
I'm happy.
Magic Iron Powder I'm sorry to take the trouble, but I want you to show it to those who hit weapons using it.
So you will understand.
We wait for the contact.
An inn on the south side ... What was your name?
There are many inns with similar names and it is confusing. T ra n sl ated by Jp m tl.c om
I think it's better to do something around that, Mayor of the Village.
It was a blacksmithing game.
What did the eagle do wrong?
I thought the blacksmith in this village would understand if I showed her an ax.
Eagle is said to be a blacksmith who adopted the technology of one of the formidable blacksmiths in the Demon Kingdom.
He intended to prove that there would be no shortage in handling Magi Powder.
Perhaps a place to test an eagle's abilities?
If that is the case ...
Seeing his opponent, the eagle blew.
... Gatt?
Howling's son of Howlin Village?
Is the blacksmith in this village really Gatto?
No, it's dangerous.
Completely failed.
Eagle technology is the technology of Howlin Village.
He has trained in Howlin Village for several years.
That eagle ax ...
Show the blacksmith of Howlin Village an ax that incorporates the techniques of Howlin Village, it's the same as provocation!
I'm staring.
It is different.
It's really different.
Well, uh.
"Your dwarf. If we win, I won't tell you you're short of arms."
Hmmm ... Gut, the end of his mouth is laughing while staring.
Do you remember this, maybe an eagle?
When I met the eagle, he was a child who hadn't even entered the blacksmith ...
No, leave nostalgia aside.
The eagle cares about the gaze of the dwarves behind him.
My eagle is long now.
Its head, the eagle, is challenging despite misunderstanding.
Yeah, it can't be helped.
"Let's make a better weapon than the beast-man blacksmith there."
The eagle wasn't playing.
Show me your skills as a blacksmith!
The blacksmithing game is a long-lasting week.
Meanwhile, Gomura seems to hold a festival.
Oh, fun music.
A smell that looks good.
Food and sake are served, but not this smell.
There will be more delicious smelling dishes.
Also sake.
Yes, especially sake.
No, no.
Focus on blacksmithing.
Hit an eagle's first generation sword hatchet!
However, I'm worried about delicious smelling dishes and sake.
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